24 hours in a BOX FORT Maze Overnight!! (Box Fort Series)

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[Music] hey guys i can't sleep i think it's time to do a 24 hours in the box fort challenge let's go wake them up thumbs up thumbs down sounds all the way [Music] family meeting family meeting in the box fort let's go green wake up family meeting in the box fort okay sebastian smash wake up family meeting in the box fort come on [Music] wake up what's wrong what's wrong nothing's wrong family meeting in the box come on what this time what do you want what's so important that we need to be in the box fort at 11 50 at night i know you're all probably tired because i woke you up but i couldn't sleep i thought it would be a great time to do a 24 hours in a box fort challenge who's with me [Music] do we have a choice no not really i think it'll be fun you can always go back to sleep but since it's 24 hours there are some rules [Music] see these bags here [Music] each of you gets one bag [Music] and five minutes to pack the bag and bring it back here for everything you need in the box fort each of you will have a bag you'll go find your stuff five minutes only you have to be back in the box fort at midnight daddy what time is it 11 54. perfect you have five minutes go [Music] so [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] 11 58 buddy we got time got two minutes let's go let's go come on i gotta get something too [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] can't find anything scooch [Music] hey give me [Music] i also got a drink [Music] uh [Music] 11 59 come on guys hurry enough go go smashing hurry up time go i forgot about him okay all right russian button your blanket [Music] back buddy thank you guys yes you made it i need to take a nap [Music] now now what it's twelve o'clock that means let the game begin so this is a big box word tell me we don't have to all stay in this section because jaden stores and crin's feet stink [Music] i don't care where you go all i know is i'm out of here [Music] and locking you guys in what do you mean locking us in [Music] please [Music] [Music] pulling me in here with the kids telling me what the kids please save me no come on [Music] wait wait wait it's a black clock if we find a black geek we can help mommy's got the black key this sparky so that's not in the box fort nope all right guys let's go [Music] did you bring a spoon this time no i forgot it she forgot the spoon and i forgot a hairbrush my hair is crazy what about you what do you bring to this 24 hour bumblebee backpack buzz pillow superhero blanket i bring a box of crackers rainbow cereal blueberries and brown sugar and brown sugar and crackers [Music] what is that pop what is this you bro lunch meat yeah food wow well safety warning here everybody do not eat lunch meat out of the refrigerator if it's not cold so i don't know how you better eat that lunch meat right now because it's not going to last 24 hours it gets sick so don't eat warm lunch meat guys i know we're all tired but wake up huh okay what'd you bring [Music] gonna bring some pretzels yes these are uh generic thin mints but you know what these are available year round and they taste just like them and they're cheaper oh and i was out of time guys i couldn't get to my room so i grabbed sebastian's buzz lightyear blanket i hope it's big enough we'll see all right guys let's go check on them hi everybody is it is it is it midnight again are we done no it's only been an hour the hour feels like three hours so i'm starting to feel kind of tired now so i think we should go to bed no seriously is this joke over yet is this a joke excuse me you always said you guys wanted to do a 24-hour box challenge all right well if you're going to bed does that mean we can at least turn the lights off and go to bed too excuse me now i have a question what can you bring my phone cards please and spoon oh i need a spoon too oh and this phone charger you're looking for special requests are you hey you give me that tablet please all right here's the deal for the tablet here's the deal you each have until morning what what you can decide one item [Music] and then we're heading to bed because i am still tired oh gosh all right let's see what they want the lock is still there all right all right guys this is time where i say it's bedtime we each go to our private area wherever you want to sleep and then i'm going to turn off all the lights i'm just glad i can control the lights from my phone so where are you going i'm going with that one so are you going through the vent yeah what you're saying i'm sleeping in the gym hi gran see you in the morning good night good night friend good night bye bye sebastian where are you going to sleep i'm going to [Music] all right you ready all right jayden where are you going i'm going to that hallway by corinne's room good night [Music] smashing do you need a nightlight all right i got one for you here here's the nightlight [Music] thank you you're welcome gotta turn the lights out [Music] well i would have thought they would have picked a couch or the chair so you know what that means guys i gotta move all their stuff and i am gonna sleep on the couch tonight oh and jd left me an extra pillow all right all right guys my blanket's a little too short on me but it'll do [Music] look at this kid okay i'm getting there i'm getting her i i don't usually sleep on my hat but i'm gonna fur for tv purposes sorry guys i'm turning the lights out here they go boom all right guys see you in the morning [Music] good morning guys it is around 10 o'clock in the morning now they're still sleeping so i got some requests i don't know about you if you heard me but i did say one request did i not okay we got some people who don't understand what one request is phone charger and a spoon please mama we got a phone charger look on the back love you mama bear hmm i wonder who that could be oh someone else wants a tablet and a charger i guess it's one request because it's one piece of paper silly kid's trying to trick me and i'm assuming this is dad what's the black key well let's wake them up and give them what they asked for wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up [Music] still it seems so dark though you can't have stuff i can't see the sun but it's only 10 a.m anyone ready to quit yet that's why i asked for the black key well they got requests we're not playing last to leave all right i got the request you asked for [Music] where is he [Music] all right so we have a tablet and charger hope that must be sebastian i and then i had a phone charger there is one charger it can be used for everyone okay okay i got i got a problem though mama there's a charger that has a receptacle on it where do you guys see somewhere for us to plug a charger that might not have been the best choice since i already gave away the phone charger here's your spoon for the black key come on come up and don't play games with me you can have the black key that was daddy's request you've got your charger that you can't plug in i gotta keep getting out well i guess you guys are staying i'm out of here bye-bye bye guys have fun in the box fort for another 12 hours or whatever it is i've lost count because i'm sleep deprived wait a second [Music] wait let me put the light on here that's a blue lock now you asked for the black key you didn't ask for the way out have fun i'll see you soon well it looks like you are not gonna go now i need to sit down and have some breakfast oh but you know what sebastian brought cereal i didn't really bring breakfast [Music] i'm back with my breakfast what do you got for breakfast brownie and these crackers nice what are you eating for breakfast jaden wait do you guys smell what i smell it smells like bacon mommy are you making bacon [Music] mom thumbs up mom are you making bacon for us that's nice you i'm making bacon but for myself not for you guys well that counts i didn't have any requests for bacon sorry i need real food [Music] we'll be back when we're done breakfast all right we are gonna play heads up okay it's something that you put flowers in a pot flower pot we have flowers put it outside a fireman no we don't eat it it's on the sidewalks in new york city go yes mommy's favorite monkey the guy the mount the yellow hat his monkey the crazy monkey with the guy in yellow hat george yes guess what we're here together bacon bacon was like so two hours ago what time is it it's lunch time lunchtime already yes you have been in the box fort for 12 hours only 12 more to go there we go so what you're up to we just played a game called heads up ah fun i like playing heads up i'm drinking dr pepper for breakfast or for lunch this is lunch now mommy i hate cereal as rainbow fall good and he shared his stale cereal with me too well he didn't know it was stale so he ate it anyway you take what you get right korean where'd you go lunchtime lunch time i'll come check on you guys in another few hours have fun smash higher crackers [Music] these these pretzels just aren't enough i wish i had real food right now i could go for a good juicy cheeseburger or like somebody said a slice of pizza that'd be so good or a plate of pasta mmm some pasta ah some good food all right guys well we're going to enjoy our lunch and we'll see after lunch thumbs up thumbs down thumbs all around hey guys oh hi i wish there were windows that i can actually see if it's light or dark out oh actually let me check my phone i haven't been playing other than heads up so let's see 2 35 yes that means we're less than 10 hours i will see it in a few hours bye i'm taking a nap we have a lot of time to do we have a lot of time yet what can we do to kind of make time go fast because this dart is still in here we could use a dart and daddy will hide them we'll play hide that dart yeah good points hi crain i'm gonna go hide the darts here we go quick quick who found it who found it sebastian good job smashing high five [Music] hey guys four o'clock what you having for dinner can i get a good juicy cheeseburger that'd be awesome right about now or a slice of pizza or pasta or mashed potatoes if not i have to eat more of my pretzel crisps did you bring that stuff with you no no have fun see you in a few hours okay guys i'm feeling kind of tired so i'm gonna go take a nap all right crain that's a good idea it's four o'clock it's a little too early for dinner i think i think we can get a little nap in here maybe it'll make time go a little faster i'm going to take a nap too hi guys hi where's sebastian oh where daddy and coringo they're sleeping at six o'clock i'm playing with wrestlers did you guys eat your dinner yet yeah [Music] is it time to get out of here yet no it's only six o'clock six more hours six more i want to get out of here how do i get out um trying to escape other ways no it's i'm trying to get out you can't get out of there i want to get out no cheating how do you think i'm going to fit through this little hole no you think i can fit out of here i want to get out of this box fort you guys always wanted to know do a 24 hour challenge i can't even do math i don't know how long we've been in here six hours to go by 24 oh my gosh 18 hours 18 hours come on let me know seriously the kids are in the other room slip me like a cheeseburger or a piece of pizza or some pasta something good i can't eat more pretzels don't make me eat the pretzels the cat's like this do you want to eat that no i'm going then get out of here you know help emily hi mommy how are you do you really want to know the answer it's eight o'clock does that make you happy four hours to go four hours [Music] what do you do for four hours without a phone and the chargers that can't get plugged in hey wait a second you know what you guys are without electronics i have my phone normally what i'll do around this time of night i'll read our comments from our fans would you guys like us to read your comments right now that's what i thought i knew you guys would want us to read your comments so guys you get to see what people are saying about us good and there might be some not so good but we might have some life so we might get some smiles you want to do that all right guys so it is time for shout out comments and fan mail all right guys so it is fan mail time we got a letter from one of our fans we're going to read it here guys so this is shout out time we're going to hear if you guys want to send the thumbs up family mail the p.o box is down in the description check that out you can send us mail as well and we just you never know we might read it on one of our future videos but for now i'll give it to corinna reid but this is from mary smith wow that is colorful look at that look at it i love the he loves the pink hello thumbs up family i watch your piggy live video and i love your channel i love you guys so much oh look rin it says love mary and look at that awesome sketch that's a roblox sketch and it says btw your son is adorable by the are you way or sebastian are you adorable but now guys would you like to see what people are saying on our videos here's one from irwin owens best youtubers well thank you erwin thank you thank you mckenna gentlemen says i love you guys thank you mckenna thank you uh somebody wants us to play piggy chapter 12 in real life that is ellen and esquire piggy chapter 12 in real can do that life and somebody's gotta dress up as mr p that's illegal but okay i don't know if they'll let us into a power plant we'll try um oh nina dewberry i love the thumbs up family do you of course of course of course i love the thumbs up family too i love them so much so much do i just want to squeeze them at home and you too shane rank says i love thumbs up family thank you thank you shane uh ooh here's one from sophia alley with our last leaf food video i can't believe crin tried sushi and we never tried it so they're they're happy that you tried the sushi very yummy hi hi hi hi hear me can we escape now what time is it is 10 p.m you have two hours left yes what are you gonna do for those two hours you gotta stay awake if you fall asleep in here you'll be even longer [Music] i know i know a game that will make us stay awake what's that a smacking tag this room is not very big for tag no no no no we have a whole box a lot of tunnels okay let's do it three five five six seven eight nine seven [Music] ah [Music] dog [Music] hold on time mommy's here mommy's here wait guys if mommy's inside the box fort that means we did it yeah we did it yes it's midnight all right guys so you're officially done you made it 24 hours in the box fort yes [Music] this couch and floor not good see you in the next video bye see you next video bye [Music]
Channel: Thumbs Up Family
Views: 1,701,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: box fort, 24 hours in a box fort, box fort overnight, huge box fort, world's largest box fort, box fort maze, box fort videos, box fort thumbs up family, thumbs up family, box, fort, box fort prison, box fort mansion, box fort challenge, box fort 24 hours, ultimate box fort, 24 hours, 24 hour box fort, 24 hours in a box fort mansion, the ohana adventure, cardboard fort, box fort survival
Id: OnczNdS27hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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