Packet Tracer - Using File and Data Integrity Checks

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file and data integrity checks addressing table ftp web server this private ip address this public ip addressing name let's place it on metropolis bank here on this cloud the backup file server with public ip addressing name place it on the internet here on this cloud mic is a user with private ip address place it on health care at home this cloud suddenly another user with private ipads on metropolis bank here on this cloud and bob with this private ip address metropolis bank also here on metropolis [Music] you will verify integrity of multiple files using hashes to ensure files have not been tampered with if any files are suspected of being tampered with they are to be sent to solis pc for further analysis download the client files to mike's pc access the ftp server from mike's pc okay gotham healthcare here in this cloud click here and mike's pc here desktop browser okay and enter cisco.com and under http column slash tribalwcisco.com column slash type w c score.core okay go wait a moment okay welcome to cisco.com file server download our most current files here click here what protocol was used what protocol was used to access this webpage on the backup file server okay http is not secure the file server has been hacked notification go to healthcare branch site pc mic okay hide this you are on goton healthcare branch okay go down healthcare branch and okay this pc the design pc desktop email close web browser email create an email and send it to sally cisco.com compose to sally cisco.com and tell her about the file server okay by server hacker okay server okay hello the file server is hacked great sign success download the client files from the backup file server to myxpc access the off-site ftp server from mike's pc okay hi this go down healthcare pc mic okay go downhill design pc mic desktop web browser okay close this [Music] close this go browser and enter to the another server https okay is secure and column slash slash triple w cisco two dot core http s column slash slash driver w c score two dot corp go okay backup file server okay and this server contains hashes for the most recent files placed on ftp server click to the link click here what protocol was you set to access this web page on the backup file server https this is secure what are the file names and hashes of the client files on the backup server this the the file and the hash file and hash hold this download the client files to my xpc go to healthcare branch site pc mic okay this pc desktop command prompt command prompt backup file server ftp triple w cisco 2.0 okay ftp www.cisco2.com enter username mike says password cisco one two three my cisco one two three enter log it in here to verify there and these are the files on the server you can see the txt files and other files okay another txt file and download the six client files hanging clients and w clients and clients sp clients as w clients and as clients to max pc by entering the command get file name okay download these files one two three four five six get any clients dot txt enter transfer complete nw nw clients success and clients success and sd clients and success as w clients success and as clients success okay quit quit on comma prompt verify with there now you can see the files six files one two three four five six six files verify the integrity of the client files using hashing check the hashes on the client files on mike's pc we then go down healthcare pc mic okay again this pc desktop close this and desktop text editor file open open any clients and remember the name and e-clients and e-clients okay and copy all this copy and not on packet raiser a web browser use https slash slash type w tools for noobs dot com online underscore tools slash hash slash enter paste okay and be sure okay be sure there is a space at beginning and a space at the end okay a blank line at the beginning and a blank line at the end okay and hash this and you have this result 68 fb okay to make sure a file has not been tampered with you will compare the resulting hash with the file name hash information you found in part two step one okay part two step one go to triple w cisco2.com okay https close the text editor web browser okay http as column slash triple w c score 2 dot core go click on the link and remember the the file was n e clients and this is the hash 6 c8 fv okay at the end caf 6 c 8 f b 6 nine i at the end c a f very good match okay okay the file has not been tempered this is okay okay close this and text editor open a new file nw remember the name and w okay copy all these okay nw file okay refresh this paste okay be sure blank line at the beginning at the end hash this and the and the result is dda day at the end b3 b6 okay uh go to web browser https column slash slash type w c score to that core enter click on the link remember nw ddaa at the end b3 b6 okay dd8a b3 eb6 okay very good match okay the file has not been tempered so continue with text editor the third file and clients remember the name and clients copy all these refresh okay and paste in this case a blank line at beginning with no blank line at the end no black line at the end has this and the result is 6 5 f5 and at the end two three b okay and close this and web browser https column slash type w c square 2 dot cor enter click on the link and remember the this name and clients 6 5 f 5 at the end 2 3b six five f5 at the end two three very good match the file has not been tampered next se clients.txt okay copy all this okay refresh paste okay be sure a blank line at beginning blank line at the end has this 9i d4 at the end four zero one five https www.csgo2.com enter click here sa clients for a d7 at the end b2f okay in this case in this case is 99d4 at the end four zero one five okay and this file has been tampered with okay this file has been tabled okay close this and open this sw clients okay remember the name sw clients okay copy all these okay refresh paste blank line at beginning black line at the end blank line at beginning blank line at the end hash this sees here c20203 at the end c378 go to web browser http enter click on the link and remember the name sw clients c202 03 and at the end c378 c202 03 at the end c378 okay match the file has not been temporary okay text editor open and finally remember the name as clients only as clients okay and copy this refresh paste at the beginning blank line blank line at beginning no black no blank line at the end hash this a a b id one zero a two https column slash w cisco two dot corp enter click on the link and remember the name as clients abad1082 abad1082 match this file has not been tempered very nice and which file has been tampered with and has an incorrect hash okay the file was this file s e clients dot txt download the suspected file to sally's pc metropolis bank hq okay go back here go to metropolis bank to to this cloud click here go to sally pc this this pc desktop comprompt and the backup file server connect to the backup file server entering ftpw.cisco2.com ftp triple w cisco2.core enter okay sully password cisco one two three sadly enter cisco one two three login in success here to verify okay these are the files on the server including the txt files download the file that was found to have been tampered with okay this is the file se clients.txt and use the get command get se client clients.txt okay sorry s e get space s e client the txt enter okay transfer complete quit from quit from ftp then on comma prompt zero to verify there okay and you have this file on sales pcs on sally's pc okay secrets.txt okay verify the integrity of critical files using hmac compute the hmac of a critical file metropolis bank hq pc bob metropolis bank hq pc bob this is the box pc click here desktop command prompt here to verify and you have the income.txt file and go to desktop text editor file open open this incom.txt open okay and look at the contents copy the entire text okay copy go to the following side http column slash type lw free format there there.com hmac dash generator dot html and okay paste okay all the contents no blank line at beginning no blank line at the end enter a secret key the secret key is cisco123 and algorithm sha cisco 123 algorithm sh a 1 compute hvac okay this is the computed hmac what is the computed hmac for the contents of the file one 1v319bc at the end for 6dd33 how is using hmac more secure than general hashing to produce a specific hash you need bought the original message and a secret key the hmac includes a secret key verify metropolis bank hq site okay this pc again web browser okay https www.cisco2.com https column slash triple w cisco2.com enter go to the link those the hm hash for the income txt file match okay and this is the file in com.ext and the hash is 1b319bc at the end for 6dd33 1b31 now abc at the end for 6dd 33 okay match match yes completion 70 of 70. thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 1,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cybersecurity, essentials, integrity, hash, hmac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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