2.6.6 Packet Tracer - Verify Single-Area OSPFv2

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verify single area ospf version 2 addressing table 4 routers isp cloud three pcs and one laptop okay this is the this is the isp cloud verify the existing ospf version to network operation use all these commands okay for example on r1 verify command line enter and verify ospf version 2 operation [Music] wait until stp has converted on the network okay wait for all indicators on green green triangles okay if you have amber or orange indicators wait a moment okay you need all in green and log into router r1 using the username branch admin case sensitive and password branch1234 on r1 enter username branch admin case sensitive and password branch one two three and four enter okay now you are on privilege excellent mode show ip root show ip root enter space okay the output this is the output how did router 1 receive the the for root is the default route and using ospf okay candidate for default route okay e2 is ospf external type 2. okay so the answer is the default route was learned through ospf okay from which router did r1 receive the default route okay the default route via one721632 and 172 1632 is serial 0 interface on r2 serial 0 0 interface on r2 so the answer here is from router r2 how can you filter the output of show ipro to show only the roots learned through ospf okay go to r1 and use this command show it be root space ospf enter and you will see only ospf entries ospf roots o okay if you use only show ip root you will see a directly connected networks local networks ospf with show root ospf you will only see ospf routes and another way to do this is uh show ip root the pipe and include okay sensitive capital o for ospf enter okay and you will see all lines that includes the o okay including this line oh very good that's a good show ip usb of neighbor owner one show ipo spf naij or editor you have two nighthorse r2 and r3 okay for r1 night horse r2 and r3 ospf night wars which routers have format adjacencies with router r1 r2 and r3 what are the router ids and state of the router show in the command output okay go to r1 okay this is the id for r222 and this is the id for r3 very good and the state is full okay in both cases the estate is full are all the adjacent routers shown in the output okay yes yes using the command prompt on pc1 ping the address of isp router shown in the addressing table okay go to pc1 desktop command prompt and ping the isp router isp router this is the address 64-150 5 ping 64 154 5 enter success is it successful the answer is yes successful if not look uh clear ospf process command on the routers and repeat the ping command verify spf version 2 operation on r2 log into router r2 using the username branch admin and the password branch1234 okay go to r2 command line interface username branch admin enter password branch one two three four enter shall i be root show iproot enter space okay the road in table and verify that routes to all networks in the topology are shown in the routing table directly connected networks with letter c one two three four four directly connected networks for r2 one two three and four very good go to r2 again and ospf ospf root one two three three ospf roots one two three very good and a static route to reach the internet or isp how did router are to learn the default route to the isp okay this is the default static route okay letter s for static okay and this character candidate default okay is a study root okay so the answer is it was statically configured by the administrator it's a static default route show ip or spf interface gigabit zero zero on router r2 okay review this interface you go with zero zero on router r2 so i i ib or spf interface gigabit interface zero zero enter what type of ospf network is attached to this interface network type broadcast our ospf hello packets being sent out this interface explain no hellos passive interface okay so the answer is no the interface is configured as a passive interface in ospf using the pc2 being serial 01 address on router r3 okay from bc to bing serial zero zero one address on r3 and serial zero zero one address on r3 is 192.168.1010 okay go go to pc2 dac stop coming from and ping 182 168 10 10 enter and success very nice is it successful the answer is yes verify ospf version 2 operation on r3 okay go to r3 double click on r3 command line interface enter enable show ip protocols show ap protocols router r3 is routing for which networks okay routing networks wildcard mask area 0 180 168 104 wildcard mask area 0 180 168 108 wildcard mask and areas hero show ipo spf knight for detail so ap ospf nay or detect enter space what is the network priority shown for the ospf network routers this value is the default okay 94 this is the id for r2 this network [Music] and network priority is zero the another knife for for r1 knight for priority is zero using the command prompt on pc3 pick the address of the isp router okay access pc3 desktop column prompt and isp 64 154 five ping 64 154 okay uh speak space on the ipls okay success is it successful yes add the new branch office log to the ospf version 2 network you will not add the pre-configured branch office down to the ospf version 2 network okay this this branch the r4 local area network verify ospf version 2 configuration on router r4 show running config pipe begin router spf command on router r4 go to r4 r4 command line interface enter enable show running config pipe filter the section that begins begin with keyword router ospf ospf another okay and you will see this output rather ospf tank process id 10 browser id 4 passive interface you could be 0 001 passive interface you could be 0 001 to network statements very good verify that the network statements are present for the networks that are configured on the router okay two network statements this is a local area network is 192.168.110 okay local area network and the connection to the router r3 is the network 1816a10 the connection between r3 and r4 will be this network one zero which interface is configured to not send ospf update packets okay passive interface is jiggly001 the answer is uv zero zero one connect the branch office router r4 to the ospf version two network using the correct attract cable connect the gigabit zero zero zero interface on router r4 to the gigabit zero one interface on switch s3 okay use uh go to connections use a scope straight through cable and from gigabit zero zero zero on r4 to gigabit zero one on s3 use the show ip ospf 94 command to verify that router r4 is now at jason with router r3 okay but wait for the green indicator here the green triangle okay now is green and go to r4 enter space okay and okay and you can see this lock there is some ospf at the ascension process id tank the nightborne is r3 and full very good um gigabit zero zero zero okay on this interface gigabit zero zero zero and r4 the the adjacency with r3 ospf at the snc go to r4 and verify show ip spf nay enter okay and you have one knife or this r3 one made for r3 what state is displayed for router r3 okay go to r4 state is full and the designated router so on this multi-access network on switch s3 the designated router is the r3 router show ip ospf network command on r3 go to r3 okay to r3 enter enable show ip or spf neighbor enter now you have three neighbors r4 r2 r1 r r4 r2 r1 okay before on show ipo spf 94 detail before were r2 and r1 only but now additional r4 determine the state of router r4 r4 the full backup designated router what is the state of router r4 different than the state of r1 and r2 okay r4 is full but backup designated router are too full r1 full and the answer is because the ospf network tie between r1 and r2 is point to point there is no ospf selection r4 is on the same ethernet and network segment as router r3 so the ospf network type is broadcast and there is an ospf election when more than one router is located on a multi-access network segment only one router the designated router dr sends ospf version 2 updates the second router in this case r4 becomes the backup designated router bpr can take over if the designated router fails okay so r4 okay r4 and r3 are placed on the same multi-access network on the same ethernet network so in this case the network type is broadcast so that's why there is an election with another connections the serial connections from r3 to r1 and r3 to r2 these connections are our point to point okay and now election using the government prompt i'm laptop pick the address of pc2 okay access laptop desktop command prompt ping pc2 pc2 ip address is 172 16 2 2 172 16 2 2 enter the answer is is it successful the answer is yes completion 100 thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 2,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ensa, enterprise networking, security, automation, ccna, version 7, ccna 7, ospfv2, ospf, ospf routes, routing table, show ip route, show ip ospf interface, show ip ospf neighbor
Id: wud4mbZfGxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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