TOP MOTO X MOMENTS: 25 Years of X | World of X Games

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some of the attention was a little bit undeserved because I'm a rookie at X Games I don't want to be a one-hit wonder you know in the first year and lose the second year the event as a whole turned around because I was there in the battle with me and lightning I just thought the world was older than my shoulder popped out right then I was like no no it just kind of like slid out like sliding the knife through some butter I felt sorry for a shoulder coming out but as a competitor I was like hey when I put it back in and I put my leg over the bike the crowd just went nuts I couldn't give up you couldn rodas giftings better [Applause] [Music] it's frustrating because I knew I could make it was boiling [Music] after the second time there's really I think we barely feel my bottle [Applause] at one point I might be coming to win but the kid has a heart of the lion [Music] cause you can do is keep trying kids one of us [Music] fightin has one shot at this height we will see what happens on the last one crap gets the goals in his first-ever x-games time for the icon himself 1 9 9 7 Batman on the factory Suzuki travis pastrana with 40,000 people watching him he is in the lead but it is time for travis pastrana who admits he has the willingness and stupidity to try anything Travis Hashanah up in the into the stadium he's seen the 360 and now that was a weak combination from Travis look like he locked up you seen so far and then she goes to walk for us [Applause] his buddy Travis everyone loves him but remember the judges score this event he has great trick that was just a heels with a backflip on that last jump he has to be smooth on all his other jumps I want to point out he getting quick his heels Nate Adams was clicking cleanly Travis everything but we know that the 360 is possible we know travis Pastrana has been working on it will he throw it down that is the question here he's got 90 seconds we've already seen we've seen them pull the bathroom you see the pull of 360s nervous this guy has lots of X Games gold he's always winning competitions let's see what he's got here he's slowing down he's making the turn Moo we see the 360 from Prasanna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I went for the 360 like Brian D timers out we got how will the judges scoring the red flag is waving this one will not count for pastrana he's going for the bonus session [Applause] side [Applause] ever steal branding my teeth and I have goosebumps witnessing the madness known as freestyle motocross and 40,000 people the largest ever begin pace to the edge just watch travis Pastrana do really stupid things we get to our next competitor right here out of France David Ronaldo we're gonna check in right now with Diana down there in the field yeah David has a trick that we have never seen before it's a body burial in a backflip will this be the year that a backflip eaten out the front flip for gold he's really nervous he hasn't landed this trick to dirt let's just say that guys best finish he's ever had was fifth place and speed and style as well as a fifth place finish in freestyle get it see the replay at the right hand made it back under the bar second and he came into this event injured you know he's not a hundred percent and he just stuck that that's a brand-new trick no one's ever done that to dirt he hasn't even done that to dirt that was had never been done before only been done into the foam he's not done it to dirt and he makes it happen here that's what escapes Minneapolis that's what best trick is all about right there's progression David Ronaldo pushing it to a new level here today inside the US Bank Stadium take another look at it right here with our Pacifico spidercam watch the right hand that's just insane there is so much going on you can see almost rover rotates the backflip and look at that reaching back to his grab spends his body all the way around his bike kind of like a Cali roll like they would do right-side up and his arms are crossed up at that point I don't the cutouts I do not know how you keep track of where you're at I mean he might even get extra points for a one-hand lander who knows but watch his forearms here he's grabbing these crossed up I have so penciled up right now I have goosebumps right now no one's ever done that today again huge pots to Ronaldo for coming out and bringing something new that's that's what you need to do in best trick and that has a good chance to stick in the goal he came in so back tire heavy its ha and around 1 and we're already in the mid 90s where do we go from here Diana with David congratulations the Malachi role as you call it has just won you a gold medal congratulations David tell us about this moment yeah I don't know what to say now I'm just talk super happy I'm already proud to myself to prove to everybody that this trick is possible and yeah our work pay off I just want to say a big thank you to all the people who support me my family my friend and of course my sponsors work so energy and therfore yeah just happy congratulations David welcome back inside the Staples Center Cameron Steele tes Sewell and air Bates bringing new Moto X best trick here's a guy who we landed a front-flip but I have to in freestyle [Applause] [Music] first time ever at x-games someone has landed a backflip and it's 19-year old Jackson strong from Australia any competition anywhere that the front clip has been sat down he was a little off axis in that rotation that it was kind of a little bit worrying but Wow did he have that one smooth on the landing Jackson Sean simply known as Jaco from Australian and definitely twisting it's one of those tricks that you have to the way he tucks and off the side you see huge celebration from Brian Deegan there on the side Wow look at this it installed just a little bit he actually brought his head up and then put it back down again and I think that actually saved him because look at that both wheels going down he didn't even put a foot down there that was amazing never even dab the foot we'll see what the judges have to say about that I'm sure it will be an amazing score all the other athletes applauding and this is one and the score comes in at 95 well there's nothing like setting the bar huh Trix already in the competition Oxley's it with the sea grab backflip when we see something that's never ever been land [Applause] as Chuck goes for history [Music] [Applause] Puka chuk chuk Kerala's gone big they're going absolutely bananas here in the Staples Center as they should we talked about the low if score for cargo 'la I told you to tighten up the seat belts look at Chuck missed the grab coming back and hold his composure watch it again the right hand misses the grab hole as he comes back around but he holds it together gets his hand in gets back on the bike Oh off the 45 footer he's lucky to get back on the bike and he is now sidelines with Jamie little well Chuck Carruthers has been dreaming about this moment since the beginning of the year you sacrificed your body how did you know you can make it a reality I can do anything I put my heart to I worked so hard to this trick it's taking me out three times I knew I was thinking it tonight I dreamed exactly I was gonna do it a little bobble in the landing is all my dream identical I just knew it how does this rain and when it has one of the moments in your life this is the best feeling I've ever had in my life and all you guys are here to experience with me I just can't explain we're making dreams a reality here in Maastricht Luna's crowd people there is only one rider left in this competition is the Godfather himself Mike Metzger the only man to ever successfully nail a backflip within the confines of an FMX cause what are they thinking man Metzger is gonna be so scared out of his mind right now Mike mr. he's going out and he's gonna go try a backflip over the 80-foot gap this is insane you're getting it started with huge extension on the side way Superman Metzger looking to take down part [Music] to do the backflip off the ramp really dude off the dirt kicker [Music] cameras he said you know Jerry I've done more freestyle motocross [Music] my whole career restyle [Music] lots of new tricks black master is on his game his game of freestyle photographs everyone has been so focused on the back really seen all of the tricks that he's done the innovation let's just man up so many moves looks like he's [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you waiting for the judge to score Mike just burst medal in x-games but people of the planet Earth you have just witnessed first hit 45 feet second hit it's been riding motorcycles for 23 years think of the confidence this is totally insane listen up ladies and gentlemen his game plan is to go for the double [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right history books Sal Masekela saluting the double arms over Galatians 4 Brian can't you rock in from the top we have just been blown away one more time if this is not a perfect 100 please it's kicked up to 69 degrees it's for [Applause] any better look how hard he pulled off the back of a motorcycle flip completely around he still has the head arms backwards total commitment not one bit of doubt travis pastrana just earned his first goal and he will try for gold in here any of them after seeing that Wow 199 bring in the big stick to X Games 12 look at the power off the top of this ramp he sees the landing he knows he has to go round what is really incredible about this trick is when he comes down and puts both wheels on the dirt at the same time right there you at home I'm sure you cannot believe it Jamie little this guy is unbelievable it's been four years only since the first backflip was pulled and now here travis pastrana raising the bar travis how did you pull that up and how did you have the confidence to know you would ride away on two wheels [Applause] I'm sorry mom I'm sorry dad I know crying and I tell you what I've never felt this before well racing colin mcrae it is really close to this it's talking about rally car tomorrow Travis but how do you compare this trick to everything else you've done so to pull the double backflip up here I promised myself after the first time I did that I would never do it again and you succumb to the pressure here we are at X Games X Games 12 and this is just this is an awesome feeling and I'm it shouldn't have worked and I hope I never do it again
Channel: X Games
Views: 383,011
Rating: 4.9070992 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, moto x games, x games fmx, jeremy mcgrath x games, x games jeremy mcgrath step up, travis pastrana double backflip, travis pastrana x games, chuck carothers body varial, chuck carothers x games, x games moto x 360, x games metzger, mike metzger x games, mike metzger first backflip, brian deegan 360, brian deegan x games, carey hart backflip, matt buyten xgames, moto x greestyle, freestyle moto, freestyle motocross, fmx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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