3 Dangerous Tools - Woodturning Bowls Video

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today we're going to talk about three potentially dangerous tools it can get you in trouble when turning wood bowls [Music] hi I'm Kent and today we're going to talk about three potentially dangerous tools you really need to be aware of when you're turning wood bowls on the lathe now why are these tools dangerous a lot of times people come to wood bowl turning after they've started doing spindle turning it's real common for somebody to get a lathe and do some spindle turning and use spindle tools to do those turnings well spindle tools are great for spindle turnings some of those spindle tools aren't great for side grain wood Bowl turning so let's take a closer look at end grain versus side grain turning alright so we have to understand the difference between in grain or spindle mounted blank versus a side grain blank okay this is an end to end grain blank and as you can see the grain is running from the headstock to the tailstock and it's parallel with the bed of the lathe okay now bowls can be made this way however it's not very typical hollow forms are a lot of times made and turned this way bowls aren't as much typically if you've got a pith in the wood and most wood species the pit area or the center of the wood itself cracks is very prone to cracking so that's one of the reasons for avoiding in grain turn bowls also again depending on the species of tree you could have very porous in grain at the bottom of the bowl which makes your bowl your bowl basically like a sieve so it's not the best orientation for turning a bowl but it can be done most bowls are turned side grain with the grain running sideways through the piece and let me illustrate this a little bit differently oK we've probably all seen one of these right well this would be in grain mounted an ingrained mounted blank from headstock to tail stock this material is very even going around here so the spindle tools have very little stress or effort that they have to do to cut through this material because this this material is very consistent all the way around okay now when we're turning side grain bowls the orientation of the wood is this way so no longer do we have this this really nice peeling off effect instead we have relatively easy to cut side grain to someone like whittling as we go across that and then we get into in grain and then we're full on 90 degrees to the end grain this is the hardest cut for a tool to make and then we come back out of it we have side grain then we go back to in grain and so on so there's a lot more stress put on the tools when we're turning side grain bowls and the majority of bulls are turn side grain you get the best results as far as the the look of the grain and be able to see the wood really well and there's a lot of benefits to turning side grain wood bulls however it is very stressful on the tools to be hitting in grain side grain in grain all the time here you can see this the grain direction and how that we have in grains side grain in grain as the wood goes around let's take a look at the first tool that's really going to cause problems for us alright the first tool that we want to be aware of is the spindle gouge the spindle gouge is designed to cut into that side grain such as an ax spindle into in turning and it does a great job at that this is really good for making coves and beads when you're turning a in grain spindle piece however on a big bull blank like this if you try to remove large amounts of material for instance if I were to try to come around the exterior of this right now and shape this or core out the interior of this bull with a spindle gouge there's a good chance I could bend this or cause even more damage this tool and/or myself this tool is not designed to remove large amounts of material now the bull gouge is the ideal tool to be using to be taking material off the exterior shape and to core out the interior the spindle gouge is not use for that now that being said there are some things on a bowl that you can do with a spindle gouge for instance I like to shape and form the dovetail portion of my tenon using a spindle gouge the bowl gouge because of the angle of it doesn't allow me to get it down into the into the depth of that dovetail to the very bottom and really clean out that point so that the four jaw Chuck will mount cleanly to that so this is where I use the spindle now the spindle the spindle used in that situation is not under much stress we're basically just making a small minor cut sometimes one of the other things I do with the detail spindle gouge as I'll create like a bead or some kind of detail work around the rim of a bowl and that's fine those are light cuts they're not they're not typically removing large amounts of material so that's the spindle gouge so the next tool that we really want to be cautious about and most likely never use on a side grain Bowl is the parting tool why well this tool is designed to make peeling cuts and a peeling cut is essentially up in an angle this tool will peel away material and it's just like that roll of toilet paper this material in this orientation is very stress free for this tool there's not much force on this tool when it's peeling this material away however when you get into a side grain Bowl and you come around the side which is an easy cut and then you have in Grain that's very forceful for this tool and it's going to smack this tool down and what happens a lot of times people will start making a push cut into here which is super dangerous because the tips not cutting at all you're just scraping in there the the ideal orientation of this tool is upright and it makes a peeling cut it literally peels material away but it will not peel away material on a side grain wood bull because you're going to keep hitting these in grain sections and that's where you're going to get in trouble and that's where this tool becomes dangerous also when you get down into the depths of a bowl with this and you're way off of the tool rest you potentially are going to get a grab a catch and it's going to pull it into the piece do not use parting tools on side grain wood bowls all right here comes the most dangerous tool to use on a side grain wood this is a spindle roughing gouge absolutely never use this to rough out or take any material off a bowl don't even use it on a side green wood bull blank why well what's gonna happen is this tool is not designed to handle the stress of that in grain and if you get in a particular situation where if you're potentially extended over the tool rest too far things of that nature this shank and the base of this shank will literally snap off I've heard stories that there are videos of this happening on YouTube however I really don't want to see those but it's something to consider this this tool is designed for spindle turning it uses very little force again it's very much like the parting tool in that it it uses a peeling cut and just comes right across the top makes a really nice simple peeling cut and it works wonderful on into end mounted blanks or spindle mounted blanks because it's designed to just peel away the material think again of our roll of toilet paper there's very little effort that's used removing layer by layer as this rotates however when it comes around has to hit ingrained that's much different the end grain is very dangerous with the tool so absolutely never use a spindle roughing gouge while turning a side green bowl blank so you might be thinking so what tools do we use to turn a bowl well believe it or not the only thing you need is a bowl gouge you can do it with one bowl gouge it is very possible however multiple bowl gouges help so for instance I use a larger with bull gouge to remove rough material and shape the the bowl I will use smaller bowl gouges to really get in there and make some fine detail very smooth clean cuts and I will use the spindle gouge when I shape the tenon of my bowl but that's pretty much it those two tools a bull gouge and a spindle gouge for the tenon only very light light work for the bull gouts or for the spindle gouge and it's not being put under much stress in that situation again no roughing with the spindle gouge absolutely do not use the parting tool on a side grain Bowl and whatever you do never ever ever use a spindle roughing gouge on a side grain would pull now that being said there are side grain bull roughing gouges that are out there the way you can tell the difference of them is they are solid the the the steel is solid into the handle and there's no tapering this tapered part is what makes this week for side grain Bowl turning for spend the work there's almost no pressure down here all the pressures up here at this point and on the tool rest it's just a very easy side grain spindle cut for this tool however when you get keep getting hit with that end grain this this tool has a potential to break at the base of this where it's small now if you find them they're not that common there are a few companies that make the bull roughing gouges you're gonna see they're big and beefy because they're gonna have a great big handle because this entire metal tool is solid all the way down and does not taper it and it goes all the way into the handle they're big tools in my opinion they're not necessary you can do all that work with a decent sized bowl gouge and save yourself the headache so there you have it guys I hope you've enjoyed this video and I hope you guys turn safely and if any of you are using these stop using these tools you're gonna get hurt or you're gonna break some tools and damaged some stuff don't use them okay and now you know why it's because of that in Grain that's coming over the top it's gonna cause problems for you so if you like this video do me a huge favor and click the like button subscribe if you're not or subscribing on how could you not be subscribing I've got all kinds of great videos for you and like I always like to say until next time happy turning [Music] you
Channel: Turn A Wood Bowl
Views: 120,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 woodturning dangerous tools wood bowls, Dangerous Woodturning tools, woodturning tools, dangerous, danger, safety, catch, injury, woodturning bowl, woodturning bowls, woodturning, wood bowls, lathe, bowl, turning, woodworking, roughing gouge, gouge, bowl gouge, spindle, spindle gouge, beginner, how to, fundational, important, end grain, side grain, bowl blank, wood turning, turned bowl, woodturning techniques, wood turning tools, wood turned bowl, wood bowl, woodturning bowl gouge
Id: IhsFEhPgzZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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