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foreign tell me something about yourself um well hi Eva uh my name is C and uh I am a university student currently living in Seoul South Korea um what else I can say about myself uh I was born in 2002 so now I'm 21 years old in Korean age um uh well my hobby is drawing and writing it's all about the creation and that is the reason why my YouTube nickname is crossion as um yeah and I live with my family of my my mother and father yeah and I hope we had a good conversation today what is the weather like in your country also tell me about the seasons the weather like um I think the most distinctive feature of South Korean weather is a four is a Four Season um well after since it's like um the whole world are just screaming through the global warming uh South Korea also have a struggling uh season like complicated seasons for example we learned and I also learned that South Korea have four distinctive season spring summer fall and winter but however nowadays it's I think it's Thursday only two seasons like Long Long Winter and Long Long Summer and slightly spring and fall yeah I don't want the spring and fall only lasts for like one or two weeks so now these I think the most distinctive feature of South Korean weather is two seasons or maybe four um that is the thing I was I was wanted to say about your question how was the weather today where you are what is happening now how was the weather today um well you know since it's December it's freezing cold but however I don't think it's like a really freezing cold because uh I still remember the winter of last and last last year so compared to the formal winter I think it's much warmer um well but still is a winter so it's kind of snowy and windy and also cold but the thing is I think it's all because of the climate change like a more warmer winter I haven't experienced making a snowball this winter so although the snow just um I can see some snowflakes but they're they just melts uh instantly so yeah uh so yeah what I want to say was today's weather is also warm and also cold it was snowy but I can't even see the snowflakes just covered in the town so it's kind of half white Christmas how has the weather changed in your country over time was the weather different when you were a child yes definitely it uh it changes a lot from my childhood and nowadays um well uh I think I can just say about the weather the weather I mean the season um since the season changed and we are now occurring South Korean have a long long winter and long summer and also it's more hotter and warmer so I think the most distinctive change that I can say the sample that I can say um is like banana or coconut when I was child I wasn't able to see like coconuts in uh from made in South Korea I can't even imagine that all the coconuts and bananas are from those are kind of like the fruits from Southern America or Africa but however nowadays we sometimes see the Coconuts from teju Island made in Jeju Island and sometimes we also see like um made in Korea bananas yeah I think that's the that's the change that happens from about like 20 10 years from my childhood weather and today's weather um well what else uh oh to add more about the hot summer in South Korea nowadays A lot of people use a word called paprika which means it is a combination of words uh the region of the South Korea the Tegu and the name Africa which means the Tegu is like hot as Africa and I also agree with that so those two examples that I give it to you is the it's a good experience that I can say that it shows a lot of change there is a various and huge change in South Korea's weather I would like to know about your house how many rooms are there also tell me about your favorite room um my house um well I'm still living with my family my mother and father and also my younger sister and younger brother also I'm 21 years old and I'm an adult I'm still living with my family like in kangaroo anyway so in my house there are three rooms one is for my parents and one is for my mine and the other the final one is for my sister and brother studying place oh sorry I mean the four the four room uh one is for my studying room and also there's a bed here and the second one was for my my parents and third one was for my sister and brothers and the final one was a bedroom of my sister and also my brother so yeah there are four room and two bathroom in my house in the best place I the best place yeah I can say that it's it's a kitchen uh because I love eating delicious food and I also love cooking various dishes so I think I spend about about five hours a day in kitchen so because of that I decorated kitchens a lot and it's kind of fancy and also pretty because I spend so much times in the kitchen yeah so yeah I think that is so that is the reason why I like the kitchen and that is the like loveliest plates that I find in my house not my room it's a kitchen tell me about some problems you have experienced in your house for example it could be noise from your neighbor something was broken or someone you lived with didn't cooperate with you it was a worse experience I have ever um uh it was yeah it was like three years ago uh which means I was like 18. I was still I was just a teenager and the thing is I was just sleeping in my own room uh and I heard the sound just like in uh it's like a very crooked crooked Sound and it's as you can expect it it was an insect sound and uh I thought it was really strange because I was I was just sleeping in my room and I heard the sounds like like the cricket sound so uh I slowly moved my move my head and I just found out that the big crickets it was right beside me and well you know I was teenager so I was screaming and I went ran to my mother's room and I called my mother and father that there's a big Cricket on my bed and uh but however when I just went back to my room I couldn't find it so I I just like spray a lot of killer sprays and I just stay up all night because I was wondering when that kind of thing that when that will um uh pop up again on my bed but however I cannot find any insects after that day so it's just a mystery and um yeah it was a bad experience for me as a teenager yeah crickets in on my bed he just oh tell me about one of the problems you've mentioned about what was the problem and how did you deal with it the problem that I deal with it um like I said I just uh I don't have any solution for that experience because I was so shocked and I was only uh and I hate insects such as crickets I even hate ladybugs uh my my some of my friends said they are kind of cute but I don't think so because they are insects anyway um I just handled it I think I just handled that problem by erasing the memory of that experience I have to live in my house and I have to use my room so after that day I take a really good care to prevent like insects coming in my room so I bought a lot of bug killer spray and I also bought a like a round white pill um I remember that was kind of toxic to insects and uh since it is a it it just makes you smell the the sense that insect hates so it prevents insects from coming to the room like uh yeah I just bought killer spray and insects uh hate sense so I think that is a solution that I can ever to think of it after experience Cricket on my bed tell me about typical restaurants in your country what are they like and what kind of food do they serve um a typical restaurant in my country um I think I can say it's that there is like about four types of typical restaurant in South Korea the first one is obviously it's Korean style but however it's like more traditional Korean style there are so many dishes and also many many side dishes uh yeah so the first one is Korean style and second one is I think it's about a European mainly about Italian like pasta restaurants or find um fine dishes restaurant uh yeah so second one is about European style and third one is about the Asian food such as Chinese or like Japanese food sushi sometimes uh like the some of the Vietnam and Thai Thailand food also contains in the Asian food category and the final one is called I think I could say that it's a princess um I don't know how to translate in English but however means like it's kind of fast food and also cheap food style in South Korea um the yeah the thing the dish is like labian or dog Poky or kimbap is part of the princess so yeah I think that's all I can say about the typical um typical restaurant in South Korea four parts European Asian and traditional Korean dish and puji when was the last time you laid out where did you go and who did you go there with what did you eat at the restaurant hmm the very last time that I went to I went out for eat um I think it was about three weeks ago oh sorry I got a cold uh anyway um it was about three weeks ago I went to the restaurant called what was it like like it was like red salmon or something it's a Japanese food restaurant and I went there because I was starting in my University to prepare my final exam uh I was studying late night with my friends um yeah so we went there to eat dinner uh I I think I ate salmon sushi yeah I ate someone said like 12 pieces and my friends ordered uh Japanese noodle spicy Japanese noodle and um yeah what I remember was it it was not exactly the Japanese noodle it was kind of mixture of Chinese uh food called baratan which is a very popular dish in South Korea so it's kind of a mixture of Chinese and Japanese noodles so yeah my friends ordered that and now I ordered salmon but the thing is um you know someone sometimes feel really greasy when you ate so much salmon uh so I felt greasy after I was after eating like eight pieces of sushi so and also my friends was kind of said that she wanted to taste Mal salmon dish and she's think it the the noodles she gets is kind of spicy for her so we switched the dishes uh so I was able to eat both Sushi and um Japanese noodle tell me about a special dish you had at a restaurant how was the food was it memorable special the shadow restaurant well as I said I don't really go out to have a dinner or meal so special dish um the only thing I remember recently in the special dish is I think it's I was on my friend's birthday um so to celebrate my friend's birthday we went to the restaurant no actually it's not kind of restaurant it's more like uh Pub so we went to a pub and however there was there the pup has a really really good dish it was really famous on Instagram and also it has a very insta-worthy visual uh it has a decoration with black pearl I think it's kind of eatable chocolate and on the top it was also there was also kind of silver Pearl um I'm not sure if it was it was it edible or not but anyway it was fantastic and really really pretty so yeah we took a lot of photos and um sorry I think this is the only experience that I can remember about the specialist you ask anyway that was my experience and that was my answer I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out you want to watch a movie with your friend call the theater and ask three or four questions about the movie tickets hello is it uh ABC theater uh yeah I just call you to ask about the ticket reservation actually I wanted to reserve two tickets for an adult uh this Friday night Avatar 2. yeah so is there any available seats that I can get oh there is I see uh then can I reserve it just by this call or should I have to use online pages um oh okay okay I see oh and one more thing uh actually I was wondering if there's any discount for students I mean I am a blah blah University students nearby so is there any special discount for University students oh there is then uh should I need to get my University students card or like ID card for reservation yes uh so you mean I can get a ticket discounts um by online right yes I see oh okay I get it uh thank you thank you so much it helps a lot have a good day I'm sorry but there is a problem I want you to resolve you just found out you've been sold the wrong tickets ask someone at the movie theater for a solution giving him or her two or three alternatives hello um actually I just called you like to um two days ago my name is blah blah blah yes uh my ticket number is b1234 two days ago I reserved two tickets for adults um and Friday 9 pm I have a tattoo but the thing is I think we won't be able to see that movie yeah um um I reserve overall tickets so is there uh any available tickets that I can replace Avatar to oh oh okay I see then can we get a full refund yeah because I was wondering that uh whether we can get a full refund because it's two days before the tickets oh no uh not a full refined but I can only get uh 80 discount I mean 80 refund uh okay I see yeah no no uh I know that I know no you don't have to be sorry because it's all my fault I have to check twice okay then uh can I then can I just keep this ticket for my membership in this theater yeah I don't want to get a discount I I mean I don't want to get a refund in and money yes uh yeah I had a plan to see another movie this uh this weekend so I just wanted to keep it in my membership as a point is it available oh okay I see thank you no problem thank you have you ever been in a situation where you had a problem with buying tickets or making a reservation what was the situation and how did you solve the problem [Music] um I rarely uh make mistakes in tickets because I always check twice but um yeah I think it was uh five years ago because it was uh the the ticket that I missed reserved was Suicide Squad one um there was a movie that I had that waited so long because I am a huge fan of the DC uh not a Marvel DC movie series so I was waiting to see a Harley Quinn and theater and I reserve a ticket to see that movie with my sister um however on that day I found out that there was two couple sitting on our chair and uh at first I was I have no idea what to say to them because I just checked my ticket and we had a right place it was me and my sister place but um so I just call their name I mean not name I just uh asked that couple saying that I'm sorry but I think this is a seat for us I just show them our tickets and they said oh it's yesterday tickets yeah I just I just don't want it to memorize it again it was such an embarrassing moment and uh yeah so I have to just went out of the theater because I reserved wrong tickets it was and it wasn't yesterday so yeah and also it also makes me sad that my sister was really disappointed because she was also waiting and and she was also expected to see Suicide Squad on theater yeah I think that is the experience I can tell about you about to do you indicated in the survey that you take vacations domestically I was traveling different now compared to the Past do you think traveling is easier or more difficult now than before um I think traveling now is uh uh it's not easier than before um and I I would like to say that it's all because of the coven 19. well uh before covid-19 before 2020 it was yeah it was clear that the travel is way much more easier than the past like 1990s or 1970s but however after the covid-19 evoked so a lot of people have to get in control of the government and we all always have to keep our like certificates that we are vaccinated so therefore it makes the travel domestically and also internationally more diff or more difficult and I also heard that and I also saw the news that uh some um some dictatorship governments such as China or like Russia just forbid their um like they just limit their their people to went out of their region because you know I I know that the governments are saying that they're just trying to keep their people safe but I think that's kind of over control to the people and the freedom of the people yeah anyway so because of that kind of examples and the experience that I have been through the after covid-19 I think travel these days are much more difficult than past past few years tell me about some issues concerning traveling how do people handle those issues or problems travel issues um I think one of the very important and also very personal issues that people will face through the travel is the people uh the like the co-workers I mean I'm not saying about co-workers I mean the the friends they went on trip with for example I heard a lot of cases that they were best friends before they went to trip together and they have to face a lot of difficulties and all and also a lot of thoughts so I think that's the most concern of the people preparing to travel and also people who are traveling now nowadays people are trying to solve that problem by finding a person that fits them in a travel style um for example in my case I tried a traveler Bingo which is a um like the brilliant Bingo board contains a question about your traveling style that's whether you wanted to eat expensive food or do you do or do you just prefer to eat like street food in that country or do you prefer to move fast or do you prefer to just relax and enjoy that Country View those kind of questions so yeah I think uh while I was doing that I think that could be a really good solution to the problem that we face during the travel with my friends and myself um yeah that's all I can say about it [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: 크라시옹
Views: 276,471
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Keywords: 오픽AL, 오픽시험 후기, 오픽시험, 오픽 후기, 오픽AL시험영상, OPIC AL, 오픽 AL 실제 답변, 오픽 AL 샘플, 오픽 IH시험, 오픽 IH실제 답변, 오픽 AL, 오픽 벼락치기, 영어공부, 영어독학, 오픽독학, 토스독학, 토스lv7, 영어회화공부, 영어스피킹
Id: r_gL63KHxvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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