#281 Fun with bypass tools (REVISITED)

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[Music] you you all right everyone welcome back it's a LaBelle and I am a lock junkie okay so one week ago I finally got bought myself several different types of bypass tools and I made a video called fun with bypass tools now that was the first time like I said I had just got those I've never been much into bypassing so I really knew little about the tools and I think it kind of showed in the video but but to be on it was a good video because it was genuine and it was right where I was at at that time with those tools so it was a good representation of you know where I was at like I said at that time so we're gonna call this one just kind of a revisit so I'm gonna do pretty much use the pretty much the same tools but go a little bit farther in depth and show maybe a little bit why they work and how they worked as I didn't do on the previous video all right so first of all you know what I should have said right off the bat Happy New Year everybody Happy New Year I hope you had a wonderful year and I look forward to 2020 being even better so uh if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet please do so because I want to continue this for for you know I don't know about forever but let's say a long time alright so we're gonna start off with uh I think I started with this one on the last video this one we've seen a million times this tool here it's a bypass tool that works on these American walks only if they don't have the bypass wave from them first let me show you how it does work you put it inside the inside the keyhole jamming up past the little clip and then when you know if I'm past the clip and then you rotate it and it pops do you lock now I'm going to show you why that works you get this off of here so inside of this lock there is the core okay now I'm going to show you why it doesn't work on master lock first this is a master lock core okay so when you're going through the back of the lock you end up with the tool in something like inside there it doesn't fit in this one because that clips in the way but it won't work on these because the way the lobe is going against the the key slot okay the reason it works in the American locks get that out of the way this here is the same core that's in that lock I just showed okay this is American lock or the reason it works it's because we can go down inside this core or maybe not there we go geez alright so we go down through the core whenever the cameras aren't we know we have problems right okay so the tool goes into the back of the lock okay now you see where that lobe is we bring that tool all the way in the back and then when we turn the tool it basically turns that locking pole that this lobe would turn if we turn the key so the thing basically becomes you know kind of like the key being in there so that's why it works that's how that works inside the lock I need to show that last time so I thought that would be a good idea okay so moving on to the next one I showed some of these comb tools now these tools are really fun I got these ones here from South Lord comes in many different sizes so that's really cool and one of the locks that works really really good in is the Brinks now what you do is let me see this Brinks I bought because this one has a five-pin core so I'm gonna go with the five pin comb it's got five teeth on it I'm gonna just put it all the way in to the back of the lock push it over and it's that easy now somebody asked me about this and they said that they're bending their tool I'm guessing what you're doing is you're probably not getting all the pins pushed in because if you get them in you get there we'll do it again if you get this tool all the way in there and you get them pins pushed in there's really no force you're putting on that tool so you're probably just practice it a little longer and you've probably stopped bending that tool because you shouldn't need that much force to turn it okay and I did find it does work the reason it does work is because there's enough space in these type of locks for the spring the driver pin and the key pin to go up to the shear line that's why it works I've also found another little cheapo lock that I had on hand that it worked in but we need the four pin which is right here if I Jimmy this one in there just right of course the cameras on so it might be a little different today that's a really small keyhole on this one so it's a little tougher but I was able to get it in there trying to find out where the pin is there we go so that one's a little tougher but if you look at the size of the keyhole that's why all right so that was those that's the comb tools we get some of this stuff out of the way now and we're gonna move on to the this one here I had an issue with now the deal is is my tool that I got from sparrows it's a little too tall I think right here I still think so some people disagree with that but and most of these wheels that's what it does it kicks the tool up at an angle so you can't get in but I'd have found since practicing with it if I go into the second one on the right hand side of the second one usually now that the cameras on it might not work but I want to make sure you guys know that the number is all zeroes so the lock is definitely locked so I go into the second one here it's trying to find that sweet spot just like that going to lock and it opens every time but any of these other slots that I put it in it kicks the kicks the tool up so maybe it's just this lock but it only seems to work on that second one alright so that we got figured out now the other one and I think it's last but not least was the sparrows they call this the master switch it comes with two pieces now I put heat-shrink on these handles just to make it a little nicer but what you do is the the last video I just showed these already in the lock and I pop the lock with it what you do is you take this first one that has kind of a Talon on it and you put that one in on the pin side shove all the pins up and you shove that one in until it kind of finds a little slot inside there and you turn what I do is I turn the lock around and use this second one this is what I was getting wrong I was putting it in about like that what you got to do is go a little farther until it falls into its own slot now someone mentioned squeezing these together and doing it that's not the case you got to kind of do one of these jobs and it pops the lock every time so that's how those work that's the master switch from sparrows now I understand from by the sparrows website these work in master locks 1 2 3 & 4 so apparently they'll do the same thing this one here is the number 2 so that's that I just wanted to do kind of a revisit to these tools because that didn't do a really fantastic job on the first one and I didn't explain them all very well so I really just wanted to rehash this so that's it I think we went through all of them I highly appreciate you all for tuning in I hope you have a fantastic new year please stay safe don't drink and drive and that's pretty much it also I had to mention something um the last video I uploaded Sunday's video I had to delete the original video and reupload it so I lost about 60 comments so if you commented on that video and you were open to enter for the pack lock you're gonna have to go back to the that last Sunday's video and probably re comment on that video I apologize for the hassle but I had to delete it and reload it okay so that's it thank you all so much for watching if you haven't subscribed yet please do so and let's bring in the new year on a positive note with a thumbs up all right thank you very much
Channel: Albert Lebel
Views: 5,377
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #Locksport, #Albert Lebel, #Lock Picking, Bypass, Bypass Tools, Sparrows, Southord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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