24 Aliner Setup Revisited

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so now uh tomorrow when the sun reaches the solar noon which is dead south the sun so tomorrow [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] hello everybody this is uh an updated version of me setting up my camper hopefully there's no mistakes going to be in it this time here we go [Applause] [Music] i have some cam code shocks somewhere but some scrap four by four treated lumber with uh screw eyes and some paracord [Applause] disconnect the electric brake safety chain undo the lock if i had kept the stock crank to put the wheel down i wouldn't be able to open the tailgate on my tow vehicle so i opted to switch it out for this rotating locks into place lift up the receiver a little bit of tension on there [Applause] okay it didn't roll away because i have the chalks in place now it is safe to disconnect the safety chains [Music] at this point in time i'm going to pull the troll vehicle away it's time to manage to make it back level front to back i have bubble levels on the front and the side i like to have the side opposite my door passenger side of the tow vehicle slightly lower water tends to pull up on the roof here if it's perfectly level makes a nice little lake right there and then when you step on the step to get in the lake tips a little bit and it runs off right on your noggin so i tend to put this just a little bit off level that way just a little so that most of the water runs off that direction it doesn't create as big a pool of water on top of this roof section here all right my method for actually opening i have this tool which has a protrusion to fit in the rear roof panel catch for the lock and an angle cut on this [Applause] so i want to undo the catches on the locks on the side and i take this and keep it in this position set the notch part of this up inside the catch in the rear roof panel [Applause] prop it up now i can open the top hatch bottom half [Applause] pull the steps out i go inside and i have here an expanding rod like you might use for inside to uh support the a walls in case of high winds i use this to push the roof up so i'm going to step inside put my noggin on the inside roof here as a support and use this rod and push with my head and push with the rod spring rod go back i have my left hand also on the dormer hedge i extend it back out and stow it on the build back roof the back above the hinge and the door okay there's this [Applause] um [Applause] my wind pole is a piece of solid electrical conduit and i put crutch tips on the end and inside the crutch tip there's a washer that fits just perfectly and how i determined this length was i used the spring rod set it to where it was tight like i want between the two a walls and little cup receivers and measured that and then cut this so that with the two rods on it equals that same length [Applause] [Applause] my model has three quarter inch bolts on the end of the stabilizers rod so i use a three quarter deep well socket and my cordless drill [Music] it's store this now that i'm done with it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you live minimally and you have to remove three things out of the way to get to something it's always best when you're done using it to put it back and put the three things back so that everything stays in its right place now the stabilizers are down and it's opened up and it's basically ready to go my solar panels are on the rear dormer roof and i am facing approximately northwest right now so with the dormers closed i'm not going to get much sunlight not going to get it today anyway but tomorrow morning it's supposed to clear up a little bit and i want to harvest that sunlight so what i'm going to do now is open my dormers and the back dormer because i have added about 18 to 20 pounds of weight on the rear dormer i just can't go in and i can't unlatch the latches and just go in and push on it like you would the rest of them so the the technique i've developed is this i take my old spring rod close it up all the way and then so the first step is to remove the carabiners i have for latches locks now the dormer's a little bit heavier because the weight of these four solar panels at four pounds apiece and i have three pieces of aluminum that they're mounted to so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this rod and it's closed up all the way its length is as needed now i will take and open this up and prop this right here on the tire when i go inside now i can push the wall back the spring rod will fall out and then i can close up the sides okay so tomorrow when the sun reaches solar noon which is due south uh it's at about a i believe 40 degree angle right now 35 somewhere in there it gives me enough power because i'm very stingy with my power use and the four panels will bring in plenty of uh solar to charge my batteries back up now i'll repeat the process with the front dormer though there's no extra weight on it so i can open it from the inside after i release the carabiner latches [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so whenever i'm transporting the trailer i always put these pins in from the top and when i put them on the rear side i put them in from the bottom mostly because sometimes on the rear this air shock interferes with being able to put the uh pin in from the top definitely though when you're traveling put them in from the top so if the safety wire does come off them they don't fall out and then this rod fall out of its spot as you're driving down the road [Music] who dares disturb the great and powerful odds come back tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: Eugene Breindel
Views: 69,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n5WJl-cGyUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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