2D Game Art Tutorial (Stylized Landscape in 10 Minutes!)

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hey guys how's it going my name is thomas brush  and i make indie games for a living i'm really   really happy you could join me today i want to  show you how we're going to create a beautiful   summer austrian landscape i think it looks  austrian maybe you can tell me in the comments   let's go all right let's fill in the background  with that sky color right all right so let's   use the polygon lasso tool and just create  some beautiful mountains in the background   we're going to fill that in using that color  right there good and let's just go forward   and let's just move forward towards  the camera using that same logic   all right maybe one more layer here using that  very vibrant green so this is the actual ground   that the player can walk on we're just gonna pick  that greenish yellow there we go all right we're   gonna add shadows between all the layers here  the reason why is because right now they're kind   of blending in with each other it kind of looks  like one giant gradient so i'm going to do this   good very subtle same is true with  this very subtle same with this very subtle almost got it good okay and then one  more and probably pull this one up just a little   and drop it down just like that very subtle now  let's add a little bit of a foreground element   i kind of like to do it in the opposite angle of  the actual ground the player can walk on i think   that makes it look a little bit more interesting  and one thing i want to add here is the bushes or   some element behind the actual ground that  the player can walk on now why am i doing this   the reason is because i want the player to know  for certain what they can walk on okay there's   a variety of ways of doing this in my case i'm  literally going to just add some detailed well   bushes here they could be stones they could  be really anything but all they're going to do   is sort of highlight and add some contrast to the  actual ground the player can walk on now here's   the thing we don't want them to be as dark as the  foreground so let's maybe lighten them up just a   little bit maybe something like that so i'm going  to take this red i'm going to take the pencil tool   and using the circle just add some berries to  those bushes right nothing too complicated here   awesome all right let's throw in some  clouds really really quickly here   and just make some clouds isn't that beautiful i  love that it's always fun creating these clouds   once you finish up this simplistic artwork believe  it or not you can just take these sprites and drag   it into my 2d game kit now this is actually just  a free game kit i'm not going to charge you for it   click below it's totally free and you can download  that 2d game kit and take artwork like we're   working on right now and just throw it into unity  and get it working and have a 2d game ready to go   believe it or not i used this game kit to make  a game for pewdiepie in 14 days so the game kit   actually speeds things up a lot and i'm always  about that feel free to click below one of my   favorite things to do is just add some trees to  every single layer now we don't want to make a ton   of trees but just enough to make it look detailed  so i can go to my brush tool here and you'll see   that i've actually created a pine tree tool look i  can create some pine trees well we don't want them   to be white let's make them this green color here  i'm going to scale them down just a little bit okay and then finally let's start adding in  some grass on this ground layer and i'm going   to actually use my grass brush that i created  it's just this simple burst of blades that i   can start painting in the scene like this  what i like to do is go to my brush settings   and basically just go to my shape dynamics here  increase the angle jitter right a little bit of   size jitter and roundness jitter and that's going  to make things look a little bit more random okay great okay all right now that we've got our grass   let's go ahead and start adding shadows  to the scene this is going to make things   really really pop i can't wait to show you this  so here's the grass i'm going to actually just   on top of it add in a shadow well how do i  know which direction the shadow should go   well let's just assume that the sun is coming  from the top left-hand corner and maybe we'll   even draw it in just a second so i'm going to  take my polygon lasso tool and try and mimic what those bushes what kind  of shadow they would create   okay then i'm going to take my  gradient tool and just pull down like that and then i'm going to  add a little bit of a motion blur   and that motion blur is going to simulate  the shadow slowly dissipating away   beautiful okay let's drop down the opacity  here awesome that looks really really cool   now the same is true with all of the background  elements as well well what about these trees here   if the sun is coming from the top left hand corner  well we'd have shadows that look kind of like this all right that looks pretty good   kind of like it like that and we're going to drop  the opacity down like this and i think towards the   bottom here we can even add in a little bit  of a shadow like this sweet there we go that   looks great we dropped that down just a little  bit that looks great let's use that same logic on these trees back here as well now we can start adding shadows to the  hills themselves as well just to simulate   texture depth and maybe a little bit of warping  occurring so i can just do something like this   honestly do a little bit of a gradient and then  decrease the opacity that looks pretty cool   we could do the same with this one right  here and all i'm doing is just mimicking   how the ground looks but just varying  it just a little bit so it looks 3d awesome one there and why not put one here as  well it's really up to you when you want to start   losing detail i kind of recommend once you hit the  second to last background element you get really   subtle with your shadowing really really subtle  see that we could probably get away with adding   one here on this final background element but it's  really up to you just kind of guess and check it's   totally okay guys to not know exactly what looks  perfect well until you try right and i'm still   after 15 years of doing artwork for for  video games i still am not quite sure   what looks perfect save out our scene here and  now we can start adding highlights to our scene   as well convert everything on the bushes to a  smart object then create an inner shadow here   great that looks really really cool and  then i'm gonna do another inner shadow   and this one's gonna be more crisp okay  so now we have this highlight inner shadow for the bushes that looks really really  cool same is true with the background hills all right something i want to do is add a big  pine tree to this scene i think with any piece   of artwork it's really important to throw in  sort of that one object that you look at first   that beautiful object and i think a giant pine  tree right about here would be a good idea and also why not throw in a stone  using the same color as the bushes   and all you got to do with stones is just mask out  using the grass see this is gonna blow your mind   well i know it did for me when i learned how  to do this it was so cool all right there we go   let's throw in a sun okay this is  actually going to probably make   the scene look maybe 20 times better okay games  like altos adventure do this really really well   what they do is they just create a  sun let's see here drop the opacity   down just a little bit although to be  honest we could probably just do this so i'm going to blur the smart object of  these clouds just like this oh that looks   great i'm gonna make a smart object of these  background trees do a subtle blur as well   again i can change this later if i  really want to let's blur the sun as well i'm gonna go to pexels.com and get a free texture  i think this paper texture looks cool i really   like using this one you guys have probably  noticed i've used this for a lot of my games   i'm going to set it to overlay drop down the  scale okay drop down the opacity significantly   you just want a very subtle texture nothing  crazy good okay and then i'm gonna add   just a subtle color balance here just tweaking the colors just  a little bit and then one   final thing that i love to  do is add a subtle hue shift probably usually in the top left hand corner  or top right hand corner of my scenes something   like this i'm gonna go to my pencil tool here  i'm gonna take that red i'm gonna sign my name it's kind of hard using a mouse  but hey not that bad right alright guys that's my beautiful austrian  landscape if you enjoyed this video if you learned   a lot it would mean a ton to me if you click the  like button subscribe to hit the notification   bell to get notified of my next upload and leave  a comment if you enjoyed this video or maybe you   have some things you want to teach me i'd love to  learn by the way if you want to get that 2d game   kit it's totally free click below that 2d game kit  is going to be able to take the artwork that you   create bring those sprites into unity and create a  game so much faster believe it or not i used this   exact game kit to make a game for pewdiepie in 14  days and then i got to play it with him in front   of his audience that was a really cool day all  right guys i'll talk to you later take it easy
Channel: Thomas Brush
Views: 28,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas, brush, unity, unity3d, asset, assets, model, texture, models, textures, beginner, easy, how, to, howto, learn, course, series, tutorial, tutorials, game, development, develop, games, programming, coding, basic, basics, C#, 2D, 2d game, sprite, tiles, sprite based, tile based, make, make a game, how to make, getting started, start, level, design, level design, platformer, side scroller, top-down, sidescroller, video game, introduction, intro, photoshop, illustration
Id: LAzaateh9q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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