25 Things To Do After Finishing The Crown Tundra DLC In Pokemon Sword & Shield

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how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your brand video my name is ruffalo today guys i want to tell you about 25 things to do in the pokemon crown tundra after you have beat the crown tundra itself so sit back relax and let's get started yeah also guys check out my previous video about the you know easter eggs and secrets in the crown tundra and also my video about the hints towards gen 4 in the crown tundra check those out really pretty pretty please so starting off this list is going to be to go in shiny hunt the legendary pokemon in the max raid adventures guys so yes definitely do this if you're looking for chinese as the rates in here and the odds in here are actually really really in your favor if you don't want to go crazy shiny hunting for really low odds guess what basically the legendaries in here have a one in 300 and one in 100 with a shiny charm for you to get a shiny it is crazy odds honestly it's even crazier odds than it was back in you know ultra sun and moon with the ultra wormhole you know shiny hunting this is even like crazier than that it's way easier than that so if you want to get shinies very easily for the you know legendaries or even just other pokemon like the hoenn starters well guess what go and do this shinyan thing is really really straightforward and super easy number two get cosmog from the lady in the village you can do this right after you finish the event where you battle against you know the one of the legendary horses next up number three show a meltand to the researcher in the station at the crown tundra so yeah you should show her a meltdown and she will reward you with a sports cap of a like uh like a hex nut or something like that number four get poipole after doing 15 adventure max raids so yeah this happens in the post game you can basically do a bunch of raids about 15 of them and after you've done that a poiple will show up outside of like or you know in the area where you start your raids there'll be a point ball there and you'll be given it number five go catch and get galorean slow king well technically you can't catch it you first need a gallarian slowpoke and then what you need to do is basically in a little event to go and get yourself a bunch of galarika twigs and once you've gotten those you go to a lady she will basically make you a galarka you know wreath and then you just give that to your gallary and slowpoke and it will evolve into gallary slow king pretty straightforward number six get the golden uniform for catching all the story legendaries that being called right scalarian birds you know trio as well as the regis so yeah you get handed a free golden outfit right after you're done with that in a little weird like cut scene and yeah just put it on just wear it see what it's like number seven go and actually catch all the ultra beasts after you complete the base story so yeah you can go and do the ultra beyond like you know kind of quests and stuff which aren't part of like the main story we can go and do those and catch yourself all the freaking ultra beasts inside of the max adventure raids number eight go and do the pokemon galar star tournament yes this is something you can do at this point once you finish the base story and all that sort of stuff and once you're done with all the stories from isle of armor and crown tundra you can go and do the pokemon galarstar tournament number nine catch keldeo to do this you of course need to first of course also get yourself to rachel and verizon and cobaly on by doing the quests where you got to find all their footprints so even that's something you can do on the sideline because this isn't part of like the main story of the things you got to do in the crown tundra but once you've done that you head over to this tiny island you just basically go into pokemon camp make some curry come out of that and guess what you gotta keldio it's pretty straightforward pretty simple number ten rematch peony so yeah peony will be inside like the max lair and if you get him to get to him they can actually ask him for a rematch and battle him so hey you can just do that for fun it's always just an enjoyable thing to do if you just have you know you've got nothing else to do so why not just battle peony again number 11 show your legendaries to the guy in the wind and stadium for free merch so yeah if you show you know legendaries like reggie leckie reggie drago to the guy in windham stadium that's kind of on the left side of the building he will reward you actually with just free merch so why not number 12. so we were actually just talking about windows stadium and also earlier about the large star tournament well guess what you can also after doing about 15 matches in the large star tournament unlock shieldberg and his brother so yeah you can get those guys in your freaking you know uh roster you can battle with them so make sure you just complete like 15 or 50 match borrow the 15 tournament like you know circuits so you'll have to do that and guess what you'll be rewarded with uh two new characters that's pretty awesome number 13 battle against the giant grident at the giant tree in the crown tundra so yeah you just got to shake the tree several times be sent down into a max battle or max raid battle and uh it's gotta be pretty nuts taking it on because it's super strong but if you do the feeder you get rewarded well with a really badass graduate and also on top of that about like 70 odd berries or something like that so hey it's worth it so the 14th has to be have fun with your new pokemon the crown tundra in the pokemon camp i mean it just makes sense to me that this will be the case just have fun with them have a good time with them enjoy your time like in the camp just playing around with them it's really worth it especially the legendaries they look so goofy in there 15 you really got to show off your ultra beast and legendaries to peony it's worth it because it'll give you some background story and also like once you get yourself necrozma he'll basically complete the whole like you know ultra beast beyond the quest line for you so definitely do that with him 16 do the endless mode in the crown tundra max layer yes so there is an endless mode if you talk to this like doctor guy right here if you talk to him he'll give you the ability to do an endless mode in this and it is pretty crazy because basically you can go non-stop battling all the legendaries until you basically just like you know at that point like run out of it except you can't really catch them but hey it's just something fun to do on the side if you've got nothing else to do 17. collect all the items on the island so yes once again the crown tundra is the same way the alabama was loaded with items there are items all over the place so just go around searching for all of them get hands on as many as you can i feel like it's just a worthwhile thing to do because there's probably going to be loads of them out there so just go get all the items for 18 we got to have catching reggie kickers so first of all get yourself like you know uh reggie rock regis ready steal and then of course get a reggie like your reggie drago and get the you know both of them by trading with someone and then go you know and do the event for reggie giggis it's pretty freaking awesome it's a level 100 gigas and hey it's got like this random little max raid event that's really separate from everything else that's just exclusive to this pokemon it's really awesome i mean number 19 has got to be catching spirit 2. i mean come on man it's it's freaking spirit to him the event for it is awesome it's the same one that you see back in diamond and pearl so by the way check out my video about like diamond and pearl hints in the crown tundra that are really worthwhile to check that video out but either way so getting spiritual is pretty straightforward you just gotta go talk to the grave that you know you know where it's at like talk to the grave and then go talk to 32 people in the online mode of the crown tundra in the wild area talk to about you know again like i said 32 people and once you've done that come back and you'll find a freaking spirit tune you can do this i think several times so you can even shiny hunt for stupid tomb this way amatoria is going to be doing some competitive battling with the new pokemon so yeah reggie leckie is broken like genuinely broken same thing with reggie drago being insanely powerful so while they're still not banned from competitive play do some competitive play with them because they will be so destroyed uh in the coming you know months and i would assume weeks probably just going to be fully destroyed so just use them while you can before they get fully banned into oblivion 21 talk to peonia and get rewarded with some random items for completing the adventure max raids so yeah if you just talk to peonies she will give you some items for just doing the adventure max raids you'll get some visors you know that look like you know just the lasanders i'm pretty sure so yeah just definitely do that 22 is going to be to trade over all the virgin exclusives from the other games so yeah depending on which sword and shield whichever one you have you will have some exclusive pokemon so just trade those over with like a friend or something if you have somebody to trade with it should be really doable but if you don't have a friend to trade with guess what you can also do the other thing which is to transfer overall pokemon from home definitely do that if you want to see them in the crown tundra and sword and shield and just have fun with them there so definitely do that guys number 24 of course is once you transfer all those pokemon over maybe also try to complete your pokedex because it's definitely worth it man just catching all the pokemon and seeing all the pokemon the crown tundra just go out and do that switzerland number 25 which is get rewarded with a crown for actually completing the pokedex so yeah if you go talk to the lady in the crown tundra station she will reward you with a freaking crown and a certificate for completing the pokedex so definitely complete it you get rewarded with that and there it is y'all that's 25 things to do in the crown tundra after beating it so yeah you know just go out there guys have a good time enjoy the game and uh you know have 25 things to do if you are already done with the base story so thanks so much for watching if you guys want to check out my previous videos the you know secrets and easter eggs in the crown tundra and also the five hints towards gen four in the crown tundra then there's gonna be links down below and also it's gonna be stuff in the end screen so thanks so much for watching make sure to subscribe leave a like on this video and i'll see you on the next one peace out bye bye [Music] [Music] hmm
Channel: RuffledRowlit
Views: 85,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crown tundra, crown tundra easter egg, pokemon crown tundra things to do, 30 things to do in crown tundra, things to do after completing poekmon crown tundra, things to do after beating pokemon crown tundra, pokemon crown tundra, the crown tundra, crown tundra pokemon, pokemon crown tundra easter egg, pokemon crown tundra guide, 25 things to do after completing the crown tundra, 25 things to do after beating pokemon crown tundra
Id: HUo5nLaJvs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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