Literally the only Apple Vision Pro review you need.

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[Music] [Music] hey over here so good to see you it's pretty cool here isn't it while I have you I want to promise you two things number one this is the only Apple Vision Pro review that you need you found it and number two well you've never seen a review quite like [Music] this my time with Vision Pro has been interesting unlike any product I've ever used before it's getting me to make my first Real review video but for you to truly experience what I experienced we're going to need to start from the beginning because I promise we are going to end up in a very very different different place by the end the first few days with apple Vision Pro leaned pretty negative for me I believe this is sort of a side effect of building expectations based on years of tech rumors and hype and maybe a Sprinkle of having used similar VR headsets before it and now being faced with the actual real Vision Pro in my own hands it was like I ran into a brick wall head first even with a load of preconceived notions Vision Pro still gave me some standout moments initial setup for instance felt like real magic the second it seamlessly started tracking my eye movement and Incredibly accurately at that it felt like real life magic it is so intuitive the ability to control everything with just your eyes and a pinch gesture from your fingers feels absolutely natural it somehow feels brand new and familiar all at the same time but once I was in and it was set up I don't I don't know it was like the demo of it all wore off fast and I became very critical very fast within minutes I labeled it as just another VR headset that suffered from the same physics that every other VR headset seems to have is it higher quality than something like the meta Quest yes of course but it's also much heavier there are no controllers and no VR spatial gaming experiences and the pass through though definitely much better than any other pass through I have ever seen is still just using cameras to feed your surroundings to a set of screens Vision Pros cameras have the same limitation as all camera footage especially footage from what are basically phone cameras the quality nose Dives and the cameras start to suffocate in low light and no matter what the resolution of the displays are bad camera footage ruins any illusion of immersion and it does it pretty fast as someone who has been working directly with cameras and screens for a long time and knowing how cameras and screens work I picked this thing apart I can see chromatic aberration I can see display fringing and warping I can see the feed struggling to stabilize in front of my eyes causing what everyone seems to be referring to as motion blur luckily if I'm right this is just software stabilization and that can all be sorted out or at least helped in the future with a software update but that is not what shipped and obviously that's not what you'll be getting if you buy Vision Pro right now the list was growing and my opinion was sort of snowballing straight into the gutter one single Domino like shoddy lowlight camera performance would fall and hit another and you know how it goes I seem to be making up my mind faster than I thought I would faster than I wanted to as someone who thoroughly enjoys the meta Quest I was in awe at how heavy and uncomfortable Vision Pro was at first I had the wrong light seal and it felt like I was legit wearing someone else's cheekbones using Vision Pro was just borderline painful sometimes having the correct light seal has helped that immensely but it's still very heavy and the weight distribution is very much right there in the front and you know what really kills me the awkwardness of it all really almost purely comes from Apple's own hubris their need to ship metal and glass products their need to over engineer things to Hellen back in the name of Premium Vision Pro is no exception the device is incredibly over engineered I was really starting to wonder how Apple could even ship something like this something that a human was designed for a human to wear multiple hours at a time I mean companies like meta and countless others have already figured this out I thought it was like a solved situation here there are so many unnecessary things that are still somehow absolutely necessary in order for this to be called an Apple product I'll tell you this Vision Pro feels very much like the $4,000 device that I paid for the materials are very much premium almost too premium at times the material on the inside of the headset for instance is just this thin layer of polyester hugging the technological marbles on the inside and that causes me to be so careful even handling this with my bare hands even the light seal that blocks the light from where the headset sits on your nose is literally just this little cushion of nylon it's horrifying and I should not be trusted with it these displays though are incredible they are technologically the most impressive displays you have ever used I do not see pixels I do not see any screen dooring effect but again these displays are being viewed through lenses that are slaves to the same physics as any pair of pancake lenses ever like the pass through camera feed issue mentioned before these are problems that Apple cannot overcome not yet you will see glare and you'll especially see that glare while watching bright content in lower light environments like the cema or really any of the virtual environments set to nighttime the field of view in Vision Pro not great regardless of what you heard eventually you will get used to it just like you got used to the notch on your iPhone and if you've never used another VR headset you may not question the field of view at all but Vision Pro's field of view is dramatically smaller than what I'm used to from products that cost a fraction of vision Pro's price tag it's not terrible but it's not great and especially at first you might feel like you're looking through binoculars my God I cannot believe that Apple shipped this sometimes what what is this the Giant and heavy metal battery attached to Vision Pro externally through this crazy cable at first was a lot for me to handle but I get it right this thing is already packed to the pen with incredible technology we're talking multiple processors that require cooling that are doing everything in real time all of the cameras and sensors the automatically adjusting lenses there's so much more it is insane there is simply no way to also fit a battery inside Vision Pro and have it not weigh more than a whole microwave at the time of this recording if you really love VR and VR Gaming the ability to move around in a virtual environment Vision Pro is not for you number one because Apple doesn't allow you to move freely very far once you move a few feet in a direction your real environment will start to fade back in and number two this thing is just way too premium and way too heavy to even dream of being active in absolutely out of the question as far as I'm concerned my experience with eye tracking has been very accurate at least 95% the hand tracking on the other hand well it is not 95% accurate the better the in is the better chance it has at actually seeing my hands obviously but in normal chill nighttime relaxing environments at home the sensors are going to struggle again this is all just physics how could Apple not see that how are they not more prepared for this why did they give this to us in the first place how could I not see that I don't know why I thought Apple could break the laws of physics give us something magical we've seen this before Vision Pro is just an overpriced Apple tax version of something like the quest 3 something like do you hear the words that I'm saying right now this is how I viewed Vision Pro for that entire first week of using it and you know what it's the same trap that every Tech reviewer falls into about every tech product ever always I'm telling you we look at these things too technically and sometimes we are so blinded by our own understanding of how the technology works that we rob ourselves of the experience and the meaning it delivers it's like working at Disney World and knowing how all of the rides work sometimes that can rob us from seeing how truly and utterly magical that experience is and can be for someone that just wants to be on the ride man I don't I don't know can we can we do something together just for a second can we ignore how the rides work can we just talk about how it feels there are moments using Vision Pro split seconds where it fools you these moments where your brain is truly convinced of an environment you're really there you're really standing in White Sands and you don't just see the incredible landscape that surrounds you but the spatial audio of the environment envelops you the sounds of sand shifting at your feet the atmosphere it's so compelling that soon you start to feel the wind hitting you in that [Music] moment pure magic these small moments were always there but I was too caught up in my own attempt at just justifying Vision Pro's existence that I didn't let myself just experience the ride in the encounter dinosaurs app that demo app that I'm sure you've seen Everywhere by now yeah of course the dinosaurs are visually impressive and the Fidelity of the screens is absurd but it's actually when the butterfly sees you when you stick your hand out and the butterfly flies into your space and lands on your finger you feel it happen in that moment your brain totally buys it that is when it's magic when you're on the moon you're not just visually in Space the sound from your real world environment drops off you hear the nothingness you almost feel yourself struggled to breathe you feel existential dread and you'll find yourself on the moon looking back at Earth feeling your stomach iomic drop as if you are actually 240,000 M away from home playing augmented reality puzzles in Vision Pro unlocks a strange part of your brain that can't understand can't fathom that your friends in the room can't also see what you're seeing FaceTime calls feel real they sound real personas especially the earlier version can be a bit questionable sometimes sure but The Uncanny Valley quickly Smooths out as the impact of seeing your friends truly feel like they are in the room with you hits it's like you could reach out and touch them for real the look of the eyes the movement of the eyes feels so natural it feels like you're making direct eye contact with a human in front of you when you're in pass through having a call from within your own room you hear your friend's voice echoing off of your walls and when you go into a virtual environment so will the Call truly and I absolutely mean this there is no better way to FaceTime someone than on Vision Pro FaceTiming on an iPhone feels like caveman activity now when you're in pass through the UI is insane it's locked into place and it looks like everything is legitimately in your room windows look real so real you could touch them spatial videos specifically ones captured directly from Vision Pro not from your iPhone are a visceral and emotional experience it is quite literally like stepping foot back into a memory it is not just a video it is a moment in time this is the photograph reinvented and for some of you watching right now you know why that is Magic showing Vision Pro to people who are not like me and probably you those regular people you might have heard about they put this thing on and cannot believe their eyes for me showing Vision Pro to regular normal functioning adults is half the fun to them they don't know how cameras and displays work they do not care they're just seeing actual pass through as if they were wearing nothing but a set of transparent lenses and the weird visual issues like blur or chromatic aberration are just written off by their brains telling them that they're looking through a pair of goggles to them it's real this is real magic to them it's in those experiences those very human experiences with Invision Pro where everything the hiccups the barriers the build quality the weight the camera qu all of it all of it everything that every Tech reviewer tells you is important isn't all of that stuff Falls away and it just took me a second to figure that out listen mixed reality virtual reality spatial Computing even none of this is exclusive to Apple it has all been done before we've used many headsets and even glasses that attempt to do all of these same things but no one and I mean no one has attempted it with the same level of care as Apple I have been preaching for 10 years if not more that AR and VR mixed reality is the future believe me I've got 10 years of video evidence to back that up but Vision Pro is the first tech product that has ever actually let me look into that future it actually puts me there it's like wanting to travel to places you've never seen But the catch is you have to get on the first airplane ever invented to do it it's kind of a clunky vehicle sometimes the flight is uncomfortable but you know what you're going to get there Vision Pro is the first real life time machine that you can buy today everyone was hoping for some sort of killer app and you know what at first so was I then I realized Vision OS is the killer app that experience is the reason you want to wear the headset again even with my new light seal it can be uncomfortable sometimes but I I still find myself wanting to be in there I need you to bear with me on this one all right when I'm doing something on my phone I'm almost locked in this box this rectangle of Glass and Metal a portal that forces me to be connected to use it there's so much happening out here but in order to do anything in here I have to only look only look right here even a simple notification that comes across my screen could get me to open up my phone which could then sweep me away to some Tik Tok somewhere and suddenly I've been here for a long time my phone is constantly serving me distractions but with Vision Pro I actually feel more disconnected from those distractions it feels like I have more Choice more discretion over what gets my attention and where I am so so serious when I say this this is going to change everything again I'm aware Apple isn't the first to a space like this however apple is the first company to build the closest thing ever to a time machine that can actually trick my brain into believing my eyes remember when Apple put 5G in the iPhone and went on stage and said 5G just got real and we all kind of made a meme out of that yeah well turns out then all of the cellular companies actually started building real viable 5G networks Apple Vision Pro has opened up a can of worms that cannot be closed now in the wake of this device we will see changes Ripple through the industry and probably rapidly at that changes at how you I everyone experiences the digital world right now even inside of Vision Pro yes everything is locked within Windows because well that's where the digital world has been since always but soon websites will have the ability to load within an entirely new dimension giving you the ability to move around within that website navigate that website in ways you never saw coming can I show you this is not real yet we made this this was not recorded in Vision Pro and what you are seeing is 100% CGI but one day one day you see what I'm saying even something as simple as the way we browse changes today the way we watch and enjoy sports changes imagine seeing the field with players running plays in real time in your living room imagine sitting Courtside for your favorite teams content will jump from the screens and take you with it and I am not just talking about how incredible 3D movies are on Vision Pro I'm talking about Apple's new content format Apple immersive where completely new cameras are used to film fully immersive content content that while only in gen one already makes you feel like a fly on the wall of real experiences training and schooling will never be the same doctors can perform and practice simulated surgeries without hurting anyone mechanics can learn to fix your car before even touching the real thing people with physical impairments will see corners of the world they never thought possible all while being truly immersed lockdowns will never again stop us from seeing our friends when you just let go a little bit and dedicate your mind to wanting to experience the future that Vision Pro represents nothing comes close all of the things the technological specifications the weight the battery packs it all disappears and what you're left with is a window into the future that quite literally right now only Vision Pro can provide it is not about Vision Pro Gen 2 or Vision Pro 3 it's about Vision Pro now this one and this one doesn't just let you see where the future is headed it puts you in the future now there's a lot of talk about how dystopian this device feels and looks some have labeled Vision Pro as sad seeing the user is disconnected from reality and alone I'll tell you this Vision Pro specifically in FaceTime is the first product to ever allow me to feel not alone in a space I clearly was the way people stare at me when getting onto a plane wearing Vision Pro is the same way people used to stare when we started putting cameras on phones this concept like all the ones that came before it can only be so foreign for so long right now there are two emerging paths to the Future in my opinion we have VR and AR mixed reality if you will and we have ai and I think those roads are going to start to merge and merge kind of fast in areas of Vision Pro that physics fail the experience AI will be able to step in to correct and compensate these machine learning tools are already hard at work in simple day-to-day experiences with tech that you already have I feel so strongly that this is the future that now it's hard to care about iPhone rumors like to me the iPhone is a car driving on a road that stops in a dead end there's only so much we can do there in 10 15 maybe 20 years this is the next iPhone maybe not this specific device in this specific form factor but the destinations that it takes us to are the future this is a PC this is a personal computer but so was this at first these headsets may just be the desktop walking before the smartphone can run and maybe it isn't about trying to make every everything in Vision Pro fit into a pair of small glasses maybe they can exist the same way desktops still exist in a world of smartphones maybe just maybe this headset is the new desktop Apple Vision Pro is easily the single most technologically impressive thing I have ever experienced in my life a real risk Apple took to show us the future a single device that can place Us in memories of the past and yet find ways to show us experiences 10 years into the future a real life time machine today
Channel: fpt.
Views: 261,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple vision pro, Vision Pro review, apple vision pro review, vision, pro, Jon prosser
Id: krpbAMJlLTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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