Experience Paris: Croissants, French culture & The Eiffel Tower

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I have to say that the almond croissants are by far my favorite they're flaky and crispy they look so good let's give it a give it a go let's back up a bit I've spent the last month in Paris experiencing the culture it's my first night in Paris my air Beam Beam I'm at the top floor of this like back alley building and it's literally insane let me show you what is this it's like 6 floors I'm here having breakfast right not my first day this is my first on croissant it's the best thing I've ever had in my whole life like I can't describe the flavor it's incredible it's been a crazy month learning about the city and meeting so many people it's a video but today is my birthday and I wanted to show you what a typical day here has looked like for me so without further Ado let's hop into breakfast and coffee first off I'm heading to one of my favorite cafes to experience the morning and talk a little bit about Coffee Culture in France French Coffee Culture today is all about savoring the experience and being in the moment and being present while you drink your coffee and the mindfulness behind the entire experience is perhaps the best part of French coffee culture in my opinion you sit at the seats in front of the cafe to see and experience the city but also to be seen there's a reason that all outdoor seating faces towards the street because when you're there at the cafe you become part of the city part of the thing that's seen by people that walk past you become part of what makes the city so special and that in of itself is really cool so I just got my coffee going to try it now we're at my favorite Cafe this is M Ma I've been coming here every single day for the past month pretty much their coffee is [Music] fantastic oh it's very good today ooh I really like how every day it tastes like a little bit different sometimes the espresso is more like bright today it's very like Rich there's like a really deep flavor it's wonderful and we're just sitting outside watching the street and since this is a special occasion I'm going to be having the typical French weekend breakfast at a vegan balerie that has the best croissants I've had in Paris one thing fren is wellknown for are its pastries and what is the most well-known French pastry if not the the croissant it was pretty special to have my first one in France I'm so excited it looks so good well they smell so good and so excited I have to say that the almond croissants are by far my favorite they just got a couple oh they smell so good they're flaky and crispy and they're really moist on the inside from the Almond cream and they're just beautiful they look so good I'm very excited I can say that after a month being here and trying a couple almond croissant that the ones from land and monkeys are by far the best I've had in the city let's give it a give it a go M I don't know if you can hear the crunch but it's so crunchy and so good on the Almond flavor it's like perfect I honestly have to like stop myself from getting one every single day I've really never had other pastries like the ones here in France they're all so good they taste like so different to the ones in the US I can't even describe it this is by far the best pastry I've had in my entire life I've never had a better one next we're off to M this is one of my favorite areas to come to the cobblestone in roads are just beautiful and the views from the hills are spectacular it makes me happy just to be here which is sort of funny considering the fact that in the 18th to 19th century this area was known as a makis or a land of little value because of that it was a safe haven for artists and free Spirits in its Heyday it held more than 170 artist Studios so we have just come to the top of M and we are coming up to the S it's just like so beautiful the Basilica is beautiful and then of course the view of the city is impeccable from up here I've been here for like a month as I've said before so I've been able to like see slowly M get more and more busy as the the month has gone on right now it's like really really full of people so if you decide to come here I would definitely come in the early early morning like I was saying the view is absolutely incredible regardless of if there's people or not you can still enjoy the view at least for the most part and especially if you come down here a little bit further down from the Basilica there's a lot less people and it's really great to sit here on the grass and just people watch there's so many interesting people that come to wont and that live here um there's so many like street performers and Street vendors selling things so it's really cool it's super diverse here you can see so many different types of people and art and there's a lot of different restaurants you can try so many different types of food whether that be French food thai food anything it's wonderful and it is really cool for like me personally to be here cuz I've seen like the Basilica in movies and TV shows my whole life and so to finally be here is very surreal and it is just wonderful to be here heading back up the hill past the Basilica and the crowds of people you can Veer off to the side streets and read a bit more about the artists that used to live here van go Picasso Monae and renoa all lived here at one point in time their lives and Drew or painted scenes of life here there's always something special about seeing a place that has inspired a famous artist even if the area has changed and become very touristy and busy because I will say when I came here in February it was almost empty and coming here now it's so full of people I can hardly walk but regardless it's still beautiful and just like most of the days spent with my friends I went from here to a cafe down the street [Music] okay we've just come to a cafe a little bit down from the basilic one thing that I love about the city is how there are like so many cafes in coffee shops it feels like it's never ending like there's always a new one to try and a new one that you're seeing online frequently when I hang out with my friends what we do is meet at like a park or Plaza walk around look at the city and then go to a coffee shop and sit outside look at the city and then we go on another walk go to another Plaza and then go to a restaurant or another cafe or something like that there's just so much to do in this city it's great the cafes are spread out all throughout the city there isn't just one place that has a lot of them they're everywhere it's incredible from the cafe we did as I do on any other day out with my friends walk to a new part of town and the French have a whole concept for people who walk put into one single word that unfortunately doesn't exist in English and that word is FL a FL is that cool aloof Urban Observer it's to stroll but also something more and it's maybe my favorite thing to do in Paris besides like all the big beautiful monuments and buildings to simply walk is an activity in and of itself when you're in a city as beautiful as Paris and of course the city is so beautiful but it's not just that that makes the city interesting it's the fact that every day there's something new going on whether it's a market a new street performer or you're just seeing the same building in a new light every day the city just feels so different it's really incredible and in my opinion there really is no better place to walk then along the S and on certain days of the week you have all of these stalls open and they sell everything from like books to souvenirs and even like handmade freshly painted like art it's beautiful and walking along the SC a little bit more you get beautiful views of both sides of the river and you have views of the Eiffel Tower and notra as well like you can see so much just walking along the sen the Lou passes through here as well there's so many like little things that really are are pretty close in proximity if you just walk along the sun it's incredible I love parks in Paris not only do they have these like beautiful floral arrangements but they have all of these like green chairs floating around throughout the park so you can really sit anywhere it makes coming to the park a great experience whether it's sunny or like a little bit wet from the rain and this park the tuler park is right along the SC and right in front of the Lou it's quiet and very very peaceful it has this part over here with the grass and the fountain and there's so many chairs around the fountain and then further up there's all these like boxy trees that provide so much shade and it leads right up to the Obelisk it's just like such a nice atmosphere in the Parks here at this one and then Luxembourg Gardens is also one of my favorite ones in the city this one is just like a perfect location cuz it's right along the center and really close to the lou and just a bunch of things in general the French do late afternoons like nobody else a calmness Falls over the city around Twilight and hordes of people swarm to the sen or a park they sit and talk watch the sunset and enjoy their time and that's one thing I've noticed after being here the French enjoy their time and it made me want to prioritize my time off too it made me realize that the weekend isn't a pause to the weekday the weekday is a pause to the weekend and when the French to leave work they actually leave work cuz you shouldn't have to take the stress of work home with you and seeing so many people do this was refreshing you know the whole point of me doing these trips is to see more of the world and see the world from A New Perspective try and see how the culture I'm in sees it and in Paris seeing and hearing about how people view time off and work was so fascinating these ideas weren't revolutionary they were just a part of everyday life you can say what you want about France and French culture but for me this is one aspect of it that I will be taking with me after a long afternoon of walking and sightseeing food is a necessity and if the French know how to do one thing it's food the cuisine in France is focused on using fresh and local products which means usually no hormones and preservatives are put into the food because of this France has some of the best food in the world it's really seen as an art rather than just something to fulfill someone's appetite the modern restaurant culture comes from France and Legend has it that the first eating establishment to be called a restaurant was opened in Paris around 1765 but in those times people would go to these places not to have indulgent unhealthy food which is usually what we go out to eat for now but they would go to restore themselves and that's where the word restaurant comes from it means to restore so the French have a long history of food being very important and the Art of cooking being revered and of course walking around town seeing all the people sitting outside of restaurants just adds to the Ambiance of the city and when you eat outside you again become part of the city okay and now we're about to walk up the Eiffel Tower this day it was so beautiful out and of course who doesn't want to spend their birthday at the Eiffel Tower and a fun fact about the tower is that it was built for the 100y year anniversary of the French Revolution and was only intended to stay up for about 20 years but it soon ended up staying a permanent fixture in the perian skyline she's a little busy you can walk up the first two floors of the Tower and then once you're up here on the top you can take an elevator to the summit if you buy it to ticket that is I really like how for a monument that is so iconic and famous they could be charging like a disgusting amount for the tickets but it's actually surprisingly pretty affordable my ticket uh since I'm under 24 was only 5.90 and I think for people over 24 it's 1180 so very affordable if you want to come up here um the stairs are a little bit of a a workout but the view is definitely worth it it's so beautiful thoughts on The View the view is amazing yeah I love it it's crazy you see how like far everything actually is even though like it's very walkable JP yeah do [Music] it I got you how do you feel give me a little vertigo but I started to sweat after our fun we rushed down the tower trying to catch the sunset on the sun and watching it we waited for the Eiffel Tower to [Music] [Music] Sparkle I okay I think that's it okay you
Channel: Tristan Martin
Views: 512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paris, france, travel, vlog, documentary, doc, vacation
Id: r6VwVeYXroQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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