따끈따끈한 오픽 AL 실제답변 (2024 ver.)🗣️🔤 이렇게 천천히 말해도 AL 가능🙆🏻‍♀️

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fore let's start the interview now tell me something about yourself hi ever my name is y Jang Lee um and you just can call me Jane um since I was like 5 years years old it was um my English name so I'm really familiar in it um and what else um I'm turning 25 years old right now and um I'm currently looking for a job um and um in my free time I um like to read some books um especially Mar marketing books yeah and also I love posting on my Social Network Services um actually I have 20,000 followers which is really awesome um yes um I think that's all about me and I'll just move on to the next question um please wish me luck what do you usually prepare when you take a trip what are the things you do to prepare prepare for your trips um first of all I usually prepare like I usually plan and make a reservation for a hotel I think that's the first step of preparing the trip um and what else um second of all I like search other people's um post post on um internet um which is really helpful um I highly recommend this method um however um and what else um I usually um um search for tour services so I can easily get to the popular um places where I could um I want to go um yeah that I think that's um the typical things that I um get prepared for the trip um and also I use some traveling um App application um which um which is called triple um it is the application that helps um planning the tour like domestic tour and the overseas also um I'm using it like for three or three or four years which is really helpful and convenience tell me about a memorable or Unforgettable thing that happened when you traveled in your own country what happened and what made the experience memorable to you I have so much to say about this um the most um Unforgettable trip was the first time that I bring my family to Hotel like um as I told you before I have um 20,000 followers and my social network services so sometimes some hotels or companies um contact me and they are like um they serve me a free rooms for me so I can post it on my blog so at that time um there was a nice hotel so I bring my family for a first time for the free Hotel um and my family was So Satisfied for it actually my mom and dad was really proud of me because I was at the time I was like 21 years old and I bring my family for um to a free Hotel so yeah I I felt like I was a proud daughter um yeah so it made me feel really um impressive and it was um so it is the most memorable um time that I traveled with my family when and where do you chat on the phone who do you usually talk to on the phone I usually um um chat with my boyfriend and my mom um I actually chat everywhere not only in certain places I chat everywhere like um I like talk to them on my way to school or on my way way to a cafe yeah like everywhere um and also I talk with them like about my daily routines um also like what I ate for lunch or what am I planning to do today like sort of this like simple daily things like topics tell me about a memorable phone conversation you had when was it and who did you talk um the most memorable phone call I have the perfect story to tell you um actually um it was the phone call with my dad um I was going I was like going to tell him that I'm into to my universary um like exam um as you know Korean has a big um un univers exam just like sat um Al so many like almost all Korean high school students prepare this exam for a whole year and this um the horrible thing is this exam only held in whole only held once a year so you have to just get in and like concentrate on it that single day so unfortunately I prepared that sat sat for 2 years and um yeah and my family and I was um keep um um looking forward for the news that I that I was in my universary I was just in my universary um however on one day I was um working and I found out that um I was in the universary of my school right now so I like rushed and rushed out straight away and I just called my dad for the first time and I was like Dad I'm in it I made it like yeah it was really touching and impressive moment um and my dad was like I knew you would made it I'm really proud of you so yeah that's the most memorable phone call that I um can tell and yeah when I when every time I put this story to someone else I feel like I'm going to cry tell me about a healthy person you know why do you think that person is healthy the most healthy person I know is my boyfriend um his name is junho um the impressive thing is he goes to the gym and exercise every single day like every single day which is really respectful um as you know exercising every day is really hard but he does it every day so it's really like amazing and also he really cares about um the ingredient um I mean the food ingredient like he avoids like tries to avoid the junk food um and tries to eat the fresh greeny food um like the chicken breast yeah like so like watching his um these kind of things I think he's the most healthiest person I ever know I really respect it and I really want to um learn it what things have you tried to stay healthy did you eat healthy food did you regularly work out things that I try to um get in a shape is um first of all I try to exercise like twice or twice a week um but as you know it's really hard um I tried to go to the gym and I like um I I run or I do some um some sort of like exercising thing like yeah and and I also try to eat fresh and healthy food but it is this is the most um hardest thing yeah because um as I told you before I live by myself in a uh small Studios um without my parents so there is no one um there is no one um there is no one cooking for me or there is no one like buying groceries for me so is all in my hands so it is really um hard to eat Fresh Foods it is expensive and it is um it's gets rotten really easy so so I keep um so I be become to eat junk Foods or instant food which is really bad I have to change it immediately tell me about some health problems we can have what are things that can happen related to health and how can they be fixed um I can say that there's some several um health problems among the younger young people but um I think the most typical thing is um stomach ache um be because of um eating junk food and instant food and they got really sick um yeah and also the um I don't know what to call it exactly but I think I will call it General weakness um like just my friends are really like always tired um like even they sleep seven or8 hours they are always like tired and they feel dizzy um and they like easily get tired and sleepy so I think that is a general um I can call it General weakness among young Generations um and I think that is because of the um um Health um what am I going to say um I think it's because of the um exercise um they don't exercise much so their body gets weaker and weaker and um so it affects our health conditions and also younger young people like to eat junk foods such as hamburger or tuy so yeah I think that affects students stomach ache or the general weakness i' like to give you a situation and ask you to act out you want to buy two tickets to a concert call the ticket office and ask three or four questions about buying the tickets um hi is is this um the um office of Taylor Swift concert yes I would like to buy um um double tickets for two people um um can you tell me how much is uh the ticket for two people like I mean adults um yeah $30 each okay um and I was wondering are you running any promotions or discounts um I me and my friend is um not working at all and we are all students so we we have to save our money so I was wondering is there any promotions running right now oh there are no promotions at all okay that's fine um and I and lastly um is this ticket includes the tour bus oh you I have to pay an extra fee for that okay um okay then I'll talk with my friend and I'll just call you back later thank you for helping me out I'm sorry but there is a problem I want you to resolve you were supposed to go to a concert with your friend but you can't because you are very sick call your friend explain the situation and give two or three Alternatives hey Grace this is Jane um I'm afraid I have to tell you this bad news but I have to um um uh I today I went to um see a doctor um I had an appointment but doctor said stay in stay in my bed and don't even think about to go outside because it will make my condition more worse so I'm afraid to tell that um I have I can't make it I think um I'm really sorry I can make it to the concert um then um I'm really sorry and I have some alterntive tips for you um the first option is um going to the concert for next week um does next week concert work for you oh you have to go to a lesson okay um then um how about going to another artist's concert um I heard that Bruno Mars is coming to Korea next month so will you hang out with me I'll pay you the ticket for you oh all right okay I'm really glad that you um I'm really appreciate it that you understand me um yeah thank you and let's um meet next months at the Bruno concert have you ever been in a situation where you had to cancel a plan at the last minute because something suddenly came up what was the problem and how did you solve the problem um I have a perfect story um I it was like three years ago um I had I booked a nice hotel for Christmas vacation because um Christmas is the most wonderful holiday I guess um and I was really looking forward but however um because of the covid situation um I the train ticket was just cancelled I was like what is going on um is there no options for me yeah and there were no any single options for me so I had to cancel the hotel too because there was no way to go and I was not able to drive so I had to can cancel the hotel and I was really depressed that day but however I um booked another nice hotel in Soul so I can go there by Subway yeah and this that day I I had a nice time um I spent a nice Christmas holiday um so it ended up happily compare two different Parks you know how are they different how are they similar which one do you like better and why do you like it better um I would like to compare um Olympic Park in the Klan Park um um um can you give me a second um uh I think um the similarity between two parks is that they have so many adorable doggies there which is the most favorite point of the park um whenever I visit the park um I can see tons of um lovely dogs there walking with their families so it is it looks really nice um it's really heartwarming isn't it um and the difference is comparing the two parks um first of all Olympic Park is way bigger than the Park um like so many people around the different areas come and visit the park because it is really famous and it is really huge um however kland Park is for residents like the residents living near so not much people come around from different area just only residents come by yeah I think that is the most um certain difference between these two parts oh and there is one more similar Point um that the parts the two parts are just for free just open for everyone yeah we don't have to pay anything we just can't and go and visit there for free let's talk about the issues that parks are faced with these days what do you think are the challenges that Parks face what has caused these concerns and how can they be solved um I would like to tell um the typical issue is the smoking problem um as you know parks are full of um um people like children's are coming and dogs are coming um and like the elderly people is coming too um but however there are so many secrets in the ground and they're so um we can easily see that people are smoking at some areas which is really bad for our health so um I think this issues issue is caused because they are not enough um smoking area like I mean the officially smoking area so people keeps smoking at anywhere so I think that is the reason so to solve the problem like I don't want to say that cigarette is bad so just cut it out um I would like to say uh the most realistic solution is to make a smoking Booth or the certif certificate smoking area so people who smokes can go there and just um smoke freely and the smoke and then the smokers will be pleasant and the other people will be pleasant too yeah I would like to say this solution is the most realistic [Music] for
Channel: 오늘유정 ONEUL
Views: 56,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 오픽, 오픽 al 실제답변, 오픽 al, 오픽 공부법
Id: 38Yr8nvkGSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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