WORST Online Hearing Aids in 2019

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- In this video I'm sharing what I think are the worst online hearing aids in 2019, coming up. (bouncy jazzy music) Hi guys, Cliff Olson, Doctor of Audiology and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Anthem, Arizona, and on this channel I cover a bunch of hearing-related information to help make you a better informed consumer. So if you're in to that, make sure you hit that subscribe button. And don't forget to click the bell to receive a notification every time I post a new video. Online hearing aid companies seem to be popping up out of everywhere as we await the guidelines for the Over the Counter Hearing Aid Act. But until that time there are no regulations that are preventing the sale of online hearing amplifiers that are being marketed as actual hearing aids. So I wanna go ahead and cover what I think, are the five worst online hearing aid companies in 2019. Now before you think I'm just discriminating, against individuals who cannot afford traditional, hearing aids, make sure that you stay tuned towards the end of this video, where I'll explain how you can get really, low-cost hearing aids that will outperform any of the hearing amplifiers that you see in this video. Just as a side note, these rankings are based on my opinion, so if you choose to entrust your brain and hearing health to one of these companies, that is on you, just make sure that you're making an informed decision. But for now let's get in to the list of the worst online hearing aids in 2019. And coming in at number five is MDHearingAid. MDHearingAid is probably the most popular name of all the companies that are on this list. They offer four different models of devices, touting amazing features inside of each one. But there are still a few things that I don't like about how they do business. Number one, they do charge less than hearing aids that you would purchase in a clinic, but they are not customizable to your hearing loss prescription. Which means that you may get some benefit but that benefit would be limited. Based on my review of their product, I believe that the quality of their product, is significantly worse than even a basic-level device from a more reputable manufacturer. The second thing that really irks me, is the minimum trial period. You have to keep these devices for at least 21 days before returning them for a refund or you will be assessed a 10% return fee. And if you don't call them to obtain an RMA number, before returning they will dock you another, 20% for the return. This means that you have a very small return-window and you have to follow the exact return process or you could give up to 30% of your purchase price on a failed do-it-yourself hearing aid experiment. On top of this, Consumer Affairs indicates that they have more one and two star ratings than four and five star ratings. Of these low ratings most of them were due to performance and quality issues with the products. So if you do decided to purchase the hearing aids that you find on MDHearingAid.com, just make sure that your expectations are realistic and you set a calendar reminder for day 21 and day 45. Otherwise, you might not get a full refund, when you send them back. Number four on the list of worse online hearing aids in 2019 is Hearing Assist. This is the company with the emotional TV ad, where the father can't hear his son say "I love you dad", even though his son repeats it several times. Then the actor goes into an emotional monologue where he reads off of a teleprompter, about how much hearing loss has negatively, affected his life. Now, according to their website they are the #1 Selling Low Cost Hearing Aid Brand, which is something that many online, hearing aid companies say. The homepage also indicates that they have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. However, looking at the Better Business Bureau listing, they are rated as an A, not an A+. And they only have a two star consumer rating. In addition to that, they have eight complaints, against the company. Most of which are related to consumers, not being refunded after returning their devices, if they didn't work. Coming in at number three are hearing aids by a company called Lumiear. LumiEar is another online company, who sells similar hearing devices to other online companies. But let's just start by clarifying that any time you see an online hearing aid company, using hearing aids from a different company, on their website or promotional materials, you should immediately be cautious of that company. Here on their homepage they actually have, what appears to be a set of Signia Silk CIC devices. Signia is a reputable hearing aid manufacturer but LumiEar does not sell Signia Silk devices. On top of that, the grainy stock photos of their own products that they use on their website, scream cheap devices from China that will likely provide you with some of the worst sound quality possible. Now they do have two different products, the Completely In Canal and a Receiver In Canal device. But they claim that both devices work for exactly 98% of their customers which is absolutely amazing if true. But I would suspect that that number's inflated. The LumiCharge Lithium battery is rechargeable, using a mini USB but I would not trust a lithium battery behind my ear at a price point this low. You never know if it's gonna catch your hair on fire. Coming in at number two is a online hearing aid company that has been operating on the fringe of the online world and that company is My Hearing Hero. And I can't even find an official website for them. All I can find is an advertorial, where they share a story about a guy and his buddy named Ben, who had horrible success with the expensive hearing aids. And switched to devices from My Hearing Hero that were developed by engineers who worked, in the space and aircraft industries. Now don't get me wrong, engineers in those industries are probably amazing and extremely intelligent, but that in no way qualifies them to develop hearing aid technology. And even if they are geniuses when it comes to hearing aid technology, they may want to try and figure out how to orient a hearing aid correctly because they use a photo of an upside-down hearing aid, in their advertisements. Now when you go to the sales page you know that you're getting a great deal, when they offer you a bulk discount for purchasing five devices at one time. And they even offer you a lifetime warranty for only $27.70. But hey, my bet is that this company, won't be around for very long. In fact, in a Facebook advertisement video for My Hearing Hero they state themselves that they don't believe that they'll be around for very long. However, this does not stop them, from selling these lifetime warranties. And if you watch my channel regularly, this will not be a surprise to you. But coming in at number one for the worst, online hearing aids in 2019 is Nano Advanced Hearing Technologies. This is likely no surprise to you, if you watch my review video, where I compare the Nano CIC's to a cheap Alibaba amplifier from China. My testing revealed that there was no difference, between these two products. I also did a follow-up review of Nano's website, pointing out what I believe to be all the lies about their products, from the amount of positive reviews that they have to their claims about devices working for 98.7% of people with hearing loss. And even their claims about being the first over-the-counter hearing aid even though the FDA, explicitly stated that no hearing aid companies, can market over-the-counter hearing aids, until the guidelines for OTC Hearing Aid Act of 2017, is drafted in late 2019 or 2020. Quite honestly, I can't figure out, how this company hasn't been shut down by the FDA, or at least fined by the FTC for things that they say on their website and in their marketing. Also, according to consumer complaints on their Better Business Bureau listing, it appears that many people are, not actually receiving their refunds from Nano, despite the 60 day money back guarantee. Nor are people very happy with the performance of these devices. So if you combine the deceptive marketing tactics, the poor hearing aid performance, and an inability to get a refund. Nano is clearly at the top of the list of the worst hearing aid companies in 2019. And unless another online hearing aid company, really steps down their game, I would be shocked, if Nano didn't win the title in 2020 as well. All right guys, hopefully you enjoyed that breakdown of what I believe to be the, worst online hearing aids in 2019. Now I made this video for one reason, and that is to prevent you from wasting your time and money believing that these products are the same or better than traditional hearing aids. Now if you do choose to try one of these products, I am totally okay with that. Just keep in mind that if you do not get benefit with one of these products that it does not mean that you wouldn't get benefit from using a traditional hearing aid that has been fit appropriately by a hearing care professional. Now, I am sympathetic to cost concerns for those of you out there who just cannot afford to purchase traditional hearing aids. That being said, there are a lot of different programs out there to get you, very low-cost hearing treatment and legitimate hearing treatment with real hearing aids. Take the Starkey Hear Now Foundation for example, and I will go ahead and link them in the description below. But you can get two actual hearing aids for 250 bucks and you get five office visits with that as well with a local hearing care provider. Meaning, you can get hearing aids that will, absolutely blow away all of these amplifiers that I just talked about. And you actually get professional care along with it, to ensure that you're maximizing your performance with those devices. All right guys, there you go. Just remember, you cannot trust everything that you see and hear online. And that is especially true when it comes to online hearing aids. That's it for this video, if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below. If you liked the video, please share it. If you want to see other videos just like this one, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. I'll see you next time. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Cliff, AuD
Views: 165,600
Rating: 4.7714987 out of 5
Keywords: hearing aids, hearing loss, hearing aid, hearing aids reviews, best hearing aids, worst hearing aids, nano hearing aids, mdhearingaid, lumiear, my hearing hero, my hearing hero reviews, myhearinghero.com, hearing assist review, hearingassist hearing aids, hearing assist, hearingassist.com complaints, worst hearing aids 2019, best hearing aids 2019, nano hearing aids reviews, nano hearing aids complaints, nano hearing aid, worst online hearing aids, best online hearing aids
Id: ItaYsc0dHE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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