How to Treat Tennis Elbow with 3 Effective Exercises

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you know what's up it's coach E here from precision movement and today we're gonna talk about three exercises to do if you've got tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis tennis elbow is when you have pain in this lateral epicondyle area of the elbow joint okay this is the humerus the upper arm bone is the humerus the lateral aspect of that bone is called the lateral epicondyle now tennis elbow often occurs when you're playing tennis because of all the different forces and positions of the wrist and the elbow so if you're wondering if you do have tennis elbow make sure you check the video that's going to pop up here on YouTube to test if you've actually got the problem in the first place okay but if you know you've got the problem then what do we have to do okay so if it's an acute problem you might want to rest let's say you're playing tennis you've never felt before in the next day you're like oh that lateral epicondyle area hurts a little bit in that case you just want to take some rests okay you want to ice it down chill out for 24-48 hours maybe 72 hours if it's really intense but after that you should gradually get back to your normal daily life and playing tennis okay but let's say you're in a tournament a lot of five-set epic matches 7:6 tiebreaks all the time then you're gonna want to deal with it properly because you might get into chronic pain if you've had it for four weeks or longer and chronic pain needs a different treatment approach okay and what we've got to do is we've got to bring blood flow to the area to restore tissue quality of the tendon we've got to strengthen the muscles again because they've probably degenerated and atrophied because when they're sore all the time the body shuts them off and stops using them so then they get weaker and then when you try to come back to tennis or whatever sport you're playing you're gonna get injured and you're gonna get and you're gonna feel pain a lot quicker than before okay so we've got to do is roof also got to restore mobility to the wrist in the elbow joint so I'm gonna share three exercises with you now the first is the active wrist extension mobilization and I recommend this to anybody who's got pain in the elbows especially if that pain involves any kind of gripping so if you're a lifter overhead presses you got pain in the elbows I'll do this exercise will recommend this technique okay what it's going to do is going to restore strength balance and mobility to the wrist joint so what you want to do is get in the four point position I'm going to start with the left hand here we're into the left hand sit back on your heels and keeping the elbow completely locked out you're going to extend the wrist okay and flare the finger so flaring the fingers is extension and abduction of the fingers okay you're going to hold that position maintain the contraction all through the muscles as you come forward and go into a passive mobilization so that's passive range right there and I come back and the minute I can lift my fingers off that's my active range of motion okay and you're going to do this maintain that contraction mobilize a little bit in the passive not too aggressively and then try to lift the fingers up off the floor as quickly as possible now you're going to do anywhere from four to six repetitions there okay the reason why we want to do this actively instead of just passively instead of just getting on the floor and then rocking over it okay and relaxing this is because when we do this we're building strength in that range of motion okay we're activating the muscles and we're just going into a little bit of passive to get a little bit of extra range but predominantly we're working active range of motion okay active range of motion I like to call it range of control because that's the range that you can actively control with your own muscular effort okay it's different than pulling it like this the problem with that is if you're doing too much static or passive stretching and your range of motion increases but you're not simultaneously increasing your range of control you've got a deficit there where you have no active strengths but you've got that flexibility so what happens is if you do that you'll just tighten up again you know neuromuscular system will just tighten those muscles up again so it'll be kind of like a waste of time by stretching all the time and number two if you do have a big gap in between range of motion and range of control that's that gap is your injury risk because that's where you don't have joint stability and that's where you don't have muscular protection so you just got into ligaments and when ligaments get injured it takes a long time to heal okay so that's why we're doing the technique like we like I showed it to you here and this is from a course that I have called upper limb control we're gonna talk about that at the end a little bit here now the next technique is an eccentric dumbbell wrist extension so what this is going to do it's going to bring a lot of blood flow to the area because we're working those extensor muscles but the eccentric is going to ensure we can get full range of motion okay because we're going to help ourselves into the top the full range of motion and then it's going to cause that muscle damage that's going to stimulate muscle growth hypertrophy it's a restoring strength and through that full range of control okay so here's how you do it support your forearm on a bench or a table, grab a light dumbbell you might have to start at two pounds up to five pounds if you've got this pain you help yourself get into full wrist extension okay and then you lower it down really slowly take about four to five seconds six seconds to lower it all the way down to full flexion okay you help yourself up all the way hold it and then slowly lower it down okay so you're going to do three sets of 12 reps of that on the affected side and you're gonna do that on a daily basis now you might feel pain when you do this but if you've got the chronic version of tennis elbow which is tennis elbow for four weeks or longer then that's totally normal you're expected to feel some pain in that area and as you do it after the first week or two that pain is going to be gone alright so the other thing with the eccentric when you're up there gotta make sure you're holding out with a strong grip so you help it up make sure you got a strong grip on that dumbbell and then lower it down under control it's a full flexion okay don't just stop it halfway but lower it all the way you might have to fire up the flexors to get it to that full range as well okay so that's the dumbbell eccentric extension wrist extension the final technique the third technique is the extended flare - flexed fist so what this is is a unique technique extended flare so this is finger flare all right abduction and extension so flexed flare is when you flex the wrist and you flare the fingers like that yeah from here you want to hold that you want to maintain extension and flare and abduction while flexing constantly so I'm firing up the flexors of the wrist which are down in this area so I hold that for five seconds then I slowly make a fist and go into wrist extension okay and I hold that a strong fist and strong wrist extension for five seconds then go back down to flare flexed flare hold for five it's active I'm working the whole time and then extended fist I'm holding that strong grip actively contracting and squeezing as I'm actively extending the wrist okay and this technique is going to restore full range of control again not just range of motion not just stretching my wrist but it's full range of control that's going to allow you to grip things while you're doing the different type of wrist movements flexion and extension okay that's very common in tennis serves whipping it around flexing it while you're holding onto the racket so it doesn't go fly okay so these three techniques could get you completely out of pain from lateral epicondylitis aka tennis elbow however if you've got tennis elbow this might just be a symptom of dysfunctions elsewhere that you've got to fix up otherwise they're going to move up the kinetic chain okay you might have pain here in tennis elbow but that might move to the shoulder next or if you might already be suffering from shoulder pain okay this is why I've designed the course called upper limb control it's to restore full function of the wrists the hands of fingers and the elbow okay because if we're not restoring full function which includes mobility and strength and working all of the muscles there's a lot of different muscles in this area then you're just waiting for an injury to happen somewhere else change you might fix it temporarily here but it's going to move somewhere else because our body's going to compensate for the dysfunction in some other way okay so I've got a presentation where I break down kind of that details the science behind these compensations and how problems can kind of manifest in different areas of the body that you can watch at the link at the end of this video so check that out let's make sure that your body is in good shape so you can continue to do the things that you love and do them better all right thanks for watching I'll see you there peace
Channel: Precision Movement
Views: 640,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to treat tennis elbow, how to treat lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis test, lateral epicondylitis, lateral epicondylitis exercises, lateral epicondylitis treatment, how to heal tennis elbow, tennis elbow pain, tennis elbow exercises, tennis elbow stretches, tennis elbow test, flexibility, mobility, stretching, stretches, exercises, routines, programs, workouts, fitness, training
Id: rUEHnsY-PuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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