24 hours with MrBeast

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thousands of people crowded the American dream Wall in East Rutherford for a restaurant opening YouTube Star Mr Beast whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson has more than 100 million subscribers and now he's got a burger joint his first brick and mortar restaurant until now the burgers were made in ghost kitchens and could only be ordered on delivery services so some fans traveled from far away for the big grand opening I am absolutely stunned by the amount of people that impressed here from cross country out of the country and some have never even tried one of these burgers [Applause] [Music] thank you this is an insane scene man this is really crazy that's the liner now no I haven't gotten to it I can't get to the end of the line [Music] oh we're gonna have like where did 5x the world record tomorrow is that not crazy what's the world record it's like 2 000 Burgers there's a single day who did it I don't know if they were aiming for ten thousand and I'm never in a restaurant I have to do five times better than anyone in the world's ever done on my first day fun stuff all right we're upstairs in the restaurant right now um everyone's just kind of nervous and planning for tomorrow morning it's about 5 000 people downstairs security is briefing Jimmy on What's it gonna be like there's a bunch of people around the ice these people will sleep overnight yeah thank you everybody thank you thank you yeah [Music] I'm pretty sure we're gonna get more and more throughout the night most likely I wouldn't be surprised it could to be honest as many of you could think of them all I'm sure people keep filing in what are your concerns um the same thing that always happens when there's as many people like fights riots thank you all right it is midnight right now they're still in meetings talking through the day tomorrow basically their expectation is that there's going to be at least 10 000 people who want burgers if they want to be prepared to at least distribute 10 000 Burgers now that's not a normal thing for a fast food restaurant staff to do we're doing something right now that nobody would even drizzle when do we start trading it we start training Winston how do you make sure your fans have the best possible experience and also pull off something that's never really been done before you're first in line right now yeah yeah all right so tell me why did you want to be first in line we just love what Jimmy does and we're on a mission it's a mystery statue we're gonna gift it to Big Jimmy we waited two days we camped outside and we slept in our car and then now we're over here waiting yeah two days this is your fans experience that's on the line your brand that's on the line like this is there's so much more on the line than just if someone's gonna get a burger or not I need tomorrow to feel great yeah do you think in the future who cares about the future tomorrow I need tomorrow to go great I think what makes Jimmy Jimmy though is that he's here with no sign of wanting to leave right now what matters is that people have a good experience there's some people have been camping out here for two days so three days it could go wrong tomorrow uh nothing it's perfect we planned enough I'll see you then should we head out yeah we're gonna get any sleep ready [Music] all right it's 8 15 in the morning uh and we are about to head to the mall uh waiting for Jimmy with this Fleet of black cars are we even gonna get a burger today no I think that's I think that's a hard note I don't think we could just go to the kitchen I do think we might make burgers today hello boys good morning let's do this let's do it okay let's try with you yeah there's just a bunch of tick tocks to people [Music] I think it's just them waiting it's just like 100 tick tocks of people just waiting in line this is really interesting differently what the people who show up to have a good time [Music] you guys didn't recognize us YouTubers oh my God take care oh really wait they came from Connecticut there were some people in line yesterday who flew from L.A I really hope we can get them all you know that should get me excited but that just makes me nervous because then if we don't get to them I feel like crap they'll have a good experience I hope that's what I want the second I I feel confident that everyone will have a great experience I will go from worried to super happy yeah I'm just not fully sold on that yet are these windows tinted yeah that's true how they're like I just love how everyone's like black SUV Mr Beast yeah we need to take like Aquarius yeah [Music] [Music] tell me what are we about to do well walk right now I'm trying to go in the restaurant and talk to the people there like I go past a huge line of people and I think they want to mic you up and I just don't want them to freak out too much but we'll see what happens they're probably gonna freak out yeah they just waited all day it's understandable that they freak out I just don't really know what to do when tons of people scream and they're like entertain me and I'm like I'm walking that direction it's always like a weird combo I don't know yes we'll find out so we're going to be there within about 30 seconds [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] how's it going laughs [Applause] all right [Applause] guys we just need to get the door closed the ribbon on everything else is in place you know gotcha so that's all the front step yeah uh backstabs back there sorry for the giant lies I I know today's gonna be hectic tonight I appreciate you guys all helping me so um we wanted to give well you guys extra thousand dollars today each but every year paycheck would throw a thousand dollars on it because today it's going to be a lot of work but I really need you guys to step up if you could really do your best to like make them all have a good time I want everyone who came here to be happy and have fun so if you guys could just be smiling a lot and really do anything in your power to make sure they're happy that would mean a lot to me and in return we'll give you guys oh a thousand dollars um thank you I love you guys thank you one two three [Applause] all right check this out look at how many people there are down here it's 10 30 in the morning some of these people have been waiting since uh like the past two days so it's uh it's pretty crazy seeing here [Music] a line goes basically all around the mall a couple of times every single floor uh and then there's a bunch of people congregated here I think the craziest thing is there's like babies sleeping and like family full families all together with the dogs yeah it's like the mall has been giving back to the people they've taken over foreign [Laughter] [Music] but also a little nervous just like seeing the sheer amount of people here they see a little nervous we're not gonna be able to serve everyone but we'll see the ribbon that's gonna get cut in about 30 minutes should I cut it all right let's go check in with Jimmy how you doing Jimmy this machine works okay do you know how to work this thing I have no idea let's see how let me take some cigarette intelligent guy I would put us I would put text that says push for ice with an air pointed out it needs the hole Yeah otherwise nothing happens we're making this restaurant idiot-proof [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the first ever Mr B statue thank you first ever let's go go shop mrbeast.com [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey how's it how's it going man thank you [Music] let's go nice to meet you thank you we just gotta keep it moving yeah how's it going it's nice to meet all of you we just gotta keep the line moving it's nice meeting you guys so we need to figure out how to keep this line moving but it seems like almost everyone just wants photos we need like a spot where people can just take photos with me that doesn't clog that picture real quick yeah of course we're just gonna have to go down the line awesome I'm just gonna go down the line like this [Applause] [Music] mostly people just seem to want pictures with me yeah and then how are we getting when they don't linger in there so we have notes on the table that are engaged I'm gonna come around we've got the buses we waited three days they're not leaving for another four hours none of them we need to take the pictures way earlier though we need to take the pictures before who is in charge of flow are you in charge of like keeping the flow of the customers no I'm not we've got people on the line who we need so one person who's in charge of flow that I guess up able to take pics of 10 000 people today maybe when it comes to 10 I don't know I need people thinking and Alvin yeah I mean someone actually making them leave I think when when you're not there to take a picture like we can't hold the line for half an hour they've got a stone though yeah yeah exactly so I take a photo of Carly but no one's doing these things [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll be back [Applause] and make sure people are in line ordered and people in mind know that I can't sign anything because I can't send twenty thousand to me three hours to count to ten thousand yeah all right and that was when you go one two three four six seven eight and take ten thousand photos then we got to do it where I'm at least taking I mean run the math on that but it's it's a lot that's why we're gonna have to start seeing groups of people exactly groups of people that's explained to my kids sign autographs you know what I mean yeah okay yeah we just I just went through the current line and said have your camera app open uh and I think we we just put people in the front too to take photos okay all right so should I go back up at some point here just will take 30 minutes I need to keep this line going but I don't care and you can land going I don't the line will continue to go whether you're there so those people aren't just waiting for photos no we have people waiting now but if you take a 30 minute break we're just gonna Usher people out with security I'm happy they were in line they got them are you sure adaptation was not that you were taking pictures without everyone to say this okay I want the passes people are happy oh I don't know if they're happy [Music] it's amazing there's a snack concession stand if you're in line the whole economy is developing around peace [Music] [Applause] how long do you wait 12 hours 12 hours and you're happy I achieved my goal that's the main thing I changed my goal you need to try this okay okay that's so good that's good that's good yeah [Music] 10 out of 10. they're not missing how is it it's great it's great worth the wait it is worth it it is worth 24 hours oh my God [Music] yo I need pizza Chandler [Music] welcome to the madness how's it going today uh getting the burgers out the door I mean look today is today and it's never gonna be today again I mean you can see right [Laughter] you ever done something like this have I ever done anything like this today has anyone ever done anything like this I mean it's like the Beatles out there dude it's crazy and look it's expected like we knew what we were getting into but no I I I've never done anything like this I don't I don't know if they know we're not Mr Big they can't are they familiar with the fact that we are not Mr Big everyone asked that we throw down money we do not have money we don't have money to throw it on I've been oh yeah is education on the Creator economy if they would like that I'm happy to give it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is my last time for me over here so you might want to head out all right I'm gonna yeah [Music] [Applause] after they take the photos we move them out of here why are we allowing them to linger yeah I know the only issue is the merch storage right there what behind us nope right back where you were taking pictures right there so we're gonna have to move why is there a merch store [ __ ] them I'm just saying like that get rid of it give it to them for free I don't care just move those barriers move this back literally just make that happen I promise this was 30 times better okay am I speaking gibberish absolutely not I actually can't understand how it's being done right now like it needs to be that needs if you take a photo you're out I've said that 30 000 times yeah but I think they need to get the security guards now involved Jesus I've got like a dozen people here and the mall probably has like 50 70 people and we have like 150 people just plus the boys doing their best you're outnumbered we are we're outnumbered a thousand Waters [Applause] yeah should I head out there again this is why everyone was freaking out it looks like we're seeing the first game of the dead so there's a circle on the ground which I would imagine they're gonna throw something into that Circle no someone's gonna have to stay and yeah person who stands in that Circle the longest is gonna win some but then they may throw something in it too you never know that's true Jimmy says let's not make a video and let's just do a live Circle video so we're doing last to leave wins 10 grand and I'm gonna take over the DJ Stadium because I want people to be happy here all right who cares about a DJ they want a live video I need Nolan here to start this or I'll get Colin nowhere um [Music] we're gonna be with you they're those two are going to be with him if he gets crazy just know that I'm grabbing you like this and we're getting through everybody okay right sure so don't be bombarded when if I grab you okay [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] all right we're in the back room right now it's crazy these guys are getting mobbed like wherever they go I've completely lost Samir no chance if I was getting a burger today that's for sure yeah it's your fair worst part is none of these people are leaving anytime soon yeah past the escalator the stage is going to be right on our right we're going to get on the stage from the back tomorrow all right oh my [Applause] God foreign [Music] the challenge Starts Now yeah did you see that video I tweeted it's crazy uh we still have around 12 000 people online so well the world record's two thousand we're gonna serve around 10 000 today so we'll 5x world record for most Burgers sold in a day and then the rest I'm just gonna take photos with congrats thank you thank you yeah I'm gonna hand you back I love people dude man okay it's insane insane I tried to get a 99 Originals yesterday and it sold for like 29 each let's go on a scale one get said how bad would it be to take a photo with them over there yeah like if I did a selfie Are you standing inside Bud yeah yeah that's great you don't think they're gonna push them anymore [Applause] we're taking place in baseball [Applause] yes it's totally nuts the uh and the cops just said they've never seen this many people in the mall ever it's the most amount of people [Music] [Applause] all right hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] guys look at it [Applause] does this actually work wait can you hear me [Applause] from here all right all right um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so what we're going to start doing is we're going to stop all activity on the stage so to try to dissipate that crowd in acorn that are on the railings dissipate that I think that is our first step [Music] foreign [Music] yeah we've been filming behind the scenes okay all right so um just bring him into that hallway that Jimmy's been in uh to congregate with Jimmy cool yeah I've not met anyone no we could film first time meeting Mr breast s [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay wait we just said the same thing why are you six two yeah there was a lot more people out there that I anticipated yeah uh wait till you go to the other side we wait for the lighter photos to build up and then we go take photos and then after that we sit and then we went to my opponents because it's a security risk wow yeah that was pretty uh I was just wondering what happens it's just a scream of me so who else has got mental health problems hi guys how are you where can we get you one of the b-style combo you got it and one of the Chandler style combo you got it you're total 31.96 you can you know Jimmy wants to know maybe there's a question for outside [Music] um come in here yeah we've done 65k wow what's the average order 10 to 15 bucks probably 15 bucks for the combo um and then on the merch it gets a little bit what's an ideal day like on uh obviously not a grand opening like what's a what's the goal on a normal day it depends what you're pegging it again five to seven K's is great for daily revenue this is obviously a different day um and you know American dream is different but when we do other ones yeah we'll try and perfect the model like Jimmy wants to and um really nail it down perfect [Music] one two awesome guys what [Applause] are you guys on to the next one [Music] I love you too [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two three there we go [Music] what up dogs how much just taking photos with people got 700 photos left yeah well we're doing group once to keep it moving I'll call you in like an hour here we go guys peace out be style Runners three hours ago this was a chaotic mess over here I mean you were you were in it with me uh it feels much more organized now it just doesn't feel like the line to get burgers is moving as quickly as we wanted to so there's ten thousand people here I mean what can you do so we'll be here all night what's up I wish we could talk for it they just they see that line it's freaking crazy please make sure that you have your items with you so that you can exit once you take a photo [Applause] [Music] and then what time is it um it's 9 36. I've been here for around 11 hours around like 12 14 15 hours got a four-hour drive God I made some great friends [Music] best friends it's been a really long day Jimmy's still taking photos still cranking Out Burgers and people are still waiting in line which is unbelievable [Music] all right it's uh just about 10 p.m and for the first time all day we can see the back of the line up here how's it going almost ready [Music] what time is it right now I'm not quite sure I think it's around 10 30 11 I've lost track of time it's 11 30. it's 11 30. a lot of burgers thank you guys were driving I appreciate about it thank you that was a really crazy game yeah bring them on in sure this is the last one right [Music] oh my gosh I don't know how many people we've served it's been a long 15 hours come on in oh my God this is our last customer here how's it going how long have you been waiting a lot oh I can't even count right now um some people camped out earlier yeah did you ever ask customer have a question yeah would you rather order a burger or get a ten thousand dollar gift card oh are you really considering it I'm hungry okay fine I'll give you both you're supposed to say gift card oh my God I'm so embarrassed so what are you guys done how many people you guys serving somewhere between five and six thousand but I don't have an exact number are we done do it all over again tomorrow I said do it all over again tomorrow it was day one we're just getting started you ever seen something like that before no and I've been working in the restaurant industry since I was 16. this is the first for me if you were here today you experienced something one of a kind just know that [Music] we good everybody in everybody in I know today was a push today was hard but I gotta tell you you should be very proud of the work that you've done how you all came together like a family even though we all don't even know each other yet and we just learned how to use this kitchen two days ago some of you three hours ago so from the bottom of my heart guys and from everybody else 14. thank you very much thank you enough to get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] I appreciate it thank you so much [Music] love it thank you so much I love it thank you thank you thank you I love all of you give yourself a round of applause [Applause] Mr beastman's gonna give us a challenge what can I say all right guys let's shut down the flight let's start cleaning up good job thank you oh that was crazy that was really really crazy [Music] so where the line was [Applause] it's now empty it's kind of sad do you feel sad I do feel sad does it feel like we like all right it kind of feels like we're going home from summer camp the whole day was about these people just having a good time and that guy convinced myself that I was making the burgers you know that's how I felt when I was in the kitchen I feel him I feel tired but I feel great that was crazy I can't believe that all this started with someone making a video in their bedroom I really can't believe that it's not uh [Music] what do you think [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Colin and Samir
Views: 8,907,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colin and samir, colin samir, Colin and Samir Videos, colin and samir show, Amazon FBA, Robinhood Stocks, Making money online, how much money on youtube, mrbeast, beast burger, jimmy donaldson, documentary, youtubers, creators, Last To Take Hand Off Jet Keeps It!, The Full Story of MrBeast, The Origin and Rise of MrBeast | Full Documentary | Beyond the Spotlight, $1 vs $1000000000 Yacht!, XM54, 7 Days Stranded at Sea, I Built 100 Wells In Africa, World’s Deadliest Laser Maze!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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