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now it's time to be Hanukkah how Oh I don't necessarily I'm stuck Nessa oh are you pee shy I'm getting real tired of this too guys Ronnie and I cannot sleep hey guys and today we are doing the 24 challenge we're gonna be handcuffed for 24 hours or handcuffing each other pretty late in the day we're doing it up - its - like 17 right now and we still not we don't even have makeup on we don't we've got a lot of stuff to do today we've just been procrastinating and filming this we're both right-handed so one of us is gonna have to sacrifice the right hand for 24 hours and that's gonna be hurt now it's time to be on your cuff alright yeah so we are handcuffed now this already hurts my hand um so what do we need to do uh put makeup on should we go show father no what are you guys doing you know what we're doing the 24 hour challenge with the handcuff thing you my barber - you know good luck it's gonna be a disaster what you don't believe in us no I don't owe her this hurts already so the first thing we need to do is put on our makeup okay watch your hand what do you need your hand in my contract what are you doing in my hands now missa you're gonna make me poke my eye I'm not ah I'm gonna do anything I just move up my hand up there no it's really cold all right excuse me okay Oh Ronnie you totally forgot that I left my phone downstairs I thought we were going to the printer I need my phone Oh which one do I press print but you just printed black and right we wanted it in color holdin it so how long have you guys have been handcuffed together now 20 minutes and you're already complaining like crazy you came down here to get the printer thing and you're already oh my gosh this is you still have 23 hours and 40 minutes left [Laughter] it's gonna be a disaster because I'm being dragged everywhere you want to go would you say Vanessa is a drag Ronnie you just watch whoa you're like oh okay so are you doing Jane this door why did you do that you mean why did you twist around and have a certain towel I dry my hands with excuse me we need to put makeup on but I usually get ready over there you should get ready over here so or you're just gonna have to get ready right over here then blend don't get mad at me when I bring all my stuff over half just bring it one at a time okay so we get our makeup you dinner makeup and we're not doing her hair because we're not we're going to avoid that we don't want to be doing this type of No welcome effort we're gonna avoid it all we just wanted to give a huge shout-out to our sponsor for this video Quinn it's a very fun app if you guys love sending stickers to friends what do I know I like gifts and like memes and stuff like that but like the cool way to send stickers in text like we love sending each other stickers I love sending them to my parents and our friends it just makes conversations more fun so quid you can download the app for free everything is for free on there you can get sticker packs you can get gifts and there are so many likely different fandoms like there's like Marvel they're anime there's even youtubers are really cat yeah it's entry time there's also stickers of us on there some memes gifts and it's really cute because the way how you open like when you get your stickers it like opens like a little package and then you like get to like see what stickers are inside your package and it's always a surprise every time and then there's like Rare stickers that you can get quid has introduced this new thing called shelf peace what you can create your own like little stickers and like gifts and stuff and decorate them I have made some ronnie has made some you can actually be our friend on quit my user name is Vanessa but bu h NE SSA and someone took Veronica Mero so I put Ronnie Mero my user names are running so if you want to add it on quid and we can talk and send stickers and gifts to each other we could trade and do all that fun yeah I can trade some stickers with me because I've been looking for some with kitties and the ones I want they're all gone I need to train to them anyway down those quid for free in the App Store right now with the link will be in the description below you guys are so all our usernames and you guys can follow us on there and download the app and stickers and just have fun it makes texting just like a lot more fun and you seem a little bit more cooler yeah because it's like you like yo look at me I'm sending you a really cool sticker yeah anyways download the app and thank you so much two quid for being a sponsor for this video thank you quid so we're gonna be making spaghetti teamwork and now we need the noodles so we're going to mix them together why do you wanna leave alright so the meat is defrosted no need to put it in the pot teamwork makes the dream work sometimes we just want spaghetti okay all right all right here noodles are done doodle bit oven so usually I actually sit on the best right there this is my seat that's how you taste it on that side okay Ronnie what sorry oh I know whatever so we just got done eating dinner and we've been asked to take Tiger to the park when you're still cuffed but you know it's not it's not too much of a horrible challenge I just think up because mess and I are always together anyway but now it's time to take a special you know who to the park either I'm going to do it don't be scared of the hand tubs okay there we go see he does this thing where we just hit off up up and he usually just gets up okay but Nessa has to drive so we'll see how this goes my thing handcuffed Kinnison you need to get in first Tiger Oh tiger in my way okay okay here we go at least the park isn't too far away what our market I need my arm to grab his leash it's really excited about the party good today excited and if he's stuck in here he starts this morning look at him you have to get on this okay fine Tigers on this side okay Tigers looking like what is taking so long oh thanks okay hey Ronnie I'm stuck no you're not Tyger Tyger Tyger Tyger ran away he's going to the pole opinion going he wants to be a part of the baseball team now it's the time of the day where were the boring stuff where we answer emails and right now we've got to enter some interview questions and emails well being a guru so exciting Eisley there's such an exciting life although Nessa I do have to pee me too okay so how are we going how are we going to do this so whenever I go to bathroom so when I pee you stand there and when you pee I stand there what what I guess freshness is okay okay okay okay go disclaimer Nessa and I are twins and so this is not weird for us be weird for other people by like other twins can relate maybe are you really gonna Oh can't just gonna chill here oh are you pee shy Ronny hurry up ahsha's I'm pooping I have to go pee I have to go you can you hurry up please I'm just catching up on YouTube let me be by and I'll hurry Oh what oh my okay oh my gosh okay oh my gosh basically rotting is all like I let me be she's sitting on the toilet for like the longest time I'm not gonna show you cuz that's nasty but um she she gets up you don't me to flush yeah black should wash your hair okay okay hey let's meet P now okay wait how are we doing minute I have to go on this time why'd you have to go into the shower good I'm good I'm chillin okay just stop recording now this is what you didn't me are you be shy no I'm getting real tired of this too so Ronnie and I have procrastinated with answering emails and doing work by a meetings all right so now we've had our snacks well Ronnie's still eating hers we're still handcuffed but it's time to stop procrastinating and answer some emails okay we're done answering emails I don't want to have the hiccups literally I saw recently watched uh Lorne in Alex's 24-hour our challenge is she got the hiccups in it good why are you copying her scary what are you it sitting on the bed I need to get my makeup done stuff is 10:34 we're super tired um yeah you're tired time to sleep together we've got her stuffed animals but guys this is so hard already this hurts so Ronnie kicks in her sleep and she always bothers me no I do not that is such the opposite I can't see what I'm filming out that hurt let's find a better way to lay down this is literally the only way to lay down what do you mean a better way we can try like this like rolling to each other like this all right I'm gonna cry this up high I cry when I don't get sleep but they will work on it kids I'm gonna end up crying tonight it's time for us to go and go to bed okay good night good night okay right it's good night and I saw okay okay good night what do you what'd I tell you I love you I tell you I loved you and your response to the laughs okay me too guys Ronnie and I do not sleep 255 in snowboarding stop NASA keeps kicking me good morning I'm in awake I'm hungry my stomach is aching or is it how many more hours to do it two o'clock so yeah several hours yeah my back hurts so bad cuz I'm stretching it so it's breakfast time what should we make I'm this lets make omelets well there's also leftover bacon making some omelets letting it saute guys we have to flip the omelet somehow huh it was okay alright so we've been eating our omelets they were actually like mine just became like a disaster everyone I don't even want to show mine I was embarrassed after we're done eating we're probably going to answer some more emails and then broadcast on Mayo twins live alright so we are about to go live on YouTube we're getting close to being done later we're almost close to completing the 24 hour challenge we'll probably complete it while we're on YouTube hi what's up black streaming now while being hand ok I don't know how to do this so we are still broadcasting right now on YouTube but we've got 10 minutes left until we're free we have one minute we don't have the key where's the key pick it up I know we have to get up and get it is it downstairs in the kitchen or is it in your room it might be in the kitchen why would it be in the kitchen plot twist the key is gone you're stuck I'm pretty sure there's a way to like get out of these without the key cuz these aren't like I don't necessary sorry okay well your life in it okay we need to go find okay we need to get up and look for the key do I need to daddy do you have the key can you check downstairs in the kitchen and see if the key is anywhere down there or should we just go check let's just go okay we're coming with your common hey at least we have like two angles which in like takes clips from the broadcast do you have them no what you are holding I didn't I never have touched the key you're still liveness at least get a shot hold on maybe they're upstairs okay let's make sure they're not down here since we came all the way down here okay look on her face guys look at this is an interface funny this would happen oh my gosh is this a prank it is not a prank [Laughter] you girls you're 22 you need to be more responsible hey this is a Methodist fault he claims to have had the clear my first Keihin irresponsible is don't blame other people for your mistakes [Music] I have my message keys one who had the key spent four minutes okay is it in your room no what if it is it's going to be all that words it's going down the corner of my dresser is it in here somewhere is it okay there were literally two feet from you they were literally right there and we went on that whole journey for no reason sorry no oh there we go finally doing this I am all you can't really see it but I have all these March we are officially done with the challenge we conquered we got that 24 hour challenge so there you have it guys we completed the 24 hour handcuff challenge we did it we are invited I'm so tired I think I'm going to go take a nap now I want to take a nap too I'm so tired but yes we did it and um what yeah comment down some other challenges or we should do that you guys would like us to do that when you would like to see our you yes I'm okay um we that was so tiring my hand feels so weird it feels weird cuz we've been connected I said I'm like dent anyways thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next Tuesday [Music]
Channel: merrelltwins
Views: 5,327,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merrell Twins, Twins, veronica and vanessa, 24 hours, 24 hour, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour handcuff challenge, handcuff, handcuff challenge, Merrell, Twin, Sisters, family friendly, family, fun, 24, overnight challenge, challenge, handcuffed, together, Veronica Merrell, Vanessa Merrell, handcuffed together for 24 hours, youtubers, fails, fail, comedy, can't sleep, the merrell twins, challenges, overnight, funny fails, game, handcuffed for 24 hours, pg, gone wrong, bloopers
Id: xX9TLQQIerk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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