23 Minecraft Trick Shots

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- [Skip The Tutorial] From speed bridging with gravity blocks to landing a lethal fall without taking any fall damage. We're gonna be counting down the most challenging skills to pull off in Minecraft. From difficult to downright impossible. Beginning with what we'll call the Rail Cannon. This is the deadliest cannon in Minecraft and here's how to survive it. Since even though it's true that this design by Fallen_Breath can kill the Ender Dragon in one shot, if we equip ourselves with Projectile Protection IV Netherite Armor, a Potion of the Turtle Master and an Enchanted Golden Apple, then it's also true that we can survive a hit from this thing. And we did it all without a totem, which to me seems a bit more impressive. But it's also true that the impossible part of this skill is getting all the materials necessary to do it. After all, it's not hard to stand still. And a much more difficult way of making yourself immortal is do this trick to breathe underwater. Now when you watch this glitch happen in first person it might be hard to understand what's happening, but when we cut to a third person view it gets a little bit more obvious. What's happening here is that the client and the server are desyncing every time we punch this fish. So while the client thinks that nothing changed and we can keep swimming as normal, according to the server, that punching cancels the sprint, and we stand up so that we can breathe above the air. And that little bit of desync will keep our head above water but that trick works best on a server. Whereas this one could work just as well on the client. With just an Ender Pearl and some precision we can manage to walk through solid walls. To pull this off, we need to line up our Ender Pearl throw right at the bottom edge of the block. And once we do that, we sprint through and after about one second we come up the other side, giving us a great way to hide our secret base or just to run away from your friends during a Manheim. But apparently we're not the only ones that can go through walls. And if you wanna get more complicated it's also possible to shoot an arrow through a wall like this, as Doc M shows off. If you place an Enderman inside of a boat and then position that next to a wall, then when you shoot an arrow at it that arrow will have a chance to pass through the wall. And the reason for this is because once the arrow hits the Enderman it ignores all other collision events for one tick after hitting it or kind of hitting it. After all, an arrow can't hit an Enderman and apparently it can't hit this wall either. So if we take a target block behind this wall we could also get ourselves a secret button for a secret entrance. It's a pretty good secret too. Not many people go around shooting Enderman. It usually doesn't work out so well. What also never works out so well is mining this center block in a desert pyramid. But, if we grab this cobweb we can take after this user and actually pull off the perfect temple heist. All you have to do is when you mine into the treasure chamber, place this cobweb and then, slowly but surely, loot all the chest before you hit that pressure plate. But hit that pressure plate we never will because if we throw this Ender Pearl right before we open the last chest we can launch ourselves right back out to the surface. Leaving both us and the treasure chest intact. Well, that's not the last time we'll be using Ender Pearls because over here we can take after SIMPLYSARC and do this impossible feed of crossing the end void gaps. We're just gonna need a few items to do it. And if you equip yourself the Slow Falling Potion and an Ender Pearl like so, we can use a simple water launcher to blast off with a Riptide Trident and then use all of that speed momentum to launch the Ender Pearl over the End Void Gap. And keep in mind, the islands in the end are roughly 225 blocks apart. And if we went any further the Ender Pearl would be thrown far enough where it would unload if the player goes back to the starting island. So, I'd say this is about as close to the maximum distance you can get outta one of these things. And it's a lot more more impressive than just traveling the end in another Elytra. Speaking of another Elytra, to do this trick properly we're gonna need two of that because once that first Elytra breaks mid-air the real skill here is being able to switch out into another Elytra before you hit the ground. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. This requires a very quick reaction time. But when you pull it off, it feels just as cool. And believe me, for as simple as this one sounds it's not simple to pull off, and not to mention that by practicing it you're putting yourself within seconds of death on the spot. And while we're talking about dying on the spot, this would be a good time to mention the Anvil. Ask REKRAP, it's not easy to kill someone with an Anvil. And to kill a moving target with one is even more impossible. Not only do players move around much faster but they also move around sporadically. So being able to plan out the proper trajectory to drop one of these on your foe, it's easier said than done. And the most important details that you really only get one shot to pull this off because as soon as they notice an Anvil dropping from the sky they're gonna be a little suspicious. So if you wanna be the safest with this you should at least pre-break your Anvil so that they destroy on the spot. Otherwise that's 32 ingots worth of evidence that you're just leaving out there for them to see. Well, that's not even the hardest thing to aim, because if you really want to challenge you should try to kill your friend with a Dripstone. No, not like this, but rather, by using a fishing rod we're able to grab a falling Driptone entity and then launch it towards our friends. Which I'll mention is easy to do but it's definitely hard to aim to get the kill. And unlike the Anvil, we not only have to worry about where the player's position's gonna be, but also the timing of when we reel in the Dripstone. And when you're balancing that many things at once it's pretty tough to pull off. And honestly, our best bet is to do like this user does and try and launch it towards someone who's on a lower pillar. That way they've at least got a stationary position. Is it easy? No, but a little more possible. That's what I'll take. But even harder than trying to get that kill is trying not to get killed yourself when you're mining with the Wither. Now, you might've seen in the past different people try to use Withers to help them strip mine down in the deep slate. Oh, what's even more difficult is trying to use a Wither to help you mine for ancient debris. Now granted, they're not gonna blow up the ancient debris but with how low of a blast resistance that Netherrack has you're opening yourself up to a lot of trouble when you fight one of these things. And to be able to do this long enough where you're actually able to get some ancient debris, that's impressive, because in our testing it was hard to last more than a few seconds without dying to this thing, let alone long enough to get yourself a full Netherite Beacon. But even if you're able to pull this off and get all of the ancient debris you need, that still wouldn't be as hard as trying to cross a Lava Lake by just using boats. And folks, it only takes one lick of Dreams manhunt to see just how impressive this is. Not only do you have to be precise in your timing to land all of these jumps, you also gotta time it just right where you're jumping off of the boats before they disintegrate in the lava. And the two of those together, it's a risky business. For one, you can only hold nine boats in your hop bar to pull this off. So even if you're able to do it, you're not able to do it for long. So make sure you get to your destination soon enough to dismount. But if that jump is difficult because of how dangerous it is, this one's even more difficult just because of how stupid it is to pull off. Well, that is entirely true that if you spam jump quick enough, you could use that to propel yourself with an Elytra. The trouble then comes in depending on what server you're running on. So if you're trying this on your friend's laggy server that's a continent away, it's gonna be a lot easier than it is to do on your single player client. Well, once you nail the timing, this is a way to fly around without the use of things like, rockets or tridents. And while you might consistently learn how to pull off a jump or two, the difficult part's learning how to master this in a couple of different trials. Especially when most of the time, whether it works or not, comes down to a random factor. And that's not the only skill we need server lag to do. Because to pull off the impossible feet of speed bridging with gravity blocks, we're gonna need a lot of lag, and probably a macro too. In this example, we're using the carpet mod to simulate lag in the map. And you'll notice that the better that you are at bridging, overall, the less lag that you'll need. And really to pull off this trick without using any lag you would've to move it to speed faster than what's possible in survival mode, which is impressive for sure, but it kind of defeats the point. And that's not the last time you're gonna have to worry about your speed because if you go too fast trying this Elytra trick it's not gonna end so well for you or the mobs. And truly trying to carry another mob by using an Elytra and a lead is almost guaranteed to end with one of the leads snapping and a pile of mob drops on the floor below. But it's also incredibly useful if you need to move mobs far distances. Especially without the use of a Nether Portal. So if you wanna pull this off at the best odds that you have you'll wanna look out for a cliff or a body of water so that you can gradually increase the speed, and then you can use a rocket to avoid the lead snapping. I wanna also make sure that you got a body of water that you can land in on the other end. Otherwise you'll have brought that naturally generated pink sheep all this way just for it to end up as pink wool in the other end. But even if water's able to save us here, it's not gonna do so much at this next skill. Because if you were to find yourself falling into the End Void, the water isn't gonna move fast enough for your friend to drop a water bucket for you. But if you got the skill it is possible, but definitely difficult. Save yourself from falling by throwing an Ender Pearl. But not only does the timing on this have to be precise, but the angle does too. So maybe take up a course of trigonometry before you try this. Oh, and also make sure that you have plenty of health before you try it too. Because nothing's gonna be more pathetic than landing that Ender Pearl clutch only to take the two and a half hearts worth of fall damage and die there on the spot. And if you don't wanna worry about fall damage at all, then you should try this glitch. As you can see from this user, if we were to sprint jump and then keep holding jump on the way down for our fall, then it's possible to save ourselves from all fall damage if we hit crouch right before hitting the ground. Which is a random set of steps and they're easier said than done. But if you pull it off right, you can survive a fall from any height without ever having to touch a water bucket. Oh, keep in mind if you're gonna try this, only do it on 1.19.2. Since the glitch seems to have been shadow patched in 1.19.3. But if you still want to impress your friends on the latest release, then grab yourself a couple of Gravity Blocks. Since, with some incredibly precise timing, we're able to use Gravity Blocks placed underneath us to jump across this gap of hugging onto the wall. But obviously, since we're using gravity blocks here we're not the only ones falling, so you have to be able to jump on the gravity block before it falls. And if you wanna be even more impressive here then the real secret is to try and use this trick to go up in elevation or even just stay at the same why level. Really, as long as you're not falling into the pit, you're doing it right in my eyes. And well, that skill's a pain to try and jump further, this one uses pain to try and jump higher. Since, if you're willing to take a beating it is possible to use damage knock back to jump higher. And well, it's much easier to try and use this to get an extra half a block to your jump. If you're going for the gold post, then the one that you really got to use is the two block jump. So how, how do we even do this? Well, it's gonna be easiest to pull off with fire. Since, when you let yourself a blaze you're getting constant damage ticks that we can use here. Well worth known is that you don't have to place the fire ahead of time. Since, by just carrying around a flint and steel and then lighting a fire mid jump, you'll get the same effect, which is good. Now you don't have to worry about the fire, it's just an impossible timing. Which maybe isn't a relief but it's at least only one thing to worry about. And even though fire makes this skill feel pretty painful, unfortunately this one with a water bucket isn't any easier. Now, from a glance, this looks like it should be pretty easy to pull off, right? There's a standard water bucket clutch. But the real sticking point here is that the floor is made up of blocks that we are able to water lock. So even if we nail the timing, just like we usually would, we're just gonna water log the block and die on impact. So the way that you get around this, that you have to place down a regular block first and then water on top of that. Which sounds simple, but it's extremely difficult to do while falling. And the way that you know this one's tough is that even if you have a right click macro this is still almost impossible to do in survival. Especially if you were to try to do something like this in actual practice. I'm not sure many of us would be able to do this with the proper setup, let alone without it. Well, this water bucket challenge makes it easy to kill ourselves, this next one proves that it's even tougher to kill other people. Once you get a rainstorm overhead, if you equip yourself with a Riptide 3 Trident and Elytra, we're able to pull off the coolest trick shot in history. But watch closely 'cause if you blink, you might miss it. Since once we get a rainstorm overhead, we're able to use this setup to get ourselves launching at over 400 blocks per second. At that point, it's difficult to land anything, let alone a headshot. But once you do, you'll notice that this is able to one shot someone with Protection IV Netherite Armor. And in our testing, we found that if they're wearing Projectile Protection IV this will still get them down to one heart. Who knows, with more precise timings there's still a chance that we can get this in one shot. And that way we basically turn ourselves into a flying version of the Rail Cannon. While the bow shot's tough because how unpredictable players are, you'll find this jump is tough just because of how unpredictable the game is. As usual legitimacy shows off with the right setup we're able to use this glitch with a Slime Block to essentially bounce higher than where we started from. And the key here comes down to the client server desync. Because when one of them thinks we hit the ground the other one thinks we bounce. And the results is that we get launched super high. And while some setups of this trick make it easier to do, others like this one require a great deal of precision. And with any of them, you're gonna find that it's hard to do consistently on the fly, especially when there's these times where you think you made a jump because of a high you get launched and it turns out it still wasn't high enough. Making parkour with these some of the hardest I've ever had to deal, but it's still not the hardest jump for parkour. No, because that award has to go to this jump. And while this user makes it look easy, the truth is not as simple as that. And the way that it works is that if you turn exactly 45 degrees mid-air, that'll allow you to move around 2% faster. Sounds small, right? But in examples like this, that could be all you need to make the jump. Since while a normal walking speed would be 4.317 blocks per second, when you're straf walking, that goes up to 4.405 blocks per second. And just by that small margin, we're able to make this jump that we couldn't otherwise. And to even try this, first, you're gonna need to jump, sprint and hold forward at the exact same time. And then you'll hold that right up until the last jump. Where then only have a short amount of time to start strafing back and forth. That alone isn't enough since to really pull this off, you have to look as close to 45 degrees to the side as possible. And when you put all that together, you get the hardest jump that we've been able to do in this video. But wait, there's still one more. Because this trick is so impossible that you literally have to use a tool assisted speed run software to make it happen. And as you'll see from this video from CYNIMAL, to pull this off we first have to position ourself at the edge of the block and then continues sliding back and forth on it, all the while, while placing flint and steel until we're eventually able to pull off this skill to be able to pillar up 50% faster. And the reason this all happens is because when the player jumps on the edge of a block it'll cause the internal server, the single player, to think that the player hasn't jumped at all. So when you take damage in this state things get a little weird. And to be able to set up a task to even do this is tough enough. So if you're able to do this skill by yourself take this crown, you deserve it. And with that folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video. So, see if they're right and have a good one. Alright?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 3,512,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4WTB20E4NgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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