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for for one tell me about hello AA good morning um is it good afternoon anyway uh I would like to say it's uh such a pleasure to meet you and well to let me introduce about myself first my name is blah blah blah my name is blah blah blah and I'm Korean currently studying in University in Korea uh I'm living in Soul and I'm 21 years old well uh what else can I say about myself I'm living with four families uh my dad my mom my little sister my little brother and me uh well what else like okay so let me talk about my hobby I really do love drawing writing things so that is a reason why my YouTube channel nickname is kashio which is rooted from creation I think this is all I can say about myself um pleasure to meet you and I hope we have a good conversation today thank you two discuss the city where you live explain what the city that you live in is like what are the people like there describe the buildings in your city provide many details to explain your city okay so I should describe my city I'm living so um I'm currently living in h you know the city ho in Korea it it's the capital city of so sorry I mean the capital city of Korea South Korea well ho is a city um mixed with the tradition and modern design for example ho is surrounded with big five mountains but it also has a really high skyscrapers for example like 63 buildings or low World Tower so you can see a lot of skyscrapers and yeah I think that's all I can say about the buildings um about the life of people living in Soul I think a lot of people are living really busy in whole city because as I mentioned before tol is the capital city of South Korea therefore a lot of people working in different jobs are living in whole city so yeah to um so in total I would like to say soul is a city that is mixed with high skyscrapers and traditional buildings or traditional palaces and it is a city very Lively City that's a lot of busy people living in it three what do the people in the city do on the weekends explain some of the special events and activities that go on in the city discuss the things people in the city do during the weekends the activities well as I mentioned before tol is a city with a very busy people a lot of people Liv in thiso are mainly office workers um so well um for me and as long as I know I I believe that a lot of people living in this whole do a special activity such as hiking in the weekends I saw a lot of my friends and a lot of acquaintance do hiking when in weekends and it's a very uh I think that's a very popular hobby for a lot of people because um to is uh to has a lot of mountains it's where we can which means that there is a situation which means that we can easily go on a hiking on the weekend so yeah we go on a hiking uh what else I think hiking is the main main one and on weekend sometimes a lot of people go to to just to to just go around cafe or galleries because H have a lot of beautiful cafes which we can have a very insta worthy pictures that's all I can say about your question four describe something that you did last weekend explain what you did who you went with and where the event took place provide details that explain something interesting that you did last weekend last weekend well since this is um July I mean I'm in a vacation I'm a university student but I have nothing to do that is mandatory so uh last weekend I just went out with my friends and go to um go to see the the you know that uh I went to see the the museum that shows the history of animation and there was one of my favorite animation called blah blah blah so I was able to go there because my friend is actually a some kind of Art influencer influ influencer in Instagram so she gave me two tickets so and she offered me to go with her so yeah I was really for to go to see that gallery and watch a lot of artworks that contains beautiful animation scenery so yeah I think that's all I can say about last weekend nothing nothing really special but I went on just I went on an animation gallery to see uh artworks with my friends five I'd like to know about the place where you live do you live in an apartment or a house what does it look like how many rooms does it have describe it in as much detail as possible um about my house uh actually I'm living in apartment that's the normal normal way that's the most common way of Korean people living so I'm living in a a in an apartment um with my family well to put details about my living area uh it contains two bathroom because I'm living with four families I mean in total five family five people are living in one house so there are two bathroom and three room one is for my mother and father one is for my sister little sister and me and finally the smallest one smallest room is for my brother little brother so yeah two bathroom three rooms and there are there is a very huge living room that has a lot of bookshelves on in it so which is my favorite place because on a living in a living room I often sometimes like do a small tea party with my mother and my little sister well although my little brother and father don't really like it like you know that's say little bit girly things uh no offense though anyway uh at the living room I do read a lot of book and do a small tea party with my and mother six compare the home you lived in before to the one you live in now what are the differences between those two homes describe them in as much detail as possible okay describe in much detail but what if I am not living in different homes um since you asked me actually I'm living in just one one apartment uh since I was was born so let me just tell you about my dormatory and my apartment um I'm currently living in dormatory with my friends I mean school friends so to describe difference between my apartment and dormatory I think the there are two differences first difference is about the number of people living in it when I was living in in my family's apartment I have to live with five four families in total five but in dormatory luckily I have the big room so uh I'm living currently living in only one friend so in total two people are living in one room and second difference is I think it's about like the house chores yeah the amount of house Tores that I have to do when I was in apartment uh I do not really do house chores because it's for my mother and my father but however I'm living in dormatory now so I have to do a lot of house chores compared to the compared to the situ compared to the time that I was living in an apartment seven have you ever had any problems with your home what was your problem and how did you deal with it how did the problem turn out give me as many details as possible okay about a problem uh well you told me about you asked me about the problem that I experienc in home so can I just uh I think I can just tell you about the problem that I have to handle while I was living in my dormatory because dormatory is also my house right well so um yeah the the problem that I have to handle while I was living in dormatory it was was this you know when you're living with other person not family you have to handle with the type what kind of what kind of a person you and your roommates are uh the problem started with with this uh I'm the kind of person that think house should be very very um silent but my friend my roommate was kind of person that think music is her life so on like it was like 12 o' and on a first day on my way to dormatory she was listening a rock heavy metal music for like three hours from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. so at first I tried to I tried to I try to like endure it but it didn't work that well so I I have to fought with that friends so you know how did my problem ended so let me tell you about how my problem ended um actually I just uh I just tell the the university I mean so I was trying to I tried to do a conversation with my roommates but she never understood about my type of person that think silence silent situation silent silent place is the best so yeah we were so so different type of people we were so different so I have to change my roommate and she also agreed because she really do wanted to share her roomates her bestie yeah so we all agree to separate a room and change into another room so now so yeah that's how the problem solved now I'm happy with my new room remains that agree with my thoughts that room the resting place have to to be silent eight please describe one of the restaurants you visit frequently what type of food does it serve what do you like about it um the type of restaurant I visit frequently well recently I think I visited the sushi restaurant very frequently because it has a really uh you might think it's a little bit weird comment but I visit there because they're the NAT sushi restaurant has a really really good design with a plate and with a title with a fork every detail is so stunning beautiful so that is the reason why I visit there very frequently well to tell more about that sui restaurant it has a thick price I mean stable price uh you know after the the Ukraine war war and Russian Ukraine war the the price of small Salomon that just like that increases a lot so that was the reason why I wasn't able to visit salmon restaurant or sushi restaurant frequently uh like I used to do but this sushi restaurant has a very stable price and very reasonable price um although the Ukraine Russian War affect the the salmon price so yeah I think that's the second reason why I love to go to that restaurant these are the things that I can say about the restaurant nine do you remember the first time you went the restaurant how was the first impression of it what made you like the restaurant tell me why you liked it okay first impression first impression well to be honest first impression was not really that good because uh um uh yeah I said about that restaurant was has a very reasonable price but the first impression was like is this really a restaurant exactly this because at the first visit it wasn't really designed neatly and it wasn't that beautiful it contains like um blinking Spotlight I mean blinking light bulb and the design was a little bit antique in other words it it looks a little bit old but after the the chief uh I mean the chef yeah I think the chef was changed like one years ago uh after the chea changed and the owner of the shop owner of the restaurant change it's um it has a lot of development and design and and other other status yeah so this is last impression and first impression yeah it wasn't that good 10 when was the last time you visited a restaurant where did you go why did you go there who did you go with what did you do please tell me about it in detail you asked me a lot of questions so where when who and do what okay so the restaurant uh that I visit Rec recently is uh um pasta restaurant and I went there with my I went there with my friends and my friends family because we are keeping touch with for like 10 years more than 10 years so we are like just like families so I went there with past uh with my friends and friends family go to pasta restaurant about two days ago because that was the birthday of my friends my friend's family invited me to go to my friends birthday party so I went there ate a lot of alolo pasta and also gorgona Pizza that was really really nice um yeah that's all I can say about your question 11 there is a situation I would like you to act out you are planning to travel abroad and would like to rent a car call a rental car agency and ask three to four questions about renting a car um hello is this Parry spenter Car Center oh it is um this is blah blah blah uh I'm calling you because uh I reserve a two rent car for today yes mhm yes my name is blah blah blah And my nationality is South Korea yeah I reserved two cars so how long should I how long can I take my renter car uh okay for for three days okay I get it so should I do a test drive or or I can just do MH Oh Oh you mean uh there is an opportunity for me to do a test drive for like two days before the rent date okay I get it oh and one more thing should I do should I pay additional fee if I have if I rent one more car today mhm okay yeah um I can I can pay additional fee yeah no problem okay I'll be there in a minute thank you 12 I am sorry that there is a problem you need to resolve the travel agency called and told you your trip has cancelled call your friend explain the situation and offer him two to three Alternatives hi Christine um yeah sorry to say this but actually our travel agency just told us that our trip to Paris is canceled yeah I know right H yeah we've been waiting for like one month mhm but yeah anyway then let's just join our vacation just by ourselves um how about going to the art Library Museum uh my friend told me that that was that place was really good oh you don't like books okay then how about just hang out to go to um well I'm not really sure how about hang picnic okay you don't like it because it's too hot yeah yeah I understand it's hot summer okay then how about um go to see Elemental you like movie right okay then I think I can just reserve two tickets for for today like 700 p.m. yeah cuz I got the coupon mhm okay see you then 13 that's the end of the situation have you ever had any difficulties while planning your trip when was it where did you want to go what happened how did you resolve the situation tell me about it from the beginning to the end oh um well the about a trou I think the biggest problem that I've experienced while planning traveling was like two years ago because I was planning to go on a vacation with my friends to um to Turkey but we already Reserve every like every place and every bus every restaurant to go in every uh like guest house to stay but the problem is yeah right before the day we went on we go to the airport there was a very huge earthquake on Turkey so there was a that was a reason why we have to cancel all the all the travel plans but I think that was also lucky for me and my friends to cancel right before the day we go to the turkey and that was such a luck so yeah I think yeah that's the problem that I have to handle while planning a travel 14 I would like to know differences you think between dishes in your country and dishes from other countries are there any similarities as well compare dishes in as much detail as possible dishes compare compare dishes okay let me talk about one similarity and one difference uh I would like to compare um England dishes and Korean dishes I believe similarity is seafood because England and Korea both are able to access to the Sea um and so therefore we are a we both have a various seafood dishes for example like the famous one for England fish and chips it contains fish which is seafood um for cuia octopus dishes is very really famous um yeah I think so I think that's the similarity Seafood and the difference about the difference I believe that difference the biggest difference is that about like whether the traditional dishes is famous or not for example a lot of people said that UK dishes are not I mean England dishes are not really that tasty um and I slightly slightly do agree with that opinion and I also believe that the traditional dishes of England is is not that favored by other porn people but however Korean traditional dishes are kind of favored compared to England England traditional dishes to foreigners yeah I think that's the difference yeah that's the difference that's the biggest difference I think 15 have you heard about an issue on water shortage and food shortage around the world have you ever thought about them tell me your opinion about these issues in detail water shortage issues um yeah I heard a lot about water shortage issues because currently you know the the most global warming you know and water shortage is also the result that happens be because of the global warming um to explain about the water shortage problem that I heard before I heard that because the water shortage is um uh I heard that like in a lot of African countries there there are the water shortage problem but it's very interesting is that Korea is also a water shortage countes but however we are not living in that that kind of like starving situation compared to African countries and I found out that the reason why because like the reason why it has a difference between water shortage countries is based on the infrastructure for example Korea has a high quality of dam and high quality of infrastructure to handle with a water problem so that is a reason why even though Korea and a lot of African countries are both water shortage countries but um compared to African people South Korean people are able to a little bit more freely use water uh yeah so that was the that was the information that I thought very interesting when it comes to water shortage um what else I can say I think yeah so in short I believe the the water shortage problem is definitely a result of global warming but what I felt after learning about water shortage in a little little more deep way I felt like like we have to develop our technology a little bit more because sometimes technology technological developments sometimes this solves the problem like 50% so that's what I thought about water shortage that's all for for
Channel: 크라시옹
Views: 72,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 연애, 소개팅, 소개팅꿀팁, 소개팅후기, 20대소개팅, 20대미팅, 소개팅후기풀이, 소개팅추천, 소개팅썰
Id: odBg7JoTcjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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