24 Hours In The Most Haunted Jail On Earth

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this penitentiary was actually ranked by the department of justice in the top five most violent correctional facilities in the united states wow they actually called it blood alley this place itself is definitely haunted it has over 93 deaths all done by execution nine of them were done by the electric chair and the rest were all hung charles manson actually tried to stay here [Music] we believe there's a lot of souls hanging out here and people capture evidence of that all the time oh that's not me right here in this room is where somebody was murdered make yourself known was that you dude no i swear i got i was nominated all i know is there's a bunch of people whoa i oh [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up guys we are here right now in moundsville penitentiary in west virginia i'm with the whole beyond the dark crew actually behind the camera right now in today's episode we are grouped up with paranormal quest now we have never grouped up with anybody before and did a collab video so we're gonna see how other people work and how it is i don't know it's gonna be pretty cool to see but this place itself is definitely haunted it has over 93 deaths all done by execution nine of them were done by the electric chair and the rest were all hung now there's a lot of history about this place but one thing that stands out is that charles manson actually tried to stay here and wrote a handwritten letter to the people here asking if he can get moved here because his mom and uncle were actually prisoners here now there's a lot more to this place but we're going to get inside meet paranormal requests and we're gonna go sign and see how this goes i'm excited because it's our first ever prison we're gonna do let's get it this place is crazy it's a whole gothic style prison it's massive it's seriously insane we're gonna be in here we are gonna be in here right now it's 11 p.m and we're here till 5 a.m we rented the place out for the night we're taking this seriously we're taking over if you guys have any other haunted places you think we should visit comment below because we're taking over guys already coming in here what i love about this place is that the first room is like a museum so you can really get a sense of the penitentiary and like how the prisoners were and what they use again i've never seen these shanks and what they use and stuff and they get really creative for weapons example check this out like people are making these weapons out of random things out here in jail when they're trapped dude look at the tattoo gun oh my god a freaking tommy gun yo dude what the hell are we getting into right now i don't even know where everyone else is already with everyone it's just us too we hope we stay back dude guys we're about to go into the cell blocks like the hallways and stuff this is crazy man this is good whoa dude the electric chair yeah this is the all right so this is the one that took out what was it nine dude this is the list of the people yeah that were executed they all got executed for the crime they called it old sparky what the heck that's nuts that's the hood that they used to put on them oh over here is it over your head yeah and that was the one that they put on them the real one dude dude wow all right guys we can sit in this room all day and just look at all the actual things that are here but we gotta meet the team right now everyone's already there they're just creeping in here right now what up man hey guys how's it going yo we're excited to be here all right come on in nice so to get everyone's name out what's your name my name's ryan ryan i'm dave dave steve steve jason nice nice to meet you guys i'm excited we're all here let's get it we've never done a penitentiary or a prison on our beyond the dark show so this is absolutely a first and i think it's gonna be insane yeah well you picked a good one because this penitentiary was actually ranked by the department of justice in the top five most violent correctional facilities in the united states of america wow so yeah they actually called it blood alley was the nickname that they gave to them that's not riot yeah blood alley actually in the years the penitentiary was open we had a total document at 998 documented deaths here inside the penitentiary on property from like everything from fighting from just old from everything yeah from anything from murders right violence all the way to natural causes old age heart attack that sort of thing so we believe there's a lot of souls hanging out here and people capture evidence of that all the time wow all right well so we're going to get started we're going to give you guys a little bit of a walk through here to show you the place get you away with the history and i will warn you that as we go through the prison i may be telling some stories that are going to be pretty violent pretty pretty gruesome we had some pretty violent murders that took place in this prison and they believe the inmates still hung out to this day and the first place is actually new wall cell block down here now this cell blocks the largest that we have in the prison 320 cells and it is four tiers high so wow let's get in it yo wow so yeah you'll see it is four tiers high and there are 320 cells in here and the thing about this cell block unlike the other cell block that we'll investigate tonight which is called north hall new wall you we can go all the way up to the top if we want go all the way up to the 40s come on i have to yeah so yep 320 cells now during the most violent years of this prison's history this was where a lot of the rioting took place now the two major riots that we had here we had one in 1973 and one in 1986 the one in 1986 was actually ranked in the most violent prison riots in the united states of america but the one murder that i'm going to talk about happened during the 1973 riot because it happened right up here above our heads room 20. it's actually right in what they call that that corner right there how we walk through this small hallway to get over here yeah right up above in that little hallway is where an inmate named willie hale they called him cool willy but he was stabbed to death and actually the inmates to make a mockery of his corpse because the reason the inmates did this was because they wanted to intimidate the rest of the population in case any of the other inmates may think about becoming informants or snitches they wanted to show them the reasons why they shouldn't they wanted to intimidate them so they ended up cutting willie hale's head off they put it on a spike and they waved it in front of the windows of the cell block to show the officers on the outside the head of the snitch when was this do you know this was in march of 1973. oh my god yeah the riot lasted 24 hours and he was the only murderer during that riot but during the riot of 1986 which we call the new year's day riot there were three murders in and around the new wall area here and the three inmates that died during that riot were jeff atkinson richard dean and kent sly those were the two that died during that riot so yeah this this was pretty violent i mean it ranges anywhere from them trying to hang jeff atkinson by a tv chord off of the third tier and then when that failed they dropped him from the fourth tier head first um and then kent sly they stabbed him beat him drug him around the cell blocks kicked him spit on him and then threw his body down into the basement wow again it was to make a statement they wanted yeah if you're a snitch this is what's gonna happen to you so this place was brutal there's a reason they called it blood alley yeah yeah that's crazy it already makes sense that's nuts yeah so but yeah these cells actually are five feet by seven feet the reason they shut this prison down is because the inmates sued the state and they won on the grounds of the eighth amendment so they said that this penitentiary due to the living conditions was cruel and unusual punishment now it wasn't just during the riots the murders happened in here they happened all over the cell block at various points we had inmates that were beaten to death stabbed to death strangled inmates that were even burned to death inside their cells in this cell block so one of our co-workers lori she was in the prison by herself and all of these doors shut by themselves like someone was operating the controls keep on moving let's head out this way the next area that we're going to walk down to is a place you all might have heard of because it's infamous in the west virginia penitentiary it's a room called the sugar shack oh let's check it i mean it sounds like a sweet place yeah yeah sugar shot i like sugar so yeah i mean let's hope it's a nice place this is the sugar shack the sugar shack was where they would have indoor recreation now just like the outdoor recreation yard they could come down here as long as they were allowed out of their cells but the problem with this room is we're on the yard they had guards in the towers watching them down here there was no place to put an officer with a weapon there's no place so if a guard came down here they would be down here with hundreds of inmates with no weapons at all nothing i don't think that's safe man no so a lot of times the officers just didn't supervise and it's important to note that because of that this was one of the most dangerous areas that the inmates would use as kind of like their last stronghold of freedom but that meant that if there were any snitches and any informants get killed here and yep exactly any pedophiles they would be stabbed beaten brutalized or even worse you know a lot of sexual assaults took place down there a lot what was it called the sugar shack if you know the friendly way that we tell families on our day tours is the inmate said it was a sweet place to be but think about it you know unsupervised okay they could bring whoever they wanted down here you know a lot of these inmates would bring their boyfriends lovers down here and this is where they would have this is where they'd get their sugar you know yeah we were right it was a sweet place yeah what is that that is a sculpture that was built by an inmate actually he was contracted by the state of west virginia to build this for the mound that is right across the road you know it's one thing to come and ghost hunt at a prison that was thought to be one of the most violent in the united states of america that is true it is an entirely different thing to come to a prison that was thought to be one of the most violent in the united states of america that was also built entirely on the ancient edina tribe's burial grounds so have you ever like talked to any like tribes you think here they've all been i mean the the adena tribe doesn't really even exist anymore right um this was over 2 000 years ago so wow yeah but the thing is they found the remains of this tribe when they were building this prison no they did there's documents of it newspapers of it they found the remains of these tribes people because that mound that sits right across the street right is the largest con conical which means it's shaped like a cone the largest conical burial mound on this continent on north america is right across the street it just got so much deeper than man we gotta show the mound off now to this dude like we thought this was just some prison with a lot of violence a lot of history and then it goes deeper like now we're on native american burial ground anybody that resides here knew that this was sacred burial ground that this prison was built on and it got to the point to where they thought this building was cursed the inmates themselves who lived and died here but thoroughly believe that if you died in this prison your soul would never be able to leave they believed that they absolutely believed it and some of the officers believed it too and so i don't know if it's true or not but if you think about that if you believe it strongly enough and you die here and it might just happen and you don't think you can leave are you even going to try to right maybe that's why this place is so haunted but yeah that's a theory yeah we call this the shadow man hallway shadow man what is this a sam colby video that is because back in may of 2004 dave's mom polly gear captured the infamous shadow man picture in this hallway okay she saw this figure with her eyes before she took the picture she said she walked down to the cafeteria it was almost rounding the corner as she was she almost ran into it but because it was dark and she didn't have any lights on it looked like a living person so she switched her flashlight on and that's when she realized it looked like a silhouette with no features that looked like it was made out of moving electronic static and she walked away from it down this hallway until she got right about where i'm standing now when she got to where i'm standing she took one photograph down this hallway and in that photo that figure was standing in front of that cafeteria door at the end of the hall wow this looks like a dungeon bro yes this is the what we call the boiler room or the hole and this is the whole active hot spots that we have here this is the oldest basement that we have in the west virginia penitentiary and down here not only did they use to punish the inmates with torture methods but they also down here in 1979 we had one of the most violent murders in the penitentiary take place okay so down here in the basement there was a lot of history in the oldest of years and i'm talking back only as late as the 19 teens they used to lock inmates up down here uh in torture devices they would restrain them down they would whip them they would beat them they had something that was called the cat of nine tails which was a whip that branched off into nine pieces of leather that had steel interwoven in the tip so when they whip them with this it would literally rip flesh from both they also did what they called the water cure which is where they would suspend them from the ceiling and spray them with cold ice cold water from a fire hose i even read an article from a prison publication that said they had documentation to prove that there was an inmate that they stuck the hose so close to his face it ripped his jaw right off what yeah and he died from that yeah so damn but on top of that this was actually where in the 1970s which jumps forward a lot of years into the newer years of the penitentiary an inmate named rd wall lived down here it was his job to look after the boilers he was a life sentence inmate and he was so trusted that he got this whole place to himself and this was his living quarters back here okay so now as the story goes rd wall lived down here for quite a long time until he had a falling out with a couple of buddies of his oh and when he had a falling out with a couple of buddies and they're not exactly sure what the quarrel was about whether it was personal or whether it was because they thought that rd wall was a snitch i just know that the end result was that on october the 8th of 1979 in this room charlie and billy a couple of his buddies came down here and they stabbed him to death in this room they stabbed him so many times that they couldn't even count the number of stab wounds they found stab wounds through his hands parts of his fingers were cut off probably from defense wounds and they cut his throat so deeply it nearly severed his head and all of that happened in this room and they didn't find him for four hours until the next morning wow a lot of people believe rd wall is one of the spirits that haunts down here in this basement my people have heard his voice they have captured shadow figures and full-bodied apparitions down here but also people are touched down here quite a bit especially women with long hair they like to have they like to pull hair down here all right casey trigger object what what happened something just whispered to us as we were coming up these cake coming through that door frame i thought she said something she thought i said something and neither one of us said anything to one another did you hear like what it said it wasn't like a it wasn't a word it was like a like more like a moan yeah it was like a like a mumble type thing but it was clearly something i thought i thought it was him i thought it was you too i'm like what did you just say she's like i didn't say anything what did you just say i said i didn't say anything i go but did you have something she's like yeah i heard something i was getting good yeah we're gonna report through the opportunity for you now this is the oldest cell block that we have in the penitentiary north hall is where in the early years they used to keep mainline population but also when you fast forward to the latest years of the prison's history they turned this into lock-up this was the worst of the worst it was so bad in fact the inmates nicknamed it the alamo because they said this was their last stand and there was a chance they wouldn't make it out alive wow this is where actually this was ranked in the top 10 most violent cell blocks in the united states of america and it's ranked in the most haunted cell blocks in america to this day so north hall looks a lot different than any other cell block you may have ever seen in your life just because of how these inmates behaved reflected how they were treated and therefore they a lot of the guys that were in here acted like they were caged animals so they treated them like caged animals and that's probably what you'll feel like when you walk in here look at this place man it's it's surreal it is unbelievable i can't get it it's just you're all fenced in you're not getting out of here yo there's a skull in this hot this cell what the hell i don't like this place yo but honestly i just cannot imagine being like trapped in that cell dude just it's it's it's crazy i would kill myself i would rather kill myself for real like that's unbelievable like i just what the heck dude dude this is this is it you're like in like a little submarine kind of vibe in here and that's it what do you do like you're just stuck dude i just can't get over it so like like you were just saying like you would rather just like off yourself than be in one of these rooms they had live outfits the dude he literally just said that like some prisoners would literally like kill themselves in here yeah yeah i mean they we had inmates that would hang themselves out of bed sheets cut their own throat yeah no because you can't stay in there dude that is that is unbelievable that is unbelievable i actually cannot get over that 23 hours a day is what they spent 23 hours a day dude i'd be dead i would be dead every single meal was passed through the hole that you see in the bottom of this door you see holes in the bottom of everything oh yeah right there breakfast lunch and dinner would come to them through what they called the bean hole this cell here cell number nine did you that jacket that you said you wanted to buy one in the museum right beside if there's an inmate uniform this was the guy scrappy so his cell's all decked out right yep and there's a nice little cutout in the hole and the wall here put to the other cell yep whoa what's going on what happened what's up with that so the inmates would cut holes in the wall to pass things through but they would also cut holes in the wall for let's say recreation okay you know they were really good friends with the guy in the cell next to him but scrappy was the one that did all this artwork scrappy his name is actually danny alexander and he's act he's out of prison now he was not a life sentence inmate um but he loved guns and roses and the one thing they were allowed to have when they were locked up was a felt tip marker so he spent a lot of time but this is one of the most photographed cells in the prison oh i i yeah as soon as i started i came in and i'm like in the south where whoa this one i'll be back what is that the palm coast it says i'll be back [ __ ] and then look down bro oh snap dude no this place is crazy down here all right dang who drew that do you know i it was an inmate named kenny can he do that he was the leader of the devil worshipers what dang the devil worshipers yeah that that's nice uh he live he lived red snyder lived in this cell for about six years from 1986 to 1992. from that cell he commanded his gang the aryan brotherhood and after about six years of being the meanest and most violent inmate that this penitentiary had ever seen and i'm talking multiple murders not only at his word but by his own hands after about six years his gang turned on him and they ordered for him to be murdered and it was his best friend that carried out the murder a man by the name of rusty lasseter on november the 16th of 1992 rusty lasseter came out of his cell to go to recreation time and ran into red cell which had just been opened up as well pushed red down on the floor and stabbed him 37 times in the chest throat and face murdering him inside his cell and the cell that we're going to go to is now thought to be one of the most haunted cells in this penitentiary let's go but why would he do that rusty was a member of the gang and if he denied a gang order he was as good as dead so it was just this is the cell this is red snyder's cell and it's supposed to be the most haunted cell dude the name of the gang is literally with the swastika dude i can't believe this and you see people leave rent playing hearts and cigarettes [Music] yeah this is freaking weird yo like you may hear water so the entrance where we did our intro of the video is right here look at it i gotta get in here look at the grids look at this room like it's it's it's it's like i'm in a like a like an egg yeah it's so weird and you know you get the tiled floors it's really it's actually really nice hey it's spun the whole thing does it still spin it up in the back oh okay wow it's the only the part of the building that's off limits due to the structural integrity right yes now the next room which is even more fascinating that it looks exactly the same but this next room was what we call the spu the special programs unit but what it was is it was the psych ward okay so these were all inmates who had done fairly violent crimes that were kept up here because they considered them to be unable to habitate inside general population so they keep them up here every single bed that was in this room had arm and leg restraints in case they had to four point them and if they got too out of control they got too violent they'd take them down and put them in the suicide watch or the confinement rooms that we have down here so which we'll see in a second you had a lot of inmates up here who would self-harm hurt themselves a guy named john devon up here on this floor after having cut his own throat three times in the cell block they brought him up here and while he was here he used colored pencils to gouge both of his eyes out so very violent inmates too a lot of times the officers didn't want to work up here because they didn't know when these violent outbursts were coming craziest piece of evidence that i've ever captured in here was before we even started paranormal quest i just started investigating this was march of 2009 in this room i heard and captured what sounded like somebody firing off a shotgun in here it was so loud it vibrated the walls and then afterwards you can hear what sounds like a shotgun shell plastic and metal hit the floor and then shortly after that you hear a man's voice and it sounds like he says i told you not to make a move it was very loud very very present very creepy myself and the guy that i was with we got out of here pretty quickly but i caught it and i have that recording if you guys want to use it i can send it to you play it right now and the last place before we start investigating tonight that i need you guys to see yes are the confinement cells or what they call suicide watch in this room there are two cinderblock cells with thick steel doors i mean suicidal [ __ ] dude and they would lock them in there yeah that's crazy um they would strip them down completely naked before they locked them in there was nothing in there but a shower head on the wall and a drain on the floor wow oh i wish i could go inside that one this one actually the lock broke and we can't even get this one open anymore which is why we keep the this one locked up because the last thing we want is someone to go in there and shut the door and then it locked out yeah no that really happens yep oh my god dude all right we're ready to investigate bro dude how you feeling this place is crazy the history here is darker than some of the asylums we've been to that's true this is going to be insane i think a lot of the interactions we're going to have are going to be dark i think it's going to be kind of malicious yeah i mean either way i think this place has a lot of potential so i'm excited no sam yeah guys got the whole tour you guys know about everything you know about the rooms we're going in now we're grabbing our gear everyone's getting ready we have four solid hours to do this let's see what we can get paranormal quest though they're all wearing black and everything they're ready you know who they are you can just see it like that's the game where did you guys feel the most drawn to from that walk through where did you feel the very last moment so medical yeah dude honestly i thought the cage but but it doesn't make flow right you can save it until the end you know what i mean hey that was fine we can go wherever actually i'll go yeah we could go straight to the medical yeah because we did that remember that trans we went straight to where we thought and it was the craziest that was yesterday yeah let's do that we should try that let's try that let's give it a shot yeah let's do it let's do it i can't see a damn thing in here how's our dinky light doing here it's actually doing good though like it really is you can see his right yes oh that's so crazy because we i can't see anything right now no i know it's black right now in a prison all right good old remy got her right by the door we're setting up this is a huge room actually too yeah it is you can play around with a lot of toys i think i think john we should do an issue i really think every time every time we say dead into this if you're dead [Music] nice [Music] i thought i just heard josh i heard josh maybe but i heard that what is that screechy where would you like us to go [Applause] i want a radio you get your sp7 i didn't hear him but in the corners there's like there's footsteps too all right so you guys my name's joe it's my first time in the prison i want to thank you for allowing me to come in here can you acknowledge that you can hear me can you say my name how about your name so i know who i'm talking to this device won't hurt you or harm you i felt the room gradually getting colder like this whole time [Music] sex did it what cell will you win what wing i'm close by [Music] it could be just right over there probably now yeah true you never know we could just migrate over to the next one where you guys went ahead now we think this could be a little dead here yeah john brought up the the cells yeah go down and check out north hall or a new wall whichever one you guys want to do new wall has been pretty active recently but north hall's always a happiness yep north hall it is there's a lot of people with us right now and i think even though they might know this group that's with us i think they're trying to figure out everybody i think they're just assessing us just like they would in real life and if it does get to the point to where we're not getting anything with the whole group together it's fine if we split up you know what i mean yeah yeah we can wing it whatever works because we want you guys to get some activity here if all of us being in a big group's not working sometimes they like smaller groups so [Music] i didn't see it i bet people always fall here dude you want to do an evp in the morning yeah let's do the aryan brotherhood evp session what was that guy's name red red red easy enough to let's go found a red cell should we bring one uh rem pod just to have at the end of our hall that wouldn't be a bad idea couldn't be it wouldn't be a bad idea at all all right back in red's room what was that you heard that did you hear like a really deep voice i heard like a light voice but i heard a voice so now you guys are hearing it i haven't heard anything for a while but i was hearing stuff since we got here i don't think it was any of those dudes in the back i i actually think it was like just like around this area yeah that's what i heard i couldn't make out what it was saying but i like heard the reverberation of the voice dude you know what's crazy about this cell not only the fact that like you know somebody was murdered in here but literally his body was found right here between the bed and the toilet all right yep okay oh my god red snyder i'm interested in interested in joining the aryan nation [Music] what do i have to do for initiation i heard like i'm more interested in what those cards are above the outlet can you come out to one of these recorders and and say what one of these cards are if anyone else is in here besides red we'd love to hear your voice know what happened to you red did you ever think your own gang was going to turn against you i know you were a hardcore prisoner but that must have bothered you what were you in here for all right we'll stop them all right what were you in here for whoa was that that was something walking around or something oh that's not me i'm not even moving i don't know yeah i think yeah i don't [Applause] know no word of a lie something just touched my leg on my knees for [Music] yeah anybody was it getting touched with you dude so like i'm sitting there and like it's not like i was grabbed or anything it just literally felt like somebody's hand just like kind of like just caressed the front of my knee like that and that was it that's all that happened so weird and i believe that it was legit because we had the rem pod go off right yeah right next to it no that's true it's just generally really creepy to be now just us here us five yeah in this place it's it's insane you know what i'm going to do while you guys just for two seconds i'm going to do like one day what was that that was a big thumb i was i had dude i was recording i had that on camera i'm recording too i have it you know what i'm going to do while you guys just for two seconds i'm going to do like what john did last night that was a big thump holy [ __ ] that was john i was recording i had that on camera i'm recording too i have it i thought that was you john actually over there still walking who made that noise yo i thought i seen a shadow through the cage who's here [Music] quiet really quiet that the best places for us to go are probably going to be the sugar shack north hall are those cats in the sugar shack now i think that that's what they said they were they were headed so maybe we should go to north hall we can go hit up that's where the shadow man apparently is and uh the cafeteria yeah let's go to north hall let's just guys sugar shack yeah and then we'll go to sugar shack after that yeah yeah we can do the hole first actually we forgot about the hole that's right under us so just what down here or down there i'm gonna do the hole let's do it yeah we're right under it yeah this is the room guys right here in this room is where somebody was murdered yeah got stabbed countless times they didn't even know how many it's really freaking cold in this room i mean they say that he still stays here if you're down here can you say hello [Music] is there anybody who was tortured down here had anything to do with charles manson you want her to come in are you talking about charles manson did you know charles manson you know charles can you say his name say charles again all right we're gonna try something else okay [Music] if you're down here can you just say goodbye equally goodbye i just say it's location at this point maybe we'll find a hot location so this is flat here yeah we move around we keep moving around until we find the spot where they are yeah all right yeah let's do that all right it ain't the hole you know that just try not to give up i guess yeah we can't give up we just keep moving around we'll we'll we should find a hot spot or a warm spot at this point yeah and hey well what i think it was no that was a bang oh i didn't hear the bang thing hello if you're out there can you make another noise make yourself known was that you dude no i swear i got i was nominated no no i swear to god and you would have seen me then if you're looking at the chair yeah i just jumped fast and i moved put the dis16 put the ds60 on it you can even check this footage back dude i swear i swear to god dude i swear that scared the [ __ ] out of me no but he was looking at it i dude i was next i was next to joe but not that next to what someone just touched you yeah just now all right you have our attention who's down here with us he's like don't leave how is it possible they can do a whole chair move but they can't talk to us maybe they just literally don't want to talk that's true oh i mean we were kind of like saying oh this place is fake a minute ago right before it got kicked i don't know if i'm recording if i was recording that it shows that they they want to show their presence and let us know that they're here but maybe they're just not keen on speaking mm-hmm because they get killed by snitching so right yeah right that makes complete sense he had his throat maybe he's he or she or whatever it is is gonna be better at making noises yeah maybe we can just talk to him playing the quiet game and see if he makes noises to communicate yeah or touch things right riots happened here people were murdered right oh yeah okay someone's head was put on a sticker yeah then we should do this maybe we should do it like right over here you think yeah i agree right like just yeah like right around here you can even has the shank as a trigger object put the shank somewhere what if uh what are these doors closing evp session cell 10 whose cell was this how's my stomach i hear footsteps above us i just heard fly just hurt there's literally someone walking above us right now whoever's walking above us can you come down here and leave us a message we're in cell 10 [Music] we have no idea why we chose this cell but we chose it anybody down here with us hey who's up there um kevin my name is joe i'm sorry you're still in this prison can you tell us your last name by any chance and can i ask you what brought you to get incarcerated here what year is it to you if this is cell 10 your cell kevin and if it isn't what was your cell what was your cell number how long was your stay here in moundsville i could ask it in another way how long were you incarcerated for at moundsville all right thank you thanks kevin [Applause] is josh we're talking to somebody named kevin this is his cell right here so kevin can i talk to him okay hi kevin um we just want to ask first if if it's okay for us to be in yourself so if you told us it's not okay we will leave your cell this is your cell we we understand that uh thank you for talking to us um sorry that you never saw our freedom in your last days were you executed here were you murdered what were you in here for were you innocent kevin who was your favorite cell mate if you had one are you stuck here or can you come and go as you please now oh that's my stomach sorry all right um i'm gonna play it back hopefully you're still with us kevin and i we we really appreciate you taking the time to talk with us if you have anything you want to tell us that may that will make you feel better please feel free to do so thank you kevin i just can't believe that we got kevin telling us that he's in something that his cell was still 19. like look at that this is literally the dude's cell that we were just talking to that's nuts it's crazy maybe there's some really bad memories for him in 19 maybe and the only reason he came to talk to us was because we were in 10. oh that's true too you know i know is there's a bunch of people whoa something just kept throwing them some totally wrong you got that again yeah i did am i dude it sounded like oh i'm running too nice it sounds like he's back at 10. so obviously we're looking for whatever we thought got thrown but what's interesting and what i think is like wherever it got thrown in what we heard we think it came right back at cell 10 and i don't know i don't know it seems like kevin or whoever wants to talk to us and it's really just really good evidence right now what we're getting we went from nothing to almost you know just random little things to just something crazy right now and then the you know the the chair that got moved to is just still like unbelievable now i'm starting to think like you know if a place is inactive in one area it could be active somewhere else it makes me think now like now if this happens again i'm just gonna keep my positive and move around more and keep trying to go some in other areas all right and we are back john and joe has left paranormal request is pretty much packed up i'm packed up we went from uh dude 11 p.m to 5 a.m and we're now leaving we filmed for six hours straight ghost investigated it was very good i'm gonna meet you guys back at the hotel where me and seth is probably gonna sit down and just talk about the video and things that we covered because we out of here let's go we're packing up peace all right guys so it was a long night we stayed at five in the morning and we're doing back-to-back videos so we're just super tired um but you guys don't know that because we're uploading weekly anyways um i think the evidence we got wasn't as crazy as we thought coming in from trans allegheny hard like ready to go yeah like the thing is i honestly think our team is spoiled because we just constantly get good evidence and not just good evidence but great evidence i mean at trends we spent two and a half hours in that one room and that's why it became part one but you know then we come here to this prison and maybe we don't get as much but we still got stuff that most teams would love to get well yeah and what i'm thinking is we have only got like maybe three or four good evps and then they weren't even that class a but they were still good enough especially the whole kevin talking and yep and that that was great honestly amazing and then someone thrown something at the at what i thought was kevin cell again they always went right back to there but the best thing we got was the chair just kind of moving and i didn't even see the chair move i just heard it next to us i thought maybe joe touched a chair but he really apparently he really didn't i believe i believe joe and he was actually in front of the chair and then john says he's seen it i jumped back and then john's back got touched casey said she got touched it all makes sense because before that we're talking about how this place is was fake but we're just joking around but i think the ghost like heard it and got like mad yeah and overall i think moundsville prison is a really cool place to see i mean for sure i thought just by the history and everything it was going to be a crazy crazy night like trans but and that just goes to show you that even the most haunted places example the conjuring house will not always be active not they're not always out you know and that could be for any reason that we just all don't understand or know but overall it was a really good video and i'm i'm happy with it so i hope you guys enjoyed it shout out to seth and yeah we're done oh shout out to paranorquest by the way they're really cool they're really informative yeah i thought they were nice guys yeah they're cool guys and they did they did a really good job giving us that tour so big thanks to them yeah honestly big thanks guys you guys are dope uh links descriptions down below to seth to freaking paranormal quests check them out you can even see paranormal's quest side of things we didn't we didn't even get to say a proper goodbye on camera because it was 5 a.m we're super tired we just packed up and left so yeah i hope you guys are still watching this anyways rise above just got to explore peace and thanks for watching
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 565,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qM90_MLIHbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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