3 Chilli Con Carne Recipes COMPARED. Which is best?! | Quick vs Classic vs Chef’s Gourmet

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we are sorted a group it mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way we've got chefs we've got normals and a whole world of stuff for you to explore that everything we do starts with you hello this is Jamie and I'm Ben today it's one of my favourite meals all the time three different chili con carne E's in front of us we have three different chili con carne easy to untape a little bit longer to make and have some slightly different ingredients in it we're going to show you how to make each and every single one and then compare them at the end but first day which one we starting with I'm starting with the one that takes the least amount of time 30 minutes here's two things you may or may not know about me number one I love me a good chili con carne number two I'm very impatient so I'm going to show you how to make my quick chili con carne for this I'm going to be using onion garlic beef mince a selection of spices chopped tomatoes and tomato puree kidney beans and a stock cube a lovely bit of chocolate and then serving it with some root vegetable match now just like the other two recipes are going to follow me I'm going to be using this whopper [Music] to start us off I'm gonna roughly chop onion and garlic I'm gonna whack it in here using the knife blade to make almost a puree so it cooks quicker done about quick chili bomb definitely I'm gonna quit cry honey in strong quick burgers olive oil and we'll spare them off for five minutes [Music] with my onions and garlic nicely softened I can go in with my dry spices we've got chili paprika cumin oregano cinnamon essentially as they're all dry spices you've probably already gotten kicking around in your cupboard no a great way to add big flavors very quickly and you'll know it's the right time to add in your beef mince because after a few seconds of toasting those spices will get all up in your grill after about five minutes or so my beefs got a lovely color to it so we're going to go in with a little bit more store cupboard ingredients chopped tomatoes tomato puree beef stock cube kidney beans drained little little bit of water and honestly that is my chili 99% of the way there I'm going to leave it for about 15 minutes to simmer away let all those flavors merge and right the last minute will mount in some dark chocolate for just a you know I mean it's a bit but in the meantime I can make a site and I'm going for a route beige match for a root veg match use anything you can get your hands on sweet potatoes carrots turnips or even pumpkin I'm going for sweet potato and butternut squash may or may not actually be root vegetables but between friends then /ch using the thick slices [Music] these can now go into a pan of boiling salted water for a few minutes until they're nice and soft and a knife can glide straight through that dark chocolate will add a really nice richness to the chili before everyone into thinking it's been cooking for hours with my veg drain they're going to season it with salt and pepper I'm going to use a hand blender with a masher attachment to mash it all up job done all that's left to do is serve it up a little bit of sour cream for those who can't handle the heat [Music] ah very very good but let's let's move on how that's slope of Chile now this is what a Chile it's all about rich and deep flavors that can be achieving one thing and one thing only patience something that Jaime hasn't got and for this I'm gonna need carrot onion celery and garlic I've got my spices which are the same as Jamie's and some mince beef then my beans tomato tomato puree stock cube and a pale ale or a pair of your choice Ben Chavez bottle to get a proper depth from a chilling you need an amazing base I've got carrot onion celery garlic which I'm now going to chop up in this with a knife blade attack so I took my base into a pan with some oil make this for few minutes in with all your spices [Music] you want to cook them out and inches you can smell them you got Chuck in your pink with his spices in your meter starting to brown you can chuck in all your web stuff it doesn't really matter here we're just getting it all in the pan because we looking up for a long time tomatoes beans tomato paste and a stock cube and because we're cooking this for well maybe five hours we need some more liquid in there Jamie per bump just water I'm stepping up again having some some fair you can anyb you want but we're using bark home add some salt give a final stir and then put a lid on it and stick it in the oven for about five hours at about 130 to 140 nice and low and slow for five hours it's good to go in a little handy tip put a tea towel on the end of the Panhandle otherwise well this happens is that the water you water give you water and then serve up I'm so along with some rice and some sour cream [Music] and rice bit more classic if you come along to this one this is the optimum this version gets mixed up again we're using beef shin and we're gonna make our own spice blend so you're going to need some dried chilies and a whole bunch of dried spices the same base that Barry used celery carrot onion and garlic beef Shin chopped up tin Tomatoes Tim kidney beans stock and a just like the other two I'm using the food processor but I'm also using the multi milk to make the spice mix we first see the whole spices whole coriander seeds whole cumin seeds into a dry pan to toast off over heat as soon as you can start to smell them and then come fragrant throw them into the multi meal along with the dried chilies we're using ancho and Chipotle these are pretty readily available in supermarkets in the UK now you can't get hold of them you can just use chili flakes however by using the whole chili you get this kind of fruity smoky wonderfulness out of it as well as just think now honestly nine times out of ten I use dried spices in the cupboard however when you go the extra mile and make that that's will take your chili to another level next up I'm using beef shin you can use any kind of stewing beef at beef shins particularly good its marbled with amazing fats all the way through I'm gonna heat up a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a really hot pan and sear the beef to get good color and I'm gonna do that in two batches so I don't overcrowd Pat whilst the beef is searing on exactly the same as Barry onion carrots celery garlic all peeled roughly chopped and thrown into the food processor with a knife blade and blitz up nice and smoked cluck the diced beef out and then into all of that beef fat with the olive oil you're gonna add in all your chopped up veg give it about five minutes head start next to add in our spices so same as other guys dried oregano smoked paprika a little bit of chili powder tomato puree also your very own blended spice mix liquid wise underling the amount of tin Tomatoes we've got the kidney beans a beef stock cube crumble that in a whole cinnamon stick and then al a little bit less than berries but we've got all the extra liquid from a whole turn tomatoes then all of your beef goes back in a little season with salt bring it up to a gentle simmer and it's gonna need three hours of the gentlest of simmering on stovetop after three hours or so the consistency has completely changed you can fish out the cinnamon stick you can add some dark chocolate and just stir that in it gives it a real richness and to add to those blended up chiles it's almost Molay in style and then we're serving it with rice love a good shim this is gonna be a great lunch cheers Cheers doesn't that pack some flavor oh yeah it does it's smoky it's spicy but also that chocolate gives it like a dark not like a sweet milk chocolate like a rich deep dark chocolate with a slow-cooked chili you get the real melt in your mouth me and it's absolutely serious this you don't get that you get a little bit of fights to the meat but actually the flavors are just as powerful and that's what I really like listen because the chocolate it's quite bitter but really well-rounded as well same time mine's just as achievable in fact it's simpler just takes a bit longer serve it up fast cuz I'm intrigued Cheers you can instantly tell there's beer in there and considering it's mints where is that one had a bit with two that is completely almost dissolved into a meaty sauce rather than kind of meat and sauce because the spices have been cooked out for longer as well they're almost mellowed out that's great let's see what you think about a little bit of beef shin Cheers Paul has another level strawweight get sharp in Italy considering most the spices the same those chilies and blending your own it does add to it those chilies had a real a really nice smokiness but also a very a big chili flavor without any chili or kick well I like three hours the meat holds its shape it's still the diced cubes so it hasn't fallen a flake to par but on the side of a fork just glides through it and your dish you can taste every element and you can take it so take it slowly and just wonder its glory my one the first one we had means that I can have a fresh chili every night of the week and I might want to I like the extra bit of effort with the beef shin and the chili powder that you've kind of grind yourself but I think the smashed roots and the squash and the sweet potato is a really interesting take and I feel it makes it even more autumnal I'm drawn towards your one been peeled because I think I'd make that at the weekend and I think it would get better a time right phone votes Evers that chili but with that smashed bit very friends which one would be your favorite the quick one the classic one or the shin one comment down below and let us know and also tell us what we should be cooking up and comparing next what I love about this particular episode is the fact we've got buckets of chili left to eat if you'd like abortion give the video a like that is just not gonna work through the post is it make sure you subscribe to the channel for more of this well madness and if you want to get notified every time we upload more madness then just click the bell and we'll see you every Wednesday every Sunday at 4 o'clock till then as we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos we've built the sorted Club where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers check it out if you're interested thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days why you coming about
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 408,787
Rating: 4.9373317 out of 5
Keywords: sorted, sortedfood, sorted food recipes compared, sortedfood 3 Chilli Con Carne Recipes, sortedfood ben ebbrell, how to make chilli con carne, chili recipe, chilli con carne, spicy chili recipe, best chili recipe, homemade chili, how to make chili, chili con carne, how to make chilli con carne mexican style, how to make chilli con carne from scratch, how to make chilli con carne youtube, chili recipe easy, spicy chili, chili recipe tasty, chilli recipe
Id: b2b2hbmquZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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