3 Biggest Lies In The Hearing Aid Industry And Why They Should Make You Angry

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- There are so many lies in the hearing industry that it drives me nuts. So in this video, I'm gonna cover the three biggest lies that you need to look out for. Coming up. (upbeat music) Hi guys, Cliff Olson, doctor of audiology and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Anthem Arizona. And on this channel, I cover a bunch of hearing related information to help make you a better informed consumer. So if you're into that, consider hitting the subscribe button. When I first got into audiology, I just assumed that anyone who worked in the hearing aid industry was doing things in the best interest of their patients. And while this is the case for most hearing care professionals, there are a few bad actors out there who continue to lie to their patients. Now a bit of a warning, this is somewhat of a rant, I do still think that it's important but if you wanna see me be a little bit more uplifting and positive, feel free to check out one of my other videos. Until then, let's get into the lies. Lie number one. These hearing aids are $12,000 but I'll give them to you for only $6,000. First of all, nobody pays $12,000 to get a set of hearing aids. And if you did, you just got ripped off. You see, these clinics use this lie in order to get you to feel like you're getting a steal of a deal that you cannot pass up. That being said, any clinic who feels that they need to use this tactic on you is definitely more geared towards sales and less geared towards giving you high quality hearing health care. The simple fact is is that even the best hearing aids on the market are only costing that clinic around $3,000 to get from the hearing aid manufacturers and if they're a larger clinic, they're paying even less than that. So by them marking down this imaginary price from $12,000 down to $6,000, it still means that you should be expecting at least $3,000 worth of high quality care and the clinics that end up doing this type of sales tactic probably are more focused on the sales than they are giving you that high quality care. Lie number two, buying hearing aids online will save you thousands of dollars and you get the exact same thing as what you get in the clinic. Yes, the devices that you buy online can be the same devices as the ones that you buy in a clinic, but that does not mean that those hearing aids will be able to be fit and programmed to you correctly. You see, hearing aids can only be correctly programmed, if you are in an office and that verification process is done on those devices while they're in your ears. That is something that you just can't get from buying hearing aids online. Now I do understand that aspect of wanting to get hearing aids for a cheaper cost. You can absolutely do that online and I do not fault anyone for wanting to go online to buy hearing aids. But you cannot be under the assumption that you're getting the exact same thing. It is essentially comparing apples to oranges. In my opinion, online hearing aids should be even cheaper than what they are because they are not able to provide you with these certain best practices that are required to achieve optimal results. And I'm sorry, but a few phone calls and a few emails are not enough in order to justify thousands of dollars that you're spending on hearing aids online. Not to mention, if you need to go to a clinic to make sure that you get this proper programming done, or if you need maintenance on your devices if they break, that is something you're gonna have to pay for anyway, so you're not actually saving as much money as you think and on top of that you'll be lucky if you can find a provider who actually works with the brand of hearing aids that you bought online. And lie number three. You don't need to do real ear measures because hearing aids are way more advanced today. Now, to be fair, there is a possibility that your hearing care professional has not been keeping up to date with research over the past four decades but chances are is that they're lying to you. You see, real ear measurement is the only way to verify if your hearing aids are programmed correctly and research consistently identifies that hearing devices that are programmed using real ear verification are better than hearing aids that are not programmed using real ear verification. Even the manufacturers of these way more advanced hearing aids will tell you that you still need to perform real ear measurement on them to ensure they are programmed correctly to your hearing loss prescription. So like I said before, this provider is either lying to you, or they have no clue what they're talking about. If you wanna learn more about real ear measurement then I highly recommend you watch my video that I will link in the card up here and in the description below because it is the single most important factor when programming a pair of hearing aids. Now there are a lot of great hearing care professionals out there who do things the right way and who want to make sure that you succeed with hearing aids. You just have to make sure you can see through all the lies to find out who they are. That's it for this video. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below. If you like the video, please share it and if you wanna see other videos just like this one, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. I'll see you next time. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Cliff, AuD
Views: 127,462
Rating: 4.8921251 out of 5
Keywords: hearing aids, three biggest lies, hearing loss, hearing aid, lies in the hearing aid industry, hearing aid lies, cost of hearing aids, online hearing aids, three biggest lies in the hearing industry, biggest lies in the hearing industry, the hearing aid industry, hearing treatment, hearing test
Id: Nvnx2KUDfRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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