Turning incredible bowls with a colourful finish - by Emma Cook.

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so hi I'm Emma cook I am the tiny Turner and we are going to be going through a project today which is one of my favorite projects to make we're going to be turning a a small bowl but a very deep bowl and then we're going to embellish it with some hand carving texture and some chameleon colors so the wood the timber that we're using today is Walnut and the size of this blank is1 15 50 cm in diameter and 100 cm deep you do need quite a deep blank for this particular project because the texture and the color it looks better on the outside if you get a nice steep curve um and and this will definitely give us that so I'm going to find the center on both sides of this then we're going to put it between centers on the lathe turn it round put a chucking point on and then we can start to turn the underneath of the [Music] bowl so we're going to be using a 3/8 Bowl gouge for this with um a traditional grind and we're just going to use that to rough out the out side and then start to cut the front face [Music] so now we've got a Tenon on we can take this out from between centers and put it into the Chuck and then we can turn the bottom and the outside of the [Music] bowl at this stage if you want to bring the tail stock up for extra support you can um but it will get in the way quite quickly because we need to get the foot turned we're going to have a decorative foot on here and then we're going to be shaping the outside of the bowl so I'm actually going to remove the tail stock for now [Music] so I'm moving on now to a quarter inch B gouge because it's got a shorter handle it's a little bit more maneuverable and we can get all the work that we need done with this tool so now we're going to use the pro sander and sand the out outside of this um before we can before we turn it around and turn the inside so now we're going to put some finish on the outside of this before we turn it round so we're going to use these sanding waxes and some micr crystallin wax [Music] exactly the same [Music] [Music] way and now we're going to put some microc crystallin wax on now with microc crystallin wax you put it onto the piece and you leave it 10 to 15 15 minutes before you actually buff it to a shine it needs 10 to 15 minutes to start to cure so now this has had 10 15 minutes just to start a cure we can now polish it [Music] so I've just put the tool rest back in place because we need to cut two V Cuts in this um that will become clear towards the end but we want to do it now before we turn the ball round to make sure that they're equal depth all the way around so we'll cut those and we're just going to use a parting tool at 45° and just use the corner of The Parting tool tool to cut these V cuts the reason that we cut these V Cuts after we've put all the the finish on is because we don't want to cut them and then put wax on it will all build up in there and we need to glue something into there so we don't want any finish on there um for now once they're cut we can now turn this round so we can reverse it and we can do the inside this band will be carved so we're going to hand carve texture it but I do that last after all the turnings finished because you don't want to spend time carving and then have a catch and spoil the bowl after doing all that work so do the carving last finish the Turning first inside so we're going to use a/4 in Bowl gouge to hollow this out it's got a short handle so it's nice and maneuverable we are undercutting to begin with so we're actually going to cut underneath and around and for that we need to make sure that we come right over here when we're making that cut you can always move the headstock so you can bring the headstock round if it makes it easier for you but the angle of the tool to the wood Remains the Same no matter where you turn that so make sure that you are in a comfortable position so we have a very short bevel on here um 40 or 50° or so I'm not 100% sure because I hand sharpen and then we've taken the heel away so we've ground a second bevel to take that heel away and that allows us to go around a corner a little bit better without the heel pushing into the wood and bruising it [Applause] [Music] right now we might know notice as um I've been cutting this and even when it first started when the lath first started up once we turn the ball around that it's moved out of true um now I've tried to true it up by loosening the Chuck and and and moving it slightly but the blank has actually gone slightly oval which is quite common for cross grain pieces um so that wobble on there that is is caused from it being oval is why we have to cut these before we turn it round otherwise there would be different depths around the piece because you'd be trying to cut a circle into an oval I'm moving up now to a larger ball blank so this is a half in the reason being that we're getting quite a bit of vibration with the smaller tool because it's reaching a long way over the tool rest so we've gone up to a slightly larger tool as well as going upper tool size we also starting to mic micro bevel so we've got three bevels on here now we've got the main bevel which is the at The Cutting Edge and then we've got two more here where the heel would be just to try and make it go around that corner a little bit better and just prevent the heel bruising in the wood now the inside is turned we need to sand and finish that and once we've completed the finishing of the inside of the bowl we can and then start to put our texture on with our carving chisels so we're going to stick to the pro sander for sanding the inside be very careful not to let too much heat build up with um the pro sander or any kind of mechanical sanding um when you are turning a cross grain blank that's got really high sides because you have a lot of end grain which can heat check so just be very very careful at this stage you can keep the speed relatively high that you're standing at but just keep letting it all cool down [Music] cool for the inside I'm going to use a food safe it's a mineral oil um that's food grid and we're going to put that inside the bowl and on the edge here uh because it means that if this bowl is then used for snacks it's completely food safe you can finish it with whatever you would like um you can use the same method as the outside uh but I like because this is walnut walnut looks beautiful finished with an oil so it would be a shame not to finish it that way so food safe oil and we're just going to use some paper towel to apply that to the inside [Music] [Music] once the bowl is turned completely and we sanded it and put our finish of choice on there now we can move on to the texturing which we're going to use some hand carving chisels for so this set is byai so we're going to use the the widest of the gouges this one is a number8 um and this is perfect for the texture that we are going to do on this bowl when we are using these chisels we hold them with two hands but we don't rest the Chisel on the tool rest like we do with a ball gouge or a spindle gouge we rest our hand on the tool rest and so that we are holding the Chisel completely in our hands one hand goes on the shank the other hand on the handle so that you can twist the tool as you cut with it when you start to cut a cross grain blank try and find where the end grain begins and is going down hill so this is the length grain or the side grain we don't want to start here we want to start just past it and we're going to lock the spindle so as we push into the wood we twist the handle and we get texture that looks like it's been hit with a hammer so a hammered finish so we're just going to do that over and over all the way around that band oh missed a bit so when we're starting to cut into the end grain that's coming up to our side grain or the length grain here we need to change the angle of the Chisel so that we're not pushing into the end grain and lifting it so we're going to move from diagonally to straight across for this section here just a little bit it will change the direction of the texture but it doesn't matter too much [Music] [Music] [Music] now once we've got past the length grain part and we're back onto cutting with the direction of the end grain so we're cutting downhill again we can change back to cutting slightly more diagonally it gives a much cleaner cut and is a lot easier [Music] [Music] now all the turning and the carving is complete we can start to color our texture so the first thing we're going to use is some black acrylic paint and we're going to cover all the texture with the black acrylic paint once that's dried we then apply some metal Leaf size let that dry and once it dries it becomes tacky and sticky we can then apply some of these chameleon flakes over the top which will give a really Vivid and um bright finish that color changes depending on what angle you look at it and then to complete the whole thing and just finish it off we're going to glue some leather card into the vgrooves that we cut earlier so they will sit into that vroo and we will glue this on with a fabric glue [Music] so now we've coated all the texture with some black acrylic paint and that's dried we can move on to the next stage so we're going to take some um metal Leaf size this is a a glue which is used traditionally for sticking metal Leaf onto surfaces uh but we are going to be using it with something slightly different so we're going to paint this on it takes 10 15 minutes to dry and reach its tack point so that's the point it becomes sticky and then we're going to put some of these on so these are my own brand of chameleon flakes if we take one out I think we will go with a nice bright green to go complement the Walnut so these are Flakes and they change CH color depending on what angle you look at them so whichever way the light catches them makes them change color and that is what we're going to decorate our texture with so we're using the same brush we've cleaned the brush so we're just going to paint the Sid on top of the black paint you don't need anything else between them and you want a nice thin coating once the size is dry and is sticky we are going to now brush the flakes onto that size so you don't mix these in with anything you use them completely dry you just need a fluffy brush to pick them up with so we dip the brush in and as you can see they are completely dry nothing else in there pick some up on the brush and then just carefully brush those onto the size so once we've applied our flakes we just leave this for a couple of hours and really let that size dry as much as possible you can leave it overnight that's probably better um we're going to clean up all the loose bits just taking a cloth and wiping that away you don't need to worry about wiping the band because it won't come off it's stuck on there properly now I prefer to leave this as the final finish I don't like to put anything over the top if you have ever worked with metal leaf or gold leaf or anything like this which is reflective if you spray lacquer over it or put wax or oil over the top it will dull the effect so it won't change the color but it won't be as bright so I prefer to leave this now sometimes the size will stay sticky so once you've left it 24 hours it might still feel tacky to touch if that happens you can take some gloss lacquer acrylic melamine just a gloss lacquer and spray a very light coat over this from about 30 cm away so you're not putting a proper lacquer coat on it won't affect whatever finish you've got on the wood it's just to keep things in place and take away that sticky feeling um if it's dried enough you don't need anything at all now the color is applied everything's dry we've got one last thing to do to finish this off and that is to add our leather card this is 2 mm leather card you can get this in lots of different colors this is a coppery color um and we're going to glue this into those little V Groves that we cut earlier with some fabric glue you can use other glues but some of them CA glue for example can leave a white Mark so I prefer a fabric glue um with a long applicate a nozzle so the first thing we're going to do is cut the end of the leather from a 90° angle to a 45° angle it's easier to hide the join with a 45° angle we are going to run a thin bead into this V Gro if it misses a couple of areas don't worry and then we can take the leather and just press that down onto the glue you may get areas where the glue comes out don't worry we'll clean that up later once the glue is dry and then cut the leather push that together there you go then we can do the same in the second V Grove and then once the glue has dried a little bit we can just remove these little areas where it's touching or where it's over spilled and because it's micr crystalling wax it's quite easy to just scrape that away so as I said at the start of the video this is one of my favorite pieces to make I love making these little bowls they are really good fun I love making the texture and the coloring and yeah they're really useful little bowls to have around your home so I hope you enjoyed watching the video as much as I enjoyed filming it don't forget to like And subscribe so you can see more videos with me and other Turners and don't forget to give us a thumbs up on the way out drop a comment below if you've enjoyed it and see you in the next video
Channel: KS - All you need for woodturning
Views: 28,056
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Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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