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hey what's up guys in this video I'm going to show you how I created this character using just one reference image now something I like to mention is that this is my first project for 2024 and I was able to finish this character in the first week of this year as well I will make sure to drop a proper character tutorial series very soon what I would love to do is have three different levels for the same tutorial so I would have one character series for absolute beginners that are just starting out and blender I would have one for intermediate people that already have done some work in blender but they want to get into character stuff but they know their way around the software and then one for the blender users that are already proficient in the software and want to get more out of their characters maybe you're already making characters and you want to get more out of it yeah I'm basically thinking about the best way to set it up um but it will come along as well also another little side note I'm almost sitting at 100 subscribers so thank you guys for that so I only started a couple months ago last year but when I first started out I had a friend who asked if she could subscribe but multiple accounts and I told her back then don't do it you dumb now prior to this YouTube channel I do actually have another Channel That's linked on my profile it's called tinum or tinum official and I would post my blunder animations and short films on there which I will still do um when I finish my next short film but I'll make sure to uh link it to this Channel and also talk about the movie and the process and all that I think you guys could really uh use that knowledge on how to set up your own short animations or short films and so on yeah let's uh let's talk about the character so this reference image um I found it on Pinterest so I laid down the base uh sculpt of the character I used to get into detail very quickly during the sculpting process but I learned from speed car speed car whatever his name is I learned a lot from him I learned a lot from the blunder Cloud if you support blender and you get a subscription um they offer quite a lot of tutorials and courses and even like project files from um from their movies so you know go ahead and uh support them it's definitely worth it so you know little shout out to blunder um I mean they give us this free software I think it's absolutely right to support them so one thing that I notice about a a bad looking sculpt is often the eyes look off now in this reference image the character has noticeably large eyes right and um the eyes really are what gives the character its emotions you know how they say eyes are the windows to the soul yeah I think that's seriously though um the eyes are very important and the eye in itself is made up of a few core components that I often see lack at beginners that start out with their sculpts and uh by the way I made these exact same mistakes when I just started out so I'm here to share them with you so the few components that I'm talking about are mainly obviously the scale of the eye that's the most obvious one is the eye so big that you know if we look at it anatomically it's not possible but then again with large eyes that's usually the case and honestly that's completely fine you know as long as it looks good and then there's the eyelid now usually you see that the iris is completely open now if you look in the mirror you honestly never see the iris completely unless you like really just widen your eyes like you're shocked now unless your character is actually in a facial expression where they're shocked they should not have their Iris completely open it also looks weird looks like the person is dead you know if they have a neutral facial expression so the iris is usually always like a little bit covered up and the more it's covered up the more you know of a emotion we get from the character now in this case the girl is looking angry so half of her iris is covered up by her upper eyelid then there's the eyelash the third component I would say also very important because without eyelashes especially the upper eyelashes uh the character's eyes look naked especially for a female character CU if you look at Pop Culture you usually see female characters with large eyelashes um of course depending on who the character is but if it's like a main character a protagonist or something they most likely have large eyelashes so that's something to keep in mind by the way when I'm um blocking out the body I just use spheres and scale them up and down and um move them around and then merge them together and remesh the whole thing so when I'm finally happy with the base low poly sculpt that's when I use Dino too also here's a little uh Pro tip whenever you sculpt lips I used to make this mistake um do not draw the lips on but rather carve away okay his lips go in even if your character has large lips your lips do not extrude out like yeah your lips do not extrude out okay just carve away so what I'm doing here I learned from a speed car as well um basically I use the mask brush to draw on temporary eyebrows and eyelashes to see what the character will look like before I at them for real so I didn't record the whole process because I was going in and out um the past week on this character and in total it took me like three or 4 days and at least in one or two of those days I just didn't feel good I actually felt horrible and um you know I want you to feel bad for me so I didn't feel good so I didn't really do much work on the character um but I could have definitely finished it sooner if I felt good the way I do right now anyway here you can see how I made the eyelashes so basically drawing out the shape using vertices and then I extrude the whole thing out as an edge you know then put a solidify modifier subdivision that's really the formula to create a nice looking uh hair curve or eyelash curve in this case yeah here you can see uh me going over the hair doing like the first pass on um the bangs basically now later I found out the bangs didn't look right I couldn't see this because I looked at the character for far too long um but luckily my girlfriend she was able to see this because she hadn't seen the character yet so she told me something's wrong with the hair and uh she gave me proper feedback on how to um how to fix it so I looked up some reference pictures and found an image you know proper reference of how a bang should look like and and um and I redid the bangs in the end uh but generally the air flow on on the rest of the head was kept the same I drew them out with um curves that were basically cards and then convert them to mesh add a solidify at a subdivision and there you go you got your hair card so here is the final project and you might see quite a few things going on let me explain quickly basically what we have is the character itself I threw the character in the zbrush and use Zer measure to give me this topology but feel free to use whatever tool you have at your disposal use the multi- res to get all the details back in and even like in the multi reses I went back into the sculp mode and touched up like the nose the lips made a few things more sharp um now the eyebrows right now look a little bit horrible you might say but this is what I'm talking about using hair cards um it's basically using the alpha channels so if I render this out you can see it's um looking properly now and yeah that's the character itself so for the flowers I just modeled one flower very simple you know I can show you the secrets here it's just a couple of planes then extruded them outwards um gave them some shapes on each side and then in the main like the stem of the flower that goes through and becomes the that middle piece as well throw a subdivision on it just duplicate it a bunch of times and deformed it in sculpt mode and whatnot and I also took one of the padal and used it for a particle system to scatter them around using this plane you know and um I just grabbed one frame I just solo this for you there you go it's the final shot so a very fun project honestly didn't take me much time honestly so you know like I said 3 4 days um I'm going to do a couple more of these before I get onto my to my next pillar project and I still have to do a video on previous pillar project that I finished and what I mean by pillar projects um there's a 3D YouTuber called jell who made a video on these it's basically like your main projects that you want to showcase and then in between those pillar projects you have smaller projects so in this case this would be like one of my smaller projects and a pillar project would be something like this now this is a character uh called Lumi that I've worked on uh last year I will do a video breakdown of this character as well cuz I just finished her right before the turn of the year um and yeah it was very complex learned a lot of stuff worked with the tons of different software like rym UV zbrush for the first time like properly used zbrush for this character couple new software that I wasn't familiar with before but yeah this was more so like I said an overview video on this character um I will do proper character series like I said in the beginning so make sure you stay tuned subscribe if you haven't already hit the Bell notification icon you know all that cliche stuff that you hear from every YouTuber I recently started up a Discord art server so if you want to join that link in the description I upload every week in the weekend so that's Saturday or Sunday and yeah I'll see you back on his channel uh next time see you then
Channel: OzzO
Views: 4,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, 3d, 3d animation, lighting, cinematography, photoreal, photorealistic, characters, character art, Anime girl Blender tutorial, Creating anime characters in Blender, Blender character design tutorial, Blender anime modeling, Anime character creation process, Blender 3D anime girl, Anime character design tutorial, Blender sculpting anime characters, Anime character modeling tutorial, Blender anime character creation, Making anime characters in Blender
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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