2D to 3D! Sculpting Wednesday Addams as an Anime Character πŸ–€ From Start to Finish! πŸ–€

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welcome back to another 2D2 3D video I am follygon and in this video I'm going to show you my entire digital character sculpting process from beginning to end click that subscribe button if you're new around here and check out my gumroad link below for courses tutorials and my custom brushes and if you want to learn how I do everything in this video check out the appeal Academy that is my online program where you can learn how to make characters just like these here in this video I am going to be sculpting Wednesday Adams as an anime character based on the artwork of at kunitaro Art I'll be turning this 2D concept into 3D using zbrush created here on my cintiq tablet that lets me digitally sculpt my characters starting from a simple sphere to begin this entire process I'm going to start by blocking out this character's head if you're unfamiliar with the term block out this essentially means getting in the primary forms that you'll refine later on in the sculpting process [Music] start by laying in landmarks for areas like the eyes nose mouth and ears and just get General shapes figured out I'm not extremely worried about proportions at this stage as I can worry about those once I have all the basic shapes in place foreign place I start combining some of these pieces to make it a little easier to work on when they're all separated and split up it's a little difficult to switch back and forth from each piece every time you want to make a change [Music] Now with an anime style like the character that I'm working on here the eyes and other facial features are going to be pretty low on the face so I'm gonna have to make some large proportional changes here to the character during this stage to start getting that feeling a lot closer to the original artwork [Music] this early part of the process I often refer to as the alien phase because things can look well pretty alien but if you ignore the awkwardness of how things are looking right now and kind of push yourself through it you can get through this stage pretty quick [Music] I'm noticing that the proportions for the body need to be much wider she's wearing her school uniform which is a suit jacket or some kind of sports coat or something like that so I need to go in and adjust the width of that foreign the arms are also accounting for a lot of that width which is something that I work on a lot later on during the process when I start getting in and focusing on more of the details of the clothing next comes the hair which I simply extrude from the already created head I'm using very simplistic shapes for this part too just creating a large chunky piece to represent that back portion of the hair and a simple curved plane with a little V cut out shape for the bangs I'll add more individual pieces of hair later on next I add in a pre-made collar something that I created myself quite a long time ago that I made into an insert brush so that whenever I have a character like this one here I can go through the process of just clicking and dragging that out rather than having to poly model or Box model a collar every single time next comes the pigtails coming down from the back of the head flowing over top of the shoulders I'm using a curved tube brush for those inserting those rather quickly and just like the hair up top I'll return to those later and add more information and then wasting no time of course here we head up to the eyes start creating a quick mask throwing some poly paint in a different more specular material on there so that we can begin figuring out these proportions a little more if you're interested in learning more about how important the eyes are I recommend checking out this video here the color on the eyes tends to be very helpful in particular during this stage next I start going over my head block out with my custom Mech brush going through making sure that I have most of the major plane changes in the general place that I want them I start adding on some eyebrows once again using another curve brush but this time using my custom Cube Tube Brush I use that custom Cube Tube Brush one more time here creating the eyelashes I'm actually inserting that geometry and then deleting about three-fourths of it so that I can create a quick flat plane that frames that shape of the eyelid then I start manipulating it with a couple other tools mainly some masking tools and my move brush to begin getting that into a better position now I'm carving around my eye the eyelid shape for this style of character is very unique it has a top lid that kind of covers most of that upper portion of the eye and then the bottom lid is almost non-existent it's just a shape that's kind of framing that lower portion I'm also going to over exaggerate a lot of the shapes there so that when I go to smooth and soften some of those forms I'm left with something that still reads pretty well the nose is a quick clay brush stroke followed by some additional pinches again using that Mech brush you can do most of this stuff with the standard brush set in zbrush however with custom brushes you can of course speed up your workflow quite a bit [Music] two or three quick brush Strokes there for the lips that's gonna be super simple right now we're just kind of framing up the main shape there and we'll return to those later we'll be returning to all of these different aspects of the face later to begin detailing them and adding some secondary shapes as well as some texture and more information later on but right now we're just kind of focused on those big shapes you'll notice right now that the face is also feeling very awkward we will be returning to that and working to put that into a better place as well you heard me mention the alien phase earlier on sometimes I like to just take a break from the face and move on to some other stuff like what I'm doing right now which is the clothing as well as adding on some quick blocks of color so some quick blocks of color during the early stage can be quite helpful just for figuring out proportions getting everything to start to feel more like the character when everything's black and white it can be tough to kind of figure out where you need to push and pull things but that color just gives you another extra level that makes it a little easier for you to get things into the proper position foreign [Music] basic paint here to the face if you've ever seen me paint characters here in zbrush the way I like to proceed is by going very heavy-handed initially I kind of call It clown makeup and then after exaggerating that I'll kind of fade it out with more of a neutral color inserting that over top [Music] now I'm making some adjustments to the clothing just working on getting everything to work properly in terms of layers now I'm not you know creating realistic clothing you'll notice that the collar is floating it's its own piece it's separate same thing with all these layers of clothing they're Hollow essentially what I'm doing here is I'm creating the illusion of these different pieces of clothing you could go through the process of creating hyper realistic forms but it doesn't really make sense when none of that is going to be seen this is just a character sculpt but the same thing is true for characters and clothing made for video games and film as well as sculptures that are going to be 3D printed all of these different types of 3D models can have the illusion of realism which is of course much faster but also a lot more helpful when you're working on things like one-sided geometry and you have a lot of issues with super thin pieces of geometry later on so keeping that Hollow can be very helpful for you we head back up to the eyelashes for a couple more adjustments just to get those feeling a little closer to the original work [Music] and then I make a couple minor changes here to the face but for the most part a lot of that's going to come later on when I start adjusting the size of that big old uh egg Dome whatever you want to call the top of her head it's quite large right now which is traditional for the anime style but I will be shrinking that later on she has these dark circles under her eyes so I go through beginning to block out some of that paint but I'll be refining all of these aspects later on and some more minor changes here and there to the general proportions of the figure now I'm clipping off the bottom portion of the clothing this is just excess that doesn't really need to be there it's just taking up extra geometry extra polygons so anytime you can reduce the number of polygons that you have on screen is a good thing just so you can get your computer running a little faster on your project from here we're going to go in and start making quite a few adjustments to the clothing of this character for this uh at least for this vest piece I'm using the Z modeler brush to poly Model A couple small changes you can see that little bevel that I've added in there to create a little um essentially seam and then I'm going in and reducing the poly count of that piece the geometry as you saw was not very clean which is absolutely fine this is not going to be animated so it doesn't really matter too much then going into areas like the sleeves cleaning those up starting to pinch some of those different edges and as you'll see here in just a moment I'm going in and beginning to correct the form that I had for this sleeve originally I had that seam line going up in a really straight fashion but the angle is quite a bit different I was noticing in my reference so I'm making the appropriate changes to that right here [Music] a couple more folds and different creases here on the suit and now just like I extracted the hair at the beginning of this video I'm using a mask to extract the collar or lapel for this suit [Music] initially things start very simple here as I begin matching it with the reference but then after extracting I give it some thickness and then spin around the 3D model making sure everything's looking good from all of our different angles [Music] some Z modeler brush to add in some bevels to keep some edges a little more tighter as I subdivide the geometry and we are all set [Music] now I promised you we'd go back to the hair and not have just a weird cone head so I'm doing that now again using that curve tube snap brush which is a default brush as you can see I've made a slight adjustment to the brush which you can find in the curve menu and you can adjust the size or fall off of your brush so that it can go from a larger to a smaller brush stroke after lining those up from the front you can see that things look extremely awkward and that is because I need to go in and make sure things are looking good from every potential angle so I need to look at this from the side view and I know her head is still quite large which I mentioned earlier is very normal for this kind of anime style but I will of course need to reduce some of that as well as adjust all these individual strands of hair as I go in here with a meticulous fine comb AKA my move brush and masking tools and begin manipulating these shapes into the proper place foreign after a little more work on the hair it's time to go in and begin making adjustments to my character's head I'm using transpose Master to do this this is a plug-in a default plugin that comes with zbrush that allows you to work on multiple sub tools at once or multiple pieces of geometry for those unfamiliar with the zbrush terminology and I'm going in and adjusting the proportions of my character's head with this anime style you know we're going to expect the eyes to be a little lower than halfway down on the head for a traditional human head you would expect the eyes to be somewhere in the middle but a little less than that for anime the volume of the hair can kind of throw you off a little which is what was happening on this character the volume of the hair can add a lot of extra height on top of the head so I'm reducing a lot of that to have this feel a little more natural as well as now making some more changes so that the character is going to feel better from the side or profile view [Music] now for some 3D films that use an anime style you will often see that from the front three quarter and side view they will actually have deformations in place for these different views essentially warping the head to look better from those different perspectives now I do not have that luxury here with zbrush and I'm only going to be having this main view so I'm going to focus on making things look the absolute best from the front view but that does not mean that I'm going to sleep on this side view or three quarter View I'm still going to take a lot of time to make that look good here so I'm going in mainly with that pinch brush after I go through and get my planes feeling a little more concrete I'm a little more confident with where those are in place I can go over top of them smooth them back out and begin getting those softer more organic shapes that we come to expect [Music] really minor stuff here in terms of paint just making some minor adjustments to the face as well as other little things like tweaking the hair eyebrows and eyelashes foreign [Music] and now I hope you are hungry because it's time to dig in to some hair I I hope that you're not hungry for hair what we're doing here is going through that original piece of geometry that I created which is that tube for the pigtail and I'm essentially just cutting that up so I have all these individual pieces that you can see now on screen and what I'm going to do with those is use a little function called dynamesh so what that's going to do is it's going to take all those individual pieces it's going to close holes on them and allow me to dynamically work on that topology or geometry so now I don't have to worry about things getting stretched or really all that broken it's a really nice tool after a little while here some of you may have noticed that I also zero meshed this geometry to lower the poly count get something a little more clean all these different tools are just the default tools here in zbrush that I'm using to quickly manipulate and get something that's a little more workable this is a lot faster in my opinion than going through and inserting an individual chunk of geometry for every single piece that can be quite tedious unless you have a custom brush for something like this which I personally do not and for a lot of this stuff I like to do it custom because when you use a brush that you already have things can often look pretty similar from one thing to the next so doing it from scratch like I've just done here can be really nice just to make sure that you're always challenging yourself growing as an artist as well as creating something new and unique this hair is so big for the back of the head I was actually struggling getting the proportions working for this for quite a while but after some adjustments I did eventually get it to a place that felt pretty good it did take quite a lot of back and forth though some secondary brush Strokes can also be really helpful just to get the general feel down for something like this this back portion of the hair really is not going to be seen from my render view so I wasn't going to spend a ton of time detailing this I wasn't going to create a bunch of individual strands for it I wanted to save my detail for the front portion of the character especially around the face which you'll see here soon as I now go in on this section of the bangs and start adding some more detail and information there [Music] foreign the first part of this process involves going over top of these edges sharpening them up as well as just overall cleaning these shapes they were really messy previously they were kind of uh wobbly if you're familiar with that term which just means they weren't quite as flat as I wanted or quite as uh consistent so I had to go back over top of those clean them up spend a little extra time doing that and now I get to go in after the fact and start adding in these secondary forms a little more detail one thing that I often see to kind of reflect on that idea of cleaning things up before you proceed is that a lot of the time people will Rush ahead you want to get to this fun stage really fast you know all these details these cool forms but if the primary form that you're creating on top of isn't good nothing you do on top of that is going to help it so really take some time to make sure that that initial primary shape is as good as possible nice and clean however you want that to be and then go over top start adding those secondary forms those details you're gonna have a lot better time moving forward on your sculpts [Music] then it looks like I'm sculpting some like nuts here of some kind I don't know I'm actually just sculpting the pigtails those individual sections starting to add some uh kind of brush Strokes through those to create the illusion of hair going through each individual piece adding that getting that handmade quality to each and every one and of course a little more detail here at the bottom as well [Music] and now on to some very simplistic folds here on the shirt I don't know what it is about folds but I love sculpting folds I don't know about you guys but I need to find a project of some kind with just a lot of folds I had one a few characters back this one here that had quite a few folds on it that I really enjoyed sculpting and I I don't know I just find it therapeutic to go through on these different shapes and kind of figure out how they're going to work in 3D space very calming very relaxing you might have the uh the opposite idea there it might be a very stressful and very difficult to work on but uh maybe I'm weird for that I don't know let me know what you guys think down below so now I've gone through and adjusted some of the colors I was sampling colors directly from the original image but when doing that I was getting more of a greenish tone on these darker colors uh but when looking at the image it felt more blue to me it at least gave me the illusion of a more bluish tone and I was kind of liking that feel more here on the sculpt so I shifted the Hue a little more towards the blue Spectrum getting away from those warmer kind of Greener yellower tones and began to adjust those while adjusting a lot of different things here toward the end of the process so this is when we start getting in and adding a lot of details this is essentially the part where I go back over every single piece of geometry and make sure it is as good as possible it's exactly where I want it doing exactly what I need and this involves adding little things like really really little things like the Stray strands of hair that you can see me creating right now so once again that curve tube snap brush coming in clutch as I go through all over the hair starting to add in a bunch of these and then adjust them into position start working with things like my move brush my smooth brush as well as a lot of masking tools to get those exactly where I want now a really important thing to note here is notice that I'm not just adding these all over the entirety of the hair I'm letting a lot of those bigger chunkier shapes kind of speak for the illusion of this form the illusion of this hair and then I'm just adding a few of these pieces here and there that create some details specifically around that front portion of the face and then some bigger ones that kind of frame the silhouette look the important thing to keep in mind there is not to go overboard [Music] and now some paint here for the lapel to get that integrated with the suit looking really good as well as some nice sculpted detail [Music] and of course we can't forget the freckles initially there I'm trying to find a color that works well with what I have finding something that is not too dark not too light with freckles the trick is to make them be noticeable but not stand out too much you kind of want it to not be there on the initial read but be there on more of a secondary read when you take a closer look and then some more painting adjustments mainly working on getting those darker tones under the eyelids making that feel really good as well as adjusting a couple other small things like the lip color the warmth around the cheeks and nose and the upper area of the eyelid and then I move on to what I like to call polishing during this stage you can think of it as going back over things one more time to make sure that there's no little mistakes or anything that you want to add in things that you forgot about this includes at least for me going over top of a couple different areas to add in some other fine details for the hair which I'm doing right now as well as just going over everything in general making one final pass adjusting areas like the proportions of the face for one last time and adjusting some larger chunks of hair to make sure that I'm filling in all the gaps properly some little bits of Polish here at the end those final touches as I like to call them I package up everything and send it over to blender for rendering check out the gumroad link in the description for a tutorial on that as well as many other things and now for the part that so many skip to the final renders click that like And subscribe button and if you did just so happen to skip here to the end and you like what you see I think you'll also really enjoy learning more about the process of how I made this 3D character consider going back through and giving it a watch if you did just so happen to skip here to the end yeah I know I caught you no hard feelings either way I appreciate your interest in my art if you would like to learn more about digital sculpting check out the appeal Academy my online program that includes an ever-expanding massive library of videos on everything I know about creating 3D characters and for individual tutorials my custom brushes and other cool stuff like mod mesh check out my gumroad link below thanks to all those that watch here to the end I appreciate you so much have a great rest of your day and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Follygon
Views: 37,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, zbrush, digital sculpting, 2d to 3d, sculpting, portrait, portrait sculpting, follygon, anatomy sculpting, create characters in zbrush, zbrush characters, folligon, sketch, sketching, painting, paint, portrait painting, 3D sculpting, 3d art, wednesday, wednesday addams, wednesday dance, wednesday addams dancing, wednesday anime, addams family, addams family anime, 3D wednesday, 3d wednesday addams, wednesday 3d, wednesday addams 3D, wednesday fanart, wednesday art, artist
Id: msSFQJ8xNmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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