2.5.3 Packet Tracer - Propagate a Default Route in OSPFv2

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propagate a default route in ospf version two addressing table three routers three pcs and web server okay three routers three pcs one pc on each local area network and the server on the internet and propagate a default route test connectivity to the web server from pc1 pc2 and pc3 attempt to bring the web server ip address 64 10112 and go to pc1 and desktop command prompt ping to the web server 64 101 to 64 that 101 that to enter destination host unreachable okay pc2 desktop command prompt in 64 101.2 and destination cost on rachel okay request timeout this destination first of all hmm and from pc3 also i expect the same result okay i think 64 1012 destination host on rachel were any of the pings successful now message did you receive and which device issued the message okay for example from pc1 click here the message is a destination host ritual and the reply is from the 132 16 1 1 and 172 1611 is the is the ip address of gigabit zero zero on r1 on r1 the gigabit zero zero so so the reply is from r1 okay r1 and on pc2 the simulation cost enrichable in the ip address is 172 16 to 1 172 16 to 1 is the gigabit zero zero r2 okay for pc2 the repo the replay is from gigabit zero zero on r2 and on pc3 182.168.11 the simulation has congregable 192.168.11 provides from okay from r3 from r3 to pc3 examine the routing tables and routers r1 r2 and r3 okay go to r1 command line interface and show the routing table enter enable show ip root space okay and you will see this message get way of last resort is not set okay you can see the directly connected networks three directly connected networks okay one two and three okay four ospf neighbors one two three four four ospf ni force okay one two three and four okay but you need an additional route to reach the web server additional road okay because gateway of last resort is not set okay go to r2 command line interface enter enable show iproot gateway of last resort is not set r3 command line interface enter enable show ap root okay gateway of last resort is not set statement is present in the routing tables that indicates that the pings to the web server will fail gateway of last resort is not set on r1 r2 and r3 configure the forward on r2 configure r2 with directly attached default route to the internet okay directly attach it means to use the local interface on r2 okay this local interface serial 0 1 0 serial 0 1 0 and the default route quad 0 we go to r2 and go to global configuration configure terminal in global configuration mode like period the default static route and serial 0 1 0 okay serial 0 1 zero okay to reach this this this network internet enter okay don't worry about this message okay router will give a warning that this interface is not a point-to-point connection this may impact performance you can ignore this warning because it is a point-to-point connection okay don't worry and propagate the root in ospf configure ospf to propagate the default root in ospf routing updates okay on r2 router ospf 1 to enter the process okay go to r2 okay you are on global configuration mode and access router ospf one process okay or spf 1 okay this process exists and it's configured on the on all routers okay and okay default dash information space originate default dash information space originates enter okay very good and exit okay and you configure this on r2 okay be careful the configuration is on r2 and r2 will propagate this default route to r1 and r3 using the ospf process okay the using the ospf protocol and examine the routing tables on r1 and r3 okay first examine the r2 rounding table okay exit show ip root on privilege excel mode and you will see this additional static route you configure it okay it's a static okay a static using this symbol and this symbol is a candidate to default default route okay very good and review on r1 interface the routing table show ip root enter space and you will see this o is a ospf route okay so this this default route is learned using ospf and e2 and also designable okay designable candidate to default and e2 is ospf external type 2 okay very good and go to r3 verify the routing table show ip root space all the symbol e2 okay o is ospf route the cyborg candidate to the fall route and e2 ospf external type 2 very good so this this route is learned using the ospf protocol verify connectivity verify pc1 pc2 and pc3 can ping the web server before the ping from pc1 to the web server fails destination hosting reachable and repeat ping ping to the web server success success pc2 okay before the ping fails destination has been reachable but repeat the command ping 64 1012 success um from pc3 ping failed and repeat the comment and now success okay compression 100 thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 1,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ensa, enterprise networking, security, automation, ccna, version 7, ccna 7, ospfv2, ospf, default route, default information originate, propagate default route, external type 2
Id: cLngXu82h44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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