210804 - Chad Lamb: Moving the Heavenlies from Earth

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[Music] he for my heart before even time began my life was in his hands he knows my name he knows he sees each tear that falls and hears [Music] he calls me his own he'll never leave me no matter where i go [Music] he knows my name [Music] he knows my everything he sees each tear that falls and he hears me when i call i have a father and i have a father he calls me his own he'll never lead no matter where i go he knows [Music] he sees each tear that falls and he hears me when i call he knows my name he knows my name he owes me he sees each tear that falls and heals amen praise god um we're going to be seated for just a minute and then we'll stand and pray together i just wanted to let you know that i received word today that brother tim pruitt's wife sister karen passed away this morning and so i know that such a tragic loss for the church there for the family and for brother tim i'd just like to bring that to your attention and i'd like to pray together as an assembly for their assembly for the pruitt family and for brother tim pruitt especially because i can only imagine what they're going through right now and the struggle that they're going through and i also wanted to let you know that this past monday brother tommy ernst passed away of covid and some of you might remember brother tommy he's preached here before he's been around for a long time he was out in wichita kansas been out there for quite a while but he's left his wife and children behind so there's a lot of difficult things going on right now i think they're planning on having the funeral for brother karen on our sister karen on sunday i don't know about brother tommy ernst but i know this saturday also will be the funeral for brother stephen francis so there's a lot happening a lot of difficult things going on and there's a it looks like a weakening overall but never forget that god's strength is made perfect in weakness and when i am weak then am i strong these are the times for faith to rise to the occasion we know that in happy valley now they're having a real tragedy with a covert outbreak i've heard somewhere as of a hundred or more people had coveted and 11 are in the hospital if i've got those numbers right so the bride around the world needs to stick together and pray for one another now more than ever and pray that lord will just confirm his word in our lives and that god will lift up each one and strengthen each one who's going through difficult times amen i remember brother branham said you've got to crush a rose to get the fragrance out of it and it seems like now is a squeezing crushing pressuring time for many all around but may the fragrance of the holy ghost be a sweet savor to his nostrils may we conduct ourselves as children amidst all of these trials so i'd like to stand together and pray together as an assembly for these needs someone said god bless you brother jonathan golf it's good to have you here i haven't seen you for a while and i see brother terry here god bless you by the terry horn let's just bow our heads and let's pray lord jesus we thank you lord for the privilege to bow our heads and say that we love you for we know we couldn't love you unless you first loved us and to be able to call you father lord is such a tremendous privilege lord may we never take it for granted and as we come to you lord we have brothers and sisters that are hurting right now that have lost dear ones lord and we know that you do all things well that all things work together for the good and lord you have a purpose in everything but it's so sad and so grieving lord to your children god we just pray lord for the pruitt family and for brother tim pruitt especially i can't imagine lord how he's suffering but i pray that you'd be a very special comfort to him in this time made you undergird him with strength and sustain him by your hand and bless the whole church the whole assembly there lord for brother tommy ernst family as well i pray he would touch them supernaturally and strengthen his wife and his children and the congregation there in wichita blessed him and helped him and lord for our brothers and sisters and happy valley lord there with brother donnie lord they're going through a real difficult time right now with sickness with many in the hospital and i pray that you would show yourself mighty on their behalf lord that you would deliver that you would raise up that you would heal that you would confirm your word once again god we're trusting in you we have no strength in ourselves but lord you are our strength you are strong tower you are deliverer you are healer you are all in all and we're depending on you and we're asking you lord to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters around the world we're still remembering the francis family lord as they have a funeral coming up this saturday a memorial service for brother stephen be with them and help them and comfort them in this time and lord so many more who maybe the names we don't know and we haven't heard but god we're just praying for every family that's lost a loved one for every church that's lost one of their members lord that you would come and that you would provide comfort peace let your love envelop them and let them know that all is well and everything's okay and that you're in control and that all these things will work together for your good we love you father we ask god as we take this word your precious word this evening and read it i pray that you would break the bread of life give us eyes to sea and ears to hear for we who remain on this earth of your seed we want to boldly proclaim this message to the last breath that we have in our bodies we want to stand for this word despite what's going on around us lord despite difficulties and weaknesses and tragedies lord your word yet remains true and our faith is just as anchored as it ever was we pray god that you'd be glorified in the preaching of your word and you'd be magnified and may always say and do bring glory into your name in jesus christ's name we pray amen and while you're standing let's take a look in ephesians chapter six and we'll start there and i want to continue on with a thought that came out of sunday's thought we were preaching on reconciling heaven and earth and i'd like to take for a title for a subject tonight moving the heavenlies from earth moving the heavenlies from earth and if we could look at ephesians chapter 6 and begin reading at verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places and we remind you that that word high is interpreted elsewhere in the bible as heavenly or heavens or heavenlies so this is spiritual wickedness in heavenly places this is not talking about government heads in washington dc and that's not what this is talking about i mean this isn't the high places it's talking about it's actually we're at warfare we're at a spiritual battle warring against principalities and powers in the heavenlies in high places verse 13 wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girt about with the truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints amen may god bless the reading of his word as you're seated keep your place here i just want to pull out and highlight a few things here when we go through this we see brother venom told us he said if we look at the weapons of our warfare and all the armor that's given to the believer he said there's not one thing that's physical because this is not a physical battle we're not in involved in physical warfare or a physical battle amen this is spiritual we're not fighting things we see but we are fighting against forces and things that we don't see we're fighting against principalities and powers in heavenly places so the the battle armament were given and the weapons were given are spiritual so we have to understand where we're at and when we go to a natural battle on the earth we've already missed what's going on amen we're being deceived and we're being duped in some carnal thing that we're fighting or sorting out amen we've we've already fallen prey we've already fallen into the trap we've already taken the devil's bait but we must always look beyond the natural and look at the spirit that's behind it and we need to fight that spirit with the sword of the spirit which is the word of god now if you look at this armor that's been given to us he says here taken to you in verse 13 the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand there for having your loins gert about with truth so when we look at this we're going to look at these pieces of armor and we find that traditionally when we look through this it looks like there's 6 but we know 6 is man's number but seven is the number of completion so there's a seventh weapon that's given a seventh piece of armament and we wanna look at that and that's the one i wanna focus on today so first there's the loins gird about with truth that's one breastplate of righteousness 2 feet shot with the preparation of the gospel piece 3 the shield of faith that's four amen the helmet of salvation that's five the sword of the spirit which is the word of god six so where's the seventh is in verse 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit amen this isn't just repeating words this isn't a prayer book this isn't a five minutes i've got to do this before i eat my meal but this is praying with all supplication in the spirit amen this is another weapon that we have and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints we're supposed to be supplicating or interceding for all saints this is part of what we're here for and part of what we're here to do so prayer amen is an important part of what we do let's turn to matthew chapter 9 and look at a couple more scriptures i do not intend to go very fast i want to take time and look at these scriptures so we'll just move along and take it as a bible study this evening matthew chapter 9 verse 35. now when i say bible study it doesn't mean you're not supposed to say amen amen this we want an amending bible study amen matthew chapter 9 verse 35. and jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd then saith he unto his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into the harvest brother brahm discusses the scripture and we quoted this quote la sunday but i want to read it again from the message the new minister my new ministry says now you say well if he knows it then why are you preaching that's part of god's program preaching is his program when he looked upon the apostles he looked upon the harvest he said the harvest is right and the laborers are few pray the lord of the harvest that he will send laborers into his harvest how many remembers that well why would they have to pray to the lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest if the lord of the harvest was standing there knowing it would be done why god has so arranged it that now listen to this god has so arranged it that his program cannot move without you and i lock into that friends he told his disciples he's standing there and he's talking about multitudes and the sickness and the need amen of the people and he says and he looks over them with compassion and he says to us who his disciples now here he is the lord of the harvest looking out and noticing amen with compassion the need of the people and he says to the disciples pray to the lord of the harvest that he'll send laborers into the harvest and brother branham said he was the lord of the harvest he was the one who saw the condition and knew they needed it amen but why did he tell them to pray because god has so arranged it that he cannot do anything without you and i god has put himself on partnership with man and he needs these disciples to pray to him so that he can move and send laborers into the into the field and we think you know god's going to do everything god's got everything under control and god's going to do everything we miss the program of god when we go that way we miss the fact that god has so set his program he says it this way amen back in this quote god is so arranged that his program cannot move without you and i it's his program it's his plan it's by predestination it's by foreign knowledge he knows what will happen but he had to get us here amen and he's got to get us here with free moral agency but with a nature and a character in us that will take that word and see the situation and speak and pray the word in this situation and god can move on that prayer because it's according to the word and it's by faith he has to have somebody on the earth that that will see amen that will catch inspiration that can pray in the spirit by faith and pray the word so that he can begin to put the word into motion so we get the we get to sometimes you know we act like we're little toddlers and toddlers you know you know just expect mom and dad to do everything they'll pour the cereal they'll pour the milk they'll hand you the spoon they'll even sometimes stick it in your mouth and take the napkin and wipe it off but god wants us to mature because he's put us on partnership with him and he wants us to get to a place where we begin to act like he would act on this earth and by being on this earth and acting the way he would act and fulfilling the word and praying amen and calling out to god to move in situations amen it activates the heavenly realm and the heavenly realm gets into action according to the word and puts the word into action see the other is extreme calvinism and brother venom was against extreme calvinism where everything's all planned out there's no need in preaching you don't need to do missionary work everything that's going to be saved is going to be saved and they took a truth and they went too far on a truth and armenianism did the same thing but brother branham was able to bring them together and say yes god has a plan god has foreign knowledge and in his foreknowledge he's called an earthly vessel and that earthly vessel amen is going to be on earth at the right time to see the right thing to have the right faith to catch the right inspiration to speak the right words amen so that predestinated plan of god will go into action because he's got children on the earth amen that represent him and have caught his mind and when they catch his mind they begin to call out in prayer and in supplication amen and god says that's just what i've been waiting for puts him into motion if not we sit back and become so complacent and and we have situations and when you say well if god wants it this way that's the way it's going to be maybe god doesn't want it that way maybe god's trying to put a little pressure on us so that we'll take the word and stand up and say god this is not according to your word but you've laid a promise in this word and i'm praying god that you'll bring that promise to pass maybe that's what he's waiting for and we're sitting here waiting oh god you know you know all things if you want me to be happy you'll make me happy if you want me to be healed i'll be healed if you want me no he's wanting you to say god you told me you would heal me lord and there's an affliction upon me and i'm calling out to you to keep your word in my body god there's this situation amen in the church there's a situation in the world amen we need you to move on this situation so that we can keep going forward in the word and god says that's just what i was waiting for i was waiting amen for one of my agents i was waiting amen for one of my partners to call me on the scene amen he says i'll finish this quote so arrange it that his program cannot move without you and i and as long as we're not doing what god leads us to do we are paralyzing his program but when the church moves by the anointing of the holy ghost then we are in god's will doing his program i want to look i've quoted this it's been quoted brother kyle read it so several weeks ago i've quoted it several times and this uh this uh uh tongues and interpretation that came uh from danny henry over brother branham and i just want to read it and i want you to just catch it we've been talking about it quite a bit but i just i really want to read it and this is out of the message birth pains and he's referring to this he said i would like to read this note this is the original note of one of them and it was from this man that was interpreted i may not be able to call his name just right ladue victor ledoux he's a full-blooded frenchman now here's the message now this is uh danny henry went and wrapped his arms around brother branham and said brother branham if that's not sacrilegious that could be the the 22nd or 23rd chapter of revelations whatever he said there and then he began to speak in french amen and then there was three people there that gave the interpretation one was victor ledoux one was a woman from new orleans who knew french and one was an interpreter for the united nations and they all wrote down their notes they all brought them together and they all matched exactly and this is what was said because thou has chosen the narrow path the harder way thou has walked of your own choosing thou has picked the correct and precise decision and it is my way and listen my brother branham had to make a decision he had to make a choice and he chose to go the narrow path he chose to go the harder way amen but it was the predestinated will of god that god by foreknowledge knew that he would take this will but god never forced him to take this god put him on free moral agency because god's got a partnership with man and he needed that prophet to make this choice i'm telling you he needed that prophet to make this church there's a battle going on that started way way way back before there was a molecule or speck of stardust or an atom or anything before there was anything there was war that broke out in sin that began in heaven with the rebellion of lucifer and that war has spilled down into this realm amen and somehow with that battle in place god is still operating by his law he is still operating by his rules god will not break his own rules to defeat lucifer god has integrity god is a god of justice and a god of truth amen and if he drew lines he will always color within the lines do you understand you're not going to make god unjust and you're going to make god lose his integrity so god has set up laws and god has set up a plan and i'm speaking things that i don't fully comprehend but things that i understand in the spirit that there's a way that god operates and god cannot violate his own law and one of god's laws is free moral agency and he cannot violate the law of free moral agency or free choice so he cannot make you do something amen and somehow there's rules of engagement i know this this may sound crazy but it's just the way it is friends there's spiritual rules of engagement in this battle amen and the battle place is now the the the mutual meeting ground how do you know there's rules of engagement because brother venom told us in the greatest battle ever fought these two forces got together and they had to decide on where the meeting ground was going to be where they fought so they they had some rules they made a decision amen they chose together amen where the meeting place would be for these two forces to test their strength and that would be in the mind of man amen and you wonder why you're having mental battles it's explainable amen it goes all the way back to the war that was in heaven and because they've decided where they're going to face off and test their strength amen the battle is over the word of god lucifer is trying to defeat the word of god so he's he's attacking and fighting and tearing down the word it's a battle between lucifer and the word and there's certain rules though there's a rule for uh brother i said there's an unwritten rule of free choosing free moral agency you have a right to make your choice and god will not violate that because somehow if he violates that he's no longer playing by the rules so when god sent a prophet here brother braham said i could go sit on the bank of the river and fish every day of my life and still be saved he knew who he was he knew he was a child of god and he wasn't going to be lost but yet the program of god wouldn't move forward if he went and sat on the bank of the river and fished the rest of his life and you say well he could have done it he said he could have done it so he could have done it but he didn't do it so you can say well what if he would have done it would he raise up no he would have never raised anybody else up there's one predestinated vessel that's why when moses left his commission amen and he tried to save the the uh tried to save the israelites and killed one egyptian and run off to the wilderness god couldn't say well i'm done with him i'll get the next willing vessel no he was a predestinated vessel he couldn't get anybody else but he had to get that man to align with his will amen that's why when god would go and beat all of moses out of moses amen he would give him a hot tempered wife what was he doing he was trying to get him in condition where the free choice will match god's choice put him on the backside of the desert amen away from i mean you know how moses grew up and the way moses grew up compared to what moses went to an exile what is it god is trying to humble him god's going to abase him amen amen then he gives him a hot tempered wife i'm so glad the prophet said things like that what was he trying to do he was molding that character so when he got when he got moses all beat down and moses humbled amen now he's going to come to him in a burning bush now listen god can't make moses do anything moses has to choose by free moral agency but god's finally got him to a place where moses has no confidence in himself amen he's totally beat down god comes to him in a burning bush and god knows exactly how to get our attention and he brings him up and he begins to give him a commission and now he's done such a good job of beating all of moses out of moses moses says i can't do it god send somebody else and he begins to argue with god until god becomes angry with him god did a good job but he could never force moses if you look at the argument between god and moses god never god says i'm sending you now go down he says no i can't do it he says i can't speak he says well i'll give you aaron your brother to be your prophet okay he'll speak for you and this and making excuses and god is working with moses because he's got to get moses to make the choice moses has to go of his own choosing but when moses goes it is god's way and it is god's choice it was the way god saw in his mind before the foundation of the world amen but it still had to be by free choice he couldn't be forced into it although it was already god's plan but god would put a seed down inside of him with a certain nature that could respond to certain things and god knows how to get that seed to respond and so as that seed would begin to respond amen moses would now make his choice and he would say i'll go and so then he goes and now back to this quote thou has chosen the narrow path the harder way that was walked of your own choosing you didn't go fish on the bank of the river the rest of your life enjoying your salvation amen but you made a choice to go the narrow path you made a choice to go the harder way and he says you you have and thou has walked of your own choosing amen this is super critical friends because we always we god gives us a choice amen we have a choice to make and we can go the narrow way or we can try to take the easy way amen and man is always trying to take the easy way and they want to serve god in this message the easy way and it's not going to work amen it absolutely won't work god will let you stumble stub your toe bust your nose amen your life fall to peace all kinds of stuff will go wrong until you finally of your own choosing decide to go the narrow way the harder path and if you go that way you'll goal of your own choosing not by force thou has walked of your own choosing thou has picked the correct and precise decision and it is my way now listen thou has picked yes the correct you picked did brother branham pick or did god pick i mean which came first brother branham's choice or god's foreknowledge it was god's foreknowledge but it was brother bam's choice the two have to come together word has to come to word life has to come to life two omnipotents have to meet two these two aspects of the word of god amen the foreknowledge the word amen the four known word of god and the manifested word of god have to come to the same place and when they come to the same place it moves god's program down the road but when they're out of kilter the program's not moving amen when the word from before the foundation of the world amen in the and the manifested word in this day are not lined up the program's not going anywhere but when they start to line up together then the program moves down the road and it's up to us to make the choice to choose the word amen he says you pick the correct and precise decision and it is my way so if it's god's way it's not a new way it's not a way that adjusted to brother branham's way if he says it is my way it was his way before there was a speck of stardust now listen what comes next because of this momentous decision because of your choice think about this friends because of your choice because of this momentous decision a huge portion of heaven awaits thee what a glorious decision now has made this in itself what the decision the choice then is in itself is that which will give and may come to pass the tremendous victory and love divine our brother says divine love the capstone ministry the capstone revelation the capping of it all amen now will come amen it will bring to pass listen he said it will this in itself your decision is what will give what will give to the people the capstone divine love and will may come to pass the capstone divine love the tremendous victory in love divine what was that that was god's program from before the foundation of the world at the end time amen to call his bride into the tremendous victory of divine love and ministry she would know his love she would know his mind she would know the thoughts he had of her before the foundation of the world what brought this in the past what gave it and brought it to come to pass this great victory what was it it was the decision of a man with a seventh grade education born amen in kentucky it was the decision of this human being that brought all of this to pass you see it wasn't just his makeup in his mind a decision he made that god had to adjust to no it was a decision that was aligned with the foreknowledge the predestinated plan of god and when those two things come together the programmed of god moved on there was a man on earth amen who would get amen because of an attribute seed of god placed in him that had certain characteristics that had to be expressed amen when the revelation of the word came along and he was faced with certain challenges amen he was pressed into certain conditions he was moved into certain places where he would have to make choices is that right and when he was pressed into that there was something on the inside that could catch inspiration of the spirit and could make the choice according to the revelation of the word and when he made that joys he was aligning with the predestinated will of god and then the program would advance god had this in his mind before the foundation of the world but he had to have that man make the choice or god's program was stalled the program of the capstone the program of all these things it was all stalled and you know and you wonder why brother brenham suffered so much and you wonder why he lost hope and he lost uh sharon rose amen it was because when he went to mitchell walk and he come in contact with the pentecostals amen he found something amen it triggered something on that seed on the inside it was beginning to come alive because that's what he was born for amen but his mother-in-law talked him out of it so he made a decision not to go like moses made a decision to run away from his brother brother brother made the decision not to go amen so what did god do amen god allowed the circumstances of life amen to come down and bring such a pressure such a squeeze amen such a difficulty in his life that the next time that he's presented with the opportunity he makes a different decision and this decision is aligned with the word amen we've if you've got to serve god for any length of time you have blown it a time or two you made horrible decisions and horrible mistakes and some that you're probably still paying for today amen but you can look back on that and say thank god because it's moved me to a position where i want to take the narrow way i want to go the harder way there was a time i wanted an easier way but i found what lead that path of an easier way leads to such grieving such heartache such difficulty that that god allowed me to go there of my own choosing he allowed me to reap that that fruit of that choice and i say thank you god for allowing me to reap the fruit of that decision because i'm coming to another one amen and these are momentous decisions friends these are momentous occasions because this is the end time brine and she's got to take this full word and put it on display we're coming to momentous decisions and we have to make the choice to go the narrow path the harder way it's a way of separation rejection misunderstanding difficulty not to mention what everybody outside the message thinks it's not an easy path but when brother brandon made his choice this in itself your choice is that which will give and may come to pass to tremendous victory in love divine say thank you god for a prophet of god a man that would go under such pressure and such strain and such heartache but he would make that decision because i'm reaping the benefit of his choice and i say may god allow somebody else to reap the benefit of our choices friends as we choose the narrow path the harder way let's go to genesis 18. genesis 18 verse 20. and the lord said because the cry of sodom and gomorrah is great and because their sin is very grievous i will go down now and see whether they have done all together according to the cry of it which just come unto me and if not i will know this is such a strange scripture to me because doesn't god already know but somebody's crying out against sodom and when somebody began to cry out against sodom and who knows how many and nunos in what way but there was a cry against sodom and that cry against sodom brought god down to investigate the cry what if nobody was crying amen it was the cry that put him in action it was the cry that brought him down it was the cry against sodom amen there was a cry on earth somebody was crying against the condition and it was moving the heavenlies into action and god was coming down to investigate let's go to exodus chapter 3. the problem is we don't know who we are the problem is spiritual amnesia keeps trying to creep in and the only thing that will drive it out is the word of god and it's purity amen and we've got to stay constantly immersed in this word or that spiritual amnesia and that laodicean condition keeps bringing cataracts and cataracts and cataracts but amen there's a surgeon here dr jesus can take the word and cut the cataracts away so we can see in the word who we really are what we're here for amen that our purpose on this earth is not just the carnal things amen god is wanting to express himself through the carnal things we're not going to stop working and living in homes and driving cars and having a phone we're not going to stop any of that but god's going to express through all of that and if you don't know if we if we forget who we are amen we drop down out of the heavenly realm and we start just focusing on the carnal and we start focusing on work and car and house and and it's a total consummation of our whole all of our thoughts and all of our time and all of our energies amen and that's not what god wants god wants us to break free from amnesia and say i'm a son of god driving this car i'm a son of god working in this place i'm a son of god living on this neighborhood we're not americans amen we're sons and daughters of god living in america so we've got to stop acting like americans or acting like canadians or acting like whatever we are we're going to stop acting like whatever position we are mechanics amen or our engineers or whatever we got to stop acting like that we got to start acting like christians that are engineers and christians amen that are mechanics and christians that live on this neighborhood and not lose sight of what we're here so that we make choices to go the narrow path the harder way every time we're faced with the choice because god god has a partnership with man and his partnership with man is not men who've passed on before his partnership with man is men and women who are alive now he was on partnership with him then but they've already fulfilled their their parts but he's in partnership with men and women who are on earth today exodus 3 verse 7 and the lord said i have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters for i know their sorrows and i am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the egyptians and to bring them out of the land into a good land and large into a land flowing with milk and honey unto the place of the canaanites and the hittites and the amorites and the perizzites and the hivites and the jebusites now therefore behold the cry of the children of israel has come unto me and i have also seen the oppression where with the egyptians oppressed them come now therefore and i will send thee into pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of israel out of egypt what did god indicate was the reason he was coming down amen it was the cry of the people you said but he already prophesied to abraham this is exactly what was going to happen amen and there was there was also a witness of abraham or moses he was born a proper child to be a deliverer there was a witness at his birth amen there was a witness to abraham amen you're right on the timeline god you have to do this i mean just go and do it now he was waiting for something amen because moses showed up a few years earlier and the people weren't ready in the condition amen they weren't ready to choose the narrow path the harder way they rejected moses and moses ran away moses wasn't ready and the people weren't ready but god showed up on his timeline 400 years he showed up on the timeline according to prophecy amen but but the people he was in partnership weren't ready to make the right choice so god sent moses to the wilderness to a hot tempered wife into the back side of the desert and he left the people in bondage and increased their bondage and when god just cranked down the scrooge just one more turn all the sudden the hearts of the people began to cry for the prophecy they begin to cry out unto the lord until finally he comes in a burning bush amen he comes as the logos the pillar of fire to meet his prophet amen it's time this is the man god saw it by foreknowledge everything's kicking just according to his timepiece but when he comes down he doesn't say i decided today's the day and now you're going he said i have heard the cry of my people amen i've got a people down there that have cried unto heaven and they've got heaven activated to go into motion and i've come down and i'm sending you see when that battle moved from heaven to earth according to what we see in the scriptures the battle moved from heaven to earth amen and there's still a battle in heaven but it has everything to do with what's going on in earth it's still we we wore not against flesh and blood not against carnal things we're we're at war against principalities and powers in heavenly places so we're fighting in heavenly places so there's on earth there's something that's happening on earth but the battle is supernatural spiritual so i do like this and i point like this so you know what i'm talking about but really it's all right here amen heaven's not far away it's all right here just moving at a faster speed amen those dimensions are all right here they're moving amongst us amen amen brother basically god is here the angels are here the devils are here so you know i say this and i do this that's a poor representation i don't know how to show it's all like this it's all around us friends we're immersed in the battle amen but these two opposing forces amen the war moved from heaven and now it's in you amen and the battleground is in you and it's all based on the decisions that you and i make i've heard the cry of my people the cry of the children of israel what is cry prayers supplications i've heard the prayers of my people and i've come down to deliver them why because they were praying in time with the prophecy but the prophecy had been spoken the prophecy was laying there the foreknowledge of god had already went forth in the mind of god and now it was a spoken word on earth spoken amen to abraham now these things are moving along amen moving along but there has to be something to activate them into the earthly realm there has to be something that activates them to move down and get emotion and what's going to activate them is when he hears the cry of his people now the people are ready moses is ready amen the people are crying out oh god bring us deliverance oh god deliver your people and now this foreign knowledge of god and this spoken word prophecy are moving along and when the people begin to cry god says now it's time amen i've heard the cry of my people they have activated me to move the prophecy forward praise be to god friends say god forgive me for being a lazy christian this whole plan of redemption has everything to do with you and i as long as he can get one of god's subjects to let down the bar on the word then satan's gotten victory over the word how much of the word does he have to have victory over to keep us in these bodies how much of the word does he have to have victory over so they were still continuing the battle but there's got to be a people that says lord i want to be in tune with the prophecy i want to be in tune with the word i want to make my choice to choose the word at every junction amen in every conversation and everywhere my eyes land i want to choose to take the word at every junction in every situation and under every circumstance because i realize it's critical god it's absolutely critical yes sir brother brim says well the scripture i believe someplace says that the devils tremble when the weakest of saints get to their knees what a power and the privilege has been given to the church of the living god when you fall to your knees in prayer even the devils tremble to the weakest of them think of it when you as a creature from this earth but now been born again by the spirit of god a redeemed son or daughter of god when they look and see that earthly vessel dropped to its knees and bow its head the devils begin to tremble because what's happening is in your prayer if you can pray in the spirit and you can catch the mind of god on the word and you can begin to supplicate and pray unto god according to his word amen you are getting ready to activate voices in heaven you're getting ready to move the word into action amen move the spirit of god into action because that's what he's always seen down through time when the people begin to pray amen god said when my people amen who call by my name will humble themselves and pray i'll hear from heaven and answer them i mean god didn't just come down and say i'm going to do this and do this and do this and do this and do this and do that no somebody had to pray amen somebody had to be on earth as an agent amen calling out for the word calling out for the time of deliverance calling out for something so that god can move according to the rules let's look at genesis chapter 20. oh i just love the word of god i meant all by it but it's also such a heavy burden to realize all of this is hinging upon the redeemed seed of god genesis 20 verse 6. and god said to him in a dream this is abimelech now god said to him in a dream yeah i know that thou did this in the integrity of thy heart for i also withheld thee from sinning against me therefore suffered i.d not to touch her he had taken sarah because now sarah was turned back young and she was beautiful he had taken sarah to be one of his wives and before he could touch her god comes to him a dream and he says god you know the integrity of my heart i didn't know they said that was her brother amen and he says i know that's what he tells him i know the integrity of your heart that's why i suffered you not to touch her. now listen now therefore restore the manna's wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not know thou that that know thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine god is speaking to abimelech god almighty god is speaking to abimelech in a dream and he's warning abimelech not to take that woman and he said because of the integrity of your heart i spared you but god god could not release abimelech until abraham prayed you think god can do anything that he wants to do amen that god can just come down to a bearing like and say i hold you guiltless i understand the integrity of your heart you go on you're free he's having a conversation with god in a dream and god is telling him exactly what's going on but god himself cannot say you're free god has an agent on the earth and that agent has to intercede for abimelech and when abraham intercedes for a billion beam election god honors abraham's prayer and then he releases abimelech why i said we don't know who we are we are the royal seed amen we're the seed of abraham they mean the same thing is now on earth in the seed of abraham god has so worked his program that he cannot move without you and i thank you he's got abraham on the earth amen one of his chosen amen he's a prophet and he and he's talking to abimelech and saying you know i understand but you you know for me to release you you're going to have to get this man to pray for you that doesn't make sense oh it makes sense you just don't understand what the carnal mind how that makes sense but it makes perfect sense because god is still playing by the rules even if i can't tell you what all the rules are i know he's playing by the rules let's go to verse 17. so abraham prayed unto god and god healed to be malec and his wife and his maidservants and their and they bear children for the lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of abimelech because of sarah abraham's wife so god before he speaks to be like god had already closed their wounds and shut down any reproduction amen and now he's sitting here in this condition and god warns him of sarah tells him not to take her but god won't reverse what he put on him and he won't release him until one of god's agents on the earth prays to god and intercedes on behalf of and when he prays for a bema like god releases him and opens the wombs oh the word of god is showing us something friends let's see it amen it's not about well god will take care of that and god will do whatever he wants and whatever's supposed to happen will happen no god needs agents on the earth to begin to pray and say god forgive my brother amen for what he did let him go free god forgive my sister god forgive my neighbor amen i don't want anybody to be judged on account of me i want them to go free i want to intercede on their behalf [Music] it's not just trivial it's not just words there's power behind it if god moves you in your heart you say god amen my brother he's making a bad decision and i'm worried about god i'm asking that you stop him i'm asking that you send the agent of the holy ghost after to turn him around you can't just say well if he's doing wrong god will god will get a hold of him something will work out amen no we got to realize who we are say god help my brother help my sister move in this situation forgive those that have wronged me is that what the bible tells us to do forgive those that have done you wrong not hold on to bitterness and hatred and anger and hope that someday god will get them amen that's not what we're on this earth for amen we're here amen to intercede and to forgive those that have evilly mistreated us and used us wrong and and spoken evil against us we're supposed to according to the commandments of the word forgive them and if you don't forgive them the question is can god if you refuse as an agent on the earth if you refuse to forgive them cam god that's a good question i'm not going to give you the answer i'm not going to play god i'm sure you can do different things in different circumstances but i know one thing if i can forgive them amen and release any claim that i have against them and let them go free then it's completely up to god and i have nothing to do with it now and i can say god don't hold them accountable on account of me i free them and i let them go if you judge them judge them for something else but not for what they did to me because i release them from that and i let them go free because i don't want any blood on my hands amen because i was bitter and angry and wanted somebody to get punished you think that sounds great but when you're sitting at the white throne judgment you're watching the horrors that are taking place you won't think it's a good idea on that day say god don't hold them accountable let them go free god forgives them we have to know who we are amen brother branham says in 1953 now along this journey he's promised to supply everything that we have need of whatsoever you will ask the father in my name that will i do whatsoever things mark 11 24 whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it now he gave us the strongest weapon that there is in the world and that's prayer prayer is what changes things i'm reading this if you've read the message you know brother ben gives about four things that are the strongest weapon in the world prayer love a commitment or a commitment to god and the holy ghost so i'm not picking one or the other i'm just telling you what he said god gave us the strongest weapon there is in all the world and that's prayer prayer is what changes things remember that's the last piece of armor that we have it's prayer prayer is what changes things the christian doesn't realize what a force he has when he kneels on his knees before almighty god in the name of jesus christ he doesn't realize what power that is if the people could only realize that what is given right unto them anything that you ask for will be given if you can appropriate the faith to believe it for god's word is true we don't know what a power that god has given to his children that power is in prayer and it's the very thing that looks like the the weakest most ineffective thing you can do you've got troubles in your home you've got stresses at work you've got financial issues you've got uh oh you can have a myriad of issues and you should probably go fix this and fix that and talk to this person and talk to that one and talk to the boss and talk to the son and talk to the daughter and but the thing that seems to be the most ineffective is to turn around at your chair and get on your knees and slam your head right into the to the cushion of the couch or the chair and begin to cry out to god and you're like that's not doing anything no that's doing everything amen because if i run around and try to straighten something up all i'm going to do is make a messy situation messier but it's time for me to turn around and get on my knees and say there's nothing i can do god i need you amen if i'm going to talk to somebody you got to put the words in my mouth amen you got to make the circumstances work out i can't do it god i can't do it but you can and you've promised to be with me amen you've promised to undertake for me you promised to be with me to the end of the world whether so ever i go and i'm asking you to give me inspiration to handle this situation the way up is down amen it's not running around and fixing and showing off our brilliance and our intelligence and our communication skills and our ability to fix amen what we need to do is turn around and get on our knees and say god amen i'm coming to you because of your word and your word says i can come to you and i need help with this situation does that mean that the car is going to fix itself no well maybe you might go and turn the key and it's off and it's all soft or it might be god dropping inspiration in your mind you know exactly what to do instead of changing out five thousand dollars worth of parts you could change out five hundred dollars i've done both i like the second better or somebody stops by your house and they had that problem with that same model boy you were brilliant weren't you you you didn't do anything you just trusted god he's got an agent on the earth there's a power in prayer we need to start supplicating for our needs and for the needs of others and crying out for god to fulfill his word so that he's the mighty one among us amen he says in 1961 the message jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever says when we have that there's nothing will separate us there's nothing can divide us as long as we love one another i've been a minister for 31 years and i've seen all kinds of gifts i've seen god do great things but the greatest thing i ever seen in my life was love it's the most powerful for force that stops anything there is his love love that moved the mighty god god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son love is the great keynote and the thing we leave out it's something that's eternal i read that on the heels of the other one so you realize the most powerful weapon is prayer but the most powerful weapon is love the most powerful weapon is a committal to god and the most powerful weapon is the holy ghost well i want to say during prayer all of these weapons come together as one amen when you get on your knees and begin to pray and the love of god and the love of his word and the love of the brethren begins to move you into supplication and to prayer and intercession for one another it's the love by the spirit of god and then you're committing it to god and getting up and trusting that god's going to take care of it everything god said brother bram said was the most powerful weapon all align themselves when you're on your knees praying out to god prayer is the most powerful weapon when i committed to god in love by the holy ghost praise be to god if we could just get in the spirit and pray the word and believe the word and supplicate amen we're going to see god move in mighty ways we have seen it we'll continue to see it oh praise god i want to go to daniel 9. there's always more word than there's time because the word's eternal time is temporary i'm looking forward to it going away daniel chapter 9 and we'll start at verse 1. in the first year of darius the son of azaris the seed of the medes which was made king over the realm of the chaldeans in the first year of his reign i daniel understood by books the number of the years where the word of the lord came to jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolation of jerusalem and i set my face unto the lord god to seek by prayer and supplications with fastings and sackcloth and ashes daniel is looking at prophecy and he's looking at the time for the fulfillment of prophecy and daniel doesn't say well looks like god's going to take care of this daniel gets on his face with fastings with prayer with ashes and supplications he abases himself and begins to pray and say god this is what i see in your word is this time will you bring this to pass at this time and he begins to pray with fastings and sackcloth and ashes let's drop down to verse 20 and while i was speaking and praying and confessing my sins in the sin of my people israel and presenting my supplications before the lord my god for the holy mountain of my god yea while i was speaking in prayer even the man gabriel whom i have seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly touched me about the time of the evening oblation and he informed me and talked with me and said o daniel i am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding at the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth and i came to show thee for thou art greatly beloved therefore understand the matter and consider the vision seventy weeks are determined upon my people and upon the holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sin to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring an everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and anoint the most holy daniel was praying over a prophecy jeremiah had given of 70 years of desolation and he saw by the books that it was time for completion he could see by reading by an intellect that were coming into this time but he needed a revelation he needed an understanding amen and god listen god never set forth gabriel until daniel prayed you know i've heard people before they're walking through this message amen and they say well i'm waiting for god to give me a revelation the truth is they don't want to see because if they see they're responsible for what they see and because they see it will require a change in their life and that change will bring rejection it'll bring hardship and bring difficulty so the real issue is by saying i'm waiting for a revelation i mean what they're really saying is i'm sticking my head in the ground like an ostrich because i don't want to see because i don't want to be responsible for what i see but when daniel wanted to see daniel got serious with god when he wanted to know what was the truth on this prophecy he went to prayer with fastings and sackcloth and ashes and he got serious with god and god never sent a revelation to daniel till daniel got serious about seeing a revelation when daniel wanted to know the word of god in the time of god and daniel got serious enough to go to fasting and prayer with sackcloth and ashes amen god sent gabriel and gabriel come and said and when you begin to pray is when i came not before but when you begin to pray is when i came god was waiting for you so i could get here to give you this revelation well what if he didn't pray if he didn't pray gabriel would have probably come because of 70 years and it had to happen i hate the what if games god did it the way it is is the way it is he was waiting for daniel gabriel was not dispatched till daniel prayed and look at the way daniel prayed and when daniel prayed god sent an angel to him to bring a revelation of the prophecy out of the word and that revelation amen was a mighty powerful revelation let's go to chapter 10. in the third year of cyrus king of persia a thing was revealed unto daniel whose name was called delta shazar and the thing was true but the time appointed was long and the under and he understood the thing and had understanding of the vision in those days i daniel was mourning three full weeks i ate no pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did i anoint myself at all until three whole weeks were fulfilled and in the four and twentieth day of the first month as i was by the side of the great river which is head of hell then i lifted up mine eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of youfus his body also was like barrel on his faces and the appearance of a lightning and his eyes as the lamps of fire and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude let's go to verse 10 and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands and he said unto me oh daniel man greatly beloved understand the words that i speak unto thee and stand upright for unto thee am i now sin and when he had spoken this word unto me i stood trembling then said the unto me fear not daniel for from the first day that thou did set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy god thy words were heard and i am come for thy words twenty-one days he fasted and prayed and ate no pleasant bread no wine and no meat for 21 days amen and the angel was dispensed dispatched on day one but for 21 days daniel was serious about wanting understanding he goes on to say i came for thy words 13 but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me one in 20 days below michael one of the chief princes came to help me and i remain there with the kings of persia now i am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days so so daniel begins to pray i want you to pay close attention to this daniel was seeking understanding and he's mourning 21 days he's in a state of desperation for 21 days fasting and and in this 21 days he's serious and at the beginning when he begins to pray another angel is dispatched to come to him it may still be gabriel or another one the bible doesn't tell us the name of this one but but there's another angel dispatch to come and give him revelation and as he comes to give him revelation listen there's war that breaks out in the heavenly realm all around daniel because daniel is part of the kingdom of persia and as he's there there's a power over persia a demonic power a devil over persia and as gabriel comes to move in amen to to give this mess or who whatever this angel is comes to give this message to daniel amen the the prince of persia begins to withstand them amen and he's got to go back and get michael and michael's got to come and you say what in the world is going on what are they fighting over they're fighting because one of god's agents on the arch started praying and when he started praying look what happened all around persia you talk about forces that are moving mighty powerful forces that are moving this angel of the lord coming to bring a revelation michael the great prince coming in amen to open up a way for him to get through this isn't trivial this isn't tiny this isn't some little thing that's happening amen the whole heavens are moving amen the powers of heaven are beginning to shake and move because daniel wants to know what's going to happen at the end time what do you think is happening now at this end time revelation that's coming to god's seat do you think the heavens aren't shaking do you think there's not battles going on all over the place friends we've got to break the amnesia and open our spiritual eyes and see that the whole warfare is raging over this revelation in the end time because there's a people that say i want the word amen i want to break amnesia i want to know the truth i want to know you god i want to come back to my position i want to come back to where i fell from i want to come back to the right thing and you think that kind of end time bride god has hard purpose was to have a bride of his own choosing and you think when that bride is moving up in the revelation and praying for revelation amen and getting serious with god about the word you don't think there's anything happening amen for 21 days daniel didn't think anything was happening but it didn't matter what he could see what he couldn't see was a lot of action and we think sometimes we're moving along as the bride having a service having another service reading a book listening to a tape praying for god to open our eyes to give us revelation to help me understand what the prophet said here oh if you just get serious about that i guarantee there's something going on all around you that you can't see moving forces opening doors you say i want more revelation get serious about more revelation and god will send forces mighty angels to penetrate the darkness to open up a path so that an angel of the lord can come and bring you a revelation yes sir hey ben this isn't small stuff friends we think we're just going through the motions you know realize heaven is shaking as you're going through the motions battles are breaking out angels are facing off forces are being driven back doors of revelation are being opened shafts of light are moving into dark areas what is happening amen there's somebody getting serious about the word there's somebody praying for their eyes to be open there's somebody who will be so serious that they'll skip a few meals and say god i want more of you i want to see you more clearly and the heavenly realms burst into action why what moved this angel to the lord what moved michael what caused all this is because one of god's agents on the earth got serious about mourning and supplicating and wanting to see the word daniel chapter 10 verse 20. then he said knowest thou therefore i come unto thee and now will i return to fight with the prince of persia and when i am gone forth lo the prince of greece shall come now listen this angel was not in motion was not moving amen into persia until daniel prayed but when daniel began to pray he began to move warfare broke out battles were erupting over over the air in persia michael was called forces were facing off a way was made for this angel to come and after he come and delivered the message to daniel he said now i'm going to go back and fight with the king of persia because daniel you started a sequence of events you started this motion in the heavens from earth from from just skipping meals and not eating pleasant bread and wearing sackcloth and mourning and and grieving in your heart for the word and desiring because of that you set forces in the motion you set things into action prophecy is now coming to fulfillment amen he wasn't in persia amen this angel wasn't in persia he wasn't fighting with the prince of persia until daniel prayed but when daniel prayed he moves he brings the message now he goes back to fight with the king of persia because the king of greece is coming in to displace the king of persia now the spiritual battle is going to reflect on earth and it's going to be a toppling of an empire and bringing in another new empire with alexander the great what moved that into motion daniel prayed when daniel prayed the persian empire began to fall amen that was the beginning of the fall he says in the next chapter there'll be three more kings and then they'll be the fourth king and then alexander the great is going to move it and topple it what started all of that fall of this mighty powerful kingdom of the persians amen it was daniel seeking revelation daniel wanting to know god bombs are coming to america because there's a people who want to know god a people who want to know this revelation moving forces friends forces of change what do you think is happening all over the earth why do you think chaos is breaking out in every nation in economies and politics amen in the in the weather amen it all has to do with god's people praying for revelation it's moving forces all over the earth and bringing prophecy to be fulfilled brother branham couldn't do it all himself he did his part amen and when he was here doing his part he was told to pick up a rock and throw it in the air he did it started a whirlwind amen it blasted the rocks out there at sunset mountain then went up and caused an earthquake amen in alaska why there was an agent of god on earth that would do something that would start forces of moving he said it was the beginning of judgments amen but brother branham couldn't do it all amen now there's agents of god on the earth now that are moving heavenly forces in motion moving prophecy down the road and if we don't get lined up with the word we're going to halt the progress of prophecy but when by amen the spirit of god we begin to line our choices with the word and choose the word and choose the word amen prophecy keeps moving down the path and when you're reading in your newspaper friends what is it what's that news feed coming on your phone disaster here disaster there disaster there because there's daniels on the earth amen there's sons and daughters that are saying god i want your word and nothing else amen show me this word so i can live it reveal it to me live it through me oh god don't let this world be a mystery to you we've had a prophet in this day they opened the word of god to us so we can look in this bible so we can understand what's going on around us don't let this be a mystery to you it's a mystery to the rest of the world but we understand clearly what's happening the earth is in birth pains amen and the contractions are getting more intense and closer together why because the earth desires to bring forth a bright new world for a millennium the earth is groaning in travail for the manifestations of the sons of god in the millennial reign this earth is watching the progress of the word and the progress of the bride and her birth pains are matching amen because it can't birth a millennium till you have a rapture you can't have a rapture until the earth is ready to birth the millennium so these things are moving on parallel tracks and what you're seeing in the earth is showing there's a people on this earth that's crying out to god for the word [Applause] it's not a mystery it's prophecy it's not a mystery it's the bible alive today [Music] i said god help me help me to make this word my meat to make this word my portion to make this word my love to make it my life to make it everything because that's what moves heaven gets it in motion let's turn to mark 11. i just want to read a couple more scriptures before we leave mark 11. in verse 22. mark 11 and verse 22 and jesus answered saith unto him have faith in god for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea and shall not doubt his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith there where therefore i say unto you whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them here's what brother branham says in the message door to the heart so may the words that i spoke the other night be true after i'm gone cripples will get up and walk blind will see diseases they'll find out that they're well for we ask those things and the lord would with all my heart i believe them and they have to but everyone's talking about after he leaves the campaign and after he leaves the city things will keep manifesting thou said in thy word if thou say to this mountain be moved and don't doubt in your heart but believe that what you have said is being done then you can have what you said being done this mountain be moved maybe just one little grain of sand dropped when we said when we said for it to move but it's on its way maybe tomorrow a spoonful will drop but it's still on its way it's never noticeable tons may fall and still not noticeable but one day it shall be flat because we have said it jesus gave the promise the crippled man may not even be able to move his foot but he's on the road out he has believed it the sick may not feel any different but we've said it lord it's your word you'll honor it it will not return to you void it'll accomplish that which it was purposed for even if you speak to the mountain speak the word and take the word of god and believe it amen you may not see any change like daniel when he began to pray for 21 days nothing 21 days nothing amen but but something was moving the moment he started praying and we've got to pray with faith in this word and faith in who we are and what god has revealed to us and stop looking around for results and believe that the unseen forces are already going to work to bring this word to pass that's the commitment that we commit unto god believing that he'll keep his word i'm not going to start believing when i start seeing i'm going to believe amen because i'm a believer amen because it's in my heart to believe this word and when i pray with faith and love and committed to god men the spirit i believe that something moved even if i didn't see it some angel went somewhere some force is resisting there's something working out somewhere and it may just be a grain of sand rolled off the back side of that mountain but it was a start and that grain will catch more and begin to move and begin to move until the whole thing comes flat daniel for 21 day praise 21 days and it's not like the condition changed for 21 days it's not like i could say a reduction in symptoms here and maybe i feel a little better here nothing changed for 21 days except he probably got weaker but something moved the day he prayed something went into motion the moment amen he got serious brother branham said referring to daniel he said now what happened here's what happened if god speaks anything god is under obligation to take care of what he says god can't come to your rescue just every minute the angel lord can't get to you at every and he stops and change the subject said you remember daniel prayed and i believe there 21 days wasn't that right 21 days before the angel could get to him he said i was withstood by the prince out there the medes persian but but he got to him i heard you but i couldn't get to you brother branham's saying the angel lord can't get to you just that minute amen but he's on his way believe that he's on his way because you took god at his word and god's not going to change his word god's not going to fail to fulfill his word amen but brother bam tells us so many times what happens as you get prayed for and there's a there's there's a sense of i'm healed there's a deliverance there's a good feeling amen but then that spirit realm that unseen realm is cast out the life of that disease is cast away only it's unseen you didn't see it but something powerful happened the cancer life that whatever life it was was cast out he said now your body has to deal with all of these germs or tissue or whatever is left over from this life and he says many times you get sicker and when you get sicker amen the devil brings it down your mind you begin to doubt your healing and then you begin to say something like well i thought it worked i thought i was healed but i still have and when you confess i still have that spirit comes right back into that life and you got it and you think nothing happened something powerful happened the moment you took god at his word and in prayer with faith amen but it was your negative confession that brought it back you see and then somehow we begin to lose confidence in god's words over things like that and there was no problem with god's word there was no problem with the prayer god began to act immediately amen but you've got to trust god and let god work amen and believe that it will work daniel didn't stop praying until he got his answer 21 days he didn't pray for 10 and say well i guess god doesn't want to tell me there was something stirring in him he had to have the answers there's something stirring in you you've got to have deliverance you've got to have the answers you've got to see this word come to pass then stick with it friends because something's moving somewhere you just can't see it you may not be able to feel it with these senses but something's moving somewhere because there's an agent of god taking god at his word james 4. i just want to lay this in here james chapter 4 this is a very important principle james chapter 4 and verse 1. for whence comes wars and fightings among you come they not hints of your of your lust that war in your members what's the problem i want i want i want i want it's warring in your members and causing problems in the church you lust and have not you kill and desire to have and cannot obtain you fight in war yet you have not because you ask not you have not because you ask not you ask and receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lusts see he's telling us the man tells us what's your motive and objective amen do you want the word do you want god's word amen daniel didn't get down to pray and say if i can get this revelation i can preach better than all the other preachers if i get this then i'll have followers and i can i can show how much i know that wasn't daniel's motive daniel just wanted to know amen daniel had a hunger for the restoration daniel wanted to go back to the right condition in jerusalem daniel wanted these things to come to pass he wanted to know them his only motive was to know god's word and when we can check our motives and know that our only motive is to please god our only motive is to serve god our only motive is as they intercede for our brothers and sisters our only motive is to keep the program of god moving forward amen then you can pray with confidence it's not because i want to be something or have something or do something or go somewhere i want god to be god and i want his program to move on this planet he said he says first you see your motives and objectives have to be right you have to have reasons for this god don't give you those things just because you ask and you cannot ask in faith unless there's a real objective to them to be in the will of god see if you want to be well what do you want to be well for see if you want to be healed what's the reason you want to be healed what are you telling god what do you want to do with your life when you get healed see there's got to be you've got to have a mode of an objective and they have to be right according to the will of god and and then when faith is revealed to you and god by his sovereign grace places that faith in there then it's over what's the reason amen can you find a godly reason for what you're asking for god this is your word amen and i need your word it's time for your word god i'm sick in my body and you've called me to be a father and a husband amen and i need to provide for my wife and my children according to your word heal me lord so that i can fulfill your word heal me so i can testify of your healing power or heal me lord i'm a mother and i can't care for my children but you've called me to be a mother it's my calling in life heal me so i can get up and take care of my kids what's the motive is it just so we don't feel bad or can we say i want your program to keep moving and in this condition i can't keep moving lord i want to serve you better and i need this so i can serve you better i need freedom in my mind i need freedom in my body i need these things i need you to take care of these things so i can keep moving in this program i need you going and i want to keep serving you praise god amen i got way more notes than we got time but i want you to know that no matter what you see if you come to god according to god's provided way god will keep his word don't doubt it don't question it don't go back on it don't back down don't be positive one day negative the next day you're destroying everything amen because he's a high priest of your profession so you've got to keep confessing the word and know that something's moving if i don't feel something see anything it doesn't matter something's moving i know by faith that i come to god with the right motive i know that this is his word and i know that i'm his child and i have no reason to doubt that he's going to move in this situation and i'm going to commit it to god and i'm going to stay right here until he brings it to pass don't flounder don't wander amen don't allow your mind to get tossed to and fro but anchor it in the word of god and don't move because when an agent of god begins to take the word of god and speak the word of god in prayer and ask god to move on his word things are happening all around the heavens have burst into action because you're not at war with anything natural you're at war with principalities and powers in heavenly places let's turn to matthew 17. now there's something i want to bring to your attention here at the end of the service and i want us as an assembly to be praying for something very specific it's been on my heart for quite a little while i've been praying and meditating about what to do and which way to approach this but god has led me down this path and i don't know how many of you know but our brother daniel aaron is suffering tremendously with mental illness with all kinds of tormenting thoughts and and it's hard to understand when you see somebody who's struggling like that because they're healthy on the outside their body's healthy they you can you can see them they can walk around they can talk but when you can't control your own thoughts and you're tormented by thoughts and you can't break free from that and you're mentally exhausted all the time my brother daniel is mentally exhausted all the time and he's fighting just to keep a positive confession and he's exhausted from fighting just to say what the word says and speak a positive confession and our brother is tormented tormented so that he keeps struggling with thoughts that come into his mind that to be dead would be better to be alive that's how much mental torment he's under and unless you really know somebody's gone through that you can't understand it you can't comprehend it he can't just change his thinking he can't control his thinking but he needs brothers and sisters who know this word and i want to read a scripture that god laid on my heart and and and i want to end by just wrapping everything up into this if we'll look at matthew 17 verse 14 together and when they were come to the multitude they came to him a certain man kneeling down to him and saying lord have mercy on my son for he is a lunatic and sore vexed for often times he falleth into the fire and often into the water and i brought him to the disciples and they could not cure him brother branham said he had an epileptic spirit that was on the child then jesus answered and said oh faithful and perverse generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you bring him hither to me and jesus rebuked the devil when he departed out of him and the child was cured from that very hour then came to the disciples to jesus apart and said why could not we cast him out now listen i want you to think here with me for a minute the disciples had already been commissioned by jesus to cast out devils they had been casting out devils this is why they asked the question they were surprised when they couldn't get this devil to go it wasn't like they were not you know it's not like it never worked the disciples have been praying and they've been they've been seeing mighty miracles and tremendous things take place and they prayed for this boy believing that he would be healed like everybody else was here and when it couldn't happen they took him to jesus jesus cast them out but but when they looked at jesus they said jesus why couldn't we cast them out so you can see this is a legitimate question why didn't it work this time and jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily i say unto you if you have faith as the grain of a mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence yonder place and it shall be removed and nothing shall be impossible unto you how be it how be it this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting let's turn over to mark 9. mark chapter 9 verse 28. this is the same story in mark and when he was coming to the house his disciples asked him privately why could not we cast him out and he said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting see jesus gave some interesting insight into the demonic world the disciples had already been commissioned by jesus to cast out devils and heal all manner of sickness and and they had gone about doing what god said and they cast out devils here cast out devils there and healed the sick here and they were doing that but they come to one that they couldn't and they asked jesus why and he says this devil doesn't act like the other devils this one doesn't go out but by prayer and fasting and also in our small thinking in our small minds we were like the disciples thinking well you know you pray the prayer of it this one's healed prayer the prayer of faith this one's healed but jesus is letting them in given some insight into something saying listen there are some devils that have a stronger tighter hold than other devils because we know that we're dealing with layers of devils with different powers and different characteristics even brother brennaman demonology if you read the book demonology he begins to describe devils he says that one has it looks like a tortoise with fat legs this one's a big hairy bat this one's this showing that devils have different characteristics they're not all the same because the heavenly realm is a reflection of the earthly realm and not everything is on the same power not every country every nation not every person has the same gifts the same powers the same talents the same abilities and the demonic world operates somewhat like that there's different characteristics and there are some devils that have such a tight hold and so deeply entrenched amen that the prayer that would cast out this and the prayer that would cast out this when they come the same way the diet you know the disciples didn't sin in between the last person they healed and this this boy the disciples didn't lose their faith between the last person they healed and this boy the disciples were being taught a lesson hey you don't deal with every devil the same way some come not out by prayer and fasting and this scripture has been on my mind and i've been dealing with this i even spoke to the deacons about it in our last deacon meeting and i didn't know which way to go but god had been dealing with me in this and begin to tie this scripture to my brother daniel and say some demons go not out but by prayer and fasting and so i want to encourage whoever wants to let's as a body of believers pray and fast for our brother daniel he's not in a position where you can say stop having bad thoughts he can't stop having those thoughts he's not in a position where you can say would just just do this and just do that don't go give daniel any advice none of your advice is going to work that's not what he needs what he needs is deliverance and if somebody brought an infant to us you wouldn't look at this infant said if you just believed you'd be well you would believe for the infant if one of our brothers was laying unconscious in the icu right now amen and he was totally incapacity you wouldn't walk up next to him and say if you would just believe just believe and you'll be free no you have to believe for them you as the brother you have to exercise your faith in belief for the one who can't believe for themselves brother branham often times in the prayer line would have a woman that would come along and in one case he had a woman come with an alcoholic husband amen and brother branham says will you believe for your husband he says if you'll believe for your husband amen he'll be free and he'll get over that you couldn't ask the alcoholic husband to believe for himself the wife was going to believe for the husband and there's situations that we have to believe for one another and then we would not we wouldn't have a question if somebody was incapacitated amen but in many ways because of the torment in brother daniel's mind he's in such a state many times and he needs us to believe for him he's believing i've had long talks with him he's believing he's making a positive confession he know he's going to get better someday somehow amen but he he cannot control what's going on in his body and in his mind and he needs brothers and sisters and and besides this when jesus said some go out not by prayer and fasting he wasn't talking about the epileptic child praying and fasting he was talking about the one that was doing the praying he wasn't saying if that child would have prayed and fasted no but christ was always in a state of prayer and fasting and faith to believe for all things so when they brought the child to him he could cast them out amen but but the disciples he said because of your unbelief and if you look in the margin your bible says small faith because of your small faith amen you have to come to a higher level amen and this one comes not out but by prayer and fasting and he wasn't admonishing the boy or his dad but the one doing the praying to pray and fast and so i just had it in my heart to bring this to the church because we're a body we are a unit that god has put together and when one suffers we all suffer one rejoices we all rejoice we have to have the same care one of another and there's one member of this body who's suffering terribly bad horribly bad and he needs the rest of the body to come into action and i don't know the answer i don't i can't say thus it the lord god told me this or god told me that but if there's some that go out not by prayer and fasting i don't know which ones there are he didn't live and leave us a list let's say well epilepsy is only by prayer and fasting and this one's only by this and this one's by this method here i don't always know the method but i know if there's some that go out by prayer and fasting i'm willing to pray and fast to see if this is one of those that go out by praying and fasting because i know there's certain devils that require praying and fasting and so i would just encourage you i'm not asking the whole church because there's no point in doing this if you don't have faith for it or if you don't feel moved or inspired to do it but i'm preaching tonight amen you feel an inspiration in your heart and you want to pray and fast with brother daniel i say pray and fast let's pray and fast as a body for him whoever catches inspiration let's intercede on behalf of our brother we need to believe for him and ask god to cast this devil over him and heal him heal his mind heal his body chemistry and guard him against any other attacks because the word works friends the word will not fail the word absolutely will work and i see something in the word that god's drawn my attention to and i'm going to go after that word because god's drawn my attention to it i'd also like to say we have prayer time every saturday here in the sanctuary saturday from 3 to 10. and this saturday i'd like to dedicate to prayer for daniel we can pray for anything else we want to pray for too and not everybody has to come but if you can make it if you can be here to pray between three and ten any time you can come in pray for as long as you like come and go we're not having any specific meeting time it's open for that entire duration for people to slip and pray and leave as they need to but i'd like this saturday if we could be praying together for daniel pray the whole time up till then but saturday especially this prayer time if we could if you're inspired to if you're able to make it a time of prayer and fasting for daniel because i know this word works and i'm not giving up on it i'm not turning my back on it and i'm also not saying but whatever god wants will happen no i'm his agent on this earth and my brother needs a deliverance and i'm going to i'm going to go to sackcloth and ashes and prayer and fasting and say god my brother needs a deliverance right now he's tormented by devils he's tormented in his mind but he needs us to believe for him and god i'm believing for my brother daniel and i'm trusting you to set him free according to your word and we're applying all the word we know and even this word that you've drawn our attention to i'm applying that word too because i'm not giving up on the word and i'm not going to stop till i see the manifestation of the healing power of god in my brother's life because that's god's will what's his will his will is his word and brother bam said it's his will to heal you and i want to pray that until i see deliverance let's look at just two more scriptures and then we'll go acts chapter 12. god lay things in the scriptures for us and they'll lay there for years but they're laying there for the time you need it in acts chapter 12 verse 5 says peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him i don't know how many times that i've read this scripture and i always read it as the angel of the lord going and releasing peter out of prison but i missed the prerequisite statement i got to the miracle and the miracle was like oh the angel lord come in and his bands fell off of him all the soldiers were asleep the inner prison door opened the outer prison door he walked right out of jail but i missed the preceding statement he says the effort was peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him what moved the angel of the lord friends what put the angel lord in action what sent the angel of the lord down to that prison cell the church was praying without ceasing for peter god put that there for a reason and when herod would have brought him forth the same night for him and found him not he examined the keepers and commanded that they should be put to death and he went down to judah to caesarea in their abode well i'm in a wrong spot sorry and herod would have brought him forth the same night peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and the keepers before the door kept the prison and behold the angel of the lord came upon him and a light shining in the prison and he smote peter on the side and raised him up saying a rise up quickly and his chains fell off of him off from his hands and the angel said unto him gird thyself and bind on thy sandals and so he did and he saith unto him cast thy garments about thee and follow me and he went out and followed him and wists not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he saw a vision when they were past when they were past the first and second ward they came into the iron gate that leadeth into the city which opened to them of his own accord and they went out and passed on through one street and forth with the angel departed from him and when peter was come to himself he said now i know of a surety that the lord has sent his angel and has delivered me out of the hand of herod and from all the expectations of the people the jews and when he had considered the thing he came to the house of mary the mother of john whose surname was mark where many were gathered together praying amen they were still praying amen the church was praying without ceasing for peter the prayers of the church move the angel of the lord and the action he goes down and they keep praying as the chains fall off they keep praying as the inner prison doors open they keep praying as the outer gate opens they pray all the way till peter himself knocks on the door they didn't give up to what they were praying for coming to fruition i say praise god let's pray and let's believe let's commit to god with all love praying in the spirit amen committing it to god knowing that god will keep his word amen let's turn to the book of james the last scripture i want to read you musicians you can make your way up james chapter 5. james chapter 5 verse 16 it says confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much james admonishes us to confess our faults to one another and pray for one another that we may be healed how many believe god's word how many beliefs have we committed to god with love and faith that god will keep his word we don't always have answers we don't sometimes we're like the disciples why lord this and why lord that we don't always know but but i know the word is true and i know the word will work and god has as has given a little inspiration in this scripture that some go out not by prayer and fasting there are some there are some stubborn devils there are some entrenched devils there are some difficult devils some devils are weak some devils are strong is that true yes there's a whole hierarchy i don't know i don't know the strength level of the devil we're facing but i know the power of the word i know the power of god to keep his word and it doesn't matter what strength level of devil we're facing and if it requires fair prayer and fasting so be it we'll pray and fast but this devil's going to go it has to go because the word of god says so i believe i believe and i'm going to put my faith in action and pray i'm going to expect a testimony we pray and maybe one little grain of sand falls it doesn't matter 21 days maybe you see no change it doesn't matter because the angel of the lord is dispatched at the prayer amen things begin to move in the heavenly realms i like to imagine that that devil that's entrenched that that mental illness devil that's tormenting and strength i just can imagine that he gets buffeted and buffeted and buffeted and he loses one finger amen and he keeps getting hit by the church and prayer and fasting he loses another finger amen and he loses another and he's got a little pinky hold amen but we don't give up and keep praying until finally he's gone and he can't hold on anymore why because the people of god believed god and acted like agents on the earth amen to put the heavens and the motion to begin to bring the word of god to pass i believe it that way i believe it's got to go you know the elijah went to prayer amen when it was time for it to begin to rain he prayed and he looked no rain prayed and he looked in the rain prayed and he looked he didn't stop until he saw the cloud brother branham went to pray amen he went to to pray for that little girl and i don't even remember her name my brother went in to pray and she didn't get healed amen and he come back later and checked on her and everything was the way it was early on in his ministry finally he went to the woods and when he went to the woods and got down and got serious and the dinner belt was ringing and he ignored the dinner bell stickers at his knees and all kinds of stuff he had to push through to pray when he finally pushed through in prayer god showed him a vision when he showed the vision he got up and he ran to the house and it was exactly like god told him and she was delivered praise the lord why didn't it happen the first time he marched i don't know why did it have to go through all that i have no idea but the point is brother branham knew that girl was going to be healed and he stuck with it until she was healed i know by faith my brother's gonna go free and i'm willing to stick with it till he goes free i know he's gonna be delivered because god's word is true it's real it's powerful it's going to manifest this is the time this is the age for the full manifestation of the full word of god and i'm willing to stick with it until it comes to pass and i want to encourage as many of you who feel led to do so to do the same when we're praying for our brother and praying for his family for strength his parents are all so tired it's been a long hard battle for them too pray for them for strength and wisdom and then pray for the rest of the saints around the world because it's a troubling time it's a difficult time for assemblies in tennessee and assemblies in louisiana and wichita kansas it's a difficult time overseas but we're supposed to pray for one another we're supposed to uphold one another and pray for one another and believe that when we pray things move don't just pray and get up and say well we'll see what happens don't see what happens know what's going to happen i don't know how it'll happen but it'll happen because when i prayed something moved because i prayed according to the word with the right motive and the right objective with love in my heart for the brethren something will move god let's all stand i'm even willing to say i believe helped out my unbelief i'm even willing to get on my knees and say god i believe for brother daniel help my unbelief because he's got to go free whatever it takes i'm willing to confess my faults one to another and pray for each other that'll be healed whatever it takes i'm sticking with it till the word comes to pass because it's got to come to pass don't don't ever let the devil dupe you into thinking well i'm just this or i'm just that no you're just an offspring of god that's all but i'm only this and i'm only that and i'm only that you're just an offspring of god you're one of god's children that probably isn't much right to be a child of god is everything to be offspring of god amen to be part of god with god's nature in life and you is everything friends it doesn't matter if you have a title a position money or house amen you are an eternal being amen predestinated see gene of god amen when you pray by faith in the word of god things in the heavenly realms begin to move because of who you are it has nothing to do with an earthly position i'm not a pastor i'm not a deacon i'm not of this i'm not it doesn't matter if you're 10 years old amen if you've got faith in the word of god and will pray with faith things will begin to move don't discount who you are don't discount this word don't discount what god has brought us tonight let's band ourselves together and let's together fight this devil until he loses his hold let's pray for one another let's love one another when you get down on your knees to pray for daniel let love project because that's our brother we were together in the mind of god before the foundation of the world and we're going back together and he's tormented and he's being crippled and limited in his ability to express in this life and i know god's going to set him free because there's gifts that are bound up in that young man that have to come and the devil's attacking him so hard because those things will be such a threat to his kingdom and i'm not going to stand by and watch them get pummeled and pummeled in public but i'm entering the fight stand with my brother man that he'll lose his grip and my brother will go free man will you pray with me let's bow our heads dear heavenly father we thank you lord jesus god your word is everything to us you are everything to us you are our all-in-all lord god you sent your word and healed their diseases you sent your word and healed our diseases you sent your word and healed daniel's diseases god there's so many needs all around there's so so much weakness all around weakness and in our brothers and sisters overseas and throughout the united states and even here but god that's the recipe for you to show yourself mighty on our behalf for when we are weak then we are strong god i pray that you would manifest your word touch lives bring comfort heal those that need healing that are still in the hospital god deliver your people and god we want to bind ourselves together as an assembly you've put us together for a purpose you've called us into this fellowship of believers you've united us together as one and as one we want to stand with our brother and stand for our brother and intercede on his behalf and pray that you would heal our brother daniel lord that you would heal his mind that you would straighten the body chemistry out in his brain amen that you would deliver him from this torment of this devil satan we bind you in the name of jesus christ we resist you devil for the word says if we resist you you will flee and we as a body are resisting you now and standing with our brother daniel and calling for you to leave him alone and bother him no more god send the agent of your holy spirit after our brother to defeat that devil and to drive him out and to make him whole and put a bulwark around him so that that devil will bother him no more god we're believing lord we're sticking with the program we're taking you at your word we're going to fulfill all the word that we see to fulfill believing lord that if we keep your word that you will pray you will keep your promises lord and you will not fail god let the sand begin moving now let the grains begin to roll away even now as we're praying together lord move i pray in jesus name let the forces of heaven begin to move lord let your word begin to take its place and bring a manifestation through the physical body of our brother let your word be almighty let yourself be glorified as the almighty one in our midst be glorified oh god in jesus christ's name we pray we thank you lord for our brother's healing we thank you for moving lord we thank you for even now moving forces god and answering our prayer we're trusting in you god and asking god that you would bring a manifestation you might receive the glory and the testimony might help many we love you father and we ask that you keep us as we go let us walk as your agents upon this earth with an understanding that our lives are so much more than what's seen but are affecting what's not seen let us have faith in that lord and operate in those realms let us keep the armor on at all times the armor of our warfare let us fight the good fight of faith we ask that you would bless these efforts of ours anoint us to the works in jesus christ's name we pray amen listen here are two roses you may take one by side and one by faith take the word of god for what you see what you believe is what will be set your wings to the winds of faith you can fly in a higher place do not struggle it's my grace to the winds of faith what's your need [Music] what's your crown [Music] much [Music] where you will fly you can fly do not struggle it's my grace to the winds of faith in the sky it does not struggle it [Music] the does that makes it rise set your wings to the wind [Applause] do not struggles it's my [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to the winds of faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's my [Applause] [Music] we'll set grace wings to the winds of faith [Music] we can fly in a higher place will not struggle it's my grace you may take one by side and one by three [Music] take the word of god what you see would you believe his one will be [Music] you can't find [Music] do not struggle it's my grace to the winds of faith watch the bride we'll watch she does not struggle she does not strike [Music] [Music] ready peace inside that's why we set our wings to the winds of faith [Music] it's my grace god still moves in the hearts of his people god still he does not see nor does he still move [Music] god still moves god still moves [Music] [Music] he does not sleep [Music] oh god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he does not sleep nor does he [Music] god [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Believers Christian Fellowship
Views: 2,728
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: BCF, Believers Christian Fellowship, Chad Lamb, Kyle Wiechart, Benjamin Seabolt, The Message, Branham, Lima, Ohio
Id: ZqQ2dMM6d9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 16sec (8476 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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