220V DC Motor to 12V High Current Motor for High Speed & Torkue -Experemint !

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guys are the winner for the previous  videos contest was Sri permits fairy   harvester soup Romani and he asked me if  we qualify the winding of a mini DC motor   and increase the torque and speed so that  is exactly what I am going to do in this   project or to be specific I'm going to try  to do in this project so you can see this   power supply 15 volts 3 amperes it's only  15 3 ampere supply so you don't feel pain okay so guys the question for today is what  will happen if the number of Dawn's poor pole   on the armature of the motor are not identical  so anyways guys are surged at a lot on YouTube   to see if anyone had conducted a similar  experiment that is converting a 220 volts   permanent magnet DC motor to 12 volts DC motor  but since I couldn't find it so I thought about   a dementing it myself to see if it works or not  so let's try it note that other experiment is   really dangerous so don't conduct it at home and  guys I got this permanent magnet motor from a mini   blender okay so guys the motor is completely  ready now let's see if it can survive the high   current that is going to flow through these  Springs that are going to feed the brushes   so guys to power it up I'm going to use this 12  rolls somewhere around 20 amperes DC supply to   run this motor and there is a great chance that  the motor is going to burn out it is working but   like it is heating up a lot super hard oh yeah  actually the current needed is too high and of   course the brushes are not able to feed it to  the armature you see it is working all in fumes one more reason fumes whoa the brush is boiling   too hot I think it is going to  catch fire speed is increasing I don't know why the speed is increasing why is the speed increasing I don't  get it seriously seriously why the   speed is increasing you can see the speed  as it has gained a lot of speed er Oh Oh something bad is going to happen I'm sure of it yeah the motor is running a really  fast ah the brush is going poop it   has come to a stop finally and that  brush part has completely melted guys you see it's completely melted here on this side water is like super hot right now see ya guys  there is like a few things that we learned from   this experimental stat this Buddha that  I used is a 220 volts DC motor okay and   I converted into a high current DC motor so  like I came from 220 volts to as low as 12   volts and I gave like a less number of tones  because of which the resistance reduced and at   the current automatically increased and then  again I also used three times thicker wire so   again the resistance reduced so it needed more  and more high current and obviously the brushes   were not designed to handle that high current  so the result of it was that the motor burnout
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 609,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr electron, mr. electron, 12v, 220v, dc motor, motor, high current, high speed, dc motor current, 12v dc motor, 12v motor, 220v motor, 220v to 12v
Id: SCNhzzz58xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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