25+ Tweaks That Make Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom BETTER Than Breath of the Wild

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hey hey everyone Felix from Nintendo life here and the sequel to breath of the wild Zelda tears of the kingdom is finally here and boy is there a lot of drastic differences between these two there's also a lot of stuff that is pretty much the same but today we had to look at the smaller changes the quality of life improvements the tweaks they've made to this game to make it a overall just better experience than its predecessor we have 25 plus of these so without further Ado let's just jump right into it so the first one on the list is when you're in a dialogue with an NPC you can now press y to open up a log this will let you see the entire conversation you had with that said person and the choices that you made during that conversation in breath of the wild there was nothing so if you missed a piece of dialogue well too bad you had to either just forget about it or talk without NPC again to cycle around to the line that you missed just a wonderful addition that now that we have it it's almost like how did we ever live without this it's perfect and it doesn't harm anyone in being there next up is when you're selling or buying stuff with your rupees now it's just the price on everything you want to sell making it much easier to track down the things that are most valuable in breath of the wild it only showed you the price of the current item that you were selecting and if you were selling multiple it didn't add up the numbers until you actually wanted to sell in test of the Kingdom though it always updates the price depending on how many items you're selling in that current moment and that updating price mechanic also works the same when you're buying stuff it's a small change but it just makes buying and selling in tears of the Kingdom that much easier yeah so in breath of the wild if you ride climbing and accidentally forgot to check on your stamina so you fell into Walter well too bad you drowned and lost the heart but in tears of the Kingdom if that same thing happens you don't die you instead get a bit of stamina bag so you can get out safely I actually discovered this completely on accident outside climbing and then fell down and at first I thought it was a glitch I thought well what happened there why didn't I die and then I tried again and the same thing happens so yeah just a really lovely change in my opinion the fourth quality of life Improvement on the list is that it now has a little menu when you select items in your inventory in breath of the wild you just selected them and then it said you're holding five things and then you had to look over at link and here were holding the things sometimes it could be a bit hard to actually make out if you chose a lot of different stuff but they worked it all out in tears of the Kingdom with a neat little menu you can bring it up by either just selecting stuff and then it shows you on the menu what you exactly have in your hands but you can also press X to bring it up and as you can see here link just gets ready to hold items another thing that it fixes is then when you've selected some items let's say you don't want to select all of those five items in breath of the wild you had to Chuck them all away and then select the new stuff but in series of the Kingdom you can just go to the item that you don't want and then press X to remove it from your hands just more options always a good thing and next up cooking now it's a thing that I personally love to do in this game but in breath of the wild it was hard to keep track of how to make certain recipes that is luckily sorted in test of the Kingdom since there's now a recipe book that stores all your recipes now you could see your recipes in breath of the wild but it was only if you went to that specific meal and chose recipes if you ate that meal well the recipe was gone unless you of course had more of those meals or took a screenshot of it but that is just not very convenient when you want to make said recipes and the solution they've made to tears of the kingdom is not only brilliant it's also just visually pleasing to look at absolutely perfect I would say next up you can now throw items in breath of the wild you could throw your weapons but items was a No-No what you do now though is you get ready to throw an item and then you bring up the quick item menu where you can then select your item that you want to throw this is especially useful if you don't want to use your bow or Arrow or are just out of them so you don't have another Choice then you can blind your enemies or make them attack its allies it's really really helpful and in breath of the wild well you couldn't do this and I found myself using it actually a lot so yeah although a bit clunky to use it's a wonderful addition to the bucket and next up is probably my favorite quality of life Improvement at least it was one of the things that I hated about breath of the wild and it was when you open the chest and there was a weapon inside but your inventory was full well you couldn't pick it up and then it closed the chest again and you had to drop a weapon and then open the chest again and then you would get the thing they've totally fixed that in tears of the Kingdom now you get a little menu up if your inventory is full and you can just drop it from there it's oh it's just so perfect and fix is one of my only issues I had with breath of the wild this next one is about the shrines now shrines are a bit different in this game they're still scattered throughout Hyrule but a quality of life Improvement that I noticed is that now when you go into these shrines they just get right into it in breath of the wild you would have the monk of that Shrine say and you can just skip that but in tears of the Kingdom for the most time there's no message at the start so I actually don't find myself skipping since it just so quickly starts it's a very minor thing I know that but I still found it to be quite an improvement so the next couple of quality of life improvements are regarding the map and the first one we're going to talk about is well pretty juicy it's when you're having a load time let's say you go into a shrine or you're fast traveling somewhere it now shows the map on the screen it's so much better than well there was nothing before there was only tips and tricks and those are still here so they didn't take that away and now you can actually see where you are you can plan ahead while you're waiting and when you first travel that load time in between it shows you on the map where you were and where you are going yeah it's it's perfect there's nothing more to say to it now before you fill out the map it actually shows you a bit more information about Hyrule in breath of the wild there was nothing but here in sis of the Kingdom it's much easier to see where everything is at it doesn't show too much so you still want to go out and fill the map but it's really nice since most of us already know Hyrule and just having those small details is enough for us to know exactly where everything is so this one is regarding the stuff you place down on the map because we have a couple of nice changes here first we have a new PIN which is really helpful although I always feel like I'm out of these still one extra is always welcome and then we take a look to the stamps the bow and shield has been replaced but we also have an additional stamp which is probably my favorite of the bunch it's the stamp of a person and I've used this tons of times for example I came across this Goron and at the time I had like five rupees left and he had a challenge to offer but I couldn't accept it because I was broke so I put down a stamp and then I came back to it later when I was a bit richer it's just really lovely having not only more pins but also more stamps with more variety so this last map related one at least for a while is map coordinates it's located at the bottom of your minimap and it's just really helpful when you want to share specific location and it doesn't take up much of the minimap so most of the times you don't even realize it's there yeah that was a quick one but let's move on moving away from the map we now dive into the water and here we notice lily pads not only are they pleasing to look at and fun to interact with they're especially helpful if you're out swimming and low on stamina then you can just jump on one of these to replenish your stamina man that animation when it goes under the water when you're standing on it oh it's just lovely the next one is a pretty big gameplay change to the game but it's just such a big Improvement it's the topic of weapon durability I personally didn't mind it in breath of the wild but I know a ton of people did so now instead of just having a weak stick that breaks off the four hits now you can fuse it together with something else and the durability is much longer it's not a perfect fix for everyone but it's just so refreshing that you can actually increase your durability of your weapons if you fuse it together with something sturdy in tears of the Kingdom each weapon type has a little icon and that is displayed on each weapon depending on which weapon class it is breath of the wild had nothing you just had to make your own guess and I know it usually is pretty obvious to tell which weapons are one-handed two-handed but now with the new fuse mechanic it can actually be pretty tough sometimes to tell which weapons are what thus the little icons coming into play it shows everything from Spears one-handed weapons two-handed weapons scepters it's really a lovely little change and even cooler they color-coded each different icon with their own color in the quick item menu you can now drop stuff directly choose any weapon bow Shield or items and just press X you then just drop it to the ground and such a nice quality of life Improvement especially when you're trying to fuse weapons together just find the item that you want to fuse and then you can just drop it and fuse it it's wonderfully simple and just the way it should be stables in breath of the wild weren't really the most important thing yes you could get your horses there and there was a couple of side quests but really you could play the entire game without going there at all in tears of the Kingdom though there's much more stuff to do and in turn they had to make the Stables more visible at a distance their solution adding some smoke the giant horse-like building that is the stable now produces smoke at its nose which makes it really easy to spot Staples at a distance breath of the wild well there was nothing there so in tough weather it could be really tough to tell where the Staples were see what I mean so yeah it was a perfect fix to not only Intrigue you to get to stable small but also just to spot them at a distance simply brilliant one of my favorite returning things from breath of the wild is the return of the camera and in breath of the wild the maximum amount of pictures you could take was 48 and although it's still pretty low interest of the Kingdom they've bumped that number up to 64. it's really nice to have that extra bit of room because when you add filling your compendium then that max amount of pictures is going to fill out pretty quick and having a bit of extra room well you just need to go in and delete all the pictures a bit less often a really cool change is when you fight a big group of enemies be it Monster forces or Guardians inside a shrine they can now have one combined giant health bar this is just really helpful because it tells you how many of the enemies are left and also when you're hitting on an enemy you can see how big of a percentage that enemy takes up of all the monsters combined I really like the change they don't use it all the time but when they do I'm a real happy boy and the 20th quality of life Improvement on the list is that there's now more variety when you sort your items in breath of the wild there was only one way of sorting and that was by type but in tears of the Kingdom you actually have three and sometimes four options when salting in the menu you have three different options you have like in breath of the Wild by type but then you also have by fusing power which is especially helpful when you're trying to create the most powerful weapons and then probably my favorite of the bunch by most used oh that change is lovely and you can even do it in the quick item selection menu and there you actually have a fourth way of sorting by sonai devices in the regular menu they have their own separate tab but it's really cool that they've also been included and have their own sorting option in the quick item selection so in breath of the wild when you shot an error while in the air your stamina depleted no matter what you were doing but in tears of the Kingdom the stamina now depletes depending on how many arrows you shoot this is a lovely addition especially now with all the items you can attach to the arrow since now you have the time to actually choose what you want to select and you can also change bows you know all that stuff doesn't deplete stamina and in my opinion that's just a really nice change so the last few of the bunch are a bit more spoilery than the rest it's nothing major but I wanted to have a little spoiler warning here in case you're very sensitive to that stuff again nothing big Story related at all it's just small stuff that I know I at least was very happy that I discovered by myself but each one to their own and now you're warned let's move on with the quality of life improvements so if you've played breath of the wild you probably know how annoying it is when it rains and you can't climb at all but in this of the Kingdom they finally have a fix for this so if you've been in a cave you've probably seen some of the new Critters as sticky lizard or a sticky frog and if you cook them into an Elixir well you get slip resistance there's three levels of slip resistance so the more you have the more you can actually climb in the rain without slipping down it does needs to be said that this does not fix it perfectly you still fall down occasionally but as you can see here the difference is quite staggering and these Critters are scattered every everywhere in the cave so there's really no reason to not cook them I was jumping off excitement when I found out that they actually had something to battle when you were climbing in the rain and I'm just really really stoked about the change I think that's back from breath of the wild is fairy fountains although their locations are not the same luckily they now have icons on the map when breath of the wild you had to zoom in and then you could actually see it said create fairy fountain but this is so much better it even changes the icons based on if it's opened or closed and it just makes it much easier to remember these new locations because after breath of the wild I had really gotten used to where the fairy fountains were so it was quite a surprise when I went to the old fairy fountain location and it just wasn't there so yeah nice little simple change so I'm not gonna go into how you get this but pretty early on you get the shrine sensor just like in breath of the wild and it works almost identically although this version has a really neat little change it will say if the shrine is above or below you when you get close so just make searching for shrines a little bit easier and less tedious which I'm a big fan of staying on the subject of the shrine sensor the little sound it makes when you get closer is much less annoying than the breath of the wild one oh I'm so done with ah don't get it away but seriously take a listen to these back to back the difference is quite staggering and you're gonna hear this sound a lot on your adventures so making it less annoying to listen to well it'll save you from Insanity and the last quality of life Improvement on the list is regarding Hero's path yes it's in the game free off charge but that's not the quality of life Improvement although it's nice that it's free no see the thing they've improved with this feature is when you were watching back your progress in breath of the wild every death it had to stop up and you had to listen to this sound it just took forever especially if you had sections while you died a lot but luckily in says of the Kingdom they fixed this by just brushing over the death [Music] yes the sound is still there but it doesn't stop up it just continues to show your progression of your playthrough and as a little bonus quality of life Improvement they've upped the hours that the hero's path can actually capture from 200 hours to 256 hours [Music] and there you have it 25 plus quality of life improvements inside the tears of the Kingdom these were really fun to discover because I played breath of the wild a ton before tears of the Kingdom so every time there was just a small change there was like oh this is different and most of the times those changes were a really good thing but were there any that we missed I mean we probably did but these were just the ones that we found in our first 40 or so hours in the game look at our website inside a lot.com for all sorts of Nintendo related content and also check out our Discord server while you're at it stay safe play some Zelda tears of the kingdom and we'll see you in the next one Felix from Nintendo live [Music]
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 205,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Life, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Nintendo UK, Felix, tears of the kingdom gameplay, totk new gameplay, tears of the kingdom new gameplay, new, good, bad, What's New, Release Date, Link, Zelda, Hyrule, Different, Review, botw, totk, botw vs totk, Zelda totk, new zelda, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, Zelda tears of the kingdom, Zelda botw, totk vs botw, Improvements, Fixes, Tweaks, Quality of life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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