24 Hours Underground In The Paris Catacombs | No Way Out

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[Music] underneath paris is a whole new world how deep is this [Music] it's just dead people all right so we just got into paris uh we had to take the roof box off because it wouldn't even fit down here um yeah we're just getting all our stuff and get to the hotel and we're gonna plan from there well we got the smoke bombs out right now we'll talk about everything when we get in the hotel all right are you guys ready get ready we're gearing up what are you so what are you bringing all right so we got the headlamps the camera gear uh you got oh dance can you tell us about the grenades and why do we need uh these smoke grenades okay so the small grenades they play a crucial part and if anything does go wrong down then we need to get away so as you may be aware people do live down though they're called the car files now they do not like people down there especially those with cameras anyone taking video of all tools they can get very aggressive uh as i have seen before now the smoke grenades act as a bit of a camouflage for us so if they do start kicking off we can start running while pulling the grenades we run down the tunnels with the small grenade causing a smoke screen between us and the car files therefore getting away safely all right so we have four grenades one for each of us there's four of us here obviously but we're meeting up with some people that we actually don't even know i was referred a uh tour guide for down there there's no official tour guys there's no laws down there there's anything goes there's no rules um it could be dangerous people do get mugged they do get their stuff stolen um and i got this random guide from somewhat of a cool friend that i kind of met but didn't meet so i don't really know but he referred me to this guy and he goes down there a lot now i've been to the catacombs five years ago underneath these grounds that we're walking on holds over six million bodies bones everything they're all down there and it all started back in 1738 paris made tunnels mining tunnels eventually the cemeteries got so overflown they had no place to put the body so they put them inside reinforced tunnels there are new rooms there's rooms that i've never seen there's even a throne of skulls there which you might have seen in other people's channels but there's other rooms that no one has shown i'm trying to find these rooms we're all trying to find these rooms underneath paris is a whole new world and we're trying to get in there and you have to gear up and you have to wear the right stuff you need the gloves the powerades for the energy um the boots just in case you if you twist your ankle down there you're in big trouble and to top it off you need headlamps lights food everything is geared up but the last thing you do need to bring is an id which is in my hand now the reason why you need an id is because actually police do go down there now and they do checkpoints they don't really kick people out but they can if you don't have an id you're getting kicked out right away they write your names down and they can find you or bring you to the police station it's getting a lot stricter down there people getting a lot more violent down there and we don't know what's gonna happen today for the headlamp i made sure i would not run out of batteries i got extra batteries i got some for seth as well i even got some coffee i might need energy down there we don't know how long we're gonna be down there so we also brought some food um we don't know we can get lost there's anything anything can happen i even got two beers because the guy our guide he actually the guide it's our guide actually said for payment all he wants is ten beers so it could be sketchy i mean we do this for a living we're always exploring we're always paying our way into different places if we have to this is definitely one for the books and only the locals here mainly know about these secret rooms i mean there's even like a nazi room that's secret that they that the cops and the certain task force down below found it because the task force this certain group of cops work with the cataphiles the people down there and they made a group agreement down there where they're not going to bother them they're not going to bother each other and if something happens they can report to them it's weird that underneath this entire place is full of 9 million dead bodies it's beautiful out here you wouldn't even expect it all right just an update we just got to the meeting point and um we just met them they're really cool only one of them wants to be on camera um i have to blur their faces throughout this entire video and i mean it's going to be awesome it's going to be amazing they're they seem cool so far they're showing us all the rooms and stuff that we're gonna go into um they're just saying how the people down there don't want to see our cameras and how people like us like youtubers are not welcome down there so we have to do our best there's rooms down there that's never been documented in any youtube video that we want to see one of them just got destroyed yesterday because the person who built it got into a fight with four other people and they smashed the whole room and it was amazing so we lost one room already but there's many rooms down there and we have a long walk to get there the thing is there are entry points all around paris that are hidden some are even in bars and restaurants one right one entryway could even be literally under here it's crazy it's a whole underworld out there there's our meeting point right there literally it's like so suspicious like they're everyone hanging out and then we're all just hiding under there the guy will the guy will talk he's a little i don't know maybe shy in terms of like speaking he says his english is kind of bad but he says when we get down there he doesn't care he'll talk to us and stuff i'll feed you guys whatever information he says and we're gonna go and we're gonna film this this is a document video i'm showing you this a lot of the stuff you're gonna see might not be on any youtube videos or maybe they are i don't know i didn't do my research so we're going to see oh josh he's nice man yeah me too it's nice to meet you so i'm just walking back here because i just got more information two of the people we are with are building rooms down there and they built their own room to hang out in and at the end of this whole explorer they're gonna take us to their room that they built i'm telling you it's a crazy city under there [Music] [Music] yes so i make uh youtube videos on abandoned places we're all waiting for something over here i don't know what [Music] maybe there's a drop here i don't know [Music] bro what the hell dude i don't even know what the heck's going on i am so freaked out [Laughter] this is crazy dude what is this that is a baby hole can i even fit in there oh my god i don't know i will try i don't know i'm kind of scared of heights no no i'm kind of claustrophobic but i don't know we're so scared we don't even know where we are right now i'm saying heights and i'm like dude my heart's beating fast this is crazy we're with what i'm assuming is a solid group though so i'm very happy if i look into the light it blinds you guys so i have to kind of like look up like this and i think it's okay we're trying to document everything we don't have a camera microphone on because if anyone sees that on our thing they're gonna know we're filming and they're gonna smash our cameras what the [ __ ] that's a small hole okay here we go you can do it bro i'm gonna draw yeah all right so we made it through the hole and now we're all here are we going through another hole oh getting ready okay and then down here there's another way and god knows where that leads you remember there is 200 miles of tunnels so anything could happen so just so you guys know if you're hearing any music that is to let the cataphiles know that we're not the police as we go through here because if they hear a bunch of people coming and there's no music oh they're gonna assume that we're the they're the police we're the police they're gonna run or do some crazy stuff true story wow look at this 1790 1790 yep damn another tunnel they're going through right now what they thought dave was stuck dave [Laughter] i've never been here either this is new that's what i'm saying well it might not be new but there's so many that this is what i didn't do you guys haven't been to this entrance i've never done to this one wow yeah me too i came through as above so yeah this is a new side i've never been in oh my god i know this is so this is crazy oh okay perfect thank you this is a lie down job we're going a lie down job oh my god that's a scary one bro oh my god i'm glad i lost like five pounds in this trip yeah i can't i can't wait to watch you go through this bro fine you really are a fish bro you really are this is amazing i'm going i'm going right now i'm going ready [Music] [Music] okay all right here we are all right there's no avoiding this one we're going to be going into water that's going to go up to our waste if i'm not mistaken so this is just the beginning we haven't even seen bone jet we're just getting started this is why you need to come with people that know what they're doing you will get lost i promise you don't think you're superman out here you're done whoa we have lots of flooring you almost fell too yeah holy i don't know what we're going in now there's no getting around most of this guys so far i'm going whoa whoa whoa our team our team we gotta go i'm coming oh i see spider crooked i'm just gonna say this right now guys if you're new here like and subscribe we travel the world searching for the best abandoned places all around we're giving you exclusive original content of the paris catacombs subscribe to this channel if you're new here hit that bell button regardless and don't forget about experiment josh we have a lot more to go [Applause] now there are rooms here we have never seen many of them one of them being the skull throne well that's the one i haven't seen that other people have seen trying to get a picture there it's been like a thing that they want to do for a long time we are going there so right here explorers is a street from above and this is how people are also navigating on where to go and plus they made a digital map down here certain people that come here all the time to find out where to go next and remember we are literally under streets people are above us it is it's just so crazy yeah yeah this these tunnels have been here since again the 13th century and at first they were here for uh limestone quarries they were mining everything here they would come down fetch their limestones and would build paris can you see how this uh thing we're walking through this tunnel look is in and it's shaped as a coffin ain't that a bit weird it's it's shaped as a coffin oh no i'm not dying here no way i'm dying here we're not gonna die here bro not bro not like this yeah mate i think i'd rather die in my bed bro yeah what would you rather die in your bed or cat or hair i want to die doing what i love all right all right well no i want to die peacefully in my bed sorry yo seth i got an idea you go this way i'm going to keep going this way with everyone else perfect [Music] you can imagine how claustrophobic this will be um you know it's not for everyone it gets short and it could last for a little while but then it pops back out and then sometimes you have to keep going down and sometimes really squishy but our group is not waiting because it is a lot of walking and a lot to see can you imagine now can you imagine trying to do this without a tour guide no absolutely not i'd already be lost but ain't it weird how like we our first instinct like oh we can just do it we don't need a tour guide because because we think we're the best yeah but then it's like wait a minute what's going on we can't do it like because no one realizes how crazy it is down here true look at this it's nuts so what's cool is like random pedophiles would come and like smash us open just to explore to see like what's actually down there that's crazy like there's so many secret passageways there's there's rooms being made right now as we're down here that we all don't know about just by other people here there's cattle files here so we're hiding the camera keep an audio in case something happens he said we can take photos you could just hold it wait can i come down there yeah how do i get down get down here you have uh [Music] [Laughter] oh [Laughter] so right now we're in the catacombs in the first room okay guys no this is apocalypse this is the battle royal okay the last one takes a garbage for all the night okay the trash bags [Laughter] [Applause] dude i i i helped him out i don't know if it's on camera but i held this whole hand i took him off the pit you saved my life you helped me at least because he was lighter he was lighter all right explorers so right now we've been doing a good job we've been like blending in with the cataphiles there's like two people there so like we haven't been able to film the first room but we were able to film that part of the first room and i think when we leave i'll be able to film more of it the first room we're in right now i'm just gonna give you some history a guy made it and it was one of the first rooms ever made down here and it's the number one party room this is where everyone goes to party there's the pit there where people just hang out in um there's just and there's another pit on the other side i'll get to it and the name of it is on the wall so i'm gonna show you it and i really do apologize because i'm not allowed to bring the microphone on some parts are just really hard to where you can hear me because you're going to hear everyone else because i can't use the microphone remember we're not allowed to be down here no youtubers are allowed here there is actual posters of people's faces banned here who actually filmed down here it's serious so this is the first room this is what it's called i have no idea what that means app hero this is cool yes how do you say that bro when you drink with friends oh yes see the party room yeah this is cool this is amazing it's a whole hidden city dude it's freaking crazy yo that was that was a lot of fun yeah yeah so this is the first room you see a carving on here really crazy and then and then this is the pit the pit room you can barely make it out hang on people would party down here and just hang out it is awesome with some steps where's now you can see the skull all embedded in the wall like carvings [Music] all right guys if you can hear me we are in the first room um again we came out of this hole for the tradition it's loud in here but we all sat right here and we were just chilling hanging out this is the chill spot yo dave you lost trash man all right so we're pretty much leaving going to the next room um there was a cataphile here and so because of that we weren't able to like film this room but we're trying our hardest to show you everything because when there's no cataphiles we're able to film and go around and hang out all right here we go i'm going all right guys we are now moving on to the next spot i don't know where it's gonna be i'm just going with the flower i don't even know where that goes i'm following the homie this guy has been leading us this whole time he's the leader here yo dave lost i mean again he's a trash man he's holding it he's doing his job doing a job bro that's amazing all right you say it's inevitable but okay i mean i have yet to get wet dude my feet are soaked rabbit it's right there so actually uh what's in there oh there's a way another way yeah whoa okay okay here we go okay we're crawling now guys uh oh i i think you might uh take off your back i put my uh water yeah maybe in my oh i put it in my bag maybe you're taking your bag off yeah i'm taking my bag off oh man okay here we go sorry no this is good we're crazy right now listen this is crazy so right now i don't know where we're going but the homies that go this way so we're going this way and this is why you can't be like scared of uh small spaces you know what's weird i can do this but i can't scuba dive that's my issue almost out of here it's a long one [Music] i'm gonna hide my camera really quick okay perfect okay so this is our team but there's someone here i don't know could be anybody so i'm just gonna follow these guys down make sure i'm safe here's my bag now full of mud [Applause] [Music] is to put your back on your feet like that there you go dave i got a trash man hey you trash me you're working hard yeah i got you bro traditional duty yeah the next traditional thing there's another one we got another one oh a better one how do you even know where you're going you mean there's something better than climbing out of a hole where are we whoa maybe turn turn off your lights it will be better okay turn off your light will be better and uh [Music] okay there's a bunch of cataphiles down here and they're all hanging out what is going on it looks like it but i don't think so i think they're just hanging right here is the monk room it's a ceremony room that one fountain of chateau that's a shotgun name of some guys um this is crazy what's the red thing yeah jesus christ how did someone make this all right so with my light on i can show you guys yeah look at this room right now [Music] what's down here anything oh dead end yo what do you think of this they made this this is incredible i don't know why they call it the monk room but oh my god i know look at that i know look at it they carved it dude they made it somehow i don't know how they did it look at this the cobblestone down here that they brought they formed it think about this wow 1705 yeah this room yes 1705. this fountain was working yes he did this and uh he saw the infiltration okay and he made the [Music] so guys they said that above us is another fountain of the inside of the church that drips down here and drips down in here into there what the hell i'm not even joking this is crazy yeah okay all right they're doing a ceremony he's gonna get baptized if it's not good luck i'm still doing it maybe maybe a little bright a little less make sure you need to take one maybe easier thank you just this is our official semester i'm honored what's your name soon [Music] so after this uh welcome [Applause] that's crazy once you're baptized you've got to stay forever all right all right let's think of his name so what is the new nickname of josh uh what do we say no it could be could be uh yep [Applause] i'm stuck i know [Applause] he's been eating burgers the whole trip he's only done alphabet yeah he solidified on certain websites yeah he is mario is that burger burger let's go [Applause] guys i cannot get over this i have now just been baptized am i now a catapharm i don't know i've just been baptized am i a catafly i don't know just so you all know again i have to remind you all that water comes from a church right above us this you can't make this up this is the most insane thing i have filmed in such a long time to get cool and close to some of the locals here in france and for them to baptize us and become a local here with them is amazing and this is something that i love to do this is like the old exploring with josh you guys might be new watching me but i've been exploring for the last eight years and we've been used to every time we used to do abandon or travel or anything we were always going to meet the locals and meet up with them and it feels good to be kind of like back in that situation for them to trust us to hang out with us to get to know us we know them and for them to just like introduce us to their traditions down here in paris we're now official cataphiles been baptized down here my name is nara dude i can't get over this no other video you're going to see us get back you're going to see anyone else get baptized or anything like that this is this is an incredible experience because it's about the people the culture and and everything that comes with it when you get to be one with that you're now true with your surroundings and that's what i mean when exploring this is oh man this is so good for real [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys we are we are now leaving this room i just want to say this has been a crazy experience but we're going to head on to the next room but look at this we just one more time had to show you this gotta keep the place clean dave okay all right everyone now we are heading to a nazi bunker we'll get into the history when we get there but it's actually pretty interesting how long till nazi bunker you think [Music] oh five minutes oh that's not that bad oh meters oh okay wait there's an iron door to the nazi bunker what you have an ancient uh event whoa by the nazis yes and here is the entry of the bunker one of the entries okay you have an infinite sign but yeah so this was the bunker though as crazy yeah it's still crazy history are those arrows original yes [Music] by uh just a little height for the resistance okay and the nazi have a guide for the cutter is try to never cross nazi and resistance so never never fight in the qatar all right okay and the two girls are about 200 meters each one each other from each other yes pretty close really close wow so the so the nazis and the dutch were very close and you didn't even know but nevertheless they never cross each other but there are 200 meters away wow that's crazy that's insane they had they had power down here they did they had generators power yeah but look boxes whoa i think that's right that's uh german right that is germany that's crazy now one thing i want to bring up is when the cataphiles found this place it wasn't so so long ago and when they first found it they were amazed because when they came in here everything was fully pristine there was guns still inside they were saying everything was still here from the nazi times no joke i'm not kidding high school high schools oh okay and there was access into his school wow the high school had access wow it did not no more [Music] prime example of when you knock a wall down there's still a whole nother place to go to interesting ain't that weird what is this a whole like jail gate be prepared i'm going to try doing my bag yeah you'd have been better god i felt like i just was born again i felt like i was born again oh man i used all my strength i probably the ugliest face right there i feel like i'm being born again you are ah we don't really long term ancient roads so this street don't exist anymore that one that's right here no no that's amazing though sorry this wasn't a street oh it wasn't uh it's a pump in a cluster like a square inside oh oh um the thing in the middle like relax outside yeah a courtyard okay so you guys in the comments below okay translate what this means for us what's going on right now i'm just gonna go ahead and make sure there's no one there okay yeah so this must be coming up to a hot spot possibly yeah making sure no pedophiles are there guys that's that's the thing so you guys are seeing this you guys are seeing our film and it seems like it's it's not like it's safe everything's happy that's because it's just us down here right now if we met the wrong people at the wrong time easily could be a nightmare so i've been in pyramids this looks like a pyramid right now we're going in it's getting really narrow and skinny [Music] on god how do you not get lost here i swear to god how could you not get lost here there is different turns left right this left that way i i just don't understand i couldn't even read this map all right we were lost now we found our way and we have to go through this crazy little like area that was once blocked okay i come [Music] okay i have to go this way uh huh okay so this way it's better like this yes that makes sense you can't you can take this first that was crazy wow all right let's see uh i want to see uh dan get through there yeah good luck okay okay that was clean that was clean that was good that was good dave like uh it's like a sign like a car i don't know there's a sign it's a sign there we go almost there yeah uh why can't i get my other arm out of this one had to go one arm in okay i was going fast okay thank you yeah this is the smallest hole bro this is the smallest one we've been through yet i actually got to lay on my stomach yeah this was a hard one good stuff good so you're like a snake bro that's a small hole smallest one yet [Laughter] come on burger you can do it burger [Music] yeah okay whoa what happened i don't know someone pulled the prank on us but i hate those pranks man bad to breathe in i hate that little drop what's in here whole other way don't know where the hell we are but there is a head carved into the wall this place again insane still moving we're still moving we already been down here for like six hours i haven't seen light crossroads so they're checking to make yeah 11 years ago and they didn't find them well they found they only found these body 11. so they gave they made them this memorial yes well i don't know what the seas mean i know that's it's dating back so hard i don't know that year right there c10c 111 that's amazing though like they made a memorial for him yes you're kidding there's a lot more whoa the thickest gooiest mud yet i don't even know that way yeah i'm sticking with them we've already been doing this for over five or six hours we haven't even seen a single bone yet uh we are going to and we're going to now is what he says this is this yeah this one's legit oh my god okay hang on okay get me back yeah hang on this is the tightest one as you can see i'm just this is it this is what i'm in um i'm coming i know bro i know okay this is unbelievable yeah i'm coming i'll get your bags let me be free okay i gotta go get the trash wow all right guys that was a very tricky part i just zoomed out on that hard part you just seen and then came out this other side but a lot of dust a lot of everything i was like screw this i just dipped out and now we're going and it's easier now all right i can't dodge this one maybe i'll try but i doubt it yup there's nothing oh my god oh my god i got wet feet now i was going the whole time without it is this a church wow look at the seats i never seen this one no bones but church yeah i know this is cool as hell this is awesome a church on the ground for the catapills yup up there you put the candles and we'll go over there maybe some more candles over there [Music] you know what blows my mind is they cut some metal and made it look like a formation of a seat right there you know i didn't even notice that seth just pointed that out he just said there's no one here but there's still a flame with the candle lit right there i did not even notice that and then right here's the church sign for it no name just the cross for the church to show it off yeah the wraps rocky [Music] one of the entrances to get down now sealed all right first sign of a bone we're getting there that's the first sign of bone in seven hours or something since we've been down to think that people actually sleep down here for like weeks oh mud we're like in mud another bone oh yeah some bones oh we're up to my knees now almost oh whoa whoa [Music] there you go explorers tons of bones oh dude i don't even think i seen a skull the last time i came here all right bro it's a whole hallway oh my god [ __ ] where do you see the skull yeah dude over here [Music] yeah look at just a tunnel of bones here's some more skull heads just an update to remind you guys that all these bones that we're now seeing and walking through have been here since the 17th century so the stairs or the hole yeah it depends if you want some challenge or not i want to burn my legs [Laughter] a couple years ago i'd probably take the whole but y'all just literally stairs made for us though well and this wasn't made by uh cataphals this is actually like gravestones put the bodies who's taking the hole it's a weird feeling because like you don't want to step on them but they've been here for so long everyone stepped on them and it's it's like it gets worse and at one point you're gonna always unless it's not this way you always step on something i know i never touched them i never did i don't know if i wanted it i mean i'm trying not to step on anyone it's almost impossible at some points though yep they weren't ever really respected in their burial in the first place no i don't yeah look at this what kind of bones that one it's important a back spine bone yeah yeah jesus [Music] holy [ __ ] is this the skull throne yes we found it dude so this is one of the things you've been looking for yeah i've never thrown made of skulls and femur bones wow bro like where the eyebrows do they they tie them together with wire they tied human bones together to make a throne look at his hand okay that's crazy dude someone remade it i don't know if it was why it's going through it it sounds crazy this is easily one of the craziest things i think i've ever seen in my life like it's a throne but it's made of humans exactly that's why it is the creepiest you only see it here at the catacombs that's that's the most insane thing all right again by me sitting in this chair i don't mean any disrespect whatsoever it's just this is one of those things that the cataphils have built and it's a monument so we're just gonna document it and ex and document our experiences as well so i'm gonna sit in the throne jesus christ that feels weird hey dan what was the what was the thing you said about sitting in the throne what's the what's the legend keep the angel of death away for four years [Music] if that's true [Music] dude that one looks like it's got a bullet hole on your own yeah how do you think i've survived so many in the garage this is the weirdest thing i've ever done it is it is definitely uh out of this world for sure you're sitting on human remains at made as a throne it feels weird it does all right i'm done i wonder how many different people you're touching i don't even want to know i don't want to know all right so seth said in the bones let me sit in it real quick so when i first added it it's just like hard like hard candy almost like not not cement feels like cement like a brick super hard it's just so crazy to me to think that there's like skull heads human scars all around me and never mind that just the bones are piled up to the top it's actually insane i don't think we can see this anywhere else in the world it's very unique [Music] [Music] hello hello hell no so just saying explore is too um well first we left the throne and just the thing is like this is a normal thing down here which is is super you know different i wasn't gonna say weird but i don't really like the word weird because i think anything weird can be kind of cool it's just different so let's put the cataphiles uh that's a thing to them for them that's the thing for them is to sit on that throne take their photos create things make things they do that here so we don't mean any disrespect or anything like that everyone was in the back there was a whole line of other people actually waiting to take uh pictures after us and those were actual cataphiles the people there so it's just a whole different game down here all right jesus christ where's your spine touches right yeah it goes into guys you can go inside and film everything you want okay but don't go out without me no no no actually i just stay here we are walking through the tunnel of bones and at the end of it i think there's a like a whole wall of them look like the bone wall we're gonna find out let's go down it holy [ __ ] so stay down think about how high the floor is compared to what it should be that's because we're currently stood on bones millions of compacter bones if you listen to that hear that hollow sound yeah that's because it's nothing but bones underneath so and again like they put over eight seven and nine million nine million people they're not just this area but sky throughout the whole place it's set they said it took them seven years to remove all the bodies to put them down here i read it too it's quite a while and all that 12 7 or 12 years i know it was in the 17th century and i think they only stopped removing the bodies in 1825 or something yeah that's when they stopped and took them forever though so that's a lot longer than 12 years it was close to 50 years wow guys we are literally walking in a pit of bones like you can't even make this up oh my god oh my god it's just bones it's just dead people it's just wholeness we're just standing in bones bro their jaw their teeth yeah they're teeth oh my god took them seven years to remove all the bones from the cemeteries and put them down here i'm joe bones this is crazy in this pit alone there's probably i don't know hundreds a few thousand yeah easy easy yeah i who know bro i don't even know dang there's a dark feeling here yeah there is just it's heavy there's a weird thing yeah i mean i won't be doing this again no never i've been down here before but not this area it's a whole nother area but like what story is this is insane what are you thinking dude i mean people ain't gonna like this it's just weird like agenda we do there's something about being around human remains that's just very surreal very eerie very like well it's just odd like something like that i don't ever want to do something like this again but yeah it's the most fascinating thing i've ever seen in my life that's the thing and that and that's like almost like chernobyl you're so excited to go to chernobyl but it's one of the most darkest things ever right this is just another dark tourism term is right here this is just the thing like i i don't mind seeing like one skull but when you're when you're seeing thousands of skulls it's like oh my god like well this is actually like too crazy right now right yeah i mean we're almost there at the end it's like he said it's something like a bunch of jenga like jenga bone stacked we're not this is not the end it keeps going keeps going i don't know if i could handle this just keep going i'm going to make it down fast i'm just going to zoop through it and just get over with i want to see what it is but this is why i said yeah no just crawling down it's difficult oh my god just turn your head away a second bro with the lights all right i'm gonna fall you seen this before dan i've never been down here before i see something else what the hell what is that it's a jenga bone human thing that makes any sense let's go at the top it's definitely the craziest thing besides the throne i've ever seen yeah i think when they when they stacked this they probably stacked it to the ceiling the composition took place obviously it shrank all the time and then they probably took mooring on that because of how they were doing it what about yeah you know the bit that you paid for yeah is that been removed from here yes so what they did is they took all the best bones all the skulls and they made shrines and walls out of them yeah let's get to the other side i want to see what's going on dude let's just keep going oh my god this is honestly insane is that you think the other side's yeah i'm not even kidding you i thought i saw something like that weird then bro i've never seen anything like this in my life when i when i walked down here then i was looking down i'm sure i felt like i saw white things shooting like a white ball no it wasn't a guy what okay that's the craziest thing oh my god look at this i see it i see it bro you can't make this up it's not even cgi you're like bro this is the craziest this i don't know to me this is even crazier than the skull the throne like through the chair to me it's a wall of it's a wall of bones i don't know this was probably once someone's mother or father or son or what the why they've been put together no i mean just in general that's you know jesus look at the brow bone there look at that you can see see the brown look at that you see the lines inside the skull that's that's the impressions of the brain you know i was here yeah yeah there's jewel bones next to it that's the thing like these how many heads are behind me mad heads it's a it's a corner of heads oh my god there's more over here i didn't know [Music] the thing is if they were if they were thrown into a pit alive i'd be like all right this but because these guys and everyone here was already dead for so long and then they were thrown in here because they had to move them so it's a little different that's the thing it's not like they died down here it's not even close like that i do know what you're saying it's the most craziest thing ever i do agree but in terms of history and everything it's not they've been dead before they got here that's the real thing but yeah either way i'm getting the hell out of here like that's facts it's a carving two different carvings a snake and a squid yeah i'm sure the harry potter symbols they actually do somehow harry potter there's a squid and a snake carved in the wall right next to the bone walls maybe it means something we did do it um so we're definitely going to grab a beer when we get back to celebrate yeah seven in the morning beer i mean we have one room left in the tour guide why our dude matt he never said what it was he said it's beautiful and you have to see it and it's a surprise nope at all okay i don't know what it is i mean i don't i don't know what's more fascinating more shocking than what we're looking at right now but i think it like like the monk church thing that was amazing so i'm i'm thinking of something like that and not like more of bones but i'm not sure we're gonna find out all right we are heading out of here now i'm first to get out of here uh really quick though like i said before all the people that died didn't die in here they were moved from cemeteries all into here and that's what makes me feel a little more i guess relaxed and calmer about being down here because it is insane and crazy it really is um but it's a whole lifestyle now and it's a whole it's a whole different world here all right i almost i almost think that's i wonder how they put him in there like all the bones all right this is a work on its own [Music] they treated us like family this is their home they call it it's the end can i um yeah you can put someone on my hand of course oh yeah might as well start raving down here as well this is cool oh [Music] [Applause] there we go [Music] i
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 300,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0i5wX9UK52o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 28sec (3928 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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