23 Year Old Man with 7 Children Claims Daughter to be His (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Lloyd v. Railey.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Lloyd, you are in court today to prove that you are the biological father of the defendant's one and a half-year-old daughter, Kourtney Marie Grimes. You claim the defendant led you to believe that you were the father only to have a bomb dropped on you that another man was her dad. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Railey you say you are 100% sure that Mr. Lloyd is not Kourtney's biological father and you will prove your case in court today. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Well, we'll meet that other man in just a moment. But first, let's start from the beginning. I wanna understand the nature of this relationship. So you, you were in a relationship with somebody else when you met Mr. Lloyd or were you in a relationship with Mr. Lloyd and met somebody else? I had just recently got out of a relationship when I had met Mr. Lloyd. Uh, 'course I was ending my last relationship with Mr... With the other party. All right, so then you had finished the other relationship or you were still kinda seeing this other guy? We had like just ended. It wasn't even a month apart or a week apart that me and him had ended. And we had started getting intimate right there. JUDGE LAKE: All right so, Mr. Lloyd, at the time you were dating Ms. Railey did you feel like you all were in an exclusive relationship? At the time I didn't know. As... As it prolonged I did start catching feelings for her. Actually we moved together at the time. We moved in, we moved in. JUDGE LAKE: You did? So you moved in together? LLOYD: Yes. When she tells you she's pregnant she comes to you and says what exactly? We was actually sitting in her room. Actually we was talking. She started crying, said she was pregnant. I was excited, Your Honor. This is my first child. So I was excited and I was willing to take up the responsibility to be in Kourtney Grimes' life. I already had doubts. I knew of this guy, you know, so I already had doubts about it. So the third month I take her, her mom out to eat and we, we just nipped it in the bud like this is your baby. She's like three, four months pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: Do you remember this dinner meeting, Ms. Railey? RAILEY: Yes, yes Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And you all cleared the air and told Mr. Lloyd there's no doubt you are the father? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So why is it all of a sudden three months, two months before the baby is born you tell him he's not the father? RAILEY: Well, Your Honor, I was nine weeks pregnant when I thought that I was pregnant. That's when the doubtin' and everything started, I said, well, nine weeks ago I wasn't with Mr. Lloyd at all. I was with Mr. Grimes. It was around Super Bowl. Which was in February the second is the day that they trying to say I was conceiving between the second and I believe the sixth and I wasn't around Mr. Lloyd at the time that they had gave me my conceiving date. LLOYD: Excuse me. Um... We was dating around the Super Bowl too, you know what I'm... We was dating. So how far along into the pregnancy did she tell you that you're not the father? It was like, like the last four months but the seven, eight months I left. I said I'm done with it. This is not my baby. I moved to Indiana. I stayed down there for like a month, two. I get a phone call from her. She like, I have doubts. I don't, I don't think Kourtney... I think the baby wasn't even born actually. She was like, um, I don't see it in Curtis. Her mother knows her, her baby. Her mother knows and she told me. That's what made me come back and try to continue on to be there for my daughter. So when the baby was born, Ms. Railey, who was present? Um, Mr. Grimes was. Oh! Because... Excuse me. She didn't even tell me that he was present when she was born. She... From my knowledge was nobody there but the mother. He didn't need to be there if he's not the dad. So that's why Mr. Grimes... JUDGE LAKE: But what... The dots I'm trying to connect are when you told him he was the father he accepted he was the father. But you say that this window between Mr. Grimes and Mr. Lloyd is only a span of two to three weeks anyway, right? Three weeks. JUDGE LAKE: Three weeks. Or four. Yeah, three to four weeks. I didn't even know the baby got born. I had to find out on Facebook. How old was Kourtney when you first met her? Did you ever get to see her? Um, yes. I think I seen her think like the second or third week she was out the hospital. She let me see Kourtney Grimes whenever I wanted to. She had given him his chance and still give me my chance too. But wait you... She gave the baby Mr. Grimes' last name. Yes, Your Honor. She gave him his last name. Actually I'm the one who gave... Came up with the name Kourtney Marie. Actually Mr. Grimes came up with the name. So wait. You sleeping with two different guys but they both pick the same name. RAILEY: How awkward it sound, it... JUDGE LAKE: They both said Kourtney. That's what we think is a good name. RAILEY: Yeah. Way too much synergy here. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) LLOYD: Actually I think she did already had, she already had the baby. Me and Curtis Grimes came to a conclusion and actually met up on Facebook and was trying to find out 'cause she was still planned that it was my baby, still planned his baby, so we met up. RAILEY: Actually, Your Honor, they pulled up on me. I was there, okay. So both of them asked me in the car together. They in the car together. I'm with another friend. "Who's the daddy, Shantia?" So I said, "Okay, "Curtis you're the sperm donor and Mr. Lloyd is the one who be there for her." You know, and at the time that's what the situation... So wait a minute. The two potential fathers get together. You all get together and decide y'all gonna do a sting operation. Correct. You all gonna track down Ms. Railey and you all gonna get down to the bottom of which one of us is this father 'cause you feel like she's playing both of you. And you say Ms. Railey you were clear, you said Mr. Grimes... Basically you said you the biological father and you told Mr. Lloyd but you are basically the daddy. 'Cause we say in this courtroom it takes DNA to be a father but it takes love to be a daddy. So you say Mr. Lloyd stepped up to be the daddy. He, he be there for Kourtney no matter what. He's always there. He's a good dad. So now you're here because you want Mr. Lloyd to know for certain that he's not the biological father. Correct, Your Honor. Okay. LLOYD: We, we here, we here to find out 'cause she don't know 100%. That's why we here. JUDGE LAKE: All right, Jerome, I wanna talk to, uh, Mr. Grimes. He's joining us from his hometown. Mr. Grimes, do you believe she's your biological child? <i> I'm gonna say yes.</i> <i> Then... I got some doubts too at the same time.</i> So you have doubts. Tell the court why you have doubts. <i> Since Shantia been pregnant she been playing both sides.</i> <i> One minute Corey the daddy, next minute I'm the daddy.</i> <i> Corey about to spend some money on the baby, he the daddy.</i> <i> Like we both still seeing her to this day, you know.</i> <i> So...</i> You both still seeing her? <i> We both still seeing Kourtney.</i> <i> I mean he, he been to Memphis more than me.</i> <i> I've been to Memphis one time, he been down there three, four times.</i> <i> But Shantia not telling me that.</i> (LAUGHING) (LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: So you saying this is supposedly your biological child with your last name but this other man has been to see the child more than you. <i> Man, I'm talking about</i> <i> I got my whole family calling me like,</i> <i> "Why is it another man with your daughter on this page</i> <i> "talkin' 'bout daddy's baby?"</i> <i> Like I said I got doubts.</i> <i> I mean, she, she look like,</i> <i> she look like him, she got my nose,</i> <i> she look like both of us of you ask me, but...</i> (LAUGHING) That's what I said. <i> We both fooled around with her mama.</i> RAILEY: Both of y'all, both of y'all get on my nerves. Who's paying child support to help support this baby? RAILEY: Neither one. I can't pay child support if I'm not on the birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: Let me tell you. You can still... You don't have to pay child support... But I still, I still come out of pocket when I, when I want to. Support is... Can be of course done through the state. But it also can just be done personally between the parents. I mean I tell people handle it through the living room so you don't have to handle it through the courtroom. So have you helped with this child? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You have. Mr. Grimes she has your last name. Have you been helping to support Kourtney since she's been born? <i> Man, I'm gonna tell you like I told Shantia. I told Shantia</i> <i> when Corey, Mr. Lloyd, get out of her life</i> <i> I told her give me blood, I give her baby love basically.</i> <i> I'm tired of her playing both sides.</i> <i> I got six other kids that I got to worry about.</i> <i> She's not gonna keep playin' with this kid.</i> He actually got eight. <i> If Kourtney mine Kourtney makes seven.</i> How old are you Mr. Grimes? <i> Twenty-three.</i> RAILEY: We just had a baby. We just had a baby together. That's the eighth one. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Now you all, uh-huh. No, no, no, no, no. Now you all, no. How many kids you have Mr. Lloyd? This'll be my first child. You know what I'm saying. Um... (APPLAUSE) I actually, I actually, I actually went and begged for my job back so I can support my daughter. This would be your first child? LLOYD: Yes, Your Honor. So this matters to you. Yes, Your Honor. But Ms. Railey has maintained consistently throughout this hearing that you are not Kourtney's biological father. But that still does not sway you because you feel like you are. It doesn't sway me 'cause I was already persuade that that was my baby. After Kourt... After Kourtney was born did you call him back, Ms. Railey, and say the baby doesn't look like Mr. Grimes? I never said that she doesn't look like him 'cause I see it all the way. Oh, she got pretty hair, that's my baby. I said wait. Now don't say I got none. Hey I got... JUDGE LAKE: Oh, my god. (CROSS TALK) Hold on. Now wait, wait, wait. I'm not... Hold on. I can't let you say something that ignorant. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh. No. No, no, no, no, no. We can't say that. We can't say that. Nappy hair. JUDGE LAKE: No. We not even gonna say that. Because the truth is as a, as a people and honestly, you gotta take that out your vocabulary. (APPLAUSE) And, we can go one level deeper. The reason why this courtroom exists is to help ensure that children don't have to go without their father. So this ain't no joke to me so don't come in here with no racial nonsense talking about baby's hair 'cause every piece of that child is beautiful. And innocent. (APPLAUSE) Honestly. And, and whether her hair is fine or coarse or whatever it is, it is individually and uniquely hers given to her by God and he don't make mistakes. So we gonna correct that right now. I don't want to ever hear you say that again. LLOYD: Um, Your Honor. Can I say something? I hope it's intelligent. It is. It is very intelligent. Um, what gave me the reason that she is mine my Mom tells me when I was little when she used to change my diaper, I used to do this diaper dance. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I used to be excited. Kourtney does the same thing when you change her diaper. And um, I have a birth mark on my lef... On my left side of my forehead as well as Kourtney. That gave me a strong doubt that it is mine. JUDGE LAKE: So you feel like you've... Listen. You feel like you have now for 18 months, you've made trips to see this baby. You spent time with this beautiful little girl and you look at her and you feel like there are similarities that confirm your belief that she's yours? LLOYD: Yes, Your Honor. This would be your first child? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So this matters to you. Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Railey, you're saying you are certain that Mr. Grimes is her biological father? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Or are you saying that you have a younger child together as well so you just believe. Yes, Your Honor. <i> Oh no. I'll be back for that one too to be honest with you.</i> And that's my first time hearing that one also. You have a doubt about the subsequent child as well, the paternity? <i> Yes, ma'am.</i> RAILEY: And that's what makes me upset about this whole situation because they be trying to play me. Like I'm just this bad person, and this bad mother and this bad... Just bad. And I'm not. I had a conversation way before I even turned seven months that he's not the father. I never told him that he wasn't the father at all. And to hear him say this in court today he would never ever speak to me again unless it's about our children. And that's it. It's no more going back and forth 'cause I have been going back and forth with these two for too long and it's time for this to end. Either I'm gonna be with one of 'em or neither one of 'em. And I want it to come out today 'cause I'm done with it. Absolutely done. I don't want the truth to... <i> Keep your legs closed you won't go through this.</i> If you keep your penis in your pants you won't have this problem either. Lord, lord, lord. <i> You're right. But that's why I don't think she mine to be honest with you.</i> RAILEY: Well... JUDGE LAKE: Listen. DNA would say it all. JUDGE LAKE: Listen. Listen. Everybody in here has a part to play in this. 'Cause none of you protected yourselves. Y'all run around here having too many babies like you baby factory. I mean Detroit is a factory town but this is not the type. (LAUGHTER) RAILEY: He's a factory his own self. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on. I'm from Detroit. I'm serious. (APPLAUSE) I'm serious. Jerome I'm ready for the result. Let's get the answer to this 'cause we got to figure out how we gonna move forward. You're 25, 25, 23. So Mr. Lloyd I just wanna know from you. If this is your biological child do you wanna have a relationship with Ms. Railey? If, if Kourtney was mine I'm gonna go down there and be a full-time parent with my daughter and support her to the whole nine yards. JUDGE LAKE: And is she is not? Then I go on with my life. (APPLAUSE) With my life. The results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of Lloyd v. Railey, pertaining to whether Mr. Grimes or Mr. Lloyd is the father of one-year-old Kourtney Railey Grimes... It has been determined by this court... ...the biological father is... ...Mr... ...Lloyd. (APPLAUSE) <i> I'm happy for y'all. Congratulations. But you're done.</i> <i> I knew it from the start. You done, bro.</i> Calm down. Because the truth is it's not done. Because you might have another baby. You potentially impregnated the same girl again. <i> Man, you all believe that if y'all want to.</i> <i> You all believe that if y'all want to.</i> JUDGE LAKE: So you're saying now that because of this result you further doubt the, the next child. <i> The same thing we just went through with this baby</i> <i> since he was doing the same thing with this new baby.</i> <i> It's me and it's two other guys that's possible for this one.</i> <i> So, like I said,</i> <i> we'll be back sooner or later.</i> I don't know how that's possible but... LLOYD: Your Honor... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Um, I wanna know what we're gonna do about her last name. I don't want her to have that last name. Okay listen. Listen, listen, listen. Let me get to what I want to know. Do you still have the job? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Good. You don't worry about chasing her. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: I'm gonna talk. I'm keeping it real. At the end of the day it is not gonna be about what you think about her, Mr. Grimes or you think about her, Mr. Lloyd. I'm concerned about what Ms. Railey thinks about herself. (APPLAUSE) That's it. 'Cause at the end of the day that's what matters, do you understand sweetheart? We have counseling and resources for you. I want you to deal with whatever's going on inside yourself that makes you give yourself away for free. All right? (APPLAUSE) You have a bigger destiny that being a baby factory. All right? Yes, ma'am. All right, I wish you all the very best of luck. Take care of those beautiful children. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 3,148,017
Rating: 4.7197509 out of 5
Keywords: 23 and me, ancestry.com, baby, couples court, court show, divorce court, dna testing, full episode, judge faith, judge judy, judge rinder, lauren lake, maury, oprah winfrey, paternity court, rogers, steve wilkos, you are not the father, you are the father
Id: R81n69fa75g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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