29 Tips For Mastering Vampire Survivors I Wish I Knew From Day 1

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for a while now you have requests to get a video where i explain some game mechanics tips and tricks about the game and more and well today i will do that and it will start off rather slowly and then we get to the more juicy stuff where i'm pretty sure a lot of people don't know it in the video i will reference some videos that i made and i will link them in the pinned comment so i will not cover them entirely in this video just because the other video is dedicated to it number one the gold limit that is shown is one shy of one million but the game keeps track of everything that you have i constantly get this question why my goal doesn't decrease what sheet i'm using what heck i'm using no there's no heck there's no cheat there's just 400 plus hours of game time and well a lot of gold farming number two to evolve a weapon you have to max out the weapon and get whatever synergizes with the weapon so for example to evolve song of mana it has to be level 8 and it needs any level of scholomaniac in front of you you can see all the combinations and as you can see not all of them need a passive weapon the bottom line some of them like vandalia combine out of multiple weapons vandalia and ferrachi are the only two known weapons that are out of line here as most other weapons need an active weapon and a passive weapon to evolve talking about weapons all the weapons in the game have a weight that determines how likely they are to appear when you have a level up and the game chooses your 3 options the higher the value the more likely it is to appear and as you can see currently there are 3 super rare weapons in the game the bone the jerry bomb and the corello all sitting at one that means you're 100 times more likely to get the whip than you are to get the bone and over here we have the passive weapons or the so-called items where most of them are in the 90-100 area and a few of them are really rare i can't confirm this because i haven't found something but since a recent patch it feels like weapons that have synergy so for example for fire wand you need spinach to evolve it if you have either spinach or fire wand the other one is a lot more likely to show up as of right now and i recommend checking the date of the video there are 22 characters in the game five of them are hidden or secrets the four secret characters are x-dash red death later and toasty the hidden character is missing though some of you might remember that that played for a while and while he was more or less removed he was still in the code and you can still unlock him for all of those characters except for x-dash i do have a video guide independent comment now to unlock red death you have to kill the reaper but how strong is the reaper well for every single level that you have he has 650 000 hp so at level 100 if you get to the reaper there then he has 65 million that is usually more than what most people achieve in one game in total damage combined while they deal huge aoe damage to thousands of enemies at once so yeah the chance to kill him at that point is pretty pretty impossible he also has a speed of 1 200 and an attack of 65 000 fun fact here toasty at level 200 gains 65 000 armor roughly in that ballpark without additional armor the death would still deal 15 damage per hit but if you have the power up and the armor from the game so a total of 8 he only deals 7 per hit sadly you can't just use bloody teal to outlast that simply because the reaper attacks way too fast and once there are more that spawn they just deal like 35 to 70 damage a second you can't heal that off another very interesting feature of the reaper is that he has negative knockback so instead of pushing him away with knockback you actually do pull him in it's very subtle and it rather ends in a stutter walking that he does but it leads to some very interesting scenarios where for example i survive for 175 minutes by stuttering him the entire time with varachy and labora number five the game currently has two to three hidden codes depending on how you view it the very first one is to unlock motatchio and 2800 gold you have to press up up down down left right left right escape and enter in the main menu so where you can make all the selections if you want to play if you want to go for the unlocks if you want to go for power ups etc the next one same menu is x dash it's a bit too complicated to read that it's just x dash x one v i iq but this one might be very hard depending on what type of keyboard you have like what type of input so you might have to use the windows keyboard to do this and the last one where it's a bit questionable is for toasty where you only have to press down and enter i don't really view this as a hidden code it's more like a sequence that you have to do of multiple events like you need to unlock x-dash you need to kill the stalker in the right way and then you have a very short time window to unlock toasty with these two inputs so it's not really a code on its own right it's just like one further step that you need and the sixth one is gold by order this update brought a couple new power ups or additional power ups and the order is revival or reroll just do either it doesn't matter in which order but make sure that you get all of them at once so if you have multiple rerolls get all of them at once don't mix and match them with revival then curse amount growth cooldown armor and luck armor and luck again the same just max out one then go to the other but don't mix them then all the ones that have five parts they have three of them then the other ones that only have two parts next up we have max hp and lastly skip and banish again doesn't matter which one you do first or last and that ends up to a total of 232k number seven and this will be a bit complicated to understand there is a level up limitation on weapons on what you can get but the game overall has a lot of things that it does when it checks for what it offers to you so you might have seen some of my videos where i got two garlics in a row in the very beginning and i'll explain it later on because there's luck and other things that apply to this but overall this is what the base game tries to do if you don't have the level requirements you can't get a level up for a weapon that you own next up we have luck but just a short second this video took me over 15 hours to make to make a list of the points that i actually want to include the research behind that the footage recording getting all the images out of the game files and of course the editing of the video this is pretty much the first video that exceeded the amount of lines that i can show in my editing software so if you enjoyed the video please just consider giving it a like and giving me a chance i'm not asking you to subscribe i'm just asking you that you check out one or two other videos and just see is this something you can wipe with or it was one video that you took something out of but the rest nah that's nothing that's all i'm asking for enjoy the rest of the video number eight and this will be a long one luck just as a general understanding luck pretty much affects all the chances that exist in the game everything that you could think of and not think of so some examples on weapons we talk about pentagram the chance to not erase something crits on bloody tear and heaven sword as well as the explosion on cherry bomb as a fun fact the 65 pentagram so level 7 and beyond needs a total of 60 luck to never erase most of the modes end up on 40 to 50 luck if you play on hyper which only gives a chance of 91 and 97.5 to not erase the only reason why i'm saying only is because somehow even with 97.5 percent pentagram manages to erase the moment a boss appears and the chess is just gone so get going and break those candles in hopes for little clovers each one of those increases it by 10 percent and with two of them you're guaranteed that pentagram can't erase stuff and while we are talking about pentagram i want to give two fun facts in one the first one being pentagram and moon do not have damage on their own the 666 that you see in the game with the variation of plus -5 is just visual the actual damage that it deals is a skill which always deals max health damage to the enemy no matter how much health they have always max health so for you that means if you strike an enemy with it and the enemy doesn't die they are immune to this skill and the second fun fact belonging to this most but not all of the enemies scale with your level they have a base hp for example the wave 29 on the library has 5 health which is then multiplied with your current level as well as other buffs like the curse luck also affects chest drops and chess quality by chest drops i mean that certain bosses have a chance to not drop a chest and this makes it more likely and chess quality is simply how good the chest is this is a single chest this is a triple chest is it a penta chest and now the sub category level ups of luck what i mentioned at point seven with the level up limitations well first of all it influences the fourth level up choice the game itself says that right so this is not really hard to figure out but the chance to get an existing weapon as level up choice this is where it becomes choosy and weird so this pretty much overrides whatever the game decided to give you on level ups and if you have an even level so 2 4 6 8 10 and so on there is a 60 chance and influence by luck and if it's uneven so 3 5 7 9 eleven it's thirty percent also multiplied by luck and the way the game calculates it it takes one and it subtracts one divided by luck so just to make a very short example if you have one percent luck that is your bonus luck so it's added on top of the base 100 that every character has 200 percent is equal to 2. you take the 1 divided by 2 0.5 you subtract the 0.5 from the 1 and you end up with 0.5 which leads to a total of 110 percent that you get when offered on even levels and 80 that you get one offered on uneven levels with 200 percent luck you do the same calculation again you have the plus one minus one divided by luck so if we do it this time we have the one divided by luck with 200 percent that's three so 0.33 and that results in 0.67 or 67 on uneven levels we now have a 97 chance to receive a level up for a weapon that we already own and if you're curious when it's always 100 it has been a while for even level ups but not for uneven level ups you require 230 percent of luck this will lead to exactly 70 percent plus the 30 it's just a base value is a total of 100 percent oh boy and now we get to breakables okay this one is a bit more complicated so i have to break the maps apart there are maps that have set spawn points like the library the dairy blend and the gallo tower the new one right where they can only spawn in very specific locations in mad forest and green acres however they can just spawn around you in a circular shape for now let's just focus on the library so the same logic applies to dairy blend and gallo tower luck affects how likely it is that something spawns and the way the game does it is every single second it takes a chance i think it's 0.3 if i don't remember it wrong multiplies that with luck and if that succeeds if a random roll of a number is lower than that then it spawns a candle the candle is just spawned out of your vision range but within the tile set if you don't know what a tileset is this is pretty much a thing that is constantly repeated whenever you walk to the left or up or down or right it's always repeated it's always the same stuff and that is one tile set so in your current tile set it spawns them around you outside of your vision range and with more luck the more likely it becomes at a cap of 500 luck so now that you understood that let's make it even more complicated i think the limit for breakables is 10. i know it is for library for others it might be different but i think it's a global variable so it applies to all the maps and once you have 10 candles 10 breakables around you and it would spawn another one it will spawn it but it destroys another one and this candle can spawn anywhere but it's not influenced by luck this is just a set one so overall the speed of candle creation goes down a lot just because it's way less likely but this is the reason why you can have candles spawn next to you even if you break a candle in that very moment a candle might appear in the same spot again talking about candle appearing in the same spot did you know that candles can stack on top of each other yes i think the maximum i've ever seen were five i broke one candle and five drops came out of them no candles cannot have multi drops it always drops one thing so if you see multiple things that come out of a candle i don't mean they already wear on the ground i mean there was nothing you break them five things come out yes then those were multiple candles in a single spot and to finish off the breakables in the game so the candles branches stuff like this the drop quality is also influenced so the more luck you have the better stuff you'll get out of this i do remember two numbers and one is the highest chance to get the rare stuff so the really good stuff is 32 at 200 luck but don't take these two numbers too serious i tried to find them out i i couldn't confirm it i do trust the person that said that the problem is it was very long ago right so a lot might have changed in the game or maybe it's influenced by even more things the code is very complicated for the game and the last two things that luck effects are map defined items so if you for example play antonio without any luck then most of the times you'll see one two three empty tomes in the library the game will always give you at least one so if all fail it will just put one down but when you play a high luck character this one to three average around two i would say is rather the two to four average around three and lastly bad events bad events are just things where something happens to you like the bad swarms that spawn on the mad forest like the stalker and the more luck you have the less likely they become so if you want to unlock toasty make sure you have as little luck as possible as it just decreases a chance of the stalker to spawn and a little luck fun fact at the end the character that can achieve the most luck without picking up little clovers is toasty on ilmoles on hyper having 100 luck as a base that 20 every 10 levels five times until fifty so another one hundred percent thirty percent from the power ups twenty percent from ill moles being played on hyper mode so a total of two hundred fifty and another fifty if you get the clover as a passive weapon as i said this can be further extended if you pick up the little clovers that drops out of the breakables and that is pretty much the maximum that you can get the next one that gets kinda close to it is x-dash at 250 all is the same except that instead of getting 20 black per 10 levels he only gets 10 percent like per 10 levels and the last one where he gets that is also level 50. few there was a lot of information for point number eight but i think we can top that with point number nine stage secrets information and mechanics we go through them from top to bottom just as they are in the game and we start off with that forest on mad force to evolve a weapon a boss has to spawn at 10 minutes or after or the minute one bad that bat has only a 30 chance to drop a chest so it's quite unlikely but this is also multiplied with luck and if you get that drop just keep it on the floor max out a weapon that you can evolve pick it up and you can do it as you can see it here with song of mana as a little side note because a lot of people are confused by this no there's no internal check in the game that says you have to reach minute 10 to evolve it's all bound to the bosses and the chests that the bosses drop the library itself is also 10 minutes forwards no secret chest but it's special because they use displays to kill the death and unlock red death it uses the feared rune tracer clarity strategy where you have an insanely large roon tracer that keeps you safe combined with the center water and then you use the objects on the map to cause the rune tracer bounce like crazy while the reaper is frozen around you you pretty much deal 1.3 million damage in around 30 to 40 seconds if it's properly done and if he cooperates so yeah that's quite a busted strategy next up we have the david bland every single chest on this stage can evolve and one is a bit more complicated than all the others which is a chess from the stalker if you want to have the chest from the stalker you kill him with a rosary or the moon and the alternative is the card not not the weapon i mean the card that is on the stage panda gram scares him off but it doesn't drop a chest it also doesn't work for the toasty unlock as a reminder as i previously said luck makes it less likely that a stalker spawns so make sure you have as little luck as possible if you want to make this happen otherwise you just make it ridiculously harder to unlock toasty now to a bit of a confusing part technically speaking in the code the stalker should be able to triple evolve your weapons if you kill him with a rosary and the moon you have a six percent chance to get a penta chest a 66 chance to get a triple chest and a 100 chance to get a single chest all multiplied with luck so if you have sixty percent luck you would be guaranteed a triple chest and with cards it's a three percent chance for penta chest ten percent chance for triple chest and one hundred percent chance for a basic chess but this doesn't work why i have no idea it's in the code the separation also makes sense with the rosary moon and the card that the card is slower but it always gives a single chest i have no idea why i think it's a bug so let's be a bit cautious with this one just for you to know right now he only drops a single chest always but i think this is just a bug and it will be fixed in the future the newest stage gallow tower is also 10 minutes onwards so no pre-10 minute evolution and it has a secret character which is laida who starts with holy wand as his starting weapon and 100 might as well as some other bonuses and penalties the dairy blends had a green death called stalker and here we have the blue death called drowner now the drama has a couple of interesting things first of all you need to understand that there are two traumas that can appear the first one is spawned when the grab appears at 25 minutes every 6 seconds in the game it checks if you're below the crab position wise and if you are then it just spawns the drawner in that drowner at 25 minutes can be killed using the moon or a rosary and now it gets a bit more complicated just like with the stalker it's supposed to multi evolve your weapons but it can only drop a single chest again i assume that is just you know a bug in the code that is not supposed to be like this and it might be fixed in the future but talking about multi evolutions the 20 minute boss the dragon will triple evolve if you get a triple chest and you of course have all the weapons to evolve as well as the synergy weapons and the crab can give a penta evolve so if you're lucky enough to get a penta chest and you have five weapons that you can evolve in this moment it will evolve all of them now we have the two bonus stages i will start with ilmoles this one is very exciting uh it has three chest drops and all of them can multi-evolve five times so you could evolve a total of 15 weapons on this map not that that is actually possible but it would be possible in theory and one unique feature is that it ends at 15 minutes at least at the reaper spawns but after 15 minutes gold pots spawn for 5 minutes until 20 minutes then it has a 1 minute break and from minute 21 to 22 it spawns a ton of gold parts currently the record in gold earned in a run like this is 40 000 i have that video also linked in the pin comment but one thing you need to know is if you want to get gold from revivals as you know in the game if you die you get bonus gold then you have to survive until 30 minutes and die afterwards otherwise it will just count as a usual death and you won't get anything and the last bonus stage is green acres which just has a bonus health increase to the enemies and it will randomly spawn a wave from any of the four stages and to round out the stage topic all of the stages so not the bonus stages just the stages pick up items on the floor for example on the library as we saw we have empty tome and we also have stone masks and if you pick them up after you already have six passive weapons you will pick them up as additional pairs of weapons so on the library you can have a maximum of 8 instead of the 6 that the game offers on gallow tower that is the same having the brazer and the spellbinder on dairy blend you can get an additional four so ten total passive weapons being the wings armor attract up and can labrador and on metaphors a total of five being the scolomaniac clover pumarola hollow heart and spinach note because this always gets asked no if you have something maxed out it will not go to level 6. if you pick it up while something is already level 5 it will show you a level 6 but you notice it doesn't work because it has no description text of what it would do and if you press escape to check your stats you'll see nothing has changed and lastly what i've been using to make this video as the point was to show off certain mechanics and not to actually play the game the debug mode the debug mode pretty much allows you to do anything whatever you want to do in the game to test out things you can even zoom out using the mouse scroll wheel which is amazing to understand how enemies spawn and how they get killed off screen or what weapons can't kill off screen and to be honest this is a bit too long to explain i will just link my red dev modding tutorial if you don't want to kill him to get red dev the reaper but in such as modded i explained there how to get to debug mode in short you have to format the file then you search for your current version that you see in the main menu and around three to four lines above that you'll see a const equals something 0x1 and you just change that 0x1 to a 0x0 and it's done you have debug mode enabled i usually take a screenshot of all the hotkeys that you can use then i know them in the game and then i try out stuff was there something in there you didn't know let me please know and if you have something else that you could think of let me know and i might do a version too where i include these if you want to see more vampire survivors content and especially a lot of modding that i do then feel free to subscribe and you'll not be disappointed hopefully well if you are you can just unsubscribe again [Music] you
Channel: Dex
Views: 421,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vampire survivors, dex, vampire survivors update, vampire survivors new weapon, vampire survivors new evolution, vampire survivors new character, vampire survivors beta, vampire survivors ramba, vampire survivors bianca, vampire survivors bianca ramba, vampire survivors carrello, vampire survivors no future, vampire survivors sorceress tears, vampire survivors gallo tower, vampire survivors hurry, vampire survivors toasty, vampire survivors leda, vampire survivors secrets, tips
Id: oUfzcgg6Ix8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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