#25, PREVIEW 1: Grow your career by keeping these 3 things in mind

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mr. Ronda what important ideas have you had to understand to get to where you are today as quickly as you did and I don't think a lot of people realize how old you are which I don't know if you're okay with saying this but how old are you twenty ten and I mean you've experienced so much so what stuff have you had to understand so early in your career to get to where you are as a designer understanding that I'm only as good as the people I surround myself with so I always tried to find myself in situations where I was not the smartest person in the room yeah and I think a lot of people say this and to some people sounds like a cliche but honestly I think a lot of cliches are clean and they're said for a reason right sure there's absolute truthfulness if you are the smartest person in the room you are not growing can't grow because there's no one there that can compete with you if you are not and you have the ability to listen and to learn you will grow from those people that was actually the second thing I learned I had to teach myself how to learn you know because I didn't have formal design education I wanted to design laws in high school you know actually in middle school I started off as a writer transitioned to design and everything I was through trial and error and I realized that I had to understand the way that I personally learned and try and optimize my experiences around that so you know if you if you learn by seeing or by doing or by reading or by repeating you optimize for situations where that is what you're going to be experiencing the most amount of your time yeah because if not then you may think that you are learning by the experiences but you were actually not clear right it's almost like when you're working out right there are ways to work out where you can continue going to the gym and you will never see progress mmm right because you need to understand how your body works what food do you need where are you nutritionally deficient right and you find those think it's not the same for everyone so understanding how you personally learn then optimizing for that very critical and I'm glad that I learned this early you know as I don't think I think a lot of the experiences I now have I would not have had if I did not catch this early my career I'd say one last thing is just understanding the importance of knowing what motivates other people yes this has helped me a lot from landing contracts or jobs I otherwise would not have been able to do mmm growing pains I remember when I was younger it was very very difficult to grow teams because of my age yeah like I faced a lot of ageism right it's like well your kid you're actually 19 finally did exactly right and asuna when you when you understand what motivates people you know you can pretty much guide the conversation anywhere you want Yeah right but only do that if you feel that you can actually deliver on the thing that motivates that individual there's an earthquake going on right now by the way is there really a very light one keep that on camera but I was fun okay I felt a very light like quite now now I'm like no freaking out it's are perfectly safe filming them and with army ever like 20 stories high electric Gosar ABI is fun um well yeah when you know what motivates people it's it's great and that that honestly comes from empathy like when you're sitting in a conversation you're not focusing on yourself you're trying to really understand yeah individual right and when you know those things and you start speaking to those things it becomes very apparent to them that you care and that you listen and I think a lot of the strong relationships I built whether it was me being grown by someone or me growing someone or me collaborating with something the other one stemmed from that right mom me recognizing what motivates them and doing my best to push those things forward and then realizing that I realized those things you know and actually building a trust and relationship with me and I think those three things in addition to a whole bunch of things definitely could play a huge role in my career yeah you know I and what strikes me is it's easy to say that I got lucky I hate that answer so the the thing with luck is that it exists it does but it's not but it's not like I marry thing Yeah right and you know people say like you can create your own luck what they're actually saying is that you've made the effort right you created the circumstances and put yourself in a position to capitalize on a moment yeah and that moment happen and then you grabbed it yeah and there's a word for that that's an opportunist that's right you're an opportunist I love it and I love people that are opportunity out of the way look that's the kind of person I want to work with [Music]
Channel: High Resolution
Views: 9,683
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: jared erondu, bobby ghoshal, lattice, candid, design, design thinking, process, strategy, leadership, ui, ux, business, high resolution, podcast, education, startup, startups, university, design school
Id: Jf50lzez1Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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