28 Shortcuts in Logic Pro X to SPEED UP WORKFLOW!

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what's up you guys nathan larsen here with another video for those of you who make music at home whether you are an artist a songwriter producer if you write and record your own music at home this is the channel for you so if that sounds like you you should click the subscribe button and you know hit the bell for notifications and all that jazz and if you liked the video you should hit the like button for the youtube algorithm that's what my manager not manager tells me to say because i don't have a manager and if you want to connect with me deeper than we can in the comment section then follow me on over at instagram send me a dm say hey what's up whether you just want to say hey or if you're you know looking for a producer so here's the deal you guys have spoken i asked you earlier this week what video you want to see you guys voted on logic pro shortcuts so if you don't know what i'm talking about uh you need to subscribe and then follow my community posts i'm going to start you know talking with you guys more asking you what videos you want to see and then i'm going to be making those videos it's pretty sweet right so i'm going to be showing you 28 shortcuts in logic pro to speed up your workflow why 28 i don't know because i felt like it so i went through this very fast so if you need to pause and take notes or whatever you got to do put me on half speed do it because we're going to just plow through this stuff super quick let's jump into logic let's do it all right so here we are in logic let's see how fast we can do this so number one is zooming in and out two different ways so you're gonna get two in one with this one if you are still zooming in and out over here this way what are you doing guys come on so instead what you're gonna do is the first option is to do command and then arrow keys side to side to zoom in this way or back left right now to make it wider vertically then you go up and down arrows now you're going to see how each time i hit it's going to kind of do it a little bit at a time so that's why maybe you don't want to do it that that way instead you can do it faster by doing option and then use your mouse or trackpad and then do up and down this way so you can do it way faster left and right left and right boom there you guys go that's number one number two is to name regions by track so right now you can see this region name here is weird because i just dropped in a sound that i downloaded so what i'm gonna do is clock ticking and then if you do shift option n it will name it for me i'm really particular i want everything to be named properly i hate it when you see like track 11 and then i want to see what the name is on the regions number three is to then take care of color so for me when i have my bases i do not like my bases being green i'm i'm color coordinated type of a person so my bases are always like a purple or a deep purple deep blue type color so you can do option c to open your colors and you can go in here and now select colors okay now let's go ahead and say that this was something that i actually wanted to be green the color of this track you can then do shift option c and that will change the region to the color of the tracks so i could go in here and you know assign track color to this region like that that does not share not the region track excuse me but that did not change the color of the region so shift option c boom that's another two for one number four is super simple if you are opening the editor window by going up here and clicking up here to open the editor window that's also such such a waste of time e just hit e you just click in here hit e that'll open up your editor window whether that is midi or audio e number five is the shortcut to open the mixer window and that is x if you click x just like that boom you've got your mixer window open number six is to start the loop cycle and that is by clicking c so instead of going up in here in here and turning your cycle on you just hit c and then of course you can move that all around c boom so number seven is to open the tools with the cursor instead of going up here and clicking different tools you can instead if you have your cursor down here and you're really lazy you can just hit t and that will open up all of your tool options the next tip tip number eight is to do the same thing hit t and then you have all of these options down here you can now use your keyboard to have other key commands to go to different tools so you could literally go t to open it up i and that's going to open up your scissors if you want to go back to the cursor tool tt pointer tool number nine shortcut number nine is to open up your automation click a and that opens up automation very simple so again rather than going up here and clicking it just a you can actually do this within the editor window as well so cf midi open here you can click a and open up your automation down here as well and have all the different parameters you can control as well let's go and talk about creating a new track if you want to create a new track option command n and that will create a new track and of course you can then select what kind of track it is you want to create so rather than going up here and creating a new track you can just option command n if you want to open up a specific type of track audio track will be option command a boom got that the next one is option command s that will open up midi there you go those are three more the next one is turning the click on and off so you can do k and that will turn your click on and off so this would be on while you play not just when you record so you'll hear this you can turn it off using k there we go the next one is to activate your second tool so if you have your advanced tools advanced options open you can open up your second tool here and do command and that will open up that option so there you go i've got my scissor tool as the second one so if you hit command it'll open that up and you can start chopping stuff up the next one is opening up your system preferences very quickly and that is command comma and that's really handy to have if you need to change anything the next one is if you want to nudge things over so let's just theoretically say that this region here was like that which is not correct you can do option and then arrow key left and right to move that over that nudges that that can work with not just regions but that also can work with midi as well works with audio too audio regions sweet the next one is if you want to repeat a region that is command r this one's pretty handy so rather than just like duplicating things you can do command r you can just keep doing it for however long you want and you will be able to duplicate oop not that's all i want to do command r there we go and of course you can have multiple things selected and it will create duplication so i mean you could literally go in here we could do that for this whole section of course then we'll need to move it so it's in time okay i don't even know what number we're on but the next one is if you want to hide a track let's say for example this soft piano here sometimes i'll actually have two separate piano sounds one of them's really really soft and one of them will be a little bit more bright like this [Music] but let's say that i decide you know what i don't want to use a soft piano i'm actually going to turn it off but maybe i don't want to delete it i want to have it there just in case i decide to change my mind you can do control h to hide that track and then if you want to reopen everything the next one is just click h so you can see how much stuff i actually have hidden here this is for a new project for a client and so i have this was all just the scratch stuff and once i've actually started producing it i hide it i do not delete it i want to keep it just in case i need to go back the next one is to join regions so you can see here i have all of these individual little pieces of audio these are all just kicks you could hear but what what i want to do is actually join all of that so instead of having all the individual pieces i've got all of it it's going to hit j and then enter or create and there we go we've got that entire thing now if i want to duplicate this for the next chorus i can just do that easily instead of grabbing all of that all right let's go on to the next one the next one let's go ahead and open up our midi piano roll the next one is if you have a note selected and you do option and then arrow key up or down it will move it a half step or a semitone for those guys in england there you go that's the next one the next one is similar but rather than doing a half step instead you can do shift option up we'll take it up an octave or down an octave this is super handy so you could grab all sorts of different things and move them so the next one is actually do select all which is command a that will select everything and you could do something like that by moving that whole thing around all right this next one is called force legato so you can notice how these notes here are not going all the way to this note here what you can do is shift and then backslash or forward slash just the one that's above the enter key that one and then enter and that will push it all the way up to it that is force legato all right this next one is one that i only recently learned and is pretty awesome it's called strip silence so we've got this vocal here this is just the scratch vocal that i was sent and um there's several moments where there's silence and you can listen to this you can obviously hear some stuff going on there so i'm going to select what i want to select here and then do control x and as you can see it basically is going in and analyzing this whole thing and then you can determine what your threshold is going to be you can change so like actually you can see here where it's kind of making some mistakes uh let's see if we can zoom in here nope you can't actually zoom in but i can already tell that there's some mistakes here where it shouldn't be removing that so i'm gonna do is decrease this threshold until it removes those problems which that looks that looks good i'm going to do okay and then you can see still has a little bit i need to kind of fix but as you can see it did a pretty darn good job yep that's perfect that's perfect and then you can see some stuff i have to clean up here still but that is way faster than me going in and uh having to do that all by hand which is awesome that's what i normally would have done all right this other one here is using the automation curve without having to use the automation curve tool this is a really cool one so say for example like you're using strings and let's say the particular instrument that you're using does not have a volume control within the actual library most of them do but i know like back when i was first getting into production some of the string samples i was using they did not have an expression control so you actually had to do it with with volume and so the way you would do that is create a point let's say we want this to be a swell so what you're going to do is shift control and you can see that you've got the little uh under my cursor there you have the way the um you know what i mean what's it called automation curve tool there you go okay so you're gonna do shift control and you'll see the automation curve tool pop up under my cursor and then you can go ahead and start messing around with it that way and do the curve all right this next one is a way to basically copy and anything and everything you want so if you do option click on something and hold down option and hold down the click it will allow you to just like create copies of stuff which is really cool this works in virtually anything actually this is kind of like an apple thing in general so what's cool is if we open up our our uh mixing window here you could do the same thing for plugins so let's say that i want to add a plugin to a different thing you can just literally option click drag i don't actually want to do that though the next one is a way to actually turn off multiple plugins very quickly so like right here i've got this vocal chain so rather than going in and being like i'm just going to turn everything off here all this stuff instead you can do option and then click and drag look at that you can just turn everything off it's just awesome super fast boom love it all right the next one is to learn automation so you can learn automation by going up here and you know of course going to control surfaces learn assignment for show hide or whatever but instead what you can do is very very simple so let's say we want to do some sort of like a filter here so let's say we want to do a low pass filter so i can go ahead and move that parameter that you want and you're going to do command l and then what i'm going to do is now it's in learn mode i'm going to then move one of the parameters on my midi controller ready for this let's see i'm going to use this one there we go so all i did was move it and then boom it's learned so then now every time i use this on my controller you'll see there we go very very simple so literally all you do is again one more time you move whatever parameter it is you do command l it's going to make it learn and then do some parameter on or some control on your controller and then now we've got that one which is not one i would actually want to do so i can always just reassign that there you go all right and the very last one is a way to actually copy your channel settings and then paste it so say i've got this uh channel setting right here with all the stuff let's say that i wanted to create another audio track with the exact same settings now first off you could just do command d which would duplicate that boom i guess that was an extra one for you but let's just say we had an entire new audio uh track here and i just want to take the settings from this one and just place it on here what you would do is you go to this track do option command c it's going to copy it go down here and then do option command v and then it will literally copy those exact same settings over there so hey if you haven't already done so you need to make sure you subscribe to the channel click the bell for notifications i'm going to be uploading at least once a week and hey maybe down the road i'll you know do more than one video a week could happen
Channel: Nathan James Larsen
Views: 9,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x shortcuts, shortcuts in logic pro x, shortcuts in logic pro, 28 shortcuts in logic pro x, shortcuts in logic to speed up workflow, speed up workflow in logic pro, logic pro x tutorial shortcuts, shortcuts in logic pro x tutorial, nathan larsen, nathan larsen tutorial, music production in logic pro x shortcuts, hot keys in logic pro x, hotkeys in logic pro x, command keys in logic pro x, key commands in logic pro x, keyboard commands in logic pro x, logic pro command
Id: Y8Sj5mvIXIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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