Robert Pattinson & Mia Wasikowska Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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my name is MIA Vashi coughs gun I'm Robert Pattinson we're doing the wired or a complete interview this is like being in school write music which why yes they did did you yeah dude rope Edison thing let me think yeah I think I'm playing the guitar and singing without producing Twilight yeah it's when Bella is having the poison taken out some might say the climax of the movie did Robert Pattinson have a baby Wow did you I don't think you can have a baby how to pronounce me just let it roll she called Scott 28 yeah how what did you think I was how tall is me magic about 176 centimeters which is maybe 5 moreish no 5 4 I think so does that sound right not if I fall I think I'm 5'4 how did me of ashitaka become famous did she I don't think she did I don't know how old is Mae Fah Tchaikovsky in Alice and wonderland I think I was 18 19 what is Robert Pattinson's full name Patrick no no no yes well you know that well I have a friend called Patrick Douglas what is Robert Pattinson's first maybe Vanity Fair maybe even I know that wasn't your fence maybe it was was it I was cut out their accent it's a mixture insecurities like not trying to disguise the fact that none of the words coming out mean anything do you think a lot without like saying anything okay what is what Robert Pattinson character Oh Cedric degree yep what is Robert Pattinson's zodiac sign I'm gonna guess is it like Gemini a lot of people in Amgen right there's your triple Taurus triple Taurus what does that mean my rising and my pulling of course who does me look like I did have someone being like you look just like the girl from Alice in Wonderland I think her name is Claire Danes but either way it's a compliment I was like thanks Gazoo blings Danone is the oldest and then jess and then me and then my brother kai 25 it's me ever should call Scott related to Gwyneth Paltrow I don't know not that no not that I know of English my mom's polish yep he's Robert Patterson nice yes very nice is Robert Patterson ginger a little bit a little bit is Robert Pattinson vegetarian no no who is Robert Pattinson best friend strengthening Sam Marcus Tom and Jamie know how am i blanking I literally saw him this morning Bobby wife we just did two wired order complete interview I have enough hay
Channel: WIRED
Views: 6,231,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autocomplete, autocomplete interview, autocorrect, google autocomplete, mia, mia wasikowska, robert, robert pattinson, wired autocomplete, wired autocomplete interview, mia wasikowska interview, robert pattinson autocomplete, mia wasikowska autocomplete, robert pattinson interview, robert pattinson funny moments, robert pattinson funny, rpatt, robert pattinson twilight, webs most searched questions, robert pattinson music, wired
Id: 7Y0RyoZcJ30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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