The Ruger 10-22 ~ Disassembly, care and maintenance made simple and easy!

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welcome back well my pup Benny and I just got in from exploring the muddy trails around here it's mud season that's for sure so I had to make sure he took a swim in the lake before we came back and they got back in the house but anyway today I want to talk about the very gun that I was out with today we popped off I'd say probably about 150 rounds with this 1022 this has really become a phenomenally popular gun all over the place I mean everybody gets loves at 1022 this one here happens to be the walnut sporter I order is much for its looks and if its heft in size it has a it has a little bit longer stock than some of the models which are configured I think a little bit to a satisfy smaller shooters youth and but it's a it's a I've had this gun now for going on 10 years it looks on with this new as the day I first took it out of the box it's done an awful lot of shooting thousands of rounds have been poured through this let me bring you over the bench animal I'll show you how to tear it down clean it up and keep it in top working order you know when u.s. ordnance engineers were designing the 30 US m1 carbine for World War 2 I'm sure the last thought on their mind was entering it into a beauty pageant it was strictly all about function above all else and suitability for combat but you know a number of rifles through the years made by Marlin and certainly this one here have evoked that particular are oh there's a certain mystique about that gun that's in the design of the receiver and everything that just they just seemed to capture the imagination of Americans especially and this Ruger 10/22 was no different it has become probably without question of the most popular 22 at least one of the most popular 22s in America if not throughout the world it's very practical eyes its simplicity itself is very very little to go wrong they they shoot forever they're very very easy to maintain let's take a look at this and this one here is the this one here at the walnut stock supporter you can see it's got it's got a nice flat rubber butt plate it's got checkering the typical Ruger design checkering it's not a bad piece of walnut either for a fresh border that's not overly priced I think this is this list generally speaking for a little over 400 but it's I don't think anybody ever pays close to that on the forum in this particular model doesn't have the barrel Bend as the many of the standard model do in the carbine model does it's got a it's got a 18 inch tapered barrel and you can see I've taken the I've taken the liberty of replacing the standard open rear sight with a marble marble barrel blank and a very inexpensive barrel blank just to cover that slot and I also put on a Williams ramp peep sight which the combination between the between the glo front sight and this williams peep is extremely fast you know you can you can keep a can rolling for a long time with that combination or or keep a or roller roller rabbit if you want to very very efficient and the magazine is a flush mounted ten shot rotary magazine for those of you who have not actually seen this rifle up close that are interested in it to release it is the same as releasing a mini 14 magazine it's almost the same shape and design lever just simply press it forward if you have a memo when it gets popped up by yourself but if it's if it's not loaded you just basically hole that gravity will take the magazine open pop it in your hand is the rotary tank shot magazine there they're almost there almost foolproof I've never had one fail on me it's got a crossbow of safety which is different than the m1 carbine in the mini-14 which has which has the trigger guard safety that pushes fore-and-aft it's a very effective safety across both safety will block the trigger and that's all there is to show let's take it down and show you how to do that what you need to have to service this gun is very very simple in the last number of years these barrels are extremely high polish inside there they're hammer forged they're very very easy to clean I'm going to depart from convention my convention when I say that gun should be cleaned with you know a standard conventional rod and bore brush this rifle will clean up just as slick as can be with one or two passes of a standard bore snake is you know unless you're using some particularly cruddy ammo I can't imagine why it would have any difficulty a m16 style brush or tooth brush is good to get into crevices it's nice to have a boar light always to look down the boar afterwards inspected you can have a you can have a simple drift pin like this and you know whether you use a 3/32 drip gun that you can use for so many other things it's a nice thing to have on the bench but you can also sometimes just pop it out with a cleaning rod tip or something you know you're only going to need one maybe two of these drops at the most of just just plain mineral oil and some Hoppe's number nine if you want a clean house to receive or if you've got any smoke from basically what you get built up is a lot of smoke residue that gets inside the receiver and sometimes a little bit of particulate matter from your from your powder now I'm not going anything fancy you know in my day when when you look at when you looked at a boy's life magazine a water rifle featured taking down with a penny and that was because we didn't nickel with something you used to go by to buy a candy bar you but you bought a whole love Meyers candy bar with a nickel but so penny is all you need really to take down a 1022 and I guess now some of them have been ruined with a hex head screw well you know I I prefer myself a slotted a slotted screw for takedown now you can use something fancier if you want to use if you want to use a hollow ground if you want to use a hollow ground bit and make sure that makes you feel better that's fine too but I like to keep it simple before I take that completely a Prada remove the sling I do have one here a nice US authorized m1 carbine sling and it's got the dot snap on the back and the buckle on the front this is kind of cool it's all it needs to carry this around the same as the troops did in World War two across Europe and throughout the Pacific so just simply back off back off this group to rebated shoulder on this screw so you do not want to remove the entire school just simply back it out it's got a brass sketching on the inside here that that screw head fits into this is very important extremely important a lot of stocks get irreparably damaged with this particular maneuver put the put the gun on it back take note that this safety will not clear the wood the wood the walnut here would get scarred and damaged forever if I just tried to pass that pass that stock over that across both safety so it's important and this is noted in the owner's manual I simply hold the safety in a midway position I trust to just hold let it go like that because invariably it'll it'll pop loose just as you get the wooden ear so hold it with your fingers I'm going to rotate the further stock in other words I'm going to rotate this toward me and leave leave this end still so just pinch this rotate it straight toward me until it clears the wood and it's off so now that now that it's cleared from that cross bowl safety it's safe to remove it now it kind of if when I'm putting it back on it has to it has to go underneath the trigger guard is a there's a particular section of the stock wood that is inlet it so that it's underneath the trigger guard assembly and that just simply popped down into place and so again pinch it lift it up and off and from the back once you've got it clear to the face of the stock are you good to go put that aside safely but before I do I just want to show you again this this gun is almost ten years old and I fired thousands of rounds through it's been out in all kinds of weather you'll notice that there's no staining of the wood everything is everything is really factory fresh because I I don't I don't allow a gun oil to come in contact with this wood whatsoever I don't allow guns to come in contact with any stock was because gun oil is are not linseed oil gunner oils are very destructive to would they have petroleum they have petroleum substances and chemicals in them the condemning wood and even even mild mineral oil is not is not the best thing to get near wood because it will turn it punky after a while and it will lose it'll lose it to the strength of the fibers so you want to just keep this keep the gun as clean as you can and without without getting oil all Slavit all over it that is a big thing these days it's probably my biggest pet peeve when I watch when I watch the ceremonies that people go through the incantations with all oils and all the concoctions that they use it's absolutely it's not it's not only unnecessary but you shouldn't do it it's it's harmful to guns there's no there's no good that comes from putting that kind of oil on guns there are only three pins that you want to remove this is the this is a Ruger called with the the bolt stop pin so that's that's the bigger one up that's the biggest one of the three that just simply pops out you always have to put that buffer pin back you always have to put that bolt stop in back in because that is what the bolt slams against and protects that protects the receiver from harm now don't be don't be conned into the notion that you need to somehow do something to protect the bolt stop pin or the bolt from that interaction they that interaction is built into the system it's it's it's engineered into it it and it does not hurt the gun in any way shape or form there's no harm that can be done to the gun by allowing those two surfaces to contact one another that standard that's perfectly all right push your pin straight out that's all you need to do in either direction I just was showing you can push it from either direction there's no it's not like the Remington created rod pins and just simply remove them and when you remove it you'll notice that some some 10:22 is the ejector will flop down and if it flopped down just make sure that when you go put it back in that is captured within it within its law here and in the trigger assembly but this one here tends to have a nice it it stays in place but when you putting it in sometimes you have to hold it with your finger so that it doesn't rock down now you can take them you can take a look at the inside of this I'm going to shine a light on this is this is a gun that has fired hundreds of rounds and you notice it there's no there's no wear whatsoever thousands of rounds when we're talking about thousands around this it's clean as a whistle in there you know I just had it out was I just had it out my daughter we're shooting all over the place this is this is what it does the gun shoots lifts an awful lot and there's no dirt in there there's no grime there's no crud and the reason why there isn't it because there's no oil in there to grab any crud you know powder has a way of shaking its way down into these research recesses and it collects and it eh to oil and it attracts it is there anything that's going to wear out there absolutely not you know this there's nothing that there are nowhere points here these these pins are all hardened pins they're extremely hard they're hard beyond beyond any amount of where that could be induced by simply pivoting points these these the hammer pivots on that pin right there it hardly it hardly moves it's it's a it's a very very it's a very very low friction point there's nothing that's gonna there's nothing is going to wear out this year that captures the hammer when it comes back is also hardened those two surfaces can interact literally forever without any breakdown so there's no need to oil anything inside this whatsoever at all nothing the the entire the entire assembly here is made of is made of a polymer so there's nothing there to rust as far as the inside of the receiver goes now we're just going to we're going to show you how to take this back slide slide the bolt to the rear bite by pulling on the bolt handle now at this point right here there's a I'm going to point it out there's a there's a track right here you see that track the end of the track you have to bring the bolt back to the rear of that track and this is where you absolutely have to be sure that you hit must be sure that you have your bolt stop pin out slide it all the way back lift up lift up the front of the bolt the breech face of the bolt lift that up until it's captured on that track hold the bolt in position now you're going to lift it straight you're going to just simply lift the bolt straight up if you push this rod there's a rod right here that the bolt slides back on with your other finger push that down and that will release that will release the bolt handles turn it over and the bolt will simply fall into your hand remove the handle through I'll try to lift it up this way it's going to jam this right out for the ejection port and that's it a few engineering notes about the receiver this is a high grade very hard aluminum receiver it received no wear whatsoever this paint in here I think the paint is very very similar it looks surprisingly like the kind of paint that's on my Webber grill so I suspect it may very well be that sort of paint would make sense it's a good it's a good durable paint but for the years it has scuffed off it has scuffed off and left the receiver bare inside its of no consequence whatsoever it will probably continue to wear off more as time goes on and if it wears it to a glassy surface it doesn't make any difference it's not going to change the gun the gun in any way or changes function it's a yes it's not even a cosmetic issue so that's that's the only that's the only thing you might notice check behind the better round the barrel that's where you'll get carbon buildup from firing so take take your brush if you want to put a drop of copies in there that's fine you can put a little bit of poppy let me just get a rag here it's good to have a rag to catch all this stuff just wipe it out with your with your hobbies any-any burned part of rather residue that you might see that hoppy isn't and the m-16 brush will release is very very nicely and you can see it's it's scrounging up all that basically it's just smoke that accumulates so that's it go back inside now with your rag but just simply clean up the inside of the receiver and that's it as far as it that's as far as it needed to go I'm going to now I'm going to pass my bore snake down to the breech end which is always that's always the best way to approach a gun if you can is to go through the breech end and I don't expect it's going to take more than one pass to get completely cleaned out sorry for being off camera for a minute here okay I passed it completely through go to take my word on that I'm just not tall enough to work reach up vertically well I'm at the bench so that's all there is to it I've got the I've got the barrel cleaned out I can take a look with Mike I can take a look with my bore like by looking down the front end of the barrel and sure enough it's a absolutely mirror bright one pass was all it needed and it's good to go it doesn't need any it doesn't need any conventional cleaning with a rod and bore brush or anything like that or patches it just it's a very very bright bore and there's no there's no real abuse that it sustains no matter how much shooting you do with it restoring this gun back together is very very simple but it can be it can be tricky make sure that you place the pointed the conical end of that rod against that raised raised surface in the back of the receiver right the face of that read surface that's just got a hollowed out call it out point then I just simply prefer to take my finger and pull this pull it back with with both fingers but if you want you can you know you can assist it by taking the blade of a screwdriver and using using the flat blade of a screwdriver you can you can pull it back like this once you get a jack to the rear of the ejection port just simply hold it in that position rate right there take your bolt we want to just you know this this bolt is just we'll do that on camera yes so you can see just going to just going to simply wipe this down a little bit of hoppy still left on my brush there's really nothing to clean up on these just to the face of the face of the breach right here and wipe it off that's all there is to it that that little amount of Hoppy's just wipe off your pass there's matter for a little bit of hoppy stays on there one or a thing that will settle the rest of it will evaporate some some carbon sometime sometimes collects in these grooves here any recess is a place where carbon will go in just clean it off until it looks good and bright so we'll go back to we'll go back to this point here pull the pull the bolt handle to the rear until it stops at the at the window now retain it with your retain it with your thumb you have to get this breech face behind behind this rail right here if this rail stopped just a little bit to the to the front of the handle so you want to make sure that that drops down into behind that first of all you don't want to get the back of the bolt another way you don't want to get this end of the bolt into the receiver because it's geometrically it's just not going to it's not going to make it so simply drop it down in position as you release a little bit of pressure on the handle let the handle come forward get a little bit you keep your finger pressure on the bolt and it will drop into its way that's it that's all there is to it to getting that bolt out so see if I can repeat the procedure pull back lift up push down on the rod release it can you replicate it pull the pull the handle to the rear the pulp in front of that in front of that in front of that track drop it down in like the bolt come forward just a little bit there we go make sure you have the handle far enough back so that engage that engage that slot in the top of the bolt okay we're good to go we can just simply put this back together make sure that you have your hammer withdrawn and it's locked in place hold onto the ejector if it's necessary if it doesn't capture itself and just simply place it back into the back into the receiver that's all there is to it now you just want to push those pins in there we go just manipulate the trigger guard and that will sometimes forward and back now I've got those two pins and hold them in place so they don't slide out and put your bolt stop in back in make sure you put the bolt stop pin back in and again don't don't worry about the fact that the bolt slams against the bolt stop pin that's exactly where we then you need to do no harm done whatsoever it was never going to never going to harm the gun you don't have to enrich somebody for some product that the gun doesn't have to have okay now if you notice I got to hold those pins so they don't fall out right here there's this slot right here this needs to engage this section of the stock right here there's a section of the stock right here this race is very fun right here this needs to pass underneath that portion of the trigger-guard so all you need to do is just make sure that you have those pins captured so they don't fall out in the middle of the whole process work slide the again slide the trigger-guard into position in the backyard the trigger-guard into position and just drop it down on out you don't have to worry about the you don't have to worry about the cross bowl safety coming from the other direction isn't there's nothing near to harm and just tighten up your tighten up this group and use your old penny or you can use any screwdriver it's not necessary to get a hole or ground screwdriver for this this is if this is the only gun you have anything will do there's no there's no torquing of that screw just just finger tight is sufficient you back in order everything is good thanks for watching make sure you pass along these video to your friends be sure to subscribe also and god bless
Channel: undefined
Views: 413,010
Rating: 4.9061866 out of 5
Keywords: Take down, takedown, take, down, lubrication, oil, rifle, carbine, walnut, stock, sporter, sights, peep, front, bead, patridge, maintain
Id: Rn0PxT-hCyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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