$1 Buffet vs $100 Buffet In Manila, Philippines! 🇵🇭

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today I am on a mission to compare a one dollar Buffet here in vanilla against the 100 Buffet can you actually believe it so it's gonna be a fun video full of interesting food so let's go out there and let's see what we can eat let's go [Music] look at this there's a huge selection of everything there is uh some sort of pasta with cheese it smells really good what's this one [Music] [Music] can I have a half plate of chicken I want to try maybe two three different flakes my I know yeah yeah yeah can you give me half plate because I want to try maybe three different plates I want to try everything exactly yeah no idea what she said what's going on so I have no idea who's being served so it looks like there's people all around here and here am I next to life I don't think anyone knows all right so how does this work one manok a yeah yeah give me half give me half then I'll try half that half and half okay yeah yeah I want to try one then another one then another one then another one yeah only a little bit yeah hello oh he got a beautiful turn oh Beauty look at this ah I look like I'm about five years old this is my one this chicken chicken no no pork just chicken just chicken yeah yeah just chicken I love that Hara pork for me chicken yes okay where can I sit where can I sit that's it yeah here oh yeah all right let's see I'll I'll sit down on the floor yeah okay let's see so I guess yeah [Music] I'll be the judge of that let's see so as you can see it's a bunch of noodles we've got some soy sauce I think on it there's bits of chicken there's black pepper I think there's cucumber as well there's literally every single thing in there so let's go ahead and give it a try let's get a big spoonful I only want to the heart because I actually want to go ahead and try a little bit of everything there is like uh as you saw there's like a pasta there's some I don't know what these calamansis I think there's some eggs so we'll go ahead and try a little bit of everything but next time hopefully the other portion is a little bit smaller than this because after this guys we're actually going to go ahead to the spiral buffet and we're trying a hundred dollar Buffet so it's gonna be a lot of food today anyway enough for me it's okay let's go ahead and give this a try it's really good YouTube channel YouTube channel again go with Ali yeah it's really good man so I've had this about a year ago I don't think it was this specific one but I've eaten in this place before as I told you [Music] it's as delicious as I remember I'm just over here we have some calamansi as well it's kind of like the uh Filipino version of the lime it's not quite a lime it's not quite an orange I guess it's somewhere somewhere in between oh it smells so nice it's like a sweet lime it's not a it's not the lime that you used to back in the UK anyway let's go ahead and let's get a big boat pull again that is much much better with that kind of monster you just kind of touch too all of those spots all of those oils there you go it's good it's muscle up mice are wrapped that's right it's really good really good oh you don't like it I'm from London yeah yeah are you familiar yeah Philippines which uh which area yeah this is your second time second time Vlog in this place yeah it's really good why can we watch your name Annie go with Ali what's your name yeah really nice to meet you hi hello hello wow so you speak Arabic speak Arabic yeah the Arabic is very good it's better than mine twice really nice to meet you we'll try that one next and maybe all right guys and there you go I was not kidding when I told you this thing was delicious a couple of minutes later and it is completely finished so let's go ahead and uh I guess let's try some more food okay I want some more which one uh which one did the lady recommend this one what's about but can you give me less because I want to try everything give me that quarter plate much less yeah that's it that's enough I'm not sure if that one is mine yeah that's enough that's enough and a little bit of soup perfect that's it that'll do it uh what's the name of this one Sultan soup okay that's hard to say it was the famous dish here in oh this is the famous one oh wow okay so this is what they're known for amazing there you go so as you can see really okay so I guess I'll be back next year again oh man this is actually really good as good as that noodle was at the start I think this one's even better so I think the move is also to get a little bit I feel like calamansi goes with everything um yes like I'm literally just looking at everyone and that is what they do let's get a little bit of calamansi squeeze it literally over everything and again it's just nicely cut through all the fat and it cuts too all of those juices as well it's so much better up completely the place down I think it's now probably time for a little bit of dessert and maybe some juice and afterwards we'll go head out to the other Buffet delicious can I have one pineapple and uh two desserts can you give me two different desserts the best ones yeah beautiful looking and a nice juice nice and cold let's put that over here while we get our desserts oh look at this okay can you give me a different one different one yeah different one two different ones bonus communication oh yeah okay here we go okay all right so let's put that over here all right let's see what we got so I have no idea what we got uh I think this is Ube is this Uber oh this is so nice and tense guys honestly this weighs about a quarter of a kilo just died itself and uh I'm not sure what this is some nice caramelly looking thing nice and sweet anyway let's go ahead and start with the pineapple juice I think that's probably the best place to start just to wash off all those spices and then that way we get to taste those desserts properly oh man that is some good ananas juice nice and Tall depression as you can see it's literally sitting there and all of the ice but I think now it's time to go ahead and try this thing honestly I have no idea what this is it looks pretty good I think it's some sort of rice at the bottom some sort of caramel what is this is good wow what's the name of this one um okay and I think it's exactly that's what we thought there's definitely rice underneath us oh sorry there's an old lady standing here go out there you can sit down no problem sit down here there you go so let's go ahead and let's finish this thing off as well I think you get a better look over here as well whatever that thing on the top is Monday is delicious that bottom bit literally just soaked all of those juices all of that sugar but the topic is where it's really out man it tastes like a caramel so good it smells syrup [Laughter] oh this is so delicious and uh let's go ahead and try this thing man it's genuinely weighs like a quarter of a kilo this is so dense this is probably a thousand calories just in this little thing over here I'm blocking everyone's way so whatever that thing was over there I told you there's like a layer on top of that rice I think this is the layout that was on top of the rice but look at this it is so dense man genuinely this is probably about a thousand calories right here okay I am fat I am very full uh [Music] no idea what she said she passes for all of that food I have two plates juice and two dessert for 90 pesos wow that is amazing so 90 pesos is about I don't know it's like two dollars or something all of that food that's very good very good uh my Bluetooth okay no no change no chain why no kids okay [Laughter] yeah hi kiss change I don't know what's going on okay thank you thank you so much I will come back again okay take care [Applause] [Applause] oh you saw it let's do it good okay it's very famous [Music] wow sorry thank you thank you all right so that was a delicious first stop to be honest with you I have no idea how the spiral Buffet is going to beat this I mean in terms of food it was really good in terms of atmospheres it's amazing I've been there before once and now you saw why I went back in there again man it is delicious Place really nice people but anyway let's walk off for about I don't know I think it's probably gonna take us about an hour just to get over there which is probably just enough time to digest all of that food and we make it all the way to the spiral Buffet so let's go still here I haven't moved this is how we're walking it [Music] is your trip very good have a nice day see you uh I'm here for this spiral Buffet are you vlogging sir I am yes yes [Music] two joints Two Joints two joints all right so here we are guys so we just arrived at the second location and uh I believe this is the spiral Buffet yes why is it called spiral because you're gonna see a spider uh I don't know also sorry sorry okay oh because of the spout case yeah okay all right let's see inspired sir oh this is the spiral case have a nice day oh that one there thank you so this is not the spiral case that one there is this file case look at that that is an amazing looking spiral kit wow I mean to be honest with you if I had to spoil case like that I would probably name my daughter spiral as well now that I have a daughter now that I know of anyway hello how are you I'm good I'm here for this spiral Buffet yes sir do your preservation I have a reservation but I just got an email to say that it's been canceled I already know yeah because we have 15 minutes holding here that's why yeah it's fine okay Ali Ali yeah they have a table yes okay that's good that's good I thought my place was canceled but oh my God look at this there are people cooking over there you've got fresh food you've got some things getting steamed over there as well and you've got a band playing some juice places and literally everyone just sitting there eating it's a Sunday I believe this is the best day to come it's Sunday the best day to come pardon me yes because we have free clothing or something and some other ambuilds wow amazing amazing it's okay that's right for a seafood yeah okay I'm very fat today it's been a cheat weeks it's my first time yeah yeah okay I will call Julian dresses you Mr real yes I'll give you a bigger table okay oh yeah okay things are definitely looking up for Ali got a bigger table this is good can I get some of the spicy shrimp yesterday sir oh let's let yeah yeah I just wanted to taste it I think that is the way to go guys listen just get a little bit of everything that way you get to taste everything and then that way if you also like something you can always just come back to it there's no point of just fill in your plate as you saw we're going to have literally about three hours worth of heating over here and uh I'm looking forward to this man what do we have over here so this is this is noodle noodle Pad Thai okay can I have a little bit of pad thai yeah separate all things I'll put some burning oh okay um just a noodle because I have a shrimp already and just malit just a tiny bit [Applause] yeah perfect and half of that half I will be back later for more amazing yeah so you keep this bit and I'll take this bit good joke perfect Salama wow smells good man so obviously we are getting started with uh with the Thai food she said this is one of the highlights they do over here one of the main Asian Cuisines what do we have a really crispy fried fish and Maya Maya with chili can I have a couple of pieces a few pieces okay amazing thank you and over here we have lobster claws and we have some butter chili prawns as well oh my god oh look at this this uh it's kind of like a chow kind of thing but I can we're gonna have to try some of those spawns as well I believe my host recommended this so we're going to get some hello how are you uh can I have two shrimps whoa everyone's really nice here as well man really nice and hospitable so great start so far I can uh I'm gonna go ahead and put my plate down and uh I guess we can get started with this this is the Thai section of the food all right let's see let's go ahead and let's get started on the first round which is of course the uh Thai section oh thank you it's because this side is better it's more beautiful thank you no champagne for me guys around so uh let's go get started on this [Music] but I didn't feel the spice but now you can probably even see it my face is starting to go in I can feel it it's probably a good idea to go ahead and wash out some of that spicy taste with some of this amazing looking Pad Thai as well so Pad Thai it's really hard to get right honestly I've only ever had a good Pad Thai in Thailand I've had it a couple of times in uh in the UK and every single time I was disappointed so hopefully this is good and hopefully this is authentic it's good it's nice and sweet um a little bit dry if I'm honest I guess it's because it was just sitting on the pan maybe if you came there wanted to start to cook it it would have been a lot more fresh and here we go we got the mango juice over here hopefully you'll wash out some of that spicy flavor yeah that's good man damn that is so good I think this is freshly squeezed you can see it's nice and thick it's none of that um those things that you get in cartons like a Tropicana or anything [Music] I think it's time to finally stop looking at the shrimp and it's time to go ahead and taste it so let me say you guys down on this table because I think this is a two-hand job here we go nice bit of uh look at this how meaty is this that is a good prawn man that is so nice and fresh succulent cooked to Perfection here we are another nice little bit of a simple frog let's give this a try [Music] as good as the first one first round it's completely demolished so let's go ahead and let's get some more look whoa that's a good Vantage for it from there you can literally see all the good food wow look at this so uh we got Sesame balls of some sort this is looking interesting I've never had Sesame balls before yeah I think we're gonna have to go ahead and try some of that Sesame hello um can I get one sassy movable thank you this is not going to be the whole round guys don't worry we're gonna get somewhere good so we have a chicken feed we have look at this so this is foreign [Music] so let's see what else we can get over here so we have the beef brisket noodle spicy laksa noodle soup we have chicken noodle and I think that's tofu at the back as well yeah it looks like some sort of tofu and we have roasted duck roasted chicken and honey rolls to cook oh my God look at this whoa can I get some roasted duck yes please uh just a little bit please yeah amazing that will do uh yes please yeah which sauce is this one you see outside ocean sauce amazing all right guys I think I figured out the way of how we can actually go ahead and beat this Buffet so obviously this Buffet costs about uh I think a hundred dollars so I think if you keep getting up I keep getting back down um you're gonna get full very quickly so I think what we're gonna go ahead and do take this plate put it on my table and then come back and just pile on the plates that way we can get three four plates in one go and then hopefully get a lot more food downers so let's put that over here let's go ahead and maybe get some high ticket items I saw some uh some oysters over there so I think that would be a good shot I'm getting full already it's only round one don't worry guys don't worry we're gonna beat this muffin there's no way I'm getting out of here without getting a hundred dollars worth of food so let's go ahead and let's get some oysters fresh fresh oysters to be honestly I think I've had fresh oysters probably I think if I did have it probably once in my life if that look at that fresh oysters on a bit of a seaweed you've got ice underneath it as well and we've got more over here as well can I get a few pieces yes please this is good this is masarap I think this is my first uh just the adjusted just the yeah yeah I just wanted to taste yes please so a little bit 11 as well amazing all right there we go so this is the second plate I think we'll go ahead and eat all of this and maybe come back for the lobster guys this is the only way to get your money as well uh this Buffet you have to go for the expensive Seafood round two is in front of us so obviously we went for the duck with the hoising sauce I think she said some sort of seafood here as well and the Sesame Bowl let's get some of that lemon on top of that oyster really really fill it up hopefully that kills any of that fishy taste and let's go ahead and give it a try foreign [Music] yeah I don't think I've ever had oysters before my life and uh I like it to be honest it's a lot less chewy than I was expecting like um let's get the seat out of the way like um you looking at this I think that is going to be all muscle or at least hard to truth to but honestly it's like a it's a couple pythons completely down let's get ahead and give this one a try as well [Music] let's go ahead and try this as well so we got the uh sesame oil over here let's dip that in the sauce this is a one biter [Music] nice and zesty got a little bit of a kick from that chili as well let me go ahead and open this one I think it's a piece of shrimp yeah it's a piece of screw it not sure I think the idea is you basically just drown it in that sauce way it picks up whatever flavor you have in front of you much better this way here we go guys that second round is completely demolished and I think we need to go for more High ticket items that way we really go ahead and beat the buffet but something which I wanted to notice even though we are leaving the plates over here the staff are really good so they will literally just come take the plates away and that way by the time you come back there's space for more food so let's go ahead and let's get some more food [Music] whoa you got clams over there muscles hello how are you uh which one is your recommendation which one is good lobster uh can I have half a lobster just a small piece again the best one for me yeah amazing salamat oh no not just this one just this one your recommendation let's do it yeah yeah yeah amazing so there you go we're gonna get some butter garlic some doubles as well I can feel my abs disappearing already let's go ahead and let's put this back and I think we need to come back and probably get some of that Indian food that cheese Paratha was looking mighty delicious [Music] all right cheers Indian food there you go there's the Indian flag and this is look here [Music] we got paneer we've got Biryani we've got all sorts of chicken as well all right so I can we're gonna get a little bit of cheese Paratha maybe a little bit of paneer and a little bit of chicken as well that way we get to taste a little bit of everything and maybe try some of these beautiful food hello how are you uh can I get some chicken and paneer as well yes please just a little bit wow look at that it's about the chicken uh can I try some of your biryani and cheese parato [Applause] you like chicken with Biryani yes please yeah yeah let's try it I want to try the best ones well they all look really good and here we go the cheese Paratha daddy long arms amazing whoa this is looking mighty fine smells good as well so this is is this our third round I think this is our third round but I think I'm only about I don't know 10 to the uh the buffet guys there's like cheese there's a French station there's literally every single thing and the desserts as well and let me show you as I was telling you before there you go the plates have completely disappeared the staff are incredible over here man and every single time I go around pointing the cameras on everyone's faces it's been really friendly as well so tough points to them so let's go ahead and let's try this I can we'll go ahead and start with the lobster that way the spicy food doesn't have any effect so I can give you a real judgment on what this tastes like and it's not a biased opinion look at this man and you got the eggs on top of it you got all of that garlic sauce as well all that butter oh my God this is looking mighty fine the this is the real ticket items that you want to be filling yourself up on look at that that is a meaty looking lobster tail [Music] garlic sauce oh my God it just punches you right at the throat right it is so damn good and uh look at this so you get the head butter as well and all of those eggs as well look at that it's genuinely the best lobster I've ever had in my life now that I've had many lobsters in my life I usually stay away from seafood and I usually don't go to these really really fancy places guys if you know me all I like is Jollibee and KFC so um it's a real chicken me as well it's really really good the lobster is completely down completely demolished now of course is the Indian food time so let's go ahead and start with a cheese burrata hopefully this is as good as the cheese burratas that lutima was having all the way back in Pakistan I'm gonna tell you if I agree with this or not but I think we'll go ahead and dip it in to the sauce as well [Music] to try that's so damn good man I don't know if it's the Paratha or if it's the sauce it's probably the combination of the two but that is mighty fine let's get a little bit of that chicken that is beautiful man let's give this a try as well this is Sublime I don't use that word very often wow this is probably the best thing I've tasted here so far wow that chicken what's up it's a little bit spicy you've got pepper taste on it a little bit lemony and zesty as well and I think this is one of those food you just have to pick up by hand obviously you got full a knife and a spoon but to get the real taste of the food you just have to pick up with your hand I know I am in a really expensive hotel in a really expensive Buffet but you just have to eat it like you usually do [Music] well done that's some good chicken man so whoever is in charge of the Indian station who loves making the chicken really knows what they're doing man it's just tasting so so good nice and authentic and I reckon we'll get some of that sauce that sauce was so good there you go mix it up a real mouthful and here we go the third round is completely finished and I can definitely feel all of those spices starting to build up on my face you can probably see my face shining but guys that's not going to beat us we're going to go ahead and get some more food so let's go I'm getting tired but I'm gonna get one look at this beautiful looking food man so we have roasted chicken we have boneless lamb and we have a ribeye and we have a fake salmon as well this is looking mighty fine hello sir how are you fine sir uh can I please get some of uh your delicious looking ribeye and boneless lamb and just one piece I just wanted to try it a bigger piece oh yeah yeah that looks good for hours oh yeah yeah that one looks good give me the best piece amazing sorry you can Grill it as well yes please let's do it saucer what's the recommendation beef okay uh yeah let me try some of the cream please truffle uh maybe the white one is which one which one is the white one uh lemon butter lemon butter okay yes please oh man this is looking mighty fine so the guy cut it off the uh the lamb and he also built it for me which is really nice of him so let's go ahead let's put this on our table and I can we come back and get some more again just over here we have the shoe situation as well wow you have octopus you have squid you have a tuna look at this looks like a rose hello oh yeah uh what can you give me your best pieces maybe three four pieces yeah can you give me the the best four pieces of your recommendation yes please this is looking mighty fine so this one is one of each year the best ones yeah it's looking mighty fine so we got the crispy salmon for Brewery salmon soft shell murky and we got the sauce as well wow oh wow you're very generous thank you my God this is looking good oh my God look at this how can you finish this and it literally took them about I don't know 10 seconds to assemble wow I mean guys I am a huge fan of sushi so I think this is probably going to be our best route we got some amazing looking ribeye grilled ribeye some lamb and we got my favorite thing in the world which is Sushi Wow [Music] I think this is our fourth round uh honestly I'm not sure every single time I come here I uh the place just keep disappearing my arms are definitely disappearing as well but uh I think we need to keep on going at this stage man so let's go ahead and try some of this I believe this is the Lamb let's get some of that sauce halting all of it and uh yeah as I was saying that man was so nice as well the interestingly put it on the grill for me as well to make it that much nicer let's go ahead and give this a try mom oh my God [Music] wow I am genuinely speechless of how good this is man [Music] oh man and that is literally just I can't even say fall off the ball because there's literally no bone on it man but that sauce is so nice and creamy I can literally just put a straw in this sauce wow that is genuinely delicious let's go ahead and try some of that ribeye look at this you've got a beautiful glue marks on top of it as well it feels a little bit tough I have to be honest I just give this a try [Music] I have to be honest it's pretty chewy because I took some chewing but why it lacks in succulancy it definitely makes up for in tasty Department all right let's go ahead mix that up with some of the other sauces well this is I remember the sauces wow that's also so good as well and now it is time to go ahead and attack some of that sushi so let's go ahead and let's pick up this piece oh no guys I am not used to eating in this kind of places but let's give this a try as well um that's so nice and fresh I think this one is uh it's quid or octopus honestly not sure really really hard to tell what this is [Music] [Music] I have no idea what this is to be honest with you [Music] I think it's squid I'm still chewing all right [Music] if you come a physician do not try whatever that thing was for goodness sake it is super hard to eat but just follow the app with some salmon salmon is good all right it's nice and fresh look at this beautiful marbling on it as well nice and fatty I think this is my fourth or fifth round I think it's probably the fifth round but I am definitely slowing down man I have really struggled to breathe right now but I think we need to keep on going we really need to get our money's worth out of it so let's see what else can happen so I believe this is the French section we have some sort of broccoli we have a pasta I did not know French people were known for the um for pizzas a pasta so I don't know I guess this is a mixture of French food as well as Italian Sachin as well and we have the handmade pasta over here so I think we have to have some of that handmade pasta I've never tried it before so it's probably a good shout to go ahead and try some look at this so I think they get the pasta and they literally just dip it inside of that cheese kind of similar to what they're doing over here hello how are you um can I get some of your handmade pasta okay can you put it in this is that possible eight to ten minutes okay so while we wait for our pasta to go ahead and get cooked I think we'll go ahead and get some cheese as well hello guys this is smelling funky so by the looks like we have all types of different cheese we've got some uh some orange one green one purple one yellow one you've got some uh homemade the Ombre Swiss cheese wow okay hello how are you uh can I get maybe like a selection of maybe five pieces of the best ones that you recommend I know nothing about cheese so I'll go buy a recommendation this one is Brie really is fresh okay these are all uh French cheeses um some are Italian cheeses Italian okay [Music] uh yes please yeah yeah let's try it I like blue cheese usually wow incredible and it's okay I can have smaller pieces thank you so much maybe just one more okay let's try it thank you so much thank you [Music] oh my God this is smelling funky so we got blue cheese we've got truffle we've got um I don't even know how you say that but let's go ahead and let's put that over there and then I guess we come back and we get our fresh handmade pasta we got truffle sauce as well good well honestly I think we are really really slowing down this is probably going to be our last round uh before I actually going ahead and maybe getting some desserts maybe some Halo Halo and I don't know some cakes as well but in terms of savory food guys I am feeling it this is my second buffet in one day let's put that over here let's go ahead and get off it the risotto as well just a little bit it's the same plate little little yeah just to taste it amazing there's a car bomb right there wow this is looking mighty fine but as I would say that man that is a carb a fat bomb at the same time this is definitely going to be our last job because combined with this with the cheese that we already have on our table guys this is a loan probably about I don't know six seven hundred calories so yeah after that it's definitely a dessert time and I think I am beaten so we have the Truffle risotto truffle handmade pasta and look at that real pieces of truffle and of course we have all of those French and Italian cheeses I think we should go ahead and start with the cheese so I believe this is the truffle cheese chimanship wow that is so nice and creamy I usually just close your mouth with just fat saltiness that truffle tastes as well man that is so so good and uh this one this is looking pretty funky I'm not sure if this is like the really really smelly cheeses that I usually smell whenever I go past these uh expensive cheese shops but let's go ahead and give it a try I'll give you my honest opinion wow that is generally nice man this is probably even better than the chocolate piece that I had earlier that's so damn good man this would have been amazing with uh maybe some sort of acidic food maybe like grapes or maybe even like a tea there's something to cut through all of those uh fatty fatty cheese I have no idea what this is it's looking pretty funky so the inside of it is like a really really creamy look it's kind of but it's turning apart literally under its own weight but uh I have some sort of crust all the way around it look at that it's literally just dripping foreign the first the first two were really good and I guess finally we go ahead and get some blue cheese blue cheese is really good so I usually have that with Burgers back in the UK there's a really famous restaurant chain called uh uh gpk gourmet burger chicken gourmet burger kitchen I wasn't thinking about chicken [Music] that was good not as good as the first two pieces but definitely a heck a lot better than that final piece enough of the foreplay I think we should go ahead and get some of that handmade truffle pasta let's get a real mouthful and let's get a little bit of every single thing and that pasta that way we get to taste it exactly how the chef in tended me to go ahead and eat it [Music] it's good man it's so nice and creamy and beautiful really dope it's handmade and you can really tell it's fresh pasta whenever you get out you just dull it's like a little bit drier a little bit of crispier but not in a good way like this this is honestly incredible nice succulent smooth beautiful texture and look at that it's literally just soaked up and all of that beautiful creamy sauce and of course all of those truffles as well let's give this another try guys I am struggling to read I've been working out in the gym for literature the last eight months trying to make him come back I'm teaching my apps disappeared in one day but I think even though as I'm saying that I think we have room for one more round and this is actually going to be the final round which is going to be dessert don't go food guys I promise you know my food there's no way you can beat this menu it's just so much food can I get one only half perfect yeah yeah I am struggling did you see the side of that thing look so usually you get a huge glass it's like a I don't know half a liter or something but luckily we got some small ones over here oh look at this bacon over there nice and fresh let's give this a look [Music] beans and this one [Applause] okay yeah let's try everything it looks good okay okay let's do it why not why not and just over there it's gonna I guess put ice in there as well and uh if I remember correctly they get a little bit of uh it's like a condensed milk as well and then that way go ahead and mix it as it melts you can go ahead and mix it and mix it more and more as well okay I have no idea what I'm saying yes to it just keeps saying you want this I say yes but I think it's gonna put on uh some ice cream on top of it as well and look at this as well so we have the fountains that we saw earlier oh my God this looks so good wow wow I think this will be the thumbnail thank you so much all right so let's go ahead and put this on the table and I guess we'll come back for just one more plate guys I'm doing my best honestly this is what the 10th or 11th plate that we've eaten ah I'm doing my best let's go let's go put this back where we start I get one of this one uh one of this one [Music] maybe this one as well [Music] and is it possible to get some of the fountain this one is this the best one amazing okay oh my God look at this look at the uh crystallized sugar on top of it it's got the strawberry got the meringue some sort of job as well all of a sudden my second stomach just opened honestly I think the good thing about this Buffet is so big that you basically work out around I don't know 50 calories every time you go up and down so yeah I guess it's not so bad after all let's go ahead and put this on the table and let's demolish this this is really our final round of today so of course we went for the Halo Halo and we went for an assorted mix of dessert let me uh put you guys over here let's see hopefully you can see me here and I don't even know where to start I think the best place to start probably is the Halo Halo so let's get one spoonful we literally got all the way down we won't mix it just yet I think [Music] blueberry the jelly the ice cream as well the eyes and the condensed milk all of it is just kind of mixing it together kind of melted together already without me having to mix it or Halo Halo let's give this a try wow honestly this is as good as I remember having it in the Halo concealer and obviously Helen Consuelo is a legend when it comes to Halo Halo but honestly this is really really close to as well this is delicious all right I think we start now to mix it and this is actually the correct way that you're supposed to have it it's supposed to fix every single thing you get the beans on top look at this beans we got um we got shaved a bit of coconut as well God look at this and I have no idea what these are I guess some sort of mango or something [Music] it was dry mango really really nice mixture man [Music] let's put it on the side and let's go ahead and let's try some of those desserts as well so we have the hamster or meringue we have a nice charcoal marshmallow on top of it as well nice and Squishy and what I like about it is a warm biter that way you get to taste quite a few different desserts and you don't score for one and then you have to make your choice that way so let's give this a try [Music] so nice and Squishy and I think they had a little bit of uh chocolate sauce as well and a little bit of a crunch as well and now I think it's a good time to go ahead and try some of that delicious looking sorbet Jam it's like a little bit of a cake and I think this is mango on top of it if I can guess correctly let's give this a try as well [Music] no that's not mango [Music] thank you yeah I think that was bad pretty sure it's uh yeah mango has that distinctive flavor look I got mango juice over here yeah that is mango that wasn't mango and uh let's go ahead and get some of this delicious looking custard oh my God hello if you want something you can get it now I'm finished I'm finished thank you thank you I am finished guys there's no way I can get some more food so we'll be literally sitting here for two hours eating uh this place actually opens at uh 12 p.m so in the afternoon and right now it is 2 46 so if you didn't believe me before that I was trying my best to be at this Buffet now you know I'm trying my damn hard by the way let's go ahead and try this uh custard as well I really really like that the uh the sugar has completely crystallized on top but underneath it you got that creamy custody eggy sort of taste it's a delicious contrast you buy into it and you can fill the uh trigger crunching underneath your teeth and that custard is just beautifully swallowed around your tongue 40 Cup game I think it's because I haven't half asleep half a coma of food as well this is really finally this is the final bite there's no more space and there is no more time as well so let's go ahead and finish off with the Beautiful strawberry chocolate covered marshmallows let's finish it off this is what the build came down to so we got a free juice we got the brunch and all together it came down to 499 pesos guys obviously this is a lot of money this is about I believe a hundred dollars or so and obviously it's not one of those things that you come here every single day you're gonna have to have this I guess once in a lifetime quite literally because I'll be honest I don't think I could eat for another week or so I am fully stuffed I'm fully satisfied boom so there you go guys that is the end of the video and unfortunately by the looks of it is also the end of my Wasteland so this is how you put on about five kilos worth of food and probably about five hours or so so which one I recommend honestly it depends on you depends on your budget and it kind of depends on the occasion as well so if you're in a hurry maybe it's just your lunch time and you're trying to get something quick 100 recommend you go to that kiapo Market Buffet it was delicious fresh beautiful noodles beautiful eggs and the desserts really good as well but if it's a special occasion maybe it's your birthday maybe it's a graduation maybe someone is getting married I also 100 recommend you come to that spiral Buffet I mean you saw the selection huge huge selection we had Italian food we had French food we had Indian food the desserts were really good the Halo Halo my God I'm getting hungry just thinking about it but guys honestly I'm probably going to disappear for about a week or so I'm gonna go ahead and I don't know disappear in a food coma of some sort maybe just sit down on the toilet for about a week or so paying for my sins you know what the aftermath is like so hopefully you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Go With Ali
Views: 560,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philippines
Id: e5qKX2oGOaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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