Which Air Fryer is Our Favorite?

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airfryer's are the hot new thing they're selling like gangbusters in eating up social media with all sorts of fan pages after dad airfryer but today Adams gonna give us the lowdown on this relatively new piece of equipment these are pretty exciting and they make some bold promises Julian hmm they won't really deep fry food these are air fried but they promise nicely fried foods using a lot less oil sometimes as little as a tablespoon or less they're also supposed to be pretty quick and they're a lot less messy than oven frying or certainly deep frying so we tested nine of these units the price range was sixty dollars and 20 cents to $249.95 okay that's a big spread so you do get to a sort of investment territory with some of the prices and let me tell you about the tests that we did we tested each extensively by cooking a lot of frozen french fries homemade french fries chicken wings and lighter chicken parmesan and we compared all of the results with counterparts cooked in a conventional oven using 80 K recipes for oven frying testers also measured each units height and footprint and evaluated how easy and safe it was to load with food set the time and temperature to remove the food and to clean I told you there's a little bit of a learning curve with these things but as testers mastered the techniques all of this food came out surprisingly well and I want to offer you some oven fries from our air fryer I won't say no never say no no french fries mmm he's turned out pretty good now these were frozen fries these are frozen fries they came out of the air fryer they're pretty crisp on the outside inside they're better than most evident fries I've had and the chicken wings were nice and juicy the chicken parmesan was crunchy and nicely browned so the food was actually really good out of these things that compared quite favorably to the conventional oven oven fried foods so testers moved on to look at the design and the features now there are a couple of kinds of controls some of them like this one here have digital controls this one just has plain old-fashioned analog dials and initially the testers responded better to the analog dials because they're just intuitive and easy to used but there were a few instances during the testing where when they were putting food in taking food out moving a fryer they would accidentally change the setting using these analogue tiles that's not good and they came to actually prefer the digital's because that eliminated that possibility testers also measured these things as I said and you can see they're pretty big some of these things are like the size of a full-size food processor or bigger so they take a lot of counter space but even though they have a pretty big footprint they don't hold a whole lot of food all of these maxed out at one pound of french fries or chicken wing that's not a lot of food so not great if you're feeding a crowds but good if you're just serving two people if you want to exercise portion control which I never do to me a pound of fries is a single serving in terms of accessing the frying chambers there were two styles of access I'm going to step around here and show you this one has the drawer style where it's just a drawer in the front that you pull out in the frying inserts right in there seems nice to go back over here you can see the second type which is the flip top type and that one you just pull the top up like this now there were a couple of issues with this one well I saw the bass come right off the table when you first pulled the top it's kind of unevenly weighted this thing can really flop around if it's underneath the kitchen cabinet the top can bang into the bottom of the cabinet and the worst thing the test has found is that the heating element is mounted in this lid and a little loose they really thought that the thing could come down on your hands ah that's why we're putting food in and out that's definitely not good non-starter so testers were pretty sold on these as a category and they were especially sold on the winter which is the Philips turbo star air fryer advanced digital model it was the most expensive one at $249.95 so it's an investment but it made great food it had those digital controls that were easy to use it has the drawer style access the testers really liked it has an automatic shutoff it kind of stole the shelves there was however a Best Buy oh good that's this one it's the go wise us a 3.7 quart 7 in one airfryer it's a little bit taller than the winner it's a little bit wider than the winner and the controls aren't quite as intuitive but it's also less than a third the price at seventy-five dollars and 15 cents so it's a great sort of entry level air fryer it's a bargain yes there you have it air fires are worth the money and if you're ready to invest check out the Philips turbo star air fryer advanced digital model at two hundred and forty nine dollars and ninety five cents or if you just want to test the waters with something a little less expensive check out the go Weis us a three point seven court seven in one air fryer just seventy five dollars and fifteen cents thanks for watching America's Test Kitchen what you think we'll leave a comment and let us know which recipes you're excited to make or you can just say hello you can find links to today's recipes and reviews in the video description and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel see you later I'll see you later
Channel: America's Test Kitchen
Views: 890,100
Rating: 4.8528137 out of 5
Keywords: air fryer, best air fryer, equipment testing, kitchen equipment, cooks illustrated, americas test kitchen
Id: 3uvFt7Jv3uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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