$230 Air Fryer Vs. $90 Air Fryer (Ninja Vs. Cosori) Ultimate Air Fryer Comparison!

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hey welcome to honest reviews today we've got a really fun smart buy comparison coming at you we are going to be looking at air fryers everyone seems to be talking about them i've never used one so i'm super curious so i found three different air fryers with different features we're gonna put them to the test today and see which one is the smart buy for your money okay so air fryers if you're like me it just seems like everyone is talking about them everyone is raving about them what is the big deal i don't know i haven't used one but i'm very very interested to see if they're worth all the hype so today we are looking at three different air fryers from different brands with different features uh we're going to cook french fries and chicken wings and see if they can give those results that seem like they're deep fried but they're not that's the big claim and we're putting it to the test today so we're going to be looking at them testing them there's going to be a lot in here you can check the description below for some time stamps so you can jump around and find the segment of this review that you want to see very very helpful and let's get to it okay so one thing i found when i was doing my research on air fryers is there not a lot of price differences they kind of all range around a hundred dollars us give or take about 20 bucks so what we're looking at today instead of different price points is we're going to be looking at three with quite different feature sets starting over here we have the instant vortex plus air fryer this is from the people who make the instant pot pressure cooker that's very popular ranges between eighty nine dollars u.s it is currently at a hundred and twenty dollars u.s on amazon.com you will find links to all of these air fryers as well as some details about them in the description below and just a heads up those are affiliate links you don't pay any extra but we get a little bit of the revenue which helps us do all these great reviews for you so the thing about the instant air fryer is you can see it's quite big it has the highest capacity and it even has like a rotisserie system in there you can put a whole chicken in it's kind of got this like oven this oven situation going on um so this one is a little bit of a different format and more space so we're gonna see if that rotisserie basket whole situation is worth going with this one next up we have the ninja foodie grill and air fryer so this one is kind of more the high price point option it's currently at 199 dollars u.s on amazon.com it goes as low as 169 dollars u.s and this thing is a indoor grill plus an air fryer two in one and we're gonna see can it do a good enough job with air frying and grilling so that you know you pay a little bit more but now you have more features because these take up a lot of counter space if you can get more in one appliance maybe that's worth it so that's what we're going to be looking at for this one the ninja and then down here on the end we have the kasori smart wi-fi air fryer currently retailing at 130 u.s on amazon down to 91 u.s sometimes so that one can go quite a bit lower it also beeps a lot and it's really annoying this just keeps beeping um which is a it's a negative for me these are a little bit more recognizable brand names these are the ones you'll find in walmart this one is more like the big popular airfryer brand name on amazon so it's a little bit more of just the air fryer but maybe it does a better job we're gonna find it okay so here's how this review is gonna go we are gonna test all of these cooking some frozen french fries lately i have been baking my frozen french fries the result is very disappointing so i'm really excited to see if these can do a much better job than my oven because yeah i'm tired of soggy crisp weirdly crisp french fries then we are going to test them with fresh chicken wings the big claim that air fryers are making is that they give you that deep fried taste without having to deep fry so that is what we are going to be finding out today with the test and the taste test at the end which is very exciting and then i'm going to be kind of going through the features and what it's like to use them as we go along so that you can find out which one of these might fit in your life okay so the first thing we're going to do is put some fries in this instant vortex plus airfryer oven unique feature of this one is the like rotisserie system the even crisp technology as they call it that would be perfect for fries one thing that i'm going to point out right away about this one is that this is the instructions that come with it it is a very very small little booklet and that's it and this does not have any recipes or cooking times that kind of thing and as someone who has never used an air fryer i am feeling very intimidated by this process they do have an app that you can download which i did there's also a full manual how-to videos faqs and more on a website i am not a huge fan of that like i want a little booklet with the cooking times i downloaded the app it had like i think 26 recipes for this it had a ton of recipes for the instant pot but only 26 for this and i didn't i don't like the way the app shows me the recipes as well so that's just like a really quick review of the app and the recipes and the instruction system for this if you want cooking time like the little chart you can find it on the website that is here um but like just give me this printed that's way easier than me having to find this website scroll through all these things and find this one little chart so that's annoying uh let's get going so okay so we're gonna do airfry 400. it's not silent okay so that's going to preheat and it's going to tell us when to add our food so i'm going to prep the fries and it doesn't say whether or not i should put oil on them so i'm just going to do that for all of them a little bit of olive oil because that's what some recipe sets so we've got two cups of just like standard mccain frozen fries we're gonna put a little tiny bit i saw like a teaspoon of olive oil one tip with air fryers is that more oil does not make it crispier more oil is not what you want so we're just doing a tiny little bit here i'm even gonna so i don't over pour like a teaspoon of olive oil in there i'm a tossy toss [Music] and now we're gonna use this rotisserie basket for even crisp technology and this thing is kind of i don't love it already so you can see the lid comes off like this and there's like little kind of lock unlock icons on it [Music] so it's supposed to go on and then you twist it and then it's locked but you can see if i just like move it over a little bit it unlocked itself because it just it's not really holding steady and when i'm trying to put it in there it's also like unlocking itself and i'm worried i'm gonna spill hot food all over myself because of that so i'm not loving this design but we're gonna try it anyway you do have options with this one you've got the basket which is more for like fries and stuff that move around like that but if you were cooking something that you did not want to spin around it does come with these two trays so i could cook the fries on here if i wanted to these are nonstick coated they're quite light they seem nicely made and so i could cook two trays of fries at once on these if i want it but i do want to try out this basket okay we're going to put it in checking that it's locked not nope now it's locked see even locked it it feels sketchy i don't like it okay here we go ow okay now it goes back move this over oh it's in okay okay i burned myself a little bit it was a bit stressful putting that in there because it's hot you have to like put your hands in there get it in the right spot and unlock the thing but i was really scared that the metal around the lock was going to be hot so that was a little stressful but it looks cool it looks cool that it's rotisserying that one of the big complaints with this one is that there is a hot plastic smell um that's going on which i can indeed smell and the big problem people had was that it actually made the food taste like hot plastic which is not appetizing so we will see if it did make it we did wash everything beforehand but a lot of people found that that smell did not go away even with like washing it a ton of times using it a ton of times that kind of thing so that is one thing we're gonna find out already like i can tell you that the touchscreen is not very responsive i find i'm having to press it like five times before it actually works and like my hands are clean that's not the problem so that's a little bit annoying i would have expected that to work better and i did burn myself and that hurt so so far it is not impressing me with those things but we will see how the food tastes okay so we just cooked these fries 400 degrees for 16 minutes which was what the instructions told us now i'm going to use this which is the rotisserie basket removing device so that hopefully i won't burn myself again also as just like a note before we begin it also comes with these dangerous weapons and this so this is if you were going to do a chicken you would like skewer it with this stuff and that's how that would work so it comes with those but we're going to see if we can get this out without burning myself again [Music] okay now we have this basket out and we have to release our fries which i am again nervous about it has kind of these like plastic looking ends but they are very hot too um so you know this i did not expect to need oven mitts it's supposed to be unlocked there okay you know this is not this is not ideal but there's our fries awesome okay so here's what we got as you can see they are pretty evenly crisp i can see that they're browned on all sides they kind of didn't snap but they did pull apart with some sort of crispness they do not taste like deep fried fries but they are much better than the ones that i've been baking lately okay now we're moving on to the ninja grill and air fryer so i'll show you this one on the inside so you kind of get an idea of what we got here so this one comes with a few accessories you get this cleaning brush which is you know that's handy because you have to scrub things this is the crisper basket so this is what we're going to use for like our air frying um fries sort of thing then there's just the cooking basket so this is more for like i think if you were cooking like a roast and then this is the grill plate all of these are very hefty this is by far the heaviest one uh and this goes in the grill pocket just like that if you're going to be grilling something one thing that i'll point out that i like with this one is that it came with all of this information which definitely for me gives it an edge over the instant where i felt like i didn't have enough we've got our little instruction manual for actually using it this little one that helps you with what type of oil to use when you're grilling in terms of not getting any smoke this is like a really quick grilling like information how to use all the functions grilling cheat sheet and then there's this whole like recipe book that it comes with and so not only does it have a bunch of recipes in there that look good like i i want to make that one nashville hot fried chicken but what's really helpful that i really like is that right in this book there is a grill chart with all of the grilling cook times and instructions and the different ingredients so there's like three pages of that then there is an air crisp chart and there's multiple pages of that as well so it's really really easy to figure out how long and what settings to put things on right here you're not going to a website thumb so that's big points for me for the ninja so we are going to do we're going to follow the instructions that this one says for fry's 350 for 20 to 25 minutes okay so this one is showing me some bars right here this is the preheating progress which should go across i think which is kind of nice that it's making it clear how close it is to being done preheating in terms of sound this one is louder than the the instant one but the buttons were so easy to use i didn't have to hit them five times to actually get it to register uh so that's a big point to this one but it is definitely loud make sure these are in an even layer 10 minutes and then we will stir them and let it do the rest okay so one thing that is nice about that rotisserie basket in the instant one is that you don't have to stop halfway and shake it or stir it which i will have to do with this ninja airfryer grill okay so i've just finished cooking these 20 minutes um toss them halfway through and we're gonna see how they did they look very very cooked i followed the directions from the booklet so we're gonna see but those look very crisp to me and i do feel like i recall people saying that even when they like followed the directions and then like reduced it it still overcooked things so okay so in terms of like even crispiness you can see that these are crispy all the way around uh i stirred them once but other than that you know in comparing it to the rotisserie basket of the past one i don't think that was super necessary in order to get that evenness if you really don't want to stir it halfway through you know it's beneficial but otherwise stirring it seems to have done a good job we're gonna snap this these these are very like i would say these look overcooked but i followed the directions and i even cut down the time um so i'm gonna try one try this one like a little overcooked but i think i actually like them better than the previous ones so i would reduce my cooking time but i like them they're really crispy i like things well cooked yeah try that just for comparison you can see like obviously a lot of this had to do with the cooking time um but i followed what each one of the companies recommended okay now let's put the third one to the test this is the kasori smart wi-fi air fryer not as high capacity as the instant and it obviously doesn't have a grill like the ninja so this is a little bit more of our like basic model before i begin i will show you that it comes with this like little pack of information it's actually like the print the paper is quite nice and the book is well organized like it has you know it has the charts in there it also comes with this like kind of luxe looking recipe book and you can see like that looks nice like effort went into this book and it has a ton of air fryer specific recipes and then you can also join the kasori family isn't that sweet um and they also tell you that you've made the right choice that's a bold claim so let's find out if it's true reviewing the manual thoroughly you have to preheat this as like a whole separate process with the preheat button so that's what i did and then just like reading through it it just said french fries are the french fry button and it didn't specify frozen or fresh which is a little confusing but i'm making fresh fries french fries so i'm gonna use the french fry button so i'm gonna open this up just like that it's hot but i don't have to touch it sizzling shake it in there and then french fries play we'll see what happens okay just beeped we got a little shake notification here so i'm gonna shake it [Music] get those back in there [Music] okay so we just got the beep this is done let's see what we got here definitely the most overcooked okay i can say that there's like quite a bit more variation you can see like some here look a little almost not cooked and then some are very overcooked so like don't use the fry mode for this if you're using frozen fries that's one thing that's really hard with these is like can you trust the guidelines they give you or are you gonna have to figure it out on your own this one is definitely the most far off um but let's take a look very crispy that one looks super dry that one's a little better and soft very burnt tasting very dry overcooked but in general like the amount of crispiness and stuff seems very consistent across all three like none of these am i like oh my goodness are you sure these aren't deep fried like it's not confusing so i don't know if there's really that much difference in terms of can they do a good job of air frying they all kind of did the same job um it's more just how good are they at telling you how long to cook it for interesting i did really enjoy this basket system on this one it was way easier to shake them and to get them out of there then either of the other two i didn't need to have gloves i didn't burn myself i didn't have this hot spinning basket that i had to deal with um so in terms of ease of use this one was definitely the best and so obviously with these being overcooked the solution is pretty easy next time i would not put them in for that long you know and then just going forward i would know not to use the french fry button and to figure out my own cook time so that's an easy fix and with like an easier handle and basket that's nice whereas with say the instant one where you've got the spinning thing and you're trying to take that out like you can't easily fix that so cook time differences aren't that big of a deal it's more like is it easy to use okay so a quick look at our results here obviously it's pretty interesting going off the times that each company gives you will give you very different results and that's kind of the big takeaway here because i think in general you could get the same cooking results from all of the air fryers they're all going to cook these fries kind of the same so part of it is just well obviously ninja does the best job of telling you how long to cook it for and the other two they're kind of off in terms of ease of use definitely the kosari was the easiest with the basket and the handle and i wasn't worried about burning myself and it was just very easy to use uh the other two were less easy between the rotisserie basket and then this one you had to like have tongs to toss things around and then oven mitts to take it out so the kasari wins in ease of use the ninja wins in terms of like cook time instructions uh and the instant that one smelled like burning plastic when it was cooking so it didn't win anything okay so in the interest of time in what is already a very long video we cooked all of the chicken wings in the kitchen at the same time once again according to the manufacturer's directions so what we have here is the instant air fryer the ninja grillin air fryer and the kasori air fryer okay so when we look at it right away you know again the instant is kind of looking a little more undercooked uh the ninja and the kasori kind of have the same looking outcome i'm gonna give them a real quick taste test but i think it's the same kind of idea where if this was cooked a little longer in general we're getting the same sort of results in terms of ease of use it was sort of the same again i really thought the kosori was easy to use being able to like pull the basket out the ninja was pretty easy it has that lid that lifts up and i could just flip them and then the instant with the like i kind of had to pull the little tray out with an oven mitt on and flip them so again this one loses marks because i had to have that oven mitt afraid of getting burnt all that kind of stuff so i'm going to give them a quick taste test here and see how crispy they are okay starting over here with the instant just kind of looking through none of these look overly crispy um but i want to pick the one that one kind of looks like the most consistent they all kind of look like that so i'm going to give that one a go they all kind of are in that same range of doneness and this was cooked on the tray as per their instructions on the bottom level so it was by the book all right that was better than i thought it would be it was crispy it wasn't super crispy but there was still crispiness um and the meat inside was still pretty juicy you know i think this one you can see here this doesn't have much crispiness to it so i don't know if i would get that same result on the bigger ones but yeah i like that okay now we're moving over to the ninja grill um let's grab this one on the top you can see that much crispier all the way around see how it tastes okay that one crispier but like a little bit of a burnt taste and i'd say the meat wasn't as juicy so that one was a little overcooked now we'll move over to the kasori quite crispy all the way around give it a taste i'd say actually like that one the best i thought it was like kind of a good combo between being crispy but not tasting burnt um but again this to me it kind of seems like you're going to get a very similar result no matter what air fryer you use a lot of it has to do with whether the manufacturers are giving you good instructions on how long to cook and what temperature but that's something you can figure out as you go and make your own little adjustments air um instant seems to kind of undercook ninja and kasori a little more on the overcooked side but overall in terms of cooking results with the air fryers i'd say they all kind of do the same thing it's more about do you like using the machine itself okay and then we also wanted to test the ninja grill with the chicken wings so i will show you that so these were cooked with the grill plate on the grill setting uh they cooked a little bit faster i was expecting more like grill marks actually um but these look quite good i'm i'm impressed so i'm going to try one of these so this is with the grill setting and the grill plate is not the air fry setting it's the grill setting and a grill plate but it actually looks very very very similar so taste that one i think you can kind of see there that this is actually the juiciest while still having a very crispy skin so i would actually say that the grill setting wins overall okay that was a journey and if you are still here wow thank you thank you for watching this has been a lot to test all of these and we really wanted to test multiple um foods but i think that was really good because it helped us really kind of understand what we're looking at with all of these so which one is the smart buy as always kind of tricky but let's go down the line starting with the instant this one just didn't get there for me unfortunately um you know as much as it kind of undercooked the food that's an easy fix this like oven system for me was always kind of stressful like pulling the little tray out all of that kind of situation putting in the rotisserie basket um it was scary it was hard it was fiddly it burned me and you know the button interface was extremely inconsistent sometimes it would work on the first press and sometimes i would press it 10 times before it worked and one of the biggest complaints with this one that had a ton of negative reviews for for reference all of these are very highly rated on amazon with thousands and thousands of reviews so but when you dig in you see that there are a ton of negative reviews that say that it smells like burning plastic and yes indeed it does and the thing is these two don't so it's not just a nature of air fryers to smell that way this one just really smelled bad both times we used it so this one given it a pass so that brings us down to these two and this one is twice the price of this one and that kind of makes it an interesting comparison so for starters this one it's very deep and it gets very hot these sides are metal and so right now like this is still hot whereas this one it never actually the outside never actually got hot which i think is really nice these things are you know supposed to be on your counter and i like devices where i'm not constantly worried that i'm going to burn myself and this one you know obviously it doesn't have to be that way so a point goes to this in terms of our chicken wing battle the grilled version of chicken wings was definitely the best one it was crispy but still very juicy on the inside point goes to the grill for this one the basket system on here was very easy to use i liked that i didn't have to like grab any oven mitts i could shake it or if i had to flip it i could really easily pull it out points to this one button interface here the easiest to use this one you know a little i don't like these kind of screens i like actual clicking buttons because they're a lot more consistent so you know they were kind of like pros and cons for each of these but if you're just looking for an air fryer this one especially if you can grab it on sale was great it cooked really well i think once you like figure out your cooking times they're all kind of air frying the same easy to use small footprint looks sleek the basket that you pull out at the front here very convenient and easy to use so if you're looking for an air fryer my smart buy is this one uh you just kind of can't go wrong it worked great one complaint that people did have especially on build quality you can kind of see when i'm pushing the buttons here i don't know if you can see the screen kind of moves in and out it's a bit hard to see but like build quality is not the greatest here some people did find that the teflon started to flake off um so in that sense you know you're not quite sure but this has great reviews worked well and it's a nice like lower price point to get into air frying if you know you love air frying and you know you want to grill things inside your house this one is expensive but it did a good job um it worked well in terms of the reviews there were very few complaints about this one let me just check my notes here but this one was 4.8 stars the instant is 4.6 and i can see that with those like really bad smelling air the hot plastic air and then the kasori is 4.7 with 50 000 reviews and i think that those line up with my findings as well this one was like you know just not there the instant was not there the kasori was great um you know it might have some build quality issues but very solid and then if you want to spend the money if you want the grill function which i think if you were doing like steaks and stuff that's great the capacity on this for the air frying was smaller than any of the others so this is more like you want to do a bit of both and you don't mind spending the double money but if you just want an air fryer that's easy to use get you into this big wild craze of air frying this is your smart buy is a air fryer worth it at all you're now asking for fries yeah they were better they were better than oven baked they did not fool me into thinking they were deep fried but it was easier to do than an oven and a better result and in terms of the chicken wings yeah also easier to do better result and those ones like as crunchy and crispy and delicious as deep fried pretty close so i'd say yeah the airfryer does live up to the hype very easy to use quick warm-up time clean up all of these are dishwasher safe this one people did find was kind of the hardest the ninja here in terms of cleanup because there's a lot of pieces and you kind of have to scrub them so the smart buy number one the kasori if you've got the cash you want to go big you like grilling the ninja is also a good bet and we are passing on the instant there's your wrap up all right thank you so much for watching this one i hope it helps you make a decision we have more in this series of smart buy comparison so make sure you check those out we've got a really great blender battle uh that was a lot of fun too subscribe to the channel for a lot more great reviews give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Honest Reviews
Views: 283,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer, air fry, air fried, how to, instantpot, instantvortex, kitchen, review, test, cooking, french fries, chicken wings, cosori, ninjafoodigrill, indoorgrill, honestreviews, air fryer comparison, air fryers compared, best air fryer, cosori air fryer review, ninja gril air fryer review, instant vortex air fryer review, how air fryers work, air fryer vs. deep fryer, air fryers tested, easy to use air fryer, best value air fryer, air fried vs. deep fried, air fryer reviews
Id: SbnwAQiQfQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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