25 YEARS OF X GAMES | World of X Games

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I'm your host Jack Matt Ronnie and today we celebrate x-games 25th anniversary we could not be more excited to share and celebrate these incredible milestones of action sports right here right now [Music] [Applause] what is going on beggars go home [Applause] the game has changed I don't believe what I have seen [Applause] [Music] and welcome to the first extreme games along with Suzy Culver I'm Chris fallow 1995 first extreme game I really didn't know what to think of it the extreme games man it changed my life when I first started seeing that I thought it was the coolest thing ever damn I need to be there there's nothing like X Games X Games is like it kind of stands on its own I knew that's what I wanted to do man X Games is older than me my father came on you saw these like multi-coloured ramps and just like craziness it was just rock climbing bungee jumping sky surfing eco-challenge it was just like how did these all fit together and I just remember being fascinated that like there was a whole thing that was on TV that was dedicated to our world that you know before that was literally the only people who cared about it with it with us we are just as curious as you are with the next week we'll bring we think if you keep an open mind though you'll be impressed by these extreme athletes the idea really came from noticing how much of a movement there was going on in youth culture bringing these sports together under a big umbrella of competition as well as culture to showcase these tremendous abilities Justin Sears the first-ever Street champion basically the idea was to create the Olympics of extreme sports in the beginning I thought that the X Games were the worst idea ever especially since the person was called the extreme games like the idea of what they were trying to do take the sports that we loved and make the competitions more mainstream they definitely had growing pains ESPN had some things they needed to figure out you know between the color of the ramps and Xtreme everywhere and the colors and graphics it was it was a tough watch all the broadcaster's that they had and he got sticking ball guys and they're forced to try to like adapt I got the call I was explained to me they would like me to co-host these extreme games had no background in extreme sports it times it felt like we were just flying by the seat of our pants making it up as we went along producer Dan steer would be putting in the rundown but things were changing so fast and most of the time we were live doing events that no one had ever covered from being kind of a ragtag operation early on quickly expanded production became much more polished and it became much more comfortable doing the job the extreme this is it this is badass it's overnight became the most important thing that you could do if you wanted to make it in your sport this is the place where people are going to go and they're gonna save their tricks and they're gonna train for and they're gonna put together a run that hopefully the whole world is gonna see that's going to elevate their sport and elevate them and their careers and an opportunity to just go to become a household name Dave Mirra was a he was like the poster child for BMX freestyle at X Games I don't think there was any one person in this world that would watch axiom that didn't know who Dave was every X Games it was like if he was gonna win gold it was like how many gold medals was Dave and a winner yeah he had an ability and a confidence in his ability that you can't teach Mira had that dominance in both Park and Bert he always had a bunch of natural talent he continued to progress year after year who's not shy about throwing down something burly winning three gold medals in one event the most mentally taxing exhausting thing ever because you're juggling schedules you're kind of having to mentally change your the way you think about things every single time they do step on that new ramp nobody had really messed with that and v's a legendary three in a row record which may never be equal I was watching X Games in 1998 and ESPN did a poll on what sport they wanted to be a part of X Games the following year and I was like freestyle motocross freestyle motocross and it got absolutely crushed by downhill skateboarding I thought oh man we're never gonna get to go to the X Games and then we got the call the first motorized X Games event Supercross racing bikes on a mountainous freestyle course sick tricks that leave zero margin for error welcome to Moto X misremembered the conversation with ESPN saying okay how do we turn this into a sport we created this concept of how to judge it how did you a run how long a run should be how many tricks you should be able to do within that time frame and I think we did a pretty good job to kick it off for me freestyle wasn't necessarily about winning but we had an opportunity to go to the X Games I was like I want to show people look at me down on a dirt bike we had our chance to come in with freestyle motocross right when we cracked up the dirt bikes like everyone came running to your event there were so many different rivalries and you had the Metal Mulisha you know world domination and spikes on I'm just as kind of dorky homeschooled kid from Annapolis Maryland and and that rivalry they built it up I mean good versus evil and obviously no one can forget about Pastrana jumping his bike in the end of the day out there in San Francisco everyone was already talking about this jump that you can hit off of the berm over the fence kind of the edge of the pier and into the bay and I was like oh that would be so cool and everyone's kind of joking kind of got the feeling that all right if I can get the highest score in the first round I don't need my second round gave me that push to put down this the absolute best first round I possibly I remember people going like ha I think think Trav's gonna jump in there that's why is jerseys so big I'm looking at Mike yeah it looks he has a life jacket on and I'm like this kids crazy as hell he's probably gonna go for it he just like goes flying up the berm and that's next to the water and he just into the bay like that you know it's not like it's into this pond or lake you know it's into the ocean and it just caused the big upperworld in the end of the day that uproar really helped build what free settlement across is that arrow was so awesome and I just don't think I'll ever happen again you know that that vibe with the 90s coming to a close x-games look to make its mark in 1999 the 900 happened on a Friday night in primetime on ESPN in the summer of 1999 there was no social media he his pin was on in every bar back then it was like this what people did like you've gathered around the television to watch the thing he had multiple attempts it was kind of coming close and I just remember giving him the juju you know I gave mamma jamma mojo he was getting so closer and like the whole event basically stopped because everybody was like no one's ever landed it's been attempted but everyone in the crowd doing that and I was sit at home and we were doing it too and there was just this energy and people were just like you could tell people people were like hanging on every single attempt it was his perfect storm you know so that when it happened it was just like ever had like heard everybody on at the event just screaming it was just just wild that moment held the door open for him to do whatever he wanted but he looked behind him and he held the door open he said hey it's on everybody come with me and all of the athletes and all the sports everyone got to benefit from that moment that suddenly made the world pay attention and be like Oh exclaims he is a real thing I think everybody that was there knew that was a huge moment at first I mean it didn't matter for skateboarding for bikes inline whatever it was it was just a big moment for action sports I think the impact of the 900 is something that we'll never recreate because it's not about the 900 is about the the story and in the the passion and and what it did for skateboarding and it's something beyond beyond the sport and and that's not a moment to be recreated welcome back to the world of X Games 25th anniversary show Dave in the double backflip we all rolled up to do the X Games and we saw the box was like the right size it was set up like there was a vert wall like it was it was it was the perfect place to do it right and I knew it was like the one thing on his mind as soon as he saw it to use a psyche I was right by the vert wall so I can have the best angle of it you know basically could see him go off and spin and when he went up and started the first flip looked good second flip looked good and then he disappeared I [Music] heard the crowd I saw the jumbotron and I was just like no way I think he just did it nobody was doing the truth and especially in competition and Jamie are brought it to the biggest event of the year that's what our sports about is progression and that's why we take the risk we do and it just shows that you like to push it and we'd like to keep making the most impossible things in our minds possible and I think it just this year that shared that with the rest of the world and I think that's the honesty kind of right in that crazy period of growth for our sport to wear that's just like lit the fuse on BMX freestyle to see what was possible I say the no hand 904 the X Games because it's the ultimate stage two to push yourself to the limit and to try to create history and if you're gonna do it one day out of the year is the X game well there's only one man left you can move up an understanding to take the lead away from Dave Farra right now and it's Matt Hoffman I saw people getting excited like I didn't know what was happening you know so it's like just as exciting for me as people watching at home I'd been dreaming of that trick for since I did that my first 913 years before that I mean it was locked in my head I would just visualize it just constantly every day multiple times a day because I didn't even want to let it out I didn't tell anybody about it because I felt like it was a little bit more powerful just keeping it in and I wouldn't have any expectation and and and it would just be all about that moment and so I rolled in and I remember didn't no hander pump the wall just kind of trying to get the exact height that I felt I needed and then I popped the 900 and I started spinning and I'm like oh no I popped it too hard I'm gonna over rotate and I took my hands off and it slowed my rotation down corrected the rotation and I landed perfectly that's deadly [Applause] [Music] when he did it he spun I thought well he's got a nine and all of a sudden you saw his hands come off and it was like it wasn't just like the hands you know like barely came off it was like the Matt Hoffman Condor no-hander just look at the reaction of Dave Mirra and myself up on the deck we just look at each other and we're just blown away what was that you need a moment like that whatever you have things in your head that you want to innovate and that you want to go for and you know the risk but it just gives you that motivation and gives you a vent to risk it all and that's the X game the back flip it changed the sport of freestyle motorcross I mean that first couple years things were progressing so fast and we had been talking about it back clip forever a TJ Lavin his good friends with Carey Hart out in Vegas and he kept saying you can do a backflip you could do a backflip and you know we were thinking yeah but no one had done it and at that time we didn't have the resources of foam pit so myself in TJ Lavin went out to camp Woodward and we spent a week out there and he walked me through the entire thing on a bicycle but getting comfortable flipping getting comfortable upside down spotting your landings all those meticulous little tools that it takes to complete a backflip on a motorcycle so going into X Games the following year there's a ton of pressure on me I kind of gave in to some of that pressure and I unloaded my bike and the rest of sort of history it's just in his blood [Applause] gary hart that was one of the moves that changed the sport some guys were a lot better at it and than others I felt like I was always kind of a little nervous with it but I think of how many guys the backflip retired out of the sport you know Tommy flowers cook for the Dante the you know the list goes on guys that never could figure out the backflip that was the kind of tipping point that set you apart from a racer and some of them wanted to have fun as to someone that was going to take this seriously as a sport so when Mets came out he was the first one that took this - from a super kicker and hit the next jump which was you know an 85-foot big old dirt double that was just such another moment like the 900 that was like boom everyone in the sport talked about it everyone not numbers just seen freecell everyone in action sports talked about even before we were starting to think backflips we were thinking barrel rolls in 360s I mean looking at the most equivalent that I could think of was jet skis and these guys are doing 360s double barrel rolls you know all kinds of other stuff that was easier at least it seemed easier than the backflip the 368 at the LA Coliseum was I would say in freestyle motorcross in my whole my whole journey and freestyle motocross that was my defining moment my run wasn't good enough to beat chalices I'm like dude I'm sending this 360 I come around the turn hit the ramp thing went into like a full like flat spin 360 by 50/50 down the side of the landing it was soft and I like pulled it and rode out of it I'm like no freakin way dude that was the sickest moment of my career and freestyle more cost my friend Jim comes and he's like dude you see dig and did a 360 and I'm like wait what you know I'm trying to go over my run so I'm kind of just literally kind of set back so I wasn't even watching and the crowds going nuts and I'm just looking I'm like shoot now I got to do at night I got to do it better I think all we can look back on it's who did it the biggest thing I'm gonna say that I don't think anyone's gone closer or done one much bigger than what Deacon did that day even though it was only two seven and he landed halfway down the landing that 360 went gentleman the x-games has done a really great job of listening and adapting and pivoting for where those sports are at at all these different times across the time line and especially they've done a really great job with it in skateboarding to go from the wild colored ramps of the early days of where necessary even made of the best light materials to doing a contest at City Hall in Philadelphia across from from the famed loved part I think it's important personally to show like when they brought in like the true Street versus you know vert versus Park course because that shows the public and the broader audience that there's subgenres within this genre you know what I mean no one would know who I was if there was only vert or if there was only Park because that's not where my skill set lies that X Games has done a really good job of rolling with the times of skateboarding you know with real Street actually doing events outside of Staples Center which was super awesome like they actually really listened to the skateboarders they listen to what they want to skate and then come up with really cool Park just to be a decent skateboarder requires a crazy dedication and relationship to your skateboard but now you take that all right cool let's throw it up on a mountain you know the mega ramp thing was an ongoing experiment for me behind the scenes and I had no plan to ever take it started to like evolve to where I was like whoa this has actually got substance the scene could be something suddenly the the general public is gonna be able to see truly how the magnitude of how big the ramps are and the airs that happen on it it was surreal from a distance it looked like you know the old hot wheels that you used to have we were just dropping the mic hit the ramp like and then once you get closer and closer to it they're like the actual size of it was just like unbelievable going from maybe beat what you thought might be a one-off a type games to it becoming like a staple premiere the premiere then arguably of X Games for a really long time I think I was lucky that I got to be there for these like massively impactful moments events that spurred like big shifts in progressions for the entirety of a sport and that's what bigger it was welcome back everybody to the world of X Games 25th anniversary show rally car it's the under way I'm Paul page with tamarins day old when Raleigh was that of the X Games it was a really big boost for rally in America there was a great mix of competitors but also Colin McRae's was a world champion you know world championship came in and raced with us and then Pastrana and him had this battle which is crazy because the Collins just be ten times a better driver than anyone in the world there was no one on the face three rat that thought any of us would stand a chance against Colin McRae and for my co-driver and I won the first stage Tanner Foust and Chrissy Beavis were second and we thought hole we we've got a shot to win X Games over one of the greatest if not the greatest rally driver of all time McRae cannot afford a slip-up coming into that final stage was one tenth of a second all element Craig coming into the super special stage but there was no way he wasn't into me he was spot-on all day he comes in and rolls it two corners to go and Colin crashed he rolled over it was incredible it was incredible moments you know Travis ended up winning because of that roll over but in the in-car footage you could actually see him down shift as he's rolling to land in first gear to take off and finish the course and for me just to have that opportunity was one of the greatest moments of my life and changed my career path 100% I wanted to go into rally but after that I had the respect to the world and was able to to make it work action sports progression was at its finest in 2006 with BMX big air being added to the lineup when I saw the bikes get added to Biggi ethics games pretty psyched but at the same time I was like look at the size of this ramp it was such a wild moment when it was in X Games I mean it's proven itself to be like a staple event at X Games ever since you know we've had some insanely huge breakout moments we've had guys it's just like you know pushing the limits seeing Chad keke and Kevin Robinson ride that ramp I knew that everything was going to change [Music] [Applause] that ramp gave BMX the opportunity to push the limits that much further you know I just never envisioned that that whenever I was coming up with this idea that it was gonna be on a stage like that there are a handful of athletes in any sport that bring to it not just like the greatest amount of ability but they're also the most engaging personalities and they have this mystique and aura about them I clearly they're in the midst of their peers but they're over here and their peers are over here Tony Hawk Sean Whyte travis Pastrana make look effortless and they also just have this way about their rock stars and Travis was a rock star that night in Staples Center was sold out Laker playoffs energy for the double backflip everyone is here you know Tony ha every every top guy from every sport was watching that moment I mean was so intense I remember seeing his mom and his mom was just a wreck wasn't talking to anybody this is gnarly when I dropped in every single person in that crowd I felt an energy that I've never felt anywhere in my entire life and I don't think many people will ever experience that I mean it went slow-motion I hit the bottom of the ramp and I already knew I was gonna make it I just I just smile like it's gonna work [Applause] the energy in that arena or what but I mean it was so slow in my head I landed in that stadium it came unglued that was another moment that was another moment for axioms to go from here to here pushing progression has always come with consequences and it is no different in skate big-air when you've seen as many slams as you have if you've been around skateboarding and snowboarding and BMX for most of your life you just get used to like alright they're gonna get up that being said never ever had anyone ever seen a slam like the one that Jake Brown took [Applause] the skaters especially the ones invited they make it look like it's natural they make it look like almost easy and and I don't think the crowds truly appreciate the risk factors they didn't until Jake fell and I remember the producers in our ears just being helping to guide the ship we went to commercial like alright we're gonna come back you guys are gonna be professional and we're just going to talk about what we know and next you know wait what he's getting up [Applause] all the worst ideas is what everybody had and then you know a few minutes Steve walks off on his own power and then there's just like this wave I think I said something like unbreakable Jay welcome back to the world of X Games 25th anniversary show you look in the history of like to sport athletes did not show me some other story we're like a two-sport athlete isn't just like decent in his second sport but like dominant and Shaun went from being like someone that people thought of as a good skateboarder to being one of the most dominant bird skaters competitively on the planet I think he came from a place of knowing that he can do it and knowing how to do it it was just the vehicle of different to be able to do both and when gold in both shows his abilities as a competitor I want to say it wasn't that much more difficult for him because he's been skateboarding just as long as he's been snowboarding and he's been skateboarding with the likes of myself Tony Hawk I mean the fact that he was so good on a snowboard actually blew me away more than him actually being so good on a skateboard a lot of us you know were going into that you know I started skating mega ramp which started making me go higher on the bird and also Shaun coming into the bird brought a lot of us get back from only technical combinations to mixing in the bigger air I think some people's drive to be successful and to win comps are are so strong some people think that they're being like rude on purpose but I think Sean's just more motivated than you and when you stand next to him you you can feel that I just wished she skated one huh where is he act welcome back inside the Staples Center motox best trick I felt like a lot of the athletes save their big tricks for X Games trying to get into best trick in 2011 X Games is really hot because those going they sit on a mission the front flip has got to be the hardest trick on a dirt bike and the timing and everything it just goes against everything is supposed to do it with a back flip the ramps already taking the bike in the direction where I go it's something that the mountain bike guys with Jim Machamp said you know I know we do this on a dirt bike [Music] this and parish rosin comes out one of the strongest guys you ever be in your life and just ripping that bike around [Applause] and this is even really possible you know it can be done but can it be done in the next gym setting so for me to try and get in to do a front-flip in 2011 was that was mission impossible there's no one that wanted to to have anything to do with the front flip at excess because it just didn't seem like it was possible why now here's a guy who has actually landed a front flip [Applause] I don't think I so nervously getting hurt I was just nervous of letting everyone down I put put a lot on the line to get there and and had a lot of people it helped me along the way and I just didn't want to fail it and be someone else too you know I just have one XM start and that's it [Applause] I remember coming around I hadn't done many front flips at that stage so I didn't really know what to expect to what was happening a camera bang-bang wheels touch down and all of a sudden I'm riding away and I didn't even turn the corner I just let go my block and ran back up the landing I was just so amped I knew that that was the point that that gave my freestyle motocross career kickstart and many X Games to come that raised the bar big-time that was something that I didn't think was possible and he did that off just a normal ramp like it didn't have any special kicker and up and so I give him big credit for that still to this day like the front flip is the trip you know now is the time for X Games to pack up and go global X Games 2013 Global Link expansion Wow yeah I mean before then we had one X Games a year in 2013 that was cool I think it was probably one of the best years I've ever had a podium to rallycross that year and I also won every event in skateboarding birth and in 2013 the TT also wins her first gold it all comes down to this for the gold let's ride it was really clever she had the flag around her shoulders it was like it was a moving moment let's put it out just being able to travel around all those cities and Munich had that thing right on the water which my board actually shot into the water one of them I liked I slammed I over rotated it like a seven over the jump over rotated slammed my board shot off into the water I think that global expansion was bitchin it for me it was like one of the best years I had I so I got a medal at every round and for me that was at the time I bought my house because I made so much money that year everywhere we went the stands were packed people were stoked and it was a cool deal for sure Spain itself Barcelona was just like picturesque and like I felt like xam did a really good job of just fitting into that you know the courses were immaculate the setting was great and I just I felt like that one event was like for me like the stop back into the deep end see if he sends it clean the one in Barcelona is still one of my favorite if not my favorite contest whenever because it was me and Pyrrha battling back and forth but see got the store switch backside tailslide it's clean and we have an 8.4 pierot Wow that jumps him up in the first place out I might have possibly put him into a bit of a pinch but as we all know he's unpin chable so houston you want to talk nerves of steel it all comes down to this is Nitro rattle we've never seen this before Nyjah needing a trick to win this thing it all comes down to this [Music] over the hubba [Applause] right now you talk about a pressure different you had to make it happen all him that last run you stopped he went back what was going through your mind up there I was so nervous I've never felt the feeling like that before Congrats to Paul that was he gave me such an amazing battle and the to work for that so hard when I threw in and then went back that one time those cuz the wind was picking up a lot so I had to make sure everything was just right they came down to that last pick I mean I'm sure a lot of people remember that Hartford over the head of Niger is a perfect example of someone who just came onto the scene and what he brought to skateboarding was just another level of consistency I I don't know what it is with this there's something that that drives him beyond anything that you could ever the more pressure that you put on him the more that he's gonna just go out and create and defied anything that's logical digested DVDs ever it all comes down to this remember in neo in the matrix when he suddenly like the seed of the code he's like oh all zeros and ones are you kidding me [Applause] welcome back to the world of X Games 25th anniversary show winning at X Games is the ultimate reward for all the work that people don't see and the manner in which these men and women break their bodies in the hopes of getting to the very very big it is hard as hell to repeat a medal at X Games it's all in your head you know it could be could be a repeat for the first time you know I can be extreme two in a row and then it's coming back the next year it's like wool with a hat trick earning his 10th street gold medal always hard to stay on top it's especially hard to have repeat victories in an event like X Games because all eyes are on you and you come in Bestwick makes it 9 here you've got to rise to the occasion you know you do it once and you're like so grateful and it worked out but in the back of your mind you're like well do I get lucky you know is it just just my day just a laser-type focus on the course of Jeremy this week for pure odd at some point is that okay it's not an accident I can do this there's no you look at the landscape of any other sport like they don't they didn't praise the rims in basketball football field is in 120 yards yet those are all things that are reserved for this peculiar landscape of sports kind of figure out a way how to do that do the thing that I did here on this thing that's three feet high what if I did it on this thing why enjoying a long career that's top where you're able to be prominent he's insane for Bob to have 130 medals it just shows how versatile he is he's one of the best bird skaters he's one of the the creators of the whole big air movement and a super technical innovator it is very difficult to go from say the big air event and then have a vert of infamy to be all those places consistently and to perform at the highest level like do my hats off to Bob [Applause] he's a master man he's one of the one of the jedis for sure man so I started competing when I was 13 in X Games or 14 which is like basically unheard of I'm 23 and I've been in it for ten years I have ten medals and that consistency has been so incredibly tough great Odin's Raven Mitchie Brusco with a 1080 before I was like oh yeah Bob my bob could definitely win like yeah Inc I'll stay on and then all those times like boom Bobby's good [Applause] this is a god you stood on this is Todd [Applause] after getting podium so many times in real metal-metal three metals in two metals and another three metals a year and then you know it just becomes like oh you know that isn't that hard but it is it's really hard and it's intense and if you just lose that a little bit that motivation just just a bit someone hungrier is behind you and is gonna want me going again was the energy of the kids that started showing up 900 they kind of changed the the feeling around the sessions it was just fun and it was just you know I mean I could see myself in them and it helped me maintain my hunger in a long run and someone should break that dirty it's coming because records are made to be broken comes to bringing home the gold x-games has opened the door to women in skate I for sure see women skateboarding being a permanent part of their favorite program so next games I just I think it's here to stay in women's skating in like the contest I would say like the gap of ability it's like closing like there's so many more girls coming up it's it's its own scene now progressively over the years there's hundreds of incredible girls skateboarders now and they have their own full event which is like which is dude like they they've earned that they love skateboarding they love the freedom it's all about freedom it doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl it's about the feeling of skateboarding that's what skateboarding means to me you also got a you know give it to the women pioneers and skateboarding who showed little girls out there you know we can do and that we can do this too and inspiring a whole generation of kids young women now there's this whole movement and to have women compete in the biggest stage obviously has you know given a lot of women around the world the incentive to skate game has change but cyka wit school somebody's kids you're like is their parents me you know they making him do it but Brighton was like there was like a fire in her and you knew she was doing it it's been awesome to see her path there's so many younger kids coming up like and I think it was like last year just so many good skaters from all around the world now it's time for Skyy Brown there's some reason I feel like old like compared to them it's crazy the crowd has definitely gotten way bigger for women's skateboarding at X Games and I also think it's in Minneapolis and Nicole Hodge this from Minnesota and so like Minnesota was really hyped and pay like all came out and bought tickets and have there's like a hundred Nicole Haws heads where it goes honestly like the sky's the limit at this point x-games the event is it's like a big pop up circus that brings together all these different cultures that are working in different directions suppressive Force and they're going to showcase them at this day X Games has done a really great job listening to criticisms from the actual culture of each individual discipline I think b-cell motocross is gonna need a good list of characters to have a good resurgence it's not that the tricks aren't gnarly they are but nowadays I'm sewing those does a double backflip to college like yeah you know you start doing these tricks are so technical they're hard but the crowds like yeah it looks like you know kind of seen that you know so I think to to get anyone interested you have to make a contact you know and they have to buy into the character they have to be like making contact now you have social media so we kind of need more guys like Jaco connecting with the master I think the biggest thing that I like about the x-games and seeing a good presentation of the sports that I love [Applause] just the sheer size of the platform one the exposure that all these athletes gets right it's allowed athletes like myself to like have full-blown careers that you can like make a proper living from window that X Games is given with these big events and these different aspects of skateboarding and we're able to to show that skateboarding is much more than just vert or much more than just Street in much weather Park Omega and so on okay newer competitions that evolved with time such as like real streets those sort of things [Music] I think it's made that they're smart enough to realize and this maybe isn't working these times which would switch to potentially and evolve so much over the years they've worked so hard with skate culture to make X Games acceptable the Olympics will never do that so continue to keep working with the athletes to refine you know the events what's going on in sports and stay ahead of the curve stay relevant never really thought of it in terms of how long will this last the thought process was always what's next [Applause] [Applause] progression regression progressing that's all X Games ever is is just like everything just keeps progressing before I absolutely love progression and I feel like through the years X Games have been one of the vents where people really progressive riding at or work part at the restaurant before they get there back in the day we still have before like people who literally wouldn't tell anybody what they're doing like it would just be one of those things where you wouldn't know it and nobody hear about it and if they were just like it was like top secret training sessions and you get to X Games and you're Benefiel on if you like the finals good all right just a moment and they do it and a lot of times before and it's exciting pretty amazing thing because that elements of size [Applause] but I'd love to see more people just like saving things for that point I love seeing people do just like the completely out of the ordinary stops that's me as DX freestyle when you get someone that can think that way and take those those chances in those risk that's what really grows the sport [Applause] how do we keep progressing the events we know the sports and the athletes will they'll do their part in terms of progression how do we continue to do that action sports is limitless X Games gave it the platform and now I see it continue to grow I mean it's gonna involve like everything so much of where sport is going you know it is online and people say how do I get involved well now it's easier than ever I mean if you're doing something no one else is doing if you're pushing the boundaries you've got a phone then we're filming this interview right now on an iPhone and everyone has access to upload everything and it makes it really difficult to stay on top of a sport because there's always that new kid that new up-and-coming prodigy that just is kicking everyone's butt and you know I'm so excited to see the evolution of these sports and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen the future dog goes where no person has gone before what an amazing 25 years it's been so many inspirational and memorable moments that have taken place now we get to look forward to 25 more years bringing you the very best of action sports music and culture huge respect to all the athletes so much love to all the fans thank you guys so much for supporting us over the years and now we all get to look forward to what's that [Music]
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Views: 105,298
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Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, xgames 25, 25 years of x games, xgames, xgames skate, x games skateboard, x games bmx, x games dave mirra tribute, tony hawk x games, bob burnquist x games, scotty cranmer x games, travis pastrana x games, shaun white x games, bucky lasek, danny way, ken block, colin mcrae, ryan nyquist, nyjah huston, paul rodriguez, leticia bufoni, mitchie brusco, elliot sloan, kevin robinson, mat hoffman, dennis mccoy, bmx, skate
Id: QroR-B6QP-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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