25 Worst Alcoholics in Hollywood History

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actor Michael Landon is dead after a battle with inoperable liver and pancreatic cancer the 54-year-old star of TV's Little House on the Prairie and Bonanza died this afternoon at his home in Malibu California welcome to a journey behind Hollywood's shimmering Veil where the lives of its stars were often overshadowed by inner turmoil and addiction in this series we uncover The Untold Stories of iconic actors and actresses whose battles with alcoholism left a lasting imprint on their personal and professional lives is this the lives of many of our favorite Superstars how do they end up in such Lifestyles join us as we explore the 25 worst alcoholics in Hollywood history number 25 Gail Russell the First on this list is none other than Gail Russell an American film and TV actress who tragically succumbed to alcoholism marking a devastating end for the he Lamar of Santa Monica blessed with exceptional Beauty Russell secured a contract with Paramount at just 18 years old making her debut the following year in the movie Henry Aldrich gets glamour Russell's introduction to alcohol came innocently enough on the set of The Uninvited where the head of makeup suggested she use alcohol to calm her nerves while it initially helped it also marked the beginning of Russell's gradual descent into alcoholism under significant pressure it's not surprising ing that she became known as an alcoholic by 1950 at only 36 years old Russell's life tragically ended due to liver damage caused by acute and chronic alcoholism concerned neighbors discovered her lifeless body after not seeing her for several days finding an empty bottle of vodka by her side amid a home filled with empty bottles Gail Russell's story serves as a poignant reminder of the destructive consequences of alcoholism even for those was blessed with talent and Beauty in the Glamorous world of Hollywood number 24 Rita Hayworth as sad as it may be American actress Rita Hayworth one of the top stars of Hollywood's golden age is also included in today's list of those afflicted by alcoholism like many icons mentioned here she suffered terribly behind the scenes at a young age she was pushed into dancing and caught the eye of Winfield shien the head of fox film Corporation from there she landed a series of small roles eventually climbing the ladder but not without a price due to her Spanish Roots she was often limited to portraying exotic dancer roles ultimately she decided to conform and changed her appearance dying her hair and undergoing electrolysis for a more American look Rita Hayworth had an impressive run in Hollywood and was even dubbed the love goddess by the Press despite her success her personal life was fraught with challenges she became the top pinup girl during World War II but ironically had the worst love life entangled with men who sought to control or take advantage of her despite her attempts to conform to societal standards she lacked genuine confidence and was often misunderstood her second husband Orson Wells noted her alcohol problem during their marriage although he initially dismissed it however her son Yasmin Khan saw things differently and helplessly watched as his mother spiral deeper into alcoholism it worsened to the point where she suffered an alcoholic breakdown that landed her in the hospital alcohol was also a key factor in delaying the realization that Rita Hayworth was suffering from symptoms of Alzheimer's disease her son initially believed it was alcoholic dementia until the media brought attention to her condition leading to an Alzheimer's diagnosis in 1980 the poor actress endured two decades of suffering before her illness was properly diagnosed Rita Hayworth eventually succumbed to complications associated with Alzheimer's disease at the age of 68 number 23 Oliver Reed Oliver Reed the English actor known for his charismatic presence on screen Rose to fame with roles in popular Blockbusters like the Trap and as Bill syes in Oliver by 1971 he was ranked as the fifth most popular star at the box office however Reed's life was overshadowed by his well documented struggles with alcohol Reed was part of a group known as the Hellraisers including Richard Burton Peter oul and Richard Harris who were notorious for their heavy drinking in one legendary incident Reed reportedly consumed an astonishing 100 pints of beer in just 24 hours tragically Reed's excessive drinking contributed to his demise during a break from filming Ridley Scott's Gladiator in 1999 he indulged in a staggering amount of alcohol at an Irish bar in Malta consuming whiskey rum logger and conac that night he engaged in a bar fight with five Navy sailors and collapsed shortly afterward despite efforts to save him Reed passed away Oliver Reed's postumus bafta award for his role in Gladiator serves as a testament to his talent but his life remains a cautionary tale about the dangers of alcohol abuse number 22 Errol Flynn Australian actor Errol Flynn as Charming as he was also succumbed to the vices of Hollywood drinking women substance abuse you name it alcohol consumption was was a Cornerstone of Flynn's social life fueling his friendships romances and daring Adventures known for his adventurous Spirit he was also Infamous for his barroom brawls including an occasion when he stole a police officer's badge some of his famous Drinking Buddies included fellow actors John Barrymore Ava Gardner David nien Humphrey Bogart and even Frank Sinatra Flynn had a particular fondness for champagne and would bring French mindes wherever he went especially to places lacking high-end liquor stores in his later years vodka became his preferred poison and he could consume a bottle of it daily to the detriment of his liver this didn't deter him he went to extreme lengths even injecting vodka into oranges when forbidden to drink on set like all Vic alcohol consumption took its toll on his health before long his one handsome face envied by many became bloated he died of a heart attack on October 14th 1959 at the age of 50 during his autopsy Medics were surprised that he had managed to live that long given his severe alcoholism and substance abuse number 21 John Barrymore another icon who fell under the throws of alcohol was actor John Barrymore in fact alcohol consumed him and his siblings while not widely recognized by many today he's often remembered as the washed up alcoholic actor his life was already a subject of discussion even at a young age growing up with an alcoholic father who preferred spending time with his grandmother Barrymore developed a habit of drinking his grandmother's visitors half-empty wine glasses until he passed out his drinking worsened after his grandmother passed away when he was just 14 from then on the young Barrymore admitted to being more or less an alcoholic to a doctor despite his struggles Barrymore's acting skills were highly praised especially in light comedy roles in various plays there's even a story of him performing Hamlet Soliloquy while seated and fully drunk with viewers believing it was an Innovative artistic Choice only for the actor to later admit he couldn't stand due to his intoxication in his later years Barrymore became so dependent on alcohol that producers refused to employ him and he often portrayed drunk characters including in his final film appearance Playmates back in 1941 he passed away on May 19th 1942 in the midst of a line recording for Romeo and Juliet the once great actor collapsed and was rushed to Hollywood Presbyterian hospital where he succumbed to therosis of the liver and kidney failure complicated by pneumonia number 20 Jack Cassidy another tragic case of alcohol rated death involves the multifaceted Jack Cassidy an accomplished singer and theater director Cassidy's career was adorned with numerous accolades including a Tony Award and a Grammy award and he was a multiple time prime time Emmy nominee despite his achievements Cassidy grappled with personal struggles particularly alcoholism and bipolar disorder which plagued his life in a poignant moment before his untimely demise on December 11th 1976 Cassidy reached out to his ex-wife Shirley inviting her for a drink at his California apartment unfortunately she declined unaware that it would be their final conversation the next morning tragedy struck as Cassidy fell asleep with a lit cigarette on his couch causing a fire that swiftly engulfed his entire apartment after extinguishing the fire authorities discovered a charred body near the apartment's front door identified as Cassidy through dental records Additionally the body was found wearing a ring bearing the Cassidy family crest in the aftermath Cassidy's family chose to cremate his remains scattering them in the Pacific Ocean as a final farewell to The Talented but troubled artist number 19 Richard Burton continuing with the list of Alcoholics we have another Hellraiser Welsh actor Richard Burton he rose to prominence as one of the most impressive Shakespearean actors during the 1950s and was even considered a potential successor to Lawrence Olivier however Burton struggled to live up to these expectations partly due to his notorious heavy drinking throughout his adult life it was no secret that Burton was an alcoholic English author Robert sers even claimed that Burton consumed at least three to four bottles of hard liquor daily the actor nearly drank himself to death during the filming of the movie The clansmen where he had to be dried out at a hospital in Santa Monica California many scenes had to be filmed with him lying or sitting because he couldn't stand on his own Burton later admitted to his co-star that he had no memory of making the movie Good Times Burton's alcoholism became so severe that he resorted to taking antabuse to curb excessive drinking alcohol was also blamed for the breakdown of his marriage to Elizabeth Taylor by the age of 41 Burton's Health was rapidly declining and he was already limping in his mid-40s he suffered from various illnesses such as therosis dermatitis arthritis and an enlarged kidney in the end he passed away at the age of 58 due to an intracerebral Hemorrhage number 18 William Holden William Holden a multi-award-winning actor tragically finds a place on our list today with perhaps the most heartbreaking ending of all Holden achieved great success earning prestigious Awards such as the Academy Award for best actor and the prime time Emmy Award for outstanding lead role he starred in numerous acclaimed films and roles that cemented his popularity in Hollywood however as the 1960s arrived Holden faced challenges he found himself competing with a new generation of actors and his once soaring popularity began to decline this decline led him to turn to alcohol which became an open secret in Hollywood for years despite his reputation for heavy drinking Holden remained dedicated to his craft continuing to take on roles until the end tragically William Holden passed away on November 12th 1981 after a terrible fall that resulted in a fatal injury according to the Los Angeles County Coroner's autopsy report Holden was intoxicated and slipped on a rug striking his head and bleeding to death this devastating end underscores the profound impact of alcoholism on even the most talented and celebrated individuals in Hollywood number 17 William Claude dukenfield the next Hollywood figure known for heavy drinking is is the American actor comedian and writer William Claude dukenfield better known as WC Fields Fields initially gained Fame as a silent juggler and was recognized for his distinctive raspy voice and grandiloquent vocabulary surprisingly his onscreen character's fondness for alcohol did not reflect his personal habits until he experienced the loneliness of constant travel leading him to drink regularly later in life after retiring from juggling one of the roles that solidified his reputation as an alcoholic was his portrayal of Professor Henry R quail in the 1933 pre-code comedy international house in this film his character is an aviator with an insatiable thirst for beer a trait that Fields adopted in real life he was among the actors known for filming while intoxicated yet this often added a Unique Edge to his performances that endeared viewers to his characters even more sadly Fields experienced a gradual decline in his career and spent the last 22 months of his life at a sanitarium in California where he passed away at the age of 66 on Christmas Day number 16 Montgomery Clift Montgomery Clift a four-time Academy Award nominee known for portraying Moody and sensitive characters was a pioneer of method acting alongside Marlon Brando and James Dean despite his wealth Fame and adoration tragedy struck after he endured a severe car crash following a party hosted by Elizabeth Taylor Taylor found Clif trapped under a shattered dashboard even helping him pull out a tooth cutting into his tongue Clif underwent extensive plastic surgery but continued to suffer turning to alcohol and substances for Relief his noticeable physical changes fueled speculation about his Decline and increased drinking Cliff tragically passed away at 45 in his New York City townhouse from a heart attack many attributed his death to substance abuse compounded by health issues like chronic colitis and an underactive thyroid his story highlights the toll of pain and addiction on Hollywood's admired talents number 15 Judy Garland Judy Garland the Beloved star of The Wizard of Oz tragically battled alcoholism and substance abuse despite her Fame and Fortune like many young actresses of her era Garland faced personal struggles from a tender age compounded by the Relentless pressures of stardom that took a toll on her physical and mental health to make matters worse she was subjected to Industry manipulation being told she wasn't attractive enough and pressured to alter her appearance in response to these challenges Garland turned to alcohol and various substances for Solace the Relentless pressure continued to haunt her for years on the evening of June 22nd 1969 Garland's husband of 3 months Mickey Deans found her unconscious and unresponsive Scotland Yard was immediately called and she was pronounced dead due to a barbiturate overdose ruled accidental tragically she was only 47 years old despite The Accidental nature of her death a specialist noted that Garland was already living on borrowed time due to therosis highlighting the devastating impact of her substance abuse on her health and life Judy Garland's story serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by Hollywood stars and the tragic consequences of addiction in the entertainment industry number 14 Ava Gardner Ava Gardner known for her hard partying foulmouthed wise cracking Persona and iconic Beauty was a major celebrity of the 1950s and 1960s often seen in the company of famous figures like Frank Sinatra Salvador Dolly and Tennessee Williams Gardner embraced alcohol as a trusted companion unlocking inhibitions and fueling her passionate escapades her wild lifestyle included attending wild parties and even participating in bull fights during the filming of Night of the Iguana Garder famously refused to shoot a night scene declaring I feel like drinking instead director John Houston then joined her in drinking tequila shots until she believed he was too drunk to direct her despite her vibrant spirit and fondness for alcohol it was cigarettes not booze that ultimately claimed Ava Gardner's life she struggled with health issues related to smoking which led to her passing Ava Gardner's Larger than Life Persona and legendary status in Hollywood remain a testament to her Charisma and enduring impact on the entertainment industry number 13 L Cheney Jr Lan Cheney Jr a screen Legend struggled with depression and alcoholism throughout his life which ultimately took a toll on his health leading to issues like cancer and liver disease his battle with alcohol reached a low point when he attempted suicide after filming Abbott and Castello Meet Frankenstein Cheney's mischievous Behavior wasn't limited to film sets his efforts to intoxicate Maran Davies resulted in his banishment from William Randolph hurst's mansion on live television he was accused of being drunk though some defended his performance as still professional Cheney's drinking habits extended to his relationships with colleagues he shared a dressing room with bradick Crawford and they often drank together and got into fights L Cheney Jr's struggles with alcoholism and the impact it had on his career and personal life serve as a sobering reminder of the challenges faced by actors behind the scenes in Hollywood number 12 Marie Prost Mar Marie Prost an icon of the silent film era tragically met a depressing end due to alcoholism she Rose to prominence with credits in 121 silent and sound films initially discovered by Max Senate and signed with universal however it was at Warner Brothers where privos career as a leading lady flourished notably with performances in films like the marriage Circle three women and kiss me again unfortunately privo career took a sharp decline after Warner Brothers dropped her she faced personal hardships including the death of her mother and the crumbling of her marriage to actor Kenneth Harland privos fell into depression turning to binge eating and alcohol as coping mechanisms which led to weight gain and difficulty securing roles tragically prevost's heavy drinking ultimately led to her death from acute alcoholism at the age of 40 on January 21st 1937 she passed away in poverty with her estate valued at only $300 however her untimely death sparked the creation of the motion picture and television country house and Hospital highlighting the lasting impact of her Legacy on Hollywood and the industry's response to the challenges faced by its stars number 11 Jackie gleon Jackie gleon the Great American actor comedian writer and composer led a life marked by tragic experiences and struggles with alcoholism despite his Jolly public Persona Gleason faced childhood hardships including his father's abandonment and the death of his elder brother at a young age throughout his life gleon openly embraced his love for alcohol famously remarking that he was not an alcoholic but a drunker Gleason's fondness for alcohol often led to public displays of intoxication including showing up drunk on stage despite these incidents his immense talent and contributions to both the music and acting industry protected him from being dismissed solely due to his drinking habits however over time his drinking problem worsened leading to changes in his demeanor characterized by mean-spiritedness and irritability despite his ongoing struggles with alcohol and health issues Jackie gleon enjoyed a successful career in both Industries until his passing on June 24th 1987 at the age of 71 while he faced multiple health challenges colon cancer was determined to be the primary cause of his death Jackie Gleason's life serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges faced by talented individuals in the spotlight highlighting the impact of personal struggles on public figures in the entertainment world number 10 Mary Aster Mary Aster's life was marked by both triumphs and hardships beyond the glamour of the Silver Screen her acting Legacy includes iconic roles in films like the the maltes Falcon and the great lie for which she earned an Oscar however Aster faced personal challenges including a scandalous divorce and custody battle with her second husband Franklin Thorp Thorp used her diary to expose her Affairs adding to her stress and insecurity haunted by these difficulties Mary Aster turned to alcohol beginning a 20-year battle with alcoholism in the 1930s as documented in her diary in 1949 she reached a Breaking Point with a desperate suicide attempt and a nervous breakdown leading her to seek treatment at an alcoholic sanitarium there she found solace in Alcoholics Anonymous in faith ultimately reclaiming her life despite her struggles Mary Aster continued to act in movies and television shows until the 1960s additionally she pursued writing Penning novels and Memoirs Aster's Journey highlights the resilience and strength required to overcome personal demons and rebuild one's life serving as an inspiration for those facing similar challenges number nine Robin Williams Robin Williams the comedic genius had a complex and challenging relationship with substances throughout his career in the early years he struggled with cocaine and alcohol abuse a struggle tragically underscored by the death of his friend John balushi Williams's Journey with alcohol persisted interwoven with his life and even making its way into his comedic routine in a 2006 interview with Diane Sawyer Williams candidly discussed the Insidious nature of drinking highlighting how it often doesn't have a clear cause but instead lurks waiting for moments of vulnerability despite his efforts to confront his challenges the battle proved overwhelming in 2014 the world lost a brilliant star when Robin Williams tragically passed away his struggles with substance abuse serve as a point I reminder of the complexity of addiction and the challenges faced by individuals regardless of their fame or success number eight Albert finny Albert Finny the charismatic English actor known for his onscreen energy led a wild offscreen life marked by heavy drinking finny openly acknowledged his past struggles with alcohol recalling how he used to drink excessively even during lunch with three or four pints being a common occurrence he reflected on these times realizing how remarkable it seemed in hindsight in 1984 a diagnosis of kidney cancer became a pivotal moment for finny this health scare served as a turning point motivating him to overcome both his illness and his addiction to alcohol remarkably he emerged Victorious demonstrating resilience and determination despite his personal challenges Albert finny's vibrant career continued until until 2012 showcasing his enduring talent and commitment to his craft the world Bid Farewell to this legendary actor in 2019 at the age of 82 celebrating his remarkable contributions to cinema and theater finny's Journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the ability to overcome personal obstacles leaving behind a lasting Legacy in the world of entertainment number seven Sterling Hayden St Sterling Hayden known for his roles in Hollywood and his involvement in political controversies like the house unamerican Activities Committee hearings carried a mix of regrets and pride he was also noted for his heavy drinking which he discussed openly during conversations with filmmakers Hayden spent afternoons drinking wine and smoking hashish expressing bewilderment about his drinking habits despite not feeling particularly unhappy in one instance Hayden described falling into a canal the night before and nearly drowning before being rescued by his son who lived with him this candid reflection highlights the complexities of Hayden's relationship with alcohol and his inner conflicts number six Spencer Tracy Spencer Tracy another Hollywood Legend was Notorious for his bar brawls and heavy drinking Fox Studios confronted Tracy about his alcoholism demanding that he quit drinking or face consequences Tracy response was one of defiance and he was soon embraced by MGM with a specialized team known as the Tracy Squad assigned to manage his alcohol fueled escapades Tracy's drinking had a profound effect on his behavior transforming him into a mean and combative presence when intoxicated to manage his episodes Tracy would be whisked away by a doctor and security guards to sober up in seclusion often found submerged in booze in hotel room bathtubs Tracy's struggles with alcohol shed light on the challenges faced by Hollywood stars and the measures taken to manage their Public Image amidst personal battles with addiction number five Andre the Giant Andre the Giant a colossal figure in wrestling history was renowned for his towering stature impressive strength and legendary alcohol consumption standing at 7 and 1/2 ft tall and weighing around 227 kg Andre's love for alcohol matched his immense size his alcohol consumption was truly staggering reportedly reaching around 7,000 calories of booze daily there are wild Tales of Andre guzzling 119 bottles of beer in just 6 hours before collapsing under a tarpulin after filming The Princess Bride Andre's alcohol Legacy became as massive as his frame his remarkable capacity for alcohol remains a legendary aspect of his Persona adding to the larger than life reputation that Andre the Giant continues to hold in both wrestling and popular culture number four Joan Crawford Joan Crawford the iconic actress became the official Pepsi Ambassador when she aligned her star with the CEO of PepsiCo picture Crawford traveling the globe adorned with her Pepsi Cape however at every destination she had an extravagant alcohol wish list that could rival a fully stocked mini bar for an army her list included two fifths of smaroff vodka a fifth of old Forester bourbon a fifth of Scotch whiskey a fifth of beef eater Jin two bottles of champagne and a case of Pepsi it's clear that Crawford's parties were fueled by this impressive array of alcoholic beverages with Pepsi as her preferred mixer this detail underscores her lavish and glamorous lifestyle as she represented PepsiCo around the world ensuring her Gatherings were well stocked with her Libations number three Dennis Price Dennis Price a British actor appeared to be grappling with inner turmoil during his life in 1954 weighed down by a troubled marriage and his hidden homosexuality he attempted suicide by placing his head in the oven fortunately a cleaning lady intervened and saved him from this tragic fate however Price's struggles continued particularly with alcohol his relationship with Al alcohol resembled a slow motion train wreck starting his days with a Guinness breakfast and continuing on a boozy Journey until the last call often switching to Scotch along the way his co-stars revealed that he would arrive with a bag full of booze and even stumbled onto a play stage during Act One disrupting the finale As Time passed Price's polished image became increasingly blurred by his battle with alcohol sadly he succumbed to liver curosis highlighting the devastating impact of his alcoholism on his health and ultimately his life number two Michael Landon Michael Landon the TV icon known for playing the picture perfect family man on screen battled his own demons including alcohol and Valium despite portraying a wholesome image behind the scenes Landon was spiking his coffee with whiskey and his soda with vodka creating a hidden party in every sip his co-stars like like Melissa Gilbert were unaware of the extent of his drinking during filming Gilbert recalled her childhood ignorance of Landon sipping vodka from his coffee mug later realizing its impact on her choices in Partners alongside alcohol and painkillers Landon smoked four packs of unfiltered cigarettes daily likely contributing to his development of pancreatic cancer tragically Michael Landon passed away at the young age of 54 highlighting the consequences of his struggles with addiction and smoking on his health number one Robert Shaw Robert Shaw known for his role in Jaws faced personal challenges behind the scenes while filming enduring the treacherous Waters of production Shaw relied on Scotch to cope with the long filming days leading to tensions with co-star Richard dfus dfus preferring Shaw sober found his drunken demeanor disagreeable in a scene reminiscent of the movie itself drus took a glass of booze from Shaw's hand and dumped it overboard into the ocean symbolizing Shaw's struggle with the onset of alcoholism during the filming of Jaws thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to our Channel and check out another of our interesting videos before you leave
Channel: Prime Discovery
Views: 295,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 25 Worst Alcoholics, in Hollywood History, 25, worst, alcoholics, hollywood, history, addiction, battles with alcoholism, untold stories of iconic actors and actresses, prime discovery, prime, discovery
Id: RhsvnFsK8r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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