22 Hidden Minecraft Secret Base Entrances Players have made...

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from hidden entrances you will just never find to some clever use of mob mechanics and even a few epic entrances along the way i am the deputy well and in this video i will be showing you 22 hidden entrance designs that will be guaranteed to keep your chest enchantment setups and secret bases safe from your friends and enemies for our first entrance lane hd is building a world base all around redstone and this is the entrance that he has come up with for his new world it makes use of minecarts armor stands and shulker boxes it's technically not survival friendly but gives you a good idea of what can be achieved going forward all other entrances in this video will be obtainable through survival gainful burge is showing off his small hidden composter entrance design so small whiz biz 9000 didn't want a boring entrance for his castle build so he made this instead and it comes out in the most perfect location you've ever seen [Music] aggro has made this really clever hidden door using the fact that striders really are obsessed with mushrooms what's my purpose in life you open and close doors oh my god [Music] this isn't a secret engine but it's a cool one that i fell in love with fish food 6 has created this entrance with a really awesome entry for his bamboo forest village he's been working on it looks so good [Music] wolf pack 01 making use of the fact that atrona can actually trigger tripwires behind walls making for this really awesome hidden door mcconnell forever showing us this awesome flying hidden machine entrance design he goes into detail and the requirements you need to pull it off in his post which can be found linked in the description below but for now let's just enjoy how relaxing it is oh and have you left a like thank you if you have [Music] this entrance is clean imagine rocking up to your friend's base and this is how you're greeted [Music] [Music] this is very source's friend's entrance to his diagon alley in his harry potter world remake [Music] wizbiz 9000 back again firstly showed us his entrance well now it's time for a hidden exit just in case you need to escape fast [Music] created this seamlessly hidden storage room and well he just wanted to show it off and i'm glad he did not all hidden entrances to a base need to make use of end game redstone tricks this one uses a little bit of parkour instead and it's equally as impressive i would bet money that your friends would just never think to do that gigas has a hidden vault in his base that his friends still haven't been able to find and he is three months into their playthrough the button is actually so well hidden i can't even see it when watching the video back [Music] cubicity's staircase is a little sauce i bet there's a hidden door in it oh look i was right who would have thought from staircases to beautiful entrances tln25 has created this beautiful walkway to eat and portal if this is my world it'll make me want to go to the end every day [Music] last wanderer a youtuber that makes some great videos and you should totally check out has created this video that uses a collection of different hidden door techniques enjoy the video and make sure to go check them out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this one is amazing taeyang yt has created this ocean temple style hidden staircase he has a video on his channel again showing how to build it so if you want to see the specifics on how it's made go check out his link down below not an entrance or a door but i thought it was a pretty cool hidden thing jig showing off infinite water sources using a waterlogged slab crafty mastova made the biggest hidden ever portal you can find and again he has a tutorial for those who are interested to see how the redstone works [Music] the darth paper is starting to enjoy hidden entrances and it shows he has four in his base he might have had addiction now [Music] a secret entrance in a secret engines just in case you wanted to be extra secretive what are you hiding in there [Music] [Music] mcconnell forever has reached his limit he has five hidden redstone doors in his tiny underwater room i feel like this isn't even a base anymore it's just a collection of hidden entrances i think again he might be addicted to making them [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow you made it this far into the video so please make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe to see more i have two more videos on screen i think you'll enjoy and as always thank you for watching you
Channel: TheDerpyWhale
Views: 47,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, thederpywhale, hidden, easter eggs, doors, secret, bases, how to, hide, your, chests, entrances, hidden entrances, secrets, secret bases, secret entrance, hidden door, secret base, redstone doors, how to hide your chests, how to hide your chests in minecraft, minecraft secret, hidden chests, minecraft secret base, minecraft hidden base
Id: FqbthdzdefE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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