25 Signs You're Called as a Prophet of God - (Part 1)

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praise the Lord this is a pasta wise preach and today I'm going to be sharing 25 signs that you are called as a prophet of God why streets for the weapons of warfare I'm not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God many have known me as a weeping prophet when the glory of God comes upon me many instances I cannot control what happens this deals with the revelation and the mystery of capacity calling an assignment a prophet has got to know what he or she has been called to do in the earth women prophets are mandated prophets are called into isolation they're called into the wilderness they're called into brokenness you will go through break-ins seasons you will go through agony my goodness you will go through a painful process before God can never mature you and to being a true prophet of God there are many people that miss the mark because they assumed they did not know they assumed and it is very dangerous to assume their costly ramifications that are associated with a suction God never called us into the realm of assumption many people have called themselves what they are not called into prophets they operate and they move in power great signs and wonders follow them there is a connection between the Apostolic office and the prophetic office the governing office and the directive office of a prophet a true prophet has got to identify a true apostle because a true prophet can be very dangerous without a foundation in a godless structure you can be highly gifted but highly volatile there are too many people as the Bible says in Revelations chapter 2 verses 20 sufferest that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess she calls herself a prophetess the Bible speaks to us about the slave girl in the book of Acts chapter 16 who was operated in divination she said for seven days these are men of God they have come to proclaim the way of salvation what she was saying was true however the spiritual mechanism behind her utterance was false a prophet will go through a season of trial how was those guys that used to walk around with a huge company of men had a lot of friends then I submitted to my column as a prophet and I was pulled out of that company into isolation I was called out of company into isolation prophets carry weight tea assignments prophets go through persecution there many instances where God begins to reveal to prophets certain things and when they disclose the revelation people interpret what they're saying when they disclose are devote this revelation people's reception to the revelation is contrary to the prophets expectation there are certain things that God will cause a prophet to see and a prophet begins to share it and people think his crazy Joseph was also a prophet Joseph has a prophetic dream from God he shares it with his brothers and the first response is persecution Jesus himself is the Prophet in order for him to be propelled into his destiny which was a cross he had to go through betrayal they are paying for seasons then make a true prophet your developed in the stages of pain you're developed in the stages of the wilderness you're developed in the stages of tribulation there are people that will not understand you because of what God is showing them the things you're seeing the dreams are having the visions God is revealing to you the Bible says in the last days declares the Lord I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters they shall prophesy your old men they shot dream dreams your young men they shall see visions God speaks about a mighty outpouring in the last days if you are calling yourself a prophet and you're not a prophet you are attracting heavy demonic warfare it is very dangerous to call yourself what you are not the Bible says that naina and a bi who offered up an authorized fire unto God and they were consumed by fire utterly destroyed they were pulverized prophets we we / we spent a lot of time weeping I spend a lot of time weeping - beyond our control that's why Samuel was weeping for Saul God acts Samuel how long will you mourn have to saw see him that I've rejected him as king of Israel we spend a lot of time weeping the glory of God comes upon us and we are even we as prophets true prophets of God are convicted anytime we are about to fall into sin conviction comes upon us God pulls us out it's a costly Walker because there's certain things that God expects from a prophet that are just not popular they're not common they're not things that we would normally do like Isaiah have to walk around naked for three years to accost you some things to call yourself a prophet there are too many people calling themselves prophets but there's no power there are no signs and wonders there's nothing no demonstration just words calling themselves prophets declaring things that never come to pass I realize as I speak as I prophesied to people fire comes upon people their things God speaks to me that I can't even share right now they're things I see they're things I experience I could be watching a movie I could be watching a documentary and immediately I am perceiving something contrary to what I am seeing in the natural the other day I was watching a man that was in an ocean literally his plane crashed and he was an ocean for days waiting to be rescued but as I saw him in this ocean I saw hell I didn't see an ocean I saw him I am seeing something contrary to what people in the natural are seeing other people are just seeing an ocean but I have seen a man that has been submerged into fire awaitin a divine rescue and I felt I felt it I cannot explain what I felt but I felt it in my spirit man very deeply man I got scared I had to turn it off as I saw something different I saw a sea I saw an ocean I saw the abyss what is waiting in the ocean the sharks all this dangerous creatures that can utterly destroy a human being now because you are in the wrong territory we see things differently there are times I look at the clouds and I get a message times I'm walking and I get a revelation revelation begins to flow even when I'm in the shower their dimensions in the prophetic prophets are also very sensitive they carry sensitivity because their hearts are connected to God the Bible says and do not grieve the Holy Spirit there are certain things that grieve a prophet because they grieve the Lord so they operate in a high frequency of sensitivity small things you know they are grieved be looking at homosexuality you know running rampant and that grieves a prophet a true prophet of God glory to God sin grieves a true prophet of God there are people that call themselves prophets but they're not grieved by what grieves the father but we agreed when we look at certain things we start to weep because we are bereaved out of sensitivity we are sensitive to God we are sensitive to what God is doing we are sensitive to the move of God we're sensitive to the operation of God prophets will look at a glass like this gather divine revelation as to why this glass is half-empty prophets are able to forensic ly travel in two dimensions to uncover hidden layers in a person I've had instances where I've spoken prophetically to people that don't even know the Lord and they asked me are you a psychic because he did not know and I told him it's of God God knows the details of your life there's nothing we can hide from God God sees through us like this glass he see there's nothing hidden he's able to look at us and see through us God is raising a Prophet's that will carry prophetic forensic vision to see beyond the surface for the Bible says the deep olive unto the deeper so prophets are sensitive the profits that have been in the cave weight and Ankara profits prepare you for the next level the Bible says that God said behold I am doing a new thing some prophets they begin to declare decree and utter them you think that God is do it because God is in the business of doing new things so a nation cannot seek a fine direction without a declaration from a prophet the Bible says God does nothing lest he reveals it to his servants the prophets so what God is about to do he reveals it to the prophet and the Prophet is to declare what God is about to do right now for God did not create anything that was devoid of the ability to reproduce so God gives us divine access he said shall I hide from my servant Abraham what I'm about to do in Sodom and Gomorrah God begins to disclose classified information to his servant Abraham there are many people that are watching today and perhaps you're wondering am I called to be a prophet there are many people that assume that they're called into the office of a prophet when they have been called into the gifting of a prophet I am going to underline the dichotomy we are going to advance into decoding this heavenly mystery that pertains to the office of a prophet number one we have got to understand that a prophet is called a prophet is ordained a prophet carries a revelation a prophet has had an encounter with God the Bible says in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 1 that God appeared to Jeremiah and that before I formed thee in thy mother's womb I knew thee I called thee to be a prophet unto the nations number one we have got to understand that God had a relationship with Jeremiah before he was conceived the spiritual mechanism or the spiritual dichotomy glory to God that represented Jeremiah in the spirit show already had a connection with the father the father was simply coming to reintroduce himself to the creatin which dealt with the form of man - Jeremiah before I formed thee I am now reintroducing myself to you I am reintroducing myself to your natural being your spiritual being knows of me but now I am going to reintroduce myself to your natural being glory to God so number one we have got to understand when addressing the dimensions of the prophetic you're dealing with the gift of the Prophet you're dealing glory to God with the office of a prophet and finally the Bible says in the Book of Revelations that a testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy when you look at the book of Samuel that dealt with King Saul the Bible says that when King Saul came upon the company of the prophets he too began to prophesy it was not because he was a prophet but because he came into this symphony of the prophets glory to God he came into this agreement of this company of the prophets that erected a spirit of prophecy and enabled him to prophesy glory to God the dichotomy it's not because he had a gift prophecy or because he was called into the office of the Prophet but because he was connected glory to God he was submerged into an active session of the prophetic through the mouth of the prophets the Bible also speaks to us about Hannah Hannah conceives out of prayer intercession intercession versus forth a prophet hallelujah Samuel is conceived out of agonizing intercession his mother has been wailing travaileth my god going into spiritual labor for a prophet and the Bible tells us that God appears to Samuel called them by name three times he's having an encounter with God without even knowing what the supernatural is glory to God God has appeared to Samuel my god and he is speaking to Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel glory to God hallelujah God comes to affirm the Prophet you cannot be validated as a prophet until God has come to confirm you as a prophet glory to God then many ways that God will confirm a prophet in this end times there are many people that have been beguiled thinking that they're in Crawford because they have seen a vision because they have seen a dream they now believe they have conceived out of some element that they are a prophet but they have been beguiled by the emotions because prophets are not led by emotions you see the Bible says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God hallelujah glory to God they are not led by emotions the office of a prophet is very pure because the office deals with consecration these are servants of the Most High God that have been trained developed cultivated in the secret place of the Most High God sons 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty God these are prophets that have had an encounter with Jesus they have had a supernatural encounter my god these are servants that perceive and see things that people that are ordinary do not see glory to God these are people that feel things that other people do not feel glory to God they're prophets like Jeremiah that are recognized as weeping prophets glory to God they're prophets there are carriers of the Word of God because a prophet that is called into the office of a prophet carries the word of the Lord so his mouth or her mouth is the mouth of God so when they speak there is a release of conviction so they are not speaking empty words but they're speakin word that will manifest a word that is associated and carries a frequency of divine power that when that word is released there is a manifestation you will know a prophet when that word he releases comes to pass are you flowing with me people of God I want you to flow with me the Micah speaks to us about Elijah Elijah the Tishbite Elijah we don't hear about his lineage we don't hear about his ancestry we don't hear about where he comes from as it pertains to his genealogy glory to God but we hear that Elijah has appeared glory to God Elijah becomes a mysterious prophet my god he becomes a mysterious prophet in both the Old Covenant and in the New Covenant for Elijah had come in the form of John the Baptist and though he was also present in the Old Covenant he spoke as a mouthpiece of God Alijah my god declares the Word of God because you see a prophet that is called into the office of a prophet Carrie's influence over government my god Kerry's influence over districts Kerry's influence over nations God said I have called thee as a prophet and to the nation's and Prophet is not just called to a town a prophet is not just called to a confined church my god of Prophet is called forth to the nation's to declare the word of the Lord a prophet is mandated by God Himself to declare a word of repentance to reconcile the hearts of the nations or men back to God a prophet that is not preaching repentance is a false prophet prophets are not assigned to only prophesy materialistic things my god but they're called to prophesy those defects they call forth those deep things even those secret sins that people are committed behind closed doors they do this thing so that they would reconcile the hearts of the sinner back to God so they're mandated just like Jonah Jonah is assigned by God go to Nineveh go and tell those people judgment is coming lest they repent - glory to God Jeremiah is mandated the same he carries a Word of God in him that begins to manifest as fire shut up in his boats that he has got to speak when God tells him to speak glory to God when you are a prophet the unction and the anointing of God comes upon you at times that you cannot be silent even when you want to be silent there are times that the power and the unction to speak comes upon you when you're in the midst of disorder even sometimes when a service is commencing and God is irritated by what is happening in the midst of the service he will quicken his prophet to stand and to declare the word of the Lord prophets are sent their messengers glory to God they're sent forth my God to speak forth the Oracles of God they operate and high frequencies of Revelation they will take a scripture in the Word of God begin to dissect it they will convey this revelation out of this scripture from a dimension from from a dimension in a heavenly place they will begin to speak in a language that is not coming the revelation of a prophet so a prophet is sent forth to declare repentance a prophet you see now another thing I discovered about prophets is that they carry variations of temperaments what I mean by this there are certain things that irritate a prophet you know you may be out there perhaps and you're watching his broadcast in perhaps you're called into the office of a prophet or you carry a prophetic anointing upon your life there are certain things that irritate a prophet that's what you get around certain prophets they're angered very quickly the Bible speaks about Moses Moses was a prophet and he was also an apostle of that time glory to God and we learn of Moses having an anger problem it is a temperament dysfunction you see their levels in anger there's what we call indignation which is righteous anger and then they's anger which is drawn out of the flesh glory to God and so prophets get irritated by certain things it's not that they want to get angry or irritated the irritation is a result of an eruption of indignation they could be in a place and certain things are happening perhaps people are mocking God perhaps people are exhibiting foolishness in the house of God they get irritated they get angry perhaps a is a heavy anointing that is moving in the room and people are moving around this honor in the presence of God they get angry I remember one day I was in church and I was preaching there was such a heavy anointing I look to the back there's a girl on Facebook on her phone I get angry I get irritated in my spirit I left the altar walk to the back right to where she was I told her put that phone away do not dishonor the presence of God I remember another time I was leading worship the glory of God came people were slain on the floor crying out to God and then you had the some workers in the church just walking about and without me even looking the word of the Lord came to me as my face was prostate I didn't even see these people walking and the Lord spoke through me stop move it be still hallelujah so I want you to hear me closely their levels in the prophetic where you stirred up there's an unction through a visitation prophets they operate in capacity hmm David said if only that would enlarge my territory they operate in capacity glory to God wavelength the office of the prophet has to maintain purity because impurity only asurs or welcomes Jezebel Jezebel is one of the greatest assassins for a prophet glory to God and we learn of this even in the Bible where Elijah is running from Jezebel Jezebel has sanctioned a threat she has legislated a demonic threat saying she will do unto God's prophets as Elijah has done to her false prophets now Elijah is running glory to God hallelujah we have got to understand that a prophet will always be a target for Jezebel Jezebel uses one of her weapons called seduction she is out to seduce the Prophet she seduces the Prophet to ultimately kill the Prophet she will kill the Prophet by severing the hair of the Prophet as Dalila did unto samson her devices are to shut down the operation of God's true prophets in the earth prophets are also called to engage in a warfare they carry the burdens of the nation they're not just praying for themselves or praying for their households these are prophets that had an encounter with God God either took them to hell or took them to heaven they have had an experience for an encounter with Jesus like never before they have had an ordeal like never before they carry a testimony that that reveals the power of God prophets have gone through fire they didn't just wake up and become prophets but they have gone through fire they have gone through a Shadrach Meshach and Abednego moment cast into the fire by Nebuchadnezzar they have gone through that and my question to you that is watching are you truly called as a prophet I am NOT going to go too deep today I'm just gonna highlight those few signs that perhaps you were indeed called as a prophet they're people that are watching right now glory to God and the Lord has called you as a prophet and as a sign of this you will feel fire moving through your body right now some of you will feel it in your belly you feel it in your hands but you'll feel fire moving through your body fire fire is going to move through your body supernatural fires going to move to your body God right now confirm your prophets identify your prophets right now if you felt the fire I want you to leave a comment right now in the name of Jesus if this has blessed you this is only part one if this has blessed you let me know the comment section so I can come back with a part two I want to go deeper on this but I want us to reach a hundred thousand views on this video in the name of Jesus are you truly called as a prophet or are you just operating in the gift of prophecy I can't really exhaust this because this would take five seven hours to exhaust the dimensions of the prophetic but I want you to perceive this capacity I want everyone that is watching on YouTube right now the type of capacity capacity capacity so if this is blessed you leave a comment subscribe to this channel also as many of you know I have an audio CD that I've released four singles hallelujah please go and order that CD those of you that would love to show it to this ministry but after you have a hundred dollars you have five hundred dollars you have a thousand dollars you want to so please so on the details you see on the screen what are you waiting for let's rise this is the hour for the true prophets of God to arise the true prophets must arise in Jesus name the most anticipated audio CD is finally out are you single and ready to move into the institution of marriage perhaps married and ready to cultivate your intimacy I got great news for you God has inspired an audio CD that will impact revolutionize provoke the heavens and propel you to walk into a godly union this CD is a best-seller everyone is ordering what are you waiting for run to the website make your order now ww-why street calm
Channel: Apostle WisePreach
Views: 150,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prophet, how to prophesy, prophet of God, prophetic, prophetic word, 25 Signs You're Called as a Prophet of God, Signs You're Called as a Prophet, Signs You're Called as a Prophet of God, 8 Signs You May Have the Gift of Prophecy, 5 Signs That You Are Spiritually Gifted, spiritual, are you spiritual, how to wake up spirituality, my visions came true, 12 Reasons God Must Isolate Prophets, signs you are called to be a prophet, god, wisepreach 25 signs, Part 1, part 2
Id: _b5qPT_Rre0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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