25+ Tips and Tricks for your iPhone Xr

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[Music] [Music] hey there sake here from sake ticket in today's video I will show you 25 plus tips and tricks for your iPhone 10 are that is surely to enhance the use of your new iPhone and get maximum user satisfaction so let's dive in and discover immediately alright just in case you're brand new to the iPhone I'm gonna show you guys some of the basics of navigation so there's a let's launch an application over here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to swipe up and that takes me home alright and then if I want to access my recent applications my application cards what I do is I swipe up pause over here and let go and then I have access to all the actual apps that are running in the background and then I can tap on any one to switch or to that particular app and if I swipe up again while I'm inside an application I can bring that card again I can bring up the card view again if I let go or if I just swipe up it goes right back home and of course if I'm in an app what I can do is I can actually switch between apps by swiping at the bottom of the screen over here just like this okay so there's nothing on that side but if I go over here he's gonna give me the next app if I go one more time he's gonna get me the next step if I go one more time he's gonna get me the next application alright so you can do that as well or you can just do this to switch between applications fantastic let's move on now to access your control center you have to swipe up from the top right over here so that's gonna give you access to your control center if you want to access your notifications and your today's screen you're gonna have to swipe from this side and come down alright so as you can see if I swipe from here from the middle it's gonna bring down the today's screen but if I swipe from the top right it's gonna bring down my control center and while we are in the control center let me show you something really quickly the iPhone 10 or does not have 3d touch with what you can do is you can actually press and hold on any one of these buttons to expand their functionality so if I press and hold on the music applet of music control it's gonna expand to give me this expanded view and from here I have a bigger controller and also some options at the bottom here that I can modify okay I can play go to the next track change the volume from here even and basically everything I can do in the music application the same thing applies to the brightness if you press and hold it's gonna expand it from here you can adjust the brightness and lower it or whatever you want to do you can even turn on the night shift option turn on or turn it off and also true tone on and off alright and same thing with the volume press and hold you got the volume slider camera you press and hold you get all these options take a selfie record a camera I'm sort of video scan a QR code take a portray shot and of course you have all these other options if you do the flashlight it's gonna allow you to turn it on and even set levels for the brightness intensity off your flashlight turn it off go right back so that's the control center it can also be customized I'm going to show you that in a minute but let's go continue with the other stuff if you want you to access Siri you have a couple options now if you go to the settings and if you go to actual Siri you have these options you can listen for that phrase so when you say hey Siri it's gonna actually launch Siri as you can see let me cancel that or what you can do is you can press and hold the power button and that's gonna allow you to talk directly to Siri so if I press and hold the power button individually Siri comes right up alright so we're gonna go right back the other thing is if you want to power off your device what you have to do is you have to press the power button and the volume donkey at the same time because if you press and hold the power button individually it brings up Siri so press power volume down power and it's gonna give you that option where you can slide to power off so let's cancel that also and the next thing is if you press off volume up and power at the same time it will take a screenshot so let's do that so you can see exactly what I'm talking about so if you press together boom there's a screenshot you get this phone at the bottom you can tap on it to expand it you can resize it if you want - just like that so I can resize a screenshot I can write on it if I want to highlight something specific and then you can just tap on this button and save it or whatever I'm just gonna say done it's gonna give me the option to delete it or save it I'm going to save it it goes to my photos now also if you press and hold the button and take a screenshot one more thing I'm gonna show you guys you can just swipe this away if you don't want to edit so you can just swipe that away it goes away and of course as you know the camera in the iPhone 10 R is the same primary camera found on the iPhone 10 s so it is capable of recording some amazing video so I'm gonna make sure that you guys understand all the options you can access and modify with the video recording so when you launch the camera and you swipe over to video by default this one is recording at 1080p at 30 frames per second what you want to do is you want to go to the Settings over here and then you want to go to the general settings in the main screen and then scroll down all the way to where it says camera and then from here you want to modify the actual video recording options so if you tap on this one you can choose between different formats such as 4k so if I do 1080p at 60 frames per second and go back to the camera you'll see on the top it's gonna say HD and 60 so that means high definition 60 frames per second if I go back up here tap on this one and go back into the camera you'll see it says 4k at 24 frames per second so just be aware of these things if you do 4k at 60 you will see 4k at 60 on the top corner on the right so make sure that you're aware of what quality that you're recording yet I recommend 1080p at 60 for the best quality and also for not wasting too much storage space because as you go higher the storage space increases how much storage that video takes and there's a break down here for example a one minute video at 4k at 60 frames per second is gonna be 400 megabytes but if you do a 1080p at 60 frames per second it's gonna be 19 megabytes so that's almost four times more storage space wasted you can do the same thing with the slow-motion recording if I go back over here and if I swipe over the default to the slow motion the default is slow motion at 240 frames per second which is what I recommend you have but you can do this as well again it's gonna take less space as you can read over here and if I go back over here it says HD 120 on the top so you are aware of the modifications that you made to your cameras recording capability of course if you go back here make sure this one is enabled it's capable the phone is capable of recording stereo sound in video so make sure this is in fact enabled over here alrighty let's go back out I told you guys I want to show you how you can actually customize the control center so what you want to do is you want to go into the control center in the general settings right over here and then from here tap on customize controls and from here you can add or remove controls from that control center now the ones on the top are already included and the ones at the top are the ones you can include you can also remove stuff so if I don't need the home button I can remove it just like that but if I want stuff I can just add stuff I can add Apple TV remote the low-power mode I'm gonna add the screen recording and I'm gonna add the voice memos so now we have all these options in the actual control center as you can see it has grown okay so that's the voice memo that's a screen recording now let me show you one thing really quick if you go back here and if you press and hold this is a screen recording it's gonna record the screen as you use your device so if I tap on this button here I'm sorry if you tap on the start recording button it's gonna start to record it's gonna count down and now let me let me show you what's happening over here so if I go out just like that swipe over a couple times on the top you'll see a red icon it's that means that the screen is being recorded then you go back here when you when you want to stop it again press and hold and tap won't stop recording so that video get saved into the photo so let me go to the photos right now I'll show you what that looks like so if I launch photos it's gonna be sitting at the bottom here if I tap this guy I can click play is actually playing the same thing I just recorded so you can do this to make tutorials or whatever you want to do all right it's a nice little option to have so that's the control center alright so next tip I want to go to the settings I'm gonna go into the actual general go to accessibility and I want you guys to enable this thing over here that's known as the assistive touch if you tap on it boom you've got a software button right over here now when you tap on this button it expands you can use it to go back home you can tap it you can tap on device you can actually tap on more and even take a screen shot with this software button and again this software button can be placed anywhere on the screen and when it's not being used it just kind of goes to the side and Gray's out okay so it's very non intrusive it's also customizable so you have all these up you can bring down control center just by tapping it but if you do go to the settings you can actually tap on the customize top-level menu you can remove everything and maybe you can tap over here and just choose the let's home so now it's just a standalone home button when you tap it it just does one function same with um if I tap it again I can even do it for a screen shot so if I go back over here tap on this now it's a standalone screen shot but if I tap it takes the screen shot okay so either you can use it for multiple functions or just one functionality that's it well let me show you something with the face ID if you tap on settings and if you go back to general settings and if you go to actual face ID and passcode I'm missing you already set this up let me dump in my password there's a couple options here I want you guys to be aware of with a face ID these two attention specific features now this one here if it's enabled it says now this one says require attention for face ID so basically if you actually are using the face ID if this option is enabled the camera that setup over here is going to know when you're actually looking at the device okay so if you're asleep nobody can grab the phone and put in front of your face to unlock your phone the camera has to know that you're paying attention and you're looking at the actual camera and that's what it unlocks the actual smartphone with your face ID it's just a security tactic that's very useful now this one is the attention aware feature so again if this is enabled and if you're looking at your phone directly it's not going to dim the display or shut off the phone the only shuts off the phone or the display when you're looking away from it if you're looking at it it's gonna make sure it remains turn on again the face ID system here keeps track of your eyeballs and of course on the top here you have a couple options you can set up an alternate appearance so if you want to make it even more if you wear sunglasses all the time or if you wear wigs and stuff you can set up the alternate appearance using different things on your on your face and of course make sure all these are enabled so you can use your face ID to unlock the iPhone make purchases on iTunes use Apple pay and do auto fills for your passwords all right so that's the face ID system let's continue talking about some more security that's very important so basically I want to show you one thing if I pull the control center down and if I press and hold on this this is a option that allows me to control accessories in my house now obviously it's a security feature if somebody else has access to all this it's kind of a violation of security or if somebody has access to your today's screen it's also a violation of privacy because you might actually have some private messages that show up here so if your phone is locked you want to make sure that people cannot just open it and go like that to bring down the control center or the today's screen so right now even if I'm phone is locked somebody can tap on this and just make a modification to my actual house or they can go into any one of these settings and just modify stuff on my phone that I may not want all right so they can also access today's screen that you don't want happening so let me go inside show you how to hide that again go to the settings go to face ID and passcode dump in your passcode scroll down all the way over here and make sure you disable all the option so allow access when locked right now it's the s yes yes yes yes so people can access Siri control center notifications today's view reply with a message they can even reply to messages and they have options as to home control and everything ok so what you can do is you can disable these guys for the sake of security and then when you lock your phone somebody will come they'll try to pull stuff down and they're not gonna have access to anything ok and that's the way should be if your phone is locked unless you're in a trustworthy location that's a different story now let's talk about screen time if you tap on the settings you have this new option called the screen time that allows you to manage your smart phone it actually looks at how you spend your time in your phone and gives you options to limit your usage of useless applications such as social media or just blind gaming and stuff like that so if you just gain too much you will know and then you can you'll be able to set down times and limits on those applications that wastes your time so the downtime if I tap on this one I can enable this let's just start the downtime for 1249 right now actually I'm going to show you what happens when you do it and then end it at 7 now if I go to back over here and if I go to the app limits I can add some limits on my applications such as games social networking entertainment creativity just pick out all of it alright click Add and then let's do one hour per day per these applications go right back and then what I can do is I can go to always allowed and these are the apps that are going to be allowed no matter what things like the form messages and stuff like that I can disable those as well ok except for the form because phone is a very important but now when I go back out the applications that are not in the allowed list are going to be blacked out if I tap on it it's gonna say you've reached your time limit on that application this is especially good for actual game so it's not important with a mail application but with games it's gonna work so let me just disable that for now I would just want to show you guys how to work it and of course I recommend you set up a screen time passcode tap on this one just pick something right now now when you try to go inside here it's gonna ask for a passcode so nobody can come here and change your settings without your authorization alrighty now one more thing I want to talk about is called the restrictions so let me go into the actual settings now the restrictions actually reside under screen time it's the fourth option here so basically if you go inside it's gonna ask for your passcode make sure that's enabled and this allows you to actually if you enable it just like that allows you to restrict certain applications even when your phone is unlocked and you hand it over to somebody so I can go to iTunes and App Store purchases I can actually disable people from installing applications unless this option is enabled so if I say don't all nobody can install applications even if they have my phone which is a good thing because some might someone might install things you don't want now you can also disable people from deleting applications so you can you can allow people not to delete anything now if this is allowed and if I go back out if I do the press and hold the apps start to wiggle and you see an X symbol you can delete or disable applications but if you actually go back in here dump in the passcode go over here and don't allow this now when I go back out if I tap and hold the apps are gonna wiggle but it's not gonna allow me to delete anything so that's great for security well if you were smartphone let me go back in here you can do a lot of other things like that you can actually go to apps you can disable all these apps so so look at that mail Safari camera all have been disabled when I go back out you're not even gonna see them over here cameras go on mail is gone so you can actually hide things on your phone this way okay again this is only good if you're giving your phone away to your friends your family members and even your kids so this makes sure crazy things don't happen on your phone while you're not looking okay so just start going here take a look at these you can also do content restricts than everything so it's a great security feature as well one more thing I wanna show you guys is how to create shortcuts using Siri so you can actually say little things to Siri to do more so you don't have to say full phrases you can just say one word and theory can use that one word as a shortcut to execute a longer command so if I go to settings if I go into Siri and search and if I go to shortcuts I can tap over here and just to give an example let's say I want to record a voice memo okay so I can tap on plus over here and I want to add this command to Siri but I just want to say memo or just record or just voice memo so let's say like this let's do it like this enable Siri voice memo okay now when I go to Siri and say voice memo voice memo it knows to launch the voice memos and start to record an actual recorder okay as you saw so that's how I create Siri shortcuts the more you use your phone you're gonna see more options listed here but you can always come here and customize and add even more and of course if you want to actually delete something you go over here you go to my shortcuts that's the current shortcut that I have when I say voice memos it starts to record a new voice memo I can tap on edit and I can delete this if I don't want to all right so all this is customizable so those are shared Siri shortcuts just keep using your phone and more and more shortcuts are going to appear well thank you for watching this video guys make sure to subscribe to sake tech for more videos to come and of course give this video a thumbs up and drop comments or questions down below and if you do use Twitter Instagram or Facebook follow me at sake tech on line guys have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 1,516,919
Rating: 4.7943168 out of 5
Keywords: iPhone Xr, tips, tricks, features, iphone xr tips, iphone xr tricks, iphone xr review
Id: 7aL7uz1hm9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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