Exploring The Terrifying Hanging Coffins | The Death Ritual (Cemetery In The Sky)

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today we are taking you out on an adventure that may be a little shocking and unheard of to where most of us are from we are in the Philippines and will'll be exploring deep in the jungle to find an ancient practice of a tribe that would bury their dead not in the ground but in the sky can see the first human skull right here I love these Adventures they're raw they're unique yeah we got to watch out for the bones there's bones right there that fell that fell down if I die it's right here what is up explorers right here we are in sagata Philippines now to get here is no easy task we had to literally take the Philippines most dangerous road where many people have died on just to get to this spot where we are really high up in the mountain do you really think this is the most dangerous road dude this is the most dangerous Highway in the Philippines the Hala highway is the most dangerous road in the Philippines the roads are non-stop winding to the point where casually driving can make you feel dizzy or motion sick we are going so high up now it is getting colder we no longer even need air conditioner 1 hour later nonstop windy it is insane we are still alive I have not thrown up yet in the rainy season a lot of landslides can happen and the road is slippery and right on the edge of a cliff slang is always ready even though he slumped his hand is still on the camera you know he is a good vlogger and filmmaker if he's sleeping with his hand on the camera that's that's pretty impressive as I do the same it's a long and hard highway to drive and is ranked the ninth most dangerous road in the world but we have to take it for this behind me as you can see there are hanging coffins and yes there are bodies inside these coffins and if you can look there's even a cross right there you can see everyone's name still on these coffins and these people have been here for probably hundreds and hundreds of years now when I mean they have been putting people in coffins in the mountains for hundreds and hundreds of years ago I mean literally before the Spanish people even took over the Philippines and as of now in 2024 they are still doing this today but only very little uh this is now a pretty much fading away tradition here in the Philippines but the tribe here believes that when you die you want to be buried above ground because you're more protected they believe the harder you are the more closer you can get to your ancestors the more closer you are to heaven the easier climb it is to get to the top that's pretty much why they do this but there are other reasons like they don't want to be buried be uh underground because they believe that when you are buried underground it is very dark and sad and when you're above ground you're protected you can breathe the fresh air in and again you are closer to heaven the way the bodies are placed inside these coffins these coffins are kind of small it's because when they died they put they were put into a fetal position and yes they are pretty protected from the rain and everything else it is a really different thing we are here and there is a lot to go through uh we're going to be showing off the the tourus side and we're going to be going into the Undiscovered locations that even the tourists and the people that live here do not know about but first we're going to cross the dangerous road to get here oh my God at last 4 hours of mountain roads we have made it in sagata and well we're going to be staying here at a place called The Rock Wall Inn because this is where zark stayed last time when zark made a video here and here we are [Music] [Applause] and I'm just like looking around and I have not seen or been in a Vibe like this in a really long time to come out and see like just little tree huts and and and like almost like just little buildings all around here since like Thailand and Philippines this was like 6 years ago [Music] it's been a long time coming and I'm back to my old roots and we're doing really cool stuff yeah bro the the reason why I love on the on this apartment cuz it's near everything if you want to go hanging cofins you can just walk in the story spot and if you go to the unexplored hanging coffins you just walk yes so the unexplored hanging coffins most people don't really go to that side and you have a guide who's going to be kind of like helping us it's very dangerous out there is only for explorers I mean legit explorers are we legit explorers we are bro all right good good I mean it's in my Brandon name I'd hope so we have our window open this huge moth comes right in here goes right over me right there dude it is massive in person I think this a bat Bro Look at that is a I I thought it was a bat too I thought it was a bat that's how big it was I'm just trying to go to bed I hate Philippines of I'm moving I'm moving what the is that I'm I'm almost asleep bro and you guys were screaming what the what the I jumped out my seat bro I ran over [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] dude oh it's in there we got to get him out so big all right he's out enough excitement to the day oh my God I'm going to bed get ready for tomorrow we got to wake up let's go meet the guide all right it is now the next day I am over the whole bugs that almost attacked us I looked online it was actually called an attacus moth it's one of the largest moths in the world and actually the largest in the Philippines so I thought that was really cool that we seen that but we're alive I showered we're back to normal we're starting the video now and we have our tour guide and his name is George this is George he is our guide for navigating us through the Deep Jungle so we don't get lost while exploring the famous hanging coffins of the Philippines George is pretty much the real Tarzan and you'll see what I mean as you follow along on our adventure how long will it take to get there from here depends how fast you walk yeah true do you have family and coffins here sure like everybody here the the coffins are from here so you know some family members are friends that are buried in those coffins as well okay one other question is like the spots you're taking us do a lot of tourists go to these spots uh only only chosen ones only chosen ones okay so we're the we may be the chosen ones today yeah we'll see okay okay [Music] my boy slang hiking in Crocs yeah literally hiking in Crocs bro Crocs is all one bro that's my boy yeah look at our guide oh slippers he's OG though he's OG flipflops yeah we haven't even started yet and we're already getting tired all right guys we can literally see from the distance here there's three coffins stacked on top of each other obviously we're going to get closer but if you can really see it's right where my finger is right there now I'm going to remove my finger might need to crop this in and zoom in you can kind of see a little start to this we are just going down now to the bottom going through different little houses and Huts getting straight down to the ground level before we start this crazy adventure Li oh you almost fell yeah uhoh oh my God okay oh told you it's an adventure okay we got to find the right the right spots to put your feet before you engage lot of [Music] yo I don't know if I'm going there bro what is all that though spiders why why is there so many your house bro we're we're going to have to we're in their City yeah we're going to have to get out of here quick oh get out of here get out of here I can even see this but up here look at this this is just uh the leaves falling dude we're like in between trees no rocks we're in between rocks right now going up here we [Music] go so these tastes better than regular bananas why what are these May yeah it tastes like medicine all right yeah all ate the banana and now we're going down and it is very steep here I mean you can't even tell on camera don't do its Justice I'm just standing up pointing the camera like down that's what it looks like um I'm going to have to keep one hand like on near the ground in case I have to grab it oh my God my boys are sitting it's scary it is pretty steep no joke it is yeah really show up on camera don't grab on the garages like this they're very sharp okay keep stupid as that this is crazy bro oh my God look at this bro you could literally fall right here and die watch out guys actually no joke watch out where here don't fall yeah bro or it's literally near death dead okay have you seen huh have you seen what that no holy holy bro this could have been near death for real he caus a little Avalanche almost fell into you you would have fell died down the down there okay okay watch out we got far but coffins is near no bro this is no joke okay oh my God now I'm scared of slang doing stupid stops wow oh w oh holy sh are you good bro I'm good do you have that on camera I think so oh my God so I fell from up here and I fell all the way down here and there's a DOT a DOT my My Lens came off actually came off the camera it somehow flew off I don't know how it was crazy look at this oh my god dude where you laughing at that's not funny yo I want I at least got to see the footage of that oh my god let's see let's see oh my God I'm All Dirty ripped up like dirty everywhere I can't believe my camera is not broken I'm so happy I'm so happy oh much better that you are not broken yeah me you're right you're right not your camera yeah you're right let your camera broken you're right explorers never die remember that explorers never die see that rock right there I fell from there and I fell all all the way down without stopping until I got right here like I fell down my foot ended up touching here so I fell but I was so quiet and in like Focus that when I was falling I wasn't like rolling I was like okay how am I going to get it was crazy it was all at once uh first time that ever happened on any Adventure where actually no second actually but what the hell we're laughing about it now but it was kind of scary but you could see that I I was like a water slide on dirt sliding down there was literally nothing I could do and dude these people over here they seen it happen so they were geeking laughing mad hard at me over there but I mean it is what it is I I don't know how there was no way of stopping the momentum dude basically this is just a start just a start yeah so what's next are coming Adventure is coming yeah you like hiking and some Adventures some near death experiences that's what's happening now yeah that's what's happening now all right we'll see now that near-death experience could be a YouTube Talk which could mean baby Teletubby stuff just for hype or it really means near-death experiences people are falling slang just fell over there okay this is when I really do put my camera away Pro possibly huh look inside the cave there's a coffin and this one oh my God all right I wait for you oh my god dude don't don't die is the number one rule what's the number one rule don't die what's the number one I think he's making us like a a path with a walk across the plank to get to the other side it's actually funny because to this point right now I don't know where I'm going or what I'm even hiking to like no one even told me I thought that was it and now I'm doing all this other stuff if I die it's right here okay look at this I was like yeah let's see their reaction they're waiting they're waiting for it oh oh oh oh wait wait wait let's wait for his go signal I think it's it's good oh my God bro I'm literally walking the plank this might even be harder oh my God all right okay oh my God I use your use your both hands I can holy [ __ ] joh you put the camera away I got to put the camera away this is near death experience though just cut the whole tree down so right now if you're watching on Zark's thing we're crossing this path that uh George made us when you come over here you can see that he made us another path to get across your side look at this WOW D you can step on the to that's good it has a spram yes yes you step on it oh my oh my God that was it but you had your hands on the Rock so you're good my boy brought the machete out clar a pathway wow thumbs up for George best tour guide already so George just made us this beautiful path he's still going not even talking going right into the moment but you can see how these rock formations are again this is why they believe that this place was underwater millions of years ago but it does look like it was another interesting thing about sagata is its geography people believe this whole area was once underwater because of the way the rocks look there have also been fossils found in the caves that belong to sea creatures oh man first time seeing this I've only ever seen this in movies but not this one these are ancient that oh that's crazy dude this is nuts I mean just being in the Philippines right now having a local show us around to these ancient areas part of their old culture is actually insane you can see the first human skull right here again oh my God all the bones as [Music] well so you can see all the coffins here but if you look up even more there's even another level how did they even get them up there was Bor what happened was Bor oh Tarzan yeah seriously though it's like they had to climb up with like their friends and kind of like use rope to probably push them up but it's this is the most one of the most interesting burial grounds I have ever seen in my life and it's super unique and that's like why I wanted to come to the Philippines cuz you just experience different cultures like this like when we're in Bali and we went to tr Yun and they used to bury people kind of on the floor but it was to hide the scent of the tree because the tree smelled so good so they used like bodies or something to kind of hide it like that's just different cultures and everything is so different compared to the the us or Europe is how our standard traditions of just bearing people underground but they believe in different things here it's just the the great part of traveling and documenting and experiencing is this [Music] yeah so a question for like people who are watching this what would you tell them about all of this that we're seeing it's a different world it is it is different world yeah and like what you're telling a while ago how they put that one over there yurs are born to be natural clambers uh it's their backyard so they play with it and imagining before we don't have rock climbing equipments like static row or harness or carabiners so they improvise like you see that brace how it was stuck there and it can hold like how many cins were there uh like four or five yeah noticing the scin the small ones babies they're not kids they are old men like us also oh but they are put in fatal position like we believe that where we came from that's where we're coming back like reincarnation wow and that one below you yep with a cross y that's uh uh mix mix mix Christianity and animist H oh wow cuz here we are animism animism yeah we believe that every living things has an Spirit oh that's why we hung them because we believe that their spirit will be free one more thing is we don't want to carry the Earth we want the Earth to carry us yeah rather than bearing six fet under the ground it's like totally darkness and we save it to carry yeah for that one that is hung you can still breath Press air wow no that's true he right he's right it's interesting it's so different I I really I really respect and like that a lot Imaging a l of a tree and then they carve it manually uh before there's no chainsaw there's no planers there's no so those copings are made up manually wow you know you're right yeah cuz look at the shape and everything like a a nice coffin shape so I noticed on this cross that it says the guy's name with like an old paint all right we are now heading out of this area and he's is going to be taking us now to a cave so I guess the cave has a lot of like different coffins above it and I'm not sure what else yet we're going to find out as we get there cuz I'm learning just as much as you guys are at the same time there's like a fire or something burning right in front of us it wasn't there before got Sun only rain I want to crash and on this pain nothing will last inside this take me away mediocre days need toop check out my new clothes in the link in description down [Music] below just randomly something's burning or they're making a fire oh someone's burning something there she yeah she's just burning a little bit of the things there we're feeling more in the jungle than the first time now look at our sun look at the sunlight from the smoke [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yo this a big ant like dude that's definitely some type of like who you up ant kind of might be oh big spider on your shoulder holy I'm just [Laughter] kidding is it bamboo right wow look at how thick it is look how hard that is don't die bro it looks like we are now heading inside the cave and the ears getting colder oh watch out it's game over for you oh man here we go my God I love these Adventures they're raw they're unique we're showing you guys something and we're experiencing stuff at the same time somehow I did it with no hands fall in one hand yeah godamn can't see so here's the coffins up close careful oh wow yeah behind us yeah we got to watch out for the bones this is like a hidden place for real and obviously you can see that this was in a fetal position but I think after years of maybe moving them or whatever happened they're kind of just crumpled up to what it is now but look how this this like is made it really is just a pure log cut from a tree and just carved on the the inside and just stuck together how old do you think some of these are the oldest uh is more than a century wow okay older than your yeah and then even down there for some reason there's bones right there that fell that fell down I of the earthquakes ohes probably wow yeah could be definitely could be I mean I don't even know what is down there but there is no way I'm going down there so is there a reason why these are in the cave instead they choose a perfect spot for them to be put there so that if the rain or typhoon will come they will be they will still exist right correct that's why all these coffins are in these overhangs yeah yeah that's why that's one of the uniqueness here in zagada because our ancestors even though they're gun yeah but uh it's still for us there is still there so I'll show you this one as we get even closer to it how the inside looks all right explorers here's a more detailed history of Sagat hanging coffins as we all know by now the sagata people have the tradition of placing their dead on cliffs and in caves what I just found out is the elderly were expected to carve their own coffin unless they were too weak or ill so their families would finish it for them when the body was placed into the coffin it would be put in a fetal position but if it was too big the bones would literally be broken to fit the body inside this tradition is over 2,000 years old and the coffins we saw today were most likely over a century old dying here in zag is like it's one of the most expensive things yeah so if you die it's very very expensive you going to buer 21 pigs really wow yeah in a year to finish all the rituals but during the weake they going to buter around like 10 pigs until they are put here and then after to be finished for one year then they're going to buter another 11 pigs is that an offering for them when they die like for fruit and okay every pig that was butchered it has like symbolizes something and if you're it happens that if you're a hunter they will also buter one dog for you oh because Hunter and dog goes together oh wow they'll bury the dog with h no they will make the dog for medicine oh medicine for Hunger okay hey okay I see I see I see wow that's part of the culture here too so different during the burial if they're going to bring the dead body in the rocks or something there are some guys also that they're going to bring the dogs yeah somewhere also and they going toer it oh so that uh it's like both of them like we be and then they're going to meet after life oh my God George wow let's check this one out this one's all flattened or something this one definitely fell from the earthquake let's go closer oh shoot bro yeah you could see the [Music] skull jeez I thought we were done but it looks like we're not finished yet dude this is just a start oh what was that my boy hikes in barefoot Tarzan stuff actually Tarzan out here [Music] wow wow so CL he just took down yo George no dude George rich is like the guy in those YouTube videos where they how to survive or something no no no where they build like a pool in the in the forest oh oh primitive building yeah primtive building that's literally George he's the guy that's going to start building a whole pool right here what is that use for George this one yeah it's good for the eyes for the eyes he's Lally harvesting herbs out here bro I'm going to start chilling with Georg more this is my new best friend right here what about the tower this is the end point the end point find the tower towards the end of our hike back we went to check out the tourist spot for the coffins so we were actually pretty lucky today because here the tourist spot to see the hanging coffins that everyone can see is actually closed and no one's here because it's like a town ritual going on so we're going to be the only ones here this is really awesome so originally how it works is behind this graveyard there's a guard Tower you would come up here pay the guard and everyone could kind of come through here and walk here and you kind of just follow this path and it brings you to the mountains in the back where you could see the hanging coffins well it's starting to get a little windy but we are going down the stairs dangling through the side of the cliffs and the mountains to get to I think the area so we're pretty much here and we start off and you can see coffins inside here so let's check this one out wow this one's hidden bro yeah it is hidden this is a hidden coffin again more stairs here we go let's go yep big steps big steps wow these I mean this is why this is the tourist spot there's so many of them but the best ones I've seen hands down look at [Music] this so you can see right here we have about what like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 like 15 coffins perfectly aligned hidden from everyone it's protected because you can look up and see that that the way the rock formation is is like hidden beneath everything so the water won't even touch them it is actually bizarre to see [Music] this it's really cool to see that all their names are still on the coffins as well it's pretty nuts and then there's even a hidden coffin over here that you can't really tell it's a coffin um I have a Zoom took my zoom lens out and zoomed in on it here it is here so you can't even see it it's like literally like in there oh God guys all right we're done we did the hike it's over uh Zark's coming up now with slang uh my boy uh George and uh rich is talking but overall really cool so the whole thing after this was to just get back up here but we took another way that I guess is longer which is nice because you got to go through the valley all the different little caves you can see and everything but it was really cool I mean this was a very unique experience and I had a really cool time it's all part of the adventure you're going to get hurt you're going to fall things are going to happen it's all part of the adventure and I really enjoyed it here in sagata uh Philippines is an amazing place and I definitely recommend it um how how you feeling now good yeah we figure out the way by ourselves oh cuz you left guys yeah we did get up here first oh we did get up here first that's cuz you on Filipino time man you're taking so long what y so long we we ended up trying to find you guys damn Dam well either way guys this was good we're going to go we're going to have to go find some food to end this George how how this is why you're in shape huh how old are you what do you think uh M 38 38 ah nearly how old I'm 37 but looks like 47 but you you are in good shape man you you you're a a Tarzan yeah really are Tarzan bro damn well that was good today we almost actually ended up in coffins today but wow only you bro oh yeah only me only me sadly only me slang oh slang a little bit too yeah 21 pigs before you get a oh yeah yeah true plus chicken a
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 228,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SE5GahKrERc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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