28 Minutes Worth of REAL Life Horror Stories, Photos & Videos...

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[Music] from tragic events to hauntings murders to miracles the world is full of sometimes moving often strange and unexplained events while in this video we'll be looking at a collection of 21 stories videos and photographs that we know will chill you to the core and leave you wondering now before we begin we just like to say that if you enjoy our videos and find value in our work consider supporting us over on patreon lots of our videos are not ad friendly and thanks to the patreon we're able to keep covering the topics you love despite youtube's ad rules not liking them not only will you be supporting our channel but you'll also get access to all of our exclusive full-length documentaries like our most recent minds of madness on christopher dunch or our most recent murderous minds on edmund kemper the co-ed killer all for just two dollars a month and you can cancel anytime you want we also want to remind you all that as has always been the case if you genuinely cannot afford two dollars a month we offer all of our patreon exclusive content for free no questions asked we understand times are tough and not everyone can afford it so if you cannot just drop us an email to patreon at top5s.com to see our content for free thanks everyone for supporting and now it's time to hit those lights sit back and enjoy borg wadnet vicarage the old vicarage was built in the village of borgvadnet in 1876 and is said to be one of the most haunted houses in sweden in 1927 chaplain nils headland reported the first incident when he witnessed his laundry being ripped off the washing line by an invisible presence in the 30s another minister saw an old woman appear and disappear in front of him as he followed her his successor and his wife had many paranormal experiences involving poltergeist activity a lady who stayed as a guest was awakened to find three women sitting there watching her while she slept in 1945 the pastor eric lindgren kept the journal to record the many experiences that he had in the house he was regularly thrown from his chair and had many other supernatural encounters the hauntings have continued up until the present day the vicarage is now run as a restaurant and guest house where those brave enough can stay the night we'd love to know if any of you have ever visited and if so let us know what it was like fat man this unsettling photograph from 1945 shows physicist harold agnew who worked on the manhattan project he appeared to be quite relaxed and is smiling no one would imagine that he was holding the plutonium core of one of the most devastating weapons in the world the atomic bomb named fatman was detonated over the japanese city of nagasaki on august 9 1945 and was responsible for 80 000 deaths weighing 14 pounds fat man was the second nuclear bomb to be used in wartime little boy was the first five-turn atomic bomb that the u.s dropped on the city of hiroshima three days after fatman was deployed japan surrendered to the allied forces effectively bringing world war ii to an end [Music] the belanger sisters two canadian sisters audrey and naomi belanger aged 20 and 26 were found dead in their hotel room under mysterious circumstances in june 2012 they were staying at the popular thai resort of paipai it is known for its beauty and was featured in the movie the beach starring leonardo dicaprio the resort is also notorious for its wild nightlife the sisters were found covered in vomit with their fingernails and toenails tinged with blue there was no sign of violence or trauma on their bodies several other people have died around southeast asia since 2009 in similar circumstances coincidentally many of them were women there has been a great deal of speculation over these deaths maybe someone had spiked their drinks was it an allergic reaction or some deadly form of food poisoning or even a serial killer one theory is that they inhaled phosphine gas released by the pesticide d-e-t it is known to have been used in asia to kill bed bugs and for that reason it could have been sprayed in the girls rooms the hexam heads in 1971 in the back garden of a northumberland house in england two young boys found two very odd carvings of stone heads each head was small enough to fit in the palm of a hand and the heads were a pale green gray color containing quartz crystals almost immediately the family was plagued by poltergeist activity which was also experienced by the family next door at one point they saw the manifestation of a wolf-like man in their home who seemed to be searching for something the heads were passed on to archaeologist dr anne ross she believed the heads to be celtic in origin and was visited by the six-foot werewolf herself could the wolf man have been a caretaker for the mysterious heads the hexam heads were kept at newcastle university where more supernatural events were said to occur they were then passed on to another man and have subsequently disappeared salfortaro just one of a number of volcanoes to the west of naples in italy salvatara is a popular tourist destination the volcanic crater floor is said to be a beautiful site with many mud pools and vents the last known eruption of the dormant volcano was in 1198 but the shallow crater is still quite hot magma bubbles below the surface and there are emissions of steam and fumes from the boiling sulfur inside while in september of 2017 a couple took their two sons to see the attraction the older boy slipped and fell into a hole as the ground cracked beneath his feet desperately trying to help him his father also fell into the pit as did his mother who went to the aid of them both all three were tragically overcome by fumes and lost consciousness because of the poisonous gas only the traumatized younger child who was seven escaped to safety and was later reunited with his grandparents it goes to show not just how beautiful but how unforgiving and deadly nature can be katazina zawada in november 1998 katazina was studying in krakow poland when she went missing in january of 1999 the captain of the elk was sailing on the vestula river when he realized that something was wrapped around the tugboat's propeller blades the object causing the problem looked like a long rubber band closer inspection revealed that there was a human ear attached to it it was the skin of the student katazina she had been flayed alive even more disturbing was the fact that the skin appeared to have been prepared in such a way that it could be worn as a suit at first vladimir w was suspected of her murder he killed his own father and made him a cop mask from the dead man's skin and sculpt but there was no connection of his involvement with katazina's death it wasn't until the year 2017 that an arrest was made 52 year old robert janskusi knew the victim visited her grave and had a history of harassment towards women he had previously worked at the zoology institute in krakow where he had experience in dissection and the preparation of animal skins he has been detained while more evidence is currently being gathered the timothy treadwell tape timothy was a passionate environmentalist and had a strong desire to co-exist with nature he found a bear protection group called grizzly people and in 2003 he traveled to the catmine national park in alaska with his girlfriend amy timothy kept diaries photographed and filmed footage of his many expeditions he had previously visited the area and stayed there every summer for 13 years he was convinced that he could coexist with the native coastal brown bears and believed they were accepting of his presence the couple was still at the park that's autumn in 2003. at that time of year the bears are particularly aggressive as they try and feed as much as possible before hibernation in the winter months well you can guess what happened unfortunately the couple were attacked by a large male bear they were both killed and almost completely eaten the video camera recovered at the site contained six minutes of audio tape of their horrific deaths the german film director werner herzog made a documentary about timothy's life and can be seen speaking to timothy's friend jule palavok and warning her to never listen to the audio footage of the attack the audio has and probably never will be released to the public the lemp family curse german immigrant adam lemp brewed fantastic lager and made himself into a millionaire from the sale of it in 1862 adam died and his son william continued to run and expand the thriving business he brought in new technology for refrigeration and bottling as well as building a magnificent mansion in saint louis missouri for his wife julia and family to enjoy the couple had six children and william's fourth and favorite son frederick was being prepared to take over the reins of the business but frederick became very ill and died of heart failure in 1901 at the age of just 28. william was devastated and mourned the loss of his son deeply when his close friend also died three years later william committed suicide with a shotgun the eldest son billy took over running the brewery but despite producing a non-alcoholic beer in the 1920s the company was unable to continue through prohibition and billy shot himself in his office at the family mansion his sister alsa was also thought to have shot herself though some believe her death was suspicious also marriage was volatile and it's possible she was murdered the third son of william lemp charles lemp first shot his dog and then himself in 1949 a truly horrible story of one family's tragedy la pascualita in march of 1930 a new mannequin appeared in the shop window of pascuala esparza's bridal boutique in mexico and people began to talk about the model as it appeared far more lifelike than any shop mannequin should be her face was expressive with rosy cheeks clear eyes and thick eyelashes her hands were highly detailed and there are even varicose veins on her legs but what spooked most of the locals was how much the mannequin looked like the owner's deceased daughter and just before the figure appeared pascuala's daughter had died on her wedding day she was bitten and poisoned by a black widow spider is it possible that her mother overcome by grief embalmed her body and placed her in her wedding dress the shop has changed hands over the years but every owner has insisted on keeping the model many people are convinced that they have seen the mannequin move and some say they've seen it cry the strange incident at barcelona airport in 1976 a couple were about to embark on an easter holiday they arrived at the airport with their young daughter and their nanny the father left his family to go and collect the plane tickets and on his return his wife was alone because their nanny had taken their daughter to the restroom but time passed the nani and her ward did not return and security was alerted the airport was searched but no trace of the missing pair could be found an old lady told the mother that she needed to pray for the return of her daughter then she vanished into the crowd suddenly the daughter and nanny appeared sitting right next to the couple when the nanny was asked where they had been she was incredulous and said they had been sitting there the whole time the family boarded the plane but the nanny became frantic mid-flight and had to be restrained with the holiday abandoned the family returned home and the nanny was admitted to hospital where she was heavily sedated under the care of clinical hypnotist francesco ravatti the nanny claimed that she had heard an unpleasant sounding male voice that had summoned her at the airport ravati found that a powerful post-hypnotic block had been put in place and when he tried to push her beyond that point the nanny became hysterical all further investigations were dropped in fear for the nani sanity and no further explanations were ever given the pteranodon photo the tyrannodon was a species of flying reptile belonging to the class of teterosaurs which we recently did a documentary on over on our dinosaur discovery channel they lived in some areas of north america during the late cretaceous period about 79 million years ago in these areas of the u.s sightings of enormous birds have been reported for over 200 years they are seen so frequently that the creatures have been nicknamed thunderbirds a word taken from the mythology of the native americans during the 1950s a strange photograph was published which shows some american civil war soldiers standing around the carcass of an enormous bird it is said to have been shot down in 1864 near vicksburg mississippi the photo was published long before the internet and photoshop were a thing to complicate matters another similar photograph appeared which was an obvious fake and undermine the validity of the original but what do you think of the original is it real or a fake salish seafood mystery on the 20th of august 2007 a young girl was visiting jedediah island british columbia in canada when she came across a blue and white size 12 adidas running shoe containing a sock inside the sock was a man's right foot but that macabre find was just the start as of january 1st 2019 another 20 feet have been found washed up on the coasts of either british columbia or washington state and it also happened way back in 1887 when a foot was found on the shores of vancouver the place where it was discovered was named legend boot square and in 1914 a leg was found inside a boot at the mouth of the salmon river today there has been a great deal of speculation as to the origin of the salish seafood ocean currents can carry items over tremendous distances a human foot could float as far as a thousand miles victims of plane crashes or boating accidents have been put forward as reasons for the fines other theories include people who died in the 2004 asian tsunami or a serial killer as being responsible [Music] plum island situated off the coast of long island new york plum island is just three miles long and one mile wide it is owned by the u.s government and has been the subject of many conspiracy theories the island was bought in 1659 by the governor of connecticut from the wyandak the local ruling native chieftain of long island the price was 100 fish hooks a coat and a barrel of biscuits it was owned by more than 20 families before being bought by the government in 1899 for 90 000 in 1954 the department of agriculture created the plum island animal disease centre studies held there were said to be for the benefit of ranchers farmers and national food supply because of the nature of the research access to the island is strictly off limits the department of homeland security took over all facilities in 2003. the conspiracy theories have probably emerged because the place is shrouded in so much secrecy and several strange creatures have washed up on the shores around the island over the years like the famous montauk monster are these creatures failed animal experiments that the government does not want us to know that are currently being held on plum island what do you think [Music] the miracle of the sun in may of 1917 three portuguese peasant children were tending to their family's flock of sheep when apparently the blessed virgin mary appeared to them three times the apparition frequently returned to the children over the next few months on one of the appearances she told the children a secret in three parts and said that she will provide a miracle at noon on the 13th of october so that everyone will believe in her up to one hundred thousand people gathered in the cove at the ira fields of fatima in portugal to witness the events according to observers after some rainfall the dark clouds parted and the ground became immediately dry the sun appeared to be zig-zagging and dancing about in the sky there were brilliant lights that cast multi-coloured rays across the people and the landscape the miracle of the sun was declared to be of supernatural character worthy of belief by the church the falling soldier this photograph was taken by robert kappa on september 5th 1936 at the beginning of the spanish civil war it made the 25 year old kappa famous and he was named the greatest war photographer in the world but the image has created a great deal of speculation it was thought to show the death of a republican soldier but the man was later thought to be an anarchist militia man named federico bereal garcia many claim that the photograph was staged and not caught during fighting as kappa claimed according to some the landscape doesn't fit with the narrative that it was taken at the battle side of cyril murano and was taken 30 miles away in espanol miles away from any fighting we'd need to do a deep dive on this one we'd love to hear your thoughts the akkad is our voodoo fetish market in a place where practitioners of the voodoo religion can find anything that they could possibly want the market is held every day in lone the capital city of togo although voodoo is usually associated with the caribbean country of haiti it was derived from the religion followed in several west african countries the market is an open-air pharmacy full of macabre ingredients that can be used in voodoo healing there are dead cobras chimpanzee hands crocodile heads hyena skulls and other animals in all various stages of decay all piled up in scary-looking displays for practitioners of voodoo every animal whether alive or dead is considered divine and powerful these animal parts can be used in talesmans or ground up and mixed with herbs for use in powders for medicines there are charms for everything from infertility to curing a cold or even removing a curse for the unaccustomed the smell is said to be overwhelming lake pino disaster in 1980 on the morning of the 21st november a team of texaco oil riggers were drilling on the lake when the drill seized up when trying to free the device there were a series of loud popping noises and the platform began to tilt towards the water alarmed the seven-man crew quickly got off the platform and scrambled to the shore it took just one and a half hours for the 150 foot high rig to disappear below the water it was astonishing as the lake had an average depth of only three feet unknowingly the men had drilled into the main shaft of the diamond crystal salt mine its tunnels ran beneath the rock under the lake lake water gushed into the mine but luckily all 55 miners were able to escape as everything was sucked into the largest man-made whirlpool in history a tugboat a parking lot a dock and a chunk of nearby island all got sucked into the void now the lake is filled with brackish water because of the salt mine and the once three foot deep freshwater lake is now the deepest lake in louisiana with a depth of 200 feet the mystery man of nova scotia in september 1863 a young boy made a shocking discovery on the beach of digby neck he found a young man with no legs semi-conscious on the sand the stranger was terrified when the townsmen tried to help him and tried to crawl back towards the sea soaking wet he was finally taken to the home of the albrights he slowly recuperated but remained ill-humoured and only uttered a few incoherent words one of those words was interpreted as jerome and the name stuck the wounds from his amputated legs were completely healed long before he was found no one knew who he was and jerome either wouldn't or couldn't say it turned out they'd been found earlier in chipman new brunswick he was dying in the woods from hypothermia after falling into the icy river his legs badly frostbitten the local surgeon had to amputate them and the man became a disliked member of the community because of his sudden personality he was supposed to be shipped off to liverpool but ended up being dumped in nova scotia instead despite having this additional information the identity of jerome remains a mystery no one ever knew where he really came from or why he was in new brunswick [Music] ufos that burn for the humans that claim to have encountered ufos most of the sightings are painless but sometimes people have been known to get hurt in 1980 vicki landrum 57 and her grandson colby who was seven were returning home to dayton texas with vicky's friend betty cash the trio noticed a glowing object in the sky it was a massive blue diamond hovering with huge red flames shooting down to the road betty got out of the car and went to take a look she felt her eyes beginning to burn but couldn't turn away and the ufo held all three of them there entranced for 15 minutes once they got home they all began to be sick their skin turned bright red and their eyes began to weep and burn betty found large lumps forming on her body she had an excruciating headache and her hair began to fall out vicki also suffered similarly and had to be admitted to hospital her skin peeled off like that of a burns victim and there were blisters all over her body during hypnosis by a professor from wyoming university vicky was found to be a reliable witness further testing revealed that all three witnesses were suffering from radiation poisoning [Music] the pennsylvania dutch hex in murder 1920s hex holloway york county pennsylvania was the home of nelson rama pow wow was still practiced in the area by the pennsylvania dutch this form of folk magic had grown from the 1820 book the long lost friend by german writer john george holman the book contained a collection of remedies spells and talesmans to cure illness and lift misfortune after being translated into english it was renamed powwows john bleimer was advised by nelly noll the local witch to get a lock of nelson's hair and burn his copy of the book nelly said it was the only way that john's curse could be lifted he was obsessed with hexes and had even spent time in an insane asylum for treatment but when john broke into nelson's home with his accomplice he couldn't find the book and nelson was killed in the struggle nelson was doused in petrol and set on fire mysteriously the flames went out meaning that the perpetrators were soon caught and sentenced to life imprisonment oyo verde on the 5th of february 1923 the boat from the neighboring town of hoyo verde brazil was due to arrive carrying its usual daily shipment of trading goods but it never arrived the villagers decided to go out and find what was the problem at arrival at hoya verde dock they were struck by how quiet and eerie things were the trading boats stood fully laden still tied down on venturing further into the town the mystery deepened all the houses were empty and everyone had just vanished an investigation was begun by the police which led them to the school a gun was found on the ground outside that had been recently fired and on a chalkboard in the school the phrase there is no salvation was written many theories have been debated over the years had the citizens been evacuated because of guerrilla warfare had they left in fear of something supernatural or were they abducted by aliens the podcaster hector navarro believes that he has found the solution to the mystery he traced the origins of the story back through several websites until he eventually came across an article from the russian newspaper pravda dated april 2004 the piece is titled black holes devour people it discusses hoya verde as well as other mass disappearances navarro claims that 95 percent of the information in the article is untrue according to him residents of hoya verde never disappeared because they never existed but there are always going to be people who asked the question where did they get the information for this article in the first place and what really happened to the residents of hawaii verde so that's it for this video we hope you enjoyed and if you'd like us to go in depth on any of these 20 topics then let us know which ones in the comment section below thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Top5s
Views: 412,078
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Id: GqszVzaRAh4
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Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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