210825 - Jean Kadima: The Token Dispensation

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oh i will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his courts when it prays i will say this is the day that the lord has [Applause] [Music] i will rejoice for he has made he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me glad one more time oh he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me glad he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice before he has made me glad amen aren't you happy he's made you glad this evening [Music] is my heart's [Music] to have the word made manifest in me living pure and holy [Music] one more time [Music] have the is made manifest in me living pure and holy unto me this song in [Music] let's just sing it again and let's all stand [Music] to be in love with you till all the world just fades from you deep calling a burning inside is my heart's crying to have the word made manifest [Music] as brother jean comes this evening let's just sing this [Music] your song gathered in your name [Music] [Music] we have come into his house [Music] [Music] magnify his name and worshiping [Music] let us lift up holy hands magnify his name [Music] [Music] just forget about yourself now just forget about yourself concentrate on him and worship him just forget about yourself concentrate on him and worship him just forget [Music] [Music] him jesus christ our lord he is all my righteousness he is all my righteousness i stand complete in him and worship him he is all my righteousness i stand complete in him he is all my righteousness stand complete in heaven [Music] jesus christ [Music] hallelujah it's good to be back in the house of the lord let's just bow our head for a word of prayer precious heavenly father tonight once again i feel so insufficient oh god i just need you so much your children have come with expectation but they not waiting upon me it's upon you father so come down in your power of resurrection speak to all of us father take control of this service we just commit ourselves to you in the name of the lord jesus christ we pray amen thank you musicians uh we're going to go straight to the world i think don't you just love the lord amen amen so we're going to to the book of exodus chapter 3. we can have our projector exodus chapter 3 verse 7 and the lord said i have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in egypt and i've heard the cry by reason of their task masters for i know their sorrows and i'm come down to deliver them out of the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of the land and to a good land and a large onto a land flowing with milk and honey onto the place of the canaanites the high tides amorites and parasites and hervites and the jebusites verse 9 now therefore behold the cry of the children of israel is come unto me i have also seen the oppression where with the egyptians oppress them come now therefore and i will send thee unto pharaoh that that might bring forth my people the the children of israel out of egypt may god add his blessing to the reading of the word you may take your seats tonight i have a small thought when he was given to me by the lord it was powerful but now the challenge is to translate it to transmit it to you i thought that god send to preachers the message for themself a first so that they can digest it and then if god opens weight and they can share with other people but tonight i have the message that i will call the token dispensation the token dispensation you know what is the token brother branham say he was one of the highlights of his ministry so in the message the token is saying this um today it's not the chemical blood of the lord jesus our our land but it's the life that was in the blood which is the holy ghost it comes back and is the token that we have accepted and did exactly what god told us to do and then by having the token we are identified with our sacrifice perfectly i don't see how anything more could be any plainer see so this is just a little introduction so to remind you that in the old testament people used to give a sacrifice of animals but the prophets say that the sacrifice of animal became just a routine and people were used to it and the life that was in the animal will not come back to the human being because the blood is not the chemical product the blood is actually the life that is in the blood that comes back to the human being are you with me so just that is simple uh introduction to this and let's see how the lord is lead will lead us tonight so i just want to take that subject of the token not the subject of the token but looking at that period of time and call it a a token dispensation meaning things that happening during that uh season of time so i'm drawing a parallel i'm drawing a parallel between moses time and this time you and i are living in amen so the blood at the door posts uh the door post should have a blood apply on them and this is what they uh this is what the uh the the message ex exodus 37 says exodus 3 7 and the lord said i have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in egypt and have heard the cry by reason of their task masters for i know their sorrows and i am calm down to deliver them out of the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of that land onto a good land and the large am i there yeah thank you brother and i come down to deliver them out of the hand of egyptian to bring them out the land onto a good land in the lodge onto a land flowing with milk and honey unto the place of the canaanite so there was a time where the task masters were making the children of israel suffer and they cry out to the lord they cry out to to him to deliver them but there was always the there was before that there was a time of silence the time of talents until god say i know what they're going through i know their sorrows i know their pain i have come down to deliver them and moses go now when we see a prophet coming on earth it means just god has come down amen when a the word is made flesh and come on earth it means god has come are you with me and when god comes he has a representative on earth and moses was that representative on earth and god when he sent a representative on earth god actually has come and your mission at that point is to go and preach the word are you with me so when we see a prophet on earth it means god has come down but the prophet is the word in the flesh is that right therefore if we see also the word made flesh small world here made flesh it means also god has come down during 400 years maybe 400 or more or less there was a silence israel was suffering they were going through a different situations and things were not really good then at some point god says uh i'm going to send you moses but before that there was complete silence let me just say to you that this silence is almost a requirement are you with me the silence that when you are in a great need and you don't hear about the lord that silence is like a requirement for god is like something that has to take place so god can test our faith is that right and that silence is not uh for uh for you only but it's also for me is for the preacher is for the pastor is even for the prophet himself therefore brother burnham says that don't think don't think that i get it easy he say actually for me is really hard he said i will pray for you but when it comes to my case i actually sweat i actually suffered to get somewhere let me illustrate that to some with something one day they brother branham was with his son in a hunting trip and as it was in the hunting trip his son had a fever and headaches maybe and brother branham remove his hat and pray silently for his son and instantly i will say billy paul get healed brother branham say that billy paul you were sick i just pray for you and look you are healed but look at my foot he showed billy for his foot it was swelling and he said to him that the gift is not just for me it's not for me the gift is for the people so so it doesn't matter if he's a preacher or is a prophet uh we all go through a time where god says that uh um there must be a silence but a silence doesn't mean that god it does not know because you can see here in in the message the bridge between the seven church ages and the seals that the way in prayer for the sick until you can find the cause you say i know the cure but i have got to find the code that's why the visions are so needed and prominent it reveals the secret of the heart tells the person where you made your mistake and what to do see no matter how much medicine you take and how much oil you put on their head and how loud anything would stream over you if there is something wrong he will lay right here i say he that satan so even when there is a silence from the lord there is still be is an answer from him and that answer from him can be i know what you're going through i know where the masters the task masters are doing to you i know what you're going through but my goodness well let's pray precious heavenly father i don't know what the enemy want to do right now it has been very very hard today to get here and he has messed up everything and i just ask you to come down in your power of resurrection and just be with me at this moment take control of all the situation as i commit myself to you in jesus christ's name amen where i'm going is uh i wanted to introduce this subject of the exodus where the children of god in egypt they were in such a pain and god sent a prophet and say i have heard the cries i seen the situation they are going through and i have come down moses i'm sending you go um this morning when i went to i came to i was home there was so many things that were happening my house floated my people the plumber could not come and everything and i just knew that okay this is a battle that i need to just keep going and i abandon everything i just came to the church but now when my notes get lost and then i become just so uh confused but bear with me okay now um i'm making a parallel i'm drawing parallel between the time of moses and the time that we're living in mo and i'm going to use the actors uh interchangeably i'm going to use moses in the same time that will use brother branham i can use moses like i can use you the word made flesh in this time so uh moses was fearful when god called him so he was fearful because moses did not understand why a man like him can go after a great denomination called egypt so he say to the lord you know i cannot talk and you know my limitations how can i go and take on the uh this great system this great denomination called egypt so between 1946 to 1940 54 moses started preaching the mess a small message because he was fearful of the system therefore he started preaching about salvation faith and divine healing those subjects people agree a little bit on them so it was easy for him to go to egypt the big system and speak to them because moses was fearful to take on the system but you know taking on the system is not easy when are you taking you take on the system they will come out after you therefore moses was saying i'm just a simple man how can i take this system but god said to him go with the first pole and the second pole demonstrate the healing demonstrate the uh the discernment but it will be abate so moses goes with the demonstration of that gift and the people received the nomination received it but that was not the calling for moses moses decided that between 1946 to 1954 that this is how is going to handle it because egypt is so powerful but moses has to actually tell the this system that let my people go are you with me moses takes on the system between 1954 and 1962 where he say let my people come out of these systems well it's not easy when you go after the system they go after you they destroy your reputation they go seriously after you but moses has decided by the branham in 1954 that is not good enough to just have this uh uh this uh this uh messages and uh this salvation healing the time has to come so that i can preach actually the message that will free people from the system and you can this so you will see the prophet will say for example that i have a friend in all the nominations is that right they're all good men but it's the system that binds them so i will say to brother brandon and brother branham if the system is what is wrong but the people are good let them change the system uh let uh let's change the system let's make the system what let's reform the system no the system is not just an abstract object that you can change this system is a spirit and that spirit if you want to trace it you got to go back to the beginning then you will find a system because everything that started to begin in genesis so it's not something that you can say oh listen uh this is you know let's just change them no you you have to deal with a system therefore moses work was not to reform the system was actually his work was actually to free people from this this system take them out and call the people out of the systems but when you do that you will have the system coming after you they will not just take it back that way they will come after you and they will do what is called in then a smart people will call it a projection so uh in the message three witness 1951 but i'm saying that you know the first thing is the word of god that first that's where everything uh should be reverent when the word is going forth and then he ran to the platform he say um so this is this is brother brandon i'm talking about the oregon man the maniac of oregon who uh who attacked brother branham as he was preaching so this man comes to brother branham is attacking him but is not the man is the spirit why does he attack him it's because brother branham wants to get people out of the system and the system is the spirit and then the man goes and runs at the the platform and this is what how it calls brother brenner it calls him hypocrite who is hypocrite brother branham or this man the spirit in the man but look what he's doing is projecting what is in him into brother branham and today it could be the same thing for you and i if we stand for the word we carry in the word then the system can attack us is that right and they can project the very thing that they do to us and he will say you hypocrite you snake in the grace who was the snake was it brother branham or was the spirit that was in this man are you with me he said i will show you how much of a man of god you are i will show you are not even a man of god is projecting projecting the thing that he is into the other person he said i will break every bone in your body who does not have bones in his body is the snake is the serpent but yet is saying that brother branham i will break all your bones you will not have any bone the serpent is calling brother branham serpent are you with me so and that's what's gonna happen if you go after the system the system is not a church the system is a spirit and that spirit will attack anyone who's carrying the world just like an air ball was attacked because it was carrying the world when you cannot attack the word you attack the person that carries that word is that right that's right then i just assure you that um brother branham for eight years it does not want to touch this uh system it's fearful but on one day uh eight years after that he said something is not working i need to start preaching the word so we don't have any record that he had a vision we don't have any record that god spoke to him that go after the system but when god called a prophet on earth when the world is manifested on earth the world will go the word will go because when god called the word it is to go and prophesy because when god speaks who but prof will prophesy and that's what we see that brother branham after being reluctant for eight years he finally decided that i'm going after the system now the system doesn't let him but he will because his mission is not to reform the system but his mission is to get the children of is israel out of egypt out of the system because he will never reform cain will never repent and change now in the message the reproach for the cause of the word and sometime in the night i dreamed a dream and in this dream i seen some someone that was supposed to be my father a great and huge man just representing figuratively speaking my father i seen a woman did not know like my mother but yet she was supposed to be my mother and this man that was supposed to be like the father the husband of this woman was clearly mistreating her in so much that he had a great chunk of hood now eight years after brother branham start preaching the word god was silent but eight years after he sees a dream a man who's supposed to be his father is hitting a woman that is supposed to be his mother but is not and he would hold her up like this and strike her with the chunk of hood and she will fall out and go down then after a while she would get up again and he would walk around take a notion to strike her again he would strike her again and i was standing off at a distance watching it finally i just get get fed up on it and i was away smaller than this man was supposed to be like my father you know the story this man that looked like brother branham father is the nomination it's the system and this woman that looks like his mother is the church and brother branham look how this man was mistreating this woman he got fed up he started by being fearful now he saying that's too much now he says so i walked up uh to him and put my finger in his face i said don't strike her again see and when i did something begin to happen my arms begin to pulsate and i got great big brawny muscles i never seen such muscle i just took the man by the caller and i say don't strike her again i if you do you will have to deal with me if you strike her again and the man got scared of me and left her alone and i woke up i want to just make a small comment on this that brother branham taking on the system was not easy but his muscles become stronger and then he went after them anyway but all this is not god telling him go do this but it was just a burden in him that i gotta take this system there is something wrong here i need to preach to bring the gospel to them but now you see god did not say a word for eight years it didn't say anything as it is laboring for eight years god did not say anything but and then at the end of the eight years then god said to him and give him the dream and say you went after the system and god by showing is the dream it was actually showing him that i like what you did i liked the fight you took on but it was not an instant gratification is that right and sometimes when we work when we do some work for the lord we expect him to to to give us our you know reward right there but this one took eight years without god said a word but it doesn't mean all the labor that you labor god does not see it god sees everything that we do for for his glory yeah so what happened is a life this is this is what happened is life that just when the prophet goes now to egypt to claim it goes to egypt to attack the system is taking the life out of the system meaning that uh egypt when egypt used to have life you know he used to have life now god takes his people outside of egypt this system that is pentecostal whatever system they used to have life judas one day judas edified me one day judas ah say something that was good but why did he stop right life just left the system in 1963 moses indicts indicts the denomination and turns his attention to the bride darkness falls on egypt is that right darkness falls on egypt and the laodicea age is over darkness falls on egypt because there was a time where moses was going back and forth to see the pharaoh and come back to see the pharaoh and come back there was a back and forth but then one day in 1963 he injects the nomination and say to them i indict you for crucified jesus christ for the second time and then it turned his attention to the bride then the darkness falls into egypt and laodicea is over now all this i was trying to to show you that when they did when moses was going to the system to speak to them to to uh to speak to them to demonstrate the power of god there was a back and forth between moses and and and and pharaoh grace was still there are you with me there was still grace because moses was going to speak to pharaoh and come back and pharaoh will will never like what moses is saying and moses will go back and forth and one day darkness falls on egypt and it is over are you with me now technically when we look at egypt we will say that egypt is total in total darkness is that right and this love this age is over is that right but i want to show that this is a overlapping time i want to show you that the darkness fall in egypt if the darkness fall in egypt it means that the laodicea age is over it means that the darkness is covering egypt if darkness is covering egypt therefore allow this age is over but in reality technically only the laodicea age is over because the goshen is technically in egypt are you with me church let's just read it a god hiding in simplicity you say the graves will open the dead shall walk out that may be true but not open the way you say the open that's right it won't be like that okay it will be a secret because he said it will come like a thief in the night he has already told us the rapture then judgment will strike sin flags and sin sickness and everything and people will cry for death to take them when the judgment lord why is this judgment upon us when you say that there will be a rapture first it will say i already come and you did not know see god hiding himself in simplicity oh my all right that's all already happened you knew it not why don't believers believe the simple sign of is coming so i was trying to draw a parallel between what is happening in egypt and what is happening in our time in egypt the judgment strikes egypt as the judgment strike egypt it looks like there is no more time no no more grace time is that right and there is no so there is a judgment and the whole uh the world is now on the judgment but where is uh where is the bride right now where is the bride and we it turns out that the bride is in negotiation all right so and i'm putting a parallel with what is going on on this side of the world when the prophet spoke to the denomination and indect them and with a judgment at that point god turned and went to the bride and we can see that uh we can see that at that point the uh the the the seals get open and when the seals get broken the the lamp comes down with the book in his hands and the fact that the book is in the end of the lamb it means that the throne is full with smoke are you with me bear with me i i don't know why i'm struggling so the if the throne if the lamb takes the book it means that the throne of mercy is now full with smoke is that right and if the smoke is in that the throne it means that there is no grace anywhere now that's where people get really scared because how can be that be that the throne is open and i mean how can that be that god has uh uh take the book and if he takes the book it means there is no salvation anymore that's why people thinking but that's not the truth it doesn't mean the throne when it is uh is open the it say it doesn't mean there is no salvation anymore it doesn't mean there is no salvation but it just doesn't mean oh my goodness let me go back again what i'm trying to to to show is that there is an overlap between what is happening in egypt there is an overlap between what is happening in egypt the the entire egypt is under the darkness it's under the judgment but in reality a small portion of egypt is not in the darkness and that is goshen the confusion that people usually have that when you start talking about the lamp text the book they feel like you have started new doctrines and that new doctrine is to say that there is no more grace in this time but the reality is the grace is still applied in the goshen [Music] the rest of the world is in a darkness but it doesn't mean there is no grace it doesn't mean there is no blood so the blood is still in goshen because the people have put the blood on the post of the doors for the grace is still in goshen in the same time grace is not so basically grace is not in egypt grace is is not in egypt all right but the grace is in egypt are you with me grace is not in egypt but is in egypt because goshen belongs to egypt anyway so and that's the biggest point i'm trying to make here i'm trying to say this ah so is it the time of grace we're living in yes is the time of grace is it the time of judgment we're living in yes it's a time of judgment is this the time of judgment and time of grace overlapping grace is there but judgment is there too amen overlapping goshen is in egypt technically goshen is in laodicea technically goshen is in egypt therefore when we say that we are not in laodicea we are in laodicea or we are not in laodicea are we or are we not we are in uh in egypt technically therefore the bride is technically in laodicea the bride is not in laodicea because she's in the goshen and goshen is a position in christ goshen is not a location but goshen is a position both coexist we are in lao this year and we are not in love odyssey it depends on what where you placing everything is that right and that goes with everything that i'm talking about same thing with the blood when moses got the children of israel from egypt there was no blood in egypt well there was blood in egypt because there was blood in goshen grace and judgment coexist it's now depend on what side are you in what side are you in because the grace and judgment both exist and this is what happened in the token dispensation are we in a time of judgment yes we are in the time of judgment because the lion of the tribe of judah has shown up up there is that right no we can say we are not in the time of judgment because we still have access to the blood so the blood is still with us but it is in goshen with the bride is that right so the blood is with the bride and his negotiation so if you want the blood you can say are we in a time of judgment i would say yes because the darkness is everywhere in egypt the darkness is is now laodicea it's a total chaos but yet there is a group of people that still have access to that blood they still have access to the light so therefore the two are co-existing is that right hi god hiding in simplicity you say the graves will open the dead shall walk out that may be true but open the way but not open the way you say open see that's right see it won't be like that it's a secret because it say it will come like a chief in the night it has already told us this the rapture then judgment will strike and sins and plagues and sickness and everything what is happening here is what is happening here is brother branham after preaching on the seals what he's saying here is like when you hear that the graves will open and the dead will walk out it's not actually the way you think about it because god does not need to open grief he can just speak the your body is made of some element and god can just gather all these elements together and you will live again now but what he is is showing here is that coming out the graves it's a secret what are the graves it's the systems the systems bury people they are cemeteries therefore before this body change god has also to uh take us from the graves of the system therefore the doors of the graves will have to open and you will have to go out before the the physical change in the body there is a spiritual a spiritual coming out of the graves so these things are that sometimes they get people confused and it makes us look like we bring out some doctrine somewhere but in reality the graves opening is us coming out of that system that binds people is a system of denomination it is not an organization an abstract organization but is actually a spirit and god through the secret of gathering us together he sent a prophet and the mission of that prophet was to get us out of the system that's what moses did he was to get us out of that system of egypt and once we they were out of the system death was in egypt in other words egypt was a cemetery and we have come out of the system the system now are dead therefore we can be disappointed and say this brother edified me sometime in the past this brother was great but the thing is where is he now so you've got to continue with the light if you don't continue with the light then you become a borderline christian then you may have edified me in the past but i cannot be looking in the past because looking in the past is a frog spirit right and the one of the greatest mystery that the prophet revealed to us in this time is the borderline christianity and it's all happening during the dispensation of the token the token dispensation this still token dispensation is a dispensation where life is being displayed but life has to be inside so that life can be displayed okay but the life comes only through the world is that right but if you stop getting the word where will the life come from come from and people we continue reading and people cry for death to take them when the judgment load why is this judgment upon us when you say that there will be a rapture first it would say it's already come you did not know it see god hiding himself in simplicity oh my all right that's all that's already happened you knew it not why don't believers believe the simple signs of his coming that's what sometimes we dealing with it's uh believers don't believe that he is here when you see the world in the flesh you know that god is here when you see a prophet like moses you know that god is here but people cannot get receive this simple signs of is coming or is presence how can they expect coming out of the graves because the purpose is you come out of the graves and then you got a body change and you go home but if you have not see is coming how can you expect how can you expect a body change are you with me amen now it will start making sense the devil is defeated anyhow okay i'm going to this is my note when i say don't do the following we will see the following because why don't you do it because god hates it that's it very simple don't do this because god hates it and don't do what christ is the reveal revealed in his word on word 1965 now you must not misinterpret interpret the word you say well i believe it means this it means just what it says it needs no interpreter and you must not misplace the word and you must not dislocate the word and if we will do either of these it throws the whole bible in confusion and in a chaos are you with me now the thing is when god when the prophet say don't do this it means god hates it that's why you don't do it god does not like it and when god hates something it means you got to trace it back to the beginning mo most more most likely whatever god hates can be traced back to genesis are you with me let me show you something that god hates because he hates misinterpretation of his word he hates when he's been misplaced any hate when is dislocated and there is when god say that i hate these things you can trace it back to genesis to the beginning proverbs 6 16 say this this sixth thing that the lord hate yeah seven are in an abomination unto him god hates a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood and heart that devises wicked imaginations fit that be swift in running to mischief a false witness that speaketh lie and he thus soweth discord among brethren god hate it will always hate it but if you want to trace it back go to the beginning are you with me now let's go one by one god hate a proud look the proud look lucifer did not know humility and god hate it it will not like he did not like it then he doesn't like it now lucifer did not know what is humility he could ask you what are you talking about because in his mind is i will ascend i will be worshipped by the sons of god i will i will it does not know humility but you ever ask yourself few the future was not in his hands why did he always say i will ascend i will do this i will do that when the future is not in his end you can see the same thing in his daughter jezebel she will say i will give you the nabbert vignette i will kill elijah let the god treat me severely if i don't destroy elijah i will but i will doesn't belong to you it is in god's hands how can you say i will are you with me if lucifer i don't want to sound sacrilegious but let me just say if he had say one small word that we will say god will god willing i will ascend it will just change everything because you cannot say god willing i will destroy your life i say i could sound sacrilegious right but it's true if you say god willing i will destroy your no but he cannot say i cannot say that it will say um i'm going to take nabbit field and give it to you i will ascend i will destroy elijah and the toxicality she was so toxic that even a prophet a minister was depressed that he wanted to commit suicide oh you say brother he want to commit suicide yes he said to god take me the attack the environment was so toxic that he just said god i want to die you see the power that this uh the spirit had and god said i don't like the proud look i don't like lying tongues remember lying tongues the tail of lies that start up there with the angels and that same tale came down and told the eve are you with me and lied to her introducing light death in this world god say this there are six things seven things that i hate in all seven ages shedding uh a lime tongue shed innocent blood kill the man who has the word that's what he did he shed the blood he killed a cain he was bearing the word he killed the word in the flesh the heart that the device wicked imaginations like i say wicked imagination i will ascend i will do this basically i'm tracing back i'm tracing back the thing that god hates in the beginning in genesis you can find them when god say i hate something he didn't start hating it now he hated it long time ago he hated at the beginning the feet that be swift in running to mischief the feet that be swift in running to mischief mischief is the iniquity god said to the cain you like your brother but what did he do it is the country of what god asked him knowing what to do did not do it god hated during all the seven ages false witness that speaketh life lies false witness that speaketh lies you see false witness that will speak lies against those who carrying the word of god destroying the word in the flesh the last one is sold they so discord seed of discrepancy that cause divisions you see divisions will come anyhow but the division is not always because something happened here and there but it's happening because the fourth seed is planted and you and i cannot take it and then that cause division no matter how people want to be together if the seed the word of god is not what is being planted therefore what's going to happen is there will be divisions amen no now now let's go back to christ is revealed in his own word now you must not misinterpret the word you say well i believe it means this it means just what it means it says it needs no interpreter and you must not misplace the word and you must not dislocate the word and if you would do either of this it throws the whole bible in confusion and in chaos now in terms of in term of misinterpret the word the prophet is showing us here that i will just read the highlight the prophet indicted this age because they crucified the very word and says it's for another age that's a problem no now let me say this don't miss misinterpret the word don't uh displace it and don't dislocate it it's not like we everything that we say everything that we preach must be exact exactly to our knowledge it can be like that but that's not really what this means to me this means that the uh the inspiration behind the word the inspiration that misinterpret the word that inspiration is false and if the inspiration is false it's because he wants to plant a seed and that seed is a seed of discrepancy so that's why when god say i hate misinterpret my word it doesn't just mean a honest mistake but it means there is an inspiration behind that interpretation take a man like brother banana was saying a man say from now on he was a preacher a bishop we're going to be getting in a church with a rhythm of rock and roll as we're getting in the church we go in the rhythm of rock and roll it's and this this will maybe this will please god this man is not just a misinterpret the word he is inspired to plant a seed so it's not just a honest mistake is a seed that is going to plant and he knows the result the devil knows the result will be devastating in the same way if somebody does not understand the word and says that this word must happen after the rapture they say it because they don't understand it's okay somehow god will correct it but if they deny and close their eyes and say there is no sun let me go into the basement and hide myself because there is no sun out there and they say that um well well well um the lamb will take the book after the rapture after the reject reject everything because it comes from you then they say the lamb will take the book after the rapture they are planting some seed that is a discrepancy and god hated because you take the word of today you placing it tomorrow if the lamp takes the book and the redemption takes place after the rapture when will the sons and endurers of god manifested when will be you know the opening of the world and the the third pool manifestation where god life the token life the talk the dispensation age will be manifested if you say that the lamp does not take the book because if it takes the book then the throne will be full with smokes but because you afraid that if the throne has smoked therefore it means there is no more salvation there is no more grace that's an interpretation that's not what the word says because actually the word says that christ remain uh interceding because of the ignorance of the people okay christ remain at the throne interceding for the ignorance of the time of luther the top of john wesley christ has to remain there intercede because of the time of ignorance then we come at the end of the time where the mysteries are open there is no more ignorance are you even there is no more ignorance christ takes the book okay now there is a smoke in uh on the throne well let it be or do you mean there is no more grace yes there is grace i'm here are you with me so they say oh there is no more grace if you say that you mean that uh well there is no blood and on the throne the judgment is here so you mean that nobody can be saved i didn't say that i just say what he said if my notes were in the right order i would have read him i just say what he said so do you mean that since there is no blood so grace is over well for some uh for others grace is still there are you with me there is gaussian a technically gaussian is in egypt so both grace in goshen and judgment in egypt they coexist is that right yeah so god hate i'm so sorry to take your time but you saw how it's a struggle i'm gonna just now whatever is saying this he's saying ah let me see okay god be blessed in endactment god be blessed for saying this wonderful heavenly light in this last day because the church is god doing the same thing today until the hour that organization religion is condemned and proved to be sacrificing christ's word from then on comes the word and the word only from the all the pascal lamb passed away and christ became our lamb at the day of the crucifixion and the day that the denomination crucified the word of god and accepted a creed in instead of the word that the day the world come into full effect that just recently just recently when the system reject the word then the word has and they accept a creed instead of the word that the day the word came into full effect that happened at the opening of the seals recently accepting a creed instead of the word is called [Music] it is a uh misplacing the word you must not misplace the word don't put it you know misplacing the word is uh putting it in the wrong spot the wrong age the wrong time now christ is revealed in his own word now you must not misinterpret the word and then he goes and show that dislocate the word i put it in the blue here three things that god doesn't want us to do dislocate means it has something to do with the body dislocate your shoulder is that right dislocate a portion of your body that dislocating and dislocate is when a person says that this portion of the body does not apply for example the head has not come if the head has not come when will the head come well after the rapture then christ will come in the rapture when the body is changed well you mean the the head is not here you mean the lion of the tribe of judah that we saw in the cloud is nowhere to be found so if you say that you just dislocate the body so it means the body is a monster is all right the body is a monster without the head but you never do such a thing and god hates it because the body is here the problem with us is we don't want to to let the world speak itself we we see the consequence of letting the word say what he said rather than going to the lord and say i don't understand it so what should i do what we do is actually we fight it because if i accept it the consequence is like if i say the the head has come the lion has come it means we're living in a judgment so well where is the throne of grace well what is the throne of grace if this was your chest i will say this is your throne of grace here are you with me the throne of grace has moved from christ to the human heart brother that um a metaphor or is not literal well it's not literal where did the prophet say it's not literal that the the throne of mercy is in the heart of human being where did he say is not literal because if god is in the flesh god is in the flesh here here here here and there and each heart has the throne of mercy think about all of us having the throne of mercy that's a big throne of mercy we should live things the way god say that we should not try to because as we're doing that we will dislocate this dislocate that me place this on the other a age if you are an accountant don't misplace a comma well if you do do it in my favor now church i say all this to come to this balance between standing in the truth and being condescending we must stay in truth with the truth not just be with it but live it because that's the token dispensation but we have to hit the right balance by standing in the truth and being condescending so in other words you can't help it to upset someone if you stand in the truth i remember my daughter saying that one day she went doing her internship you know internship in nursing and as she dresses the way she dress every time a woman look at her and say you're judging me right how you're judging me right well she was wearing maybe those calling or calling to whatever those those things you know they were today they kind of naked but she's saying you are judging me even though my daughter did not say a word did not do any gesture do not say anything he said you're judging me [Music] but it's true is not her judging but it's the word inside that's judging the the other woman is that right but it should not come from us they when you wear the right clothes you know you have no makeup on you you keep your hair you don't have those high heels well if somebody who believe or doesn't believe the message think that you are judging her it's okay because that's what it is it's the word in you judging the other person but what we want to avoid because the token dispensation is display christ's life that's what it is is you displaying christ's life in a dying world therefore we need to have a good influence that we will not be accused of arrogancy because christ is not arrogant the seed of arrogancy is the uh cancer we display the token is the life of christ that we have received through the word the bloody world has a life and we display that life therefore let us influence with anybody denomination anybody that we know let's be humble enough that we can speak to these people with uh humility absolutely anybody with immunity that's the token that we display in this time if it is up to us let's do that are you with me can you give me a few minutes you all live in lima here right i'm the only one in cleveland right okay they this is what the prophet said in the seventh field the unbelievers can't believe it so now if anybody wants to argue about the serpent seed and things you try to show them they won't listen to it just walk away just leave them alone see don't god don't argue neither does is children it's very important because you know you that's not god brother branham approach whatever if he's find somebody who does not know the word what he does is is a finding a common ground something they can talk about and agree then if he sees an opening he can speak to that person is that right and let also find as god leads you find a common ground where you you talk to somebody who believes a portion of the word you agree with him in that portion make him at ease and don't try to show that i am up there you are down here it doesn't work and that's not the display of the token but don't you uh give in in that person belief this is a simple message right yeah but find the common ground and say yeah i agree with you on this i agree with you yeah yeah but god oh god has been wonderful with me to me i i get more from this there is more to it and i did not know there was more to this then i read i i heard by the man i'm talking about it there's more to it if the person is receptive that you are you own your brother sister but if they can see uh something that is not um you know something that is a little arrogant or whatever and uh it will not help and again i'm just saying that is a balance that you're trying to strike i'm not saying that you will necessarily succeed with everybody but again don't be accused of it because you are displaying life to the dying world therefore you don't display arrogancy to the dying world a way you can show that i am just like you my brother but i feel like god gave me something do you want to share and argument doesn't bring us anywhere because when we have argument i want to i want to stick with my position no matter what because the devil is already inside this now it's like them against us and it won't help anybody therefore it's better to find to see if the person is receptive or not but not go into the argument or the condescending no but remember the word came to you all right the word came to moses god sent him god is that right the word came to brother brennan god sending him after the this system that system is not just in group it's a spirit it's a spirit that is everywhere that's why you can see brother preaching the way of a true prophet in 1962 you will see him blasting everything and everyone if you look with our natural eyes you will think it's blasting everything and everyone he goes to denomination and blasto he goes to the world they blast them the way people would rest today it goes everywhere but if you check well you will see that at one point it goes and blast himself he said god said to me you are not sincere therefore he was not blasting people he was not blasting himself it was blessing sins he was a blasting blessing unbelief are you with me and that's our work as our calling because the bride has received a uh a ministry her ministry is in revelation chapter 10 verse 8 and 11. she has received the word she ate the word therefore to whom the word has come has become a small god to whom the word has come if the word comes to you it means god has come down and now i'm sending you to egypt i'm sending you to attack all this system that is contrary to the word of god every spirit in your house everywhere i'm sending you to destroy them go with it fearlessly don't have any fear to attack the system amen but don't be afraid to attack the system but the reality is when god sends you he say go and prophesy and what is a prophesy prophesy means preach amen now we have men and women i'm saying that if the word comes to you is for you to go and prophesy again and you say all of us yes prophets have been preached preached the life of christ meaning display the life of christ that's what it is it is a talking dispensation where everything overlap is everything seems to be overlapping grace and judgment blood and smoke and thunder they salvation and destruction here okay the lion the judge is here but yet we still claiming we are in a lower this year god count one to seven is that right and say the time will end at seven and god said time shall be no more it means seven shall be no more if seven shall be no more it means eight we're getting in eight a seven and eight i exist overlap [Applause] that's the only way i can see maybe better child would bring up another uh you know car uh light on it it's it's there because it's the end of the struggling world it's the end of the seven church ages it is the ushering into the eight days and ushering means you're getting introduced into it that's what it is and sometimes those things they get us a little uh afraid but it's just repeating it god will start opening as we're praying or we're looking at it god we start just opening the little by little uh all these things for us as we taking the word in the word start acting in us i remember one time many i would say many years ago praying and listening to the word maybe uh that's what i do as a routine presently and i was talking to god about things if i could remember he's like god i don't ask you about money i don't talk to you about jobs and money or things like that but i'm going through difficult times and things like that i'm praying i'm maybe i'm listening to the word and walking maybe distance and coming back i just realized that after that after that period i realizing i realized looking back there was something in my life that god did not like i don't know about you and that's not my subject actually but i want to just show you that when god comes down and give you the word is for you to be a preacher a preacher by living to display that token and here i am i am praying i'm maybe listening to the word and when i look back god has just taken something from me that i did not ask this is what the word does when it comes it comes with a power of transformation it comes and starts displaying something that you did not even know that you need and i did not know that god was not pleased by the time we spend with movies and sometimes it was oh this in true story movie i love those ones i i'm not talking about you and i don't know brother chad maybe he has not spoken about it and i just spent three years here so that's not my point my point is god did not like that from me okay and then i did not ask about it i didn't say god i'm suffering i i need to stop watching these things no it's i was praying for other things maybe spiritual maybe situation that i i was going through then suddenly god took the desire of those movies away from me right there it's gone i look back it's gone i don't watch them and i went to my family and apologized because i am the one who introduced that spirit in my house and it was like christmas get those movies yeah christmas time is the time we watch movies after movies that's that today what do we do in time like that we talk to each other hey what an innovation did he do it took it because the word reached the region where it was supposed to reach and that's how i can explain it the word comes you hear it every day it's the same word the same prince the same preacher and and but the word is doing something and this is a great experience because i did not ask about it i did not speak to the lord about it i just saw that it took it it was gone of course i'm in a flesh if i'd make another effort to go back my condition will be worse and this is the time we're talking about it's not the time for argument or something like that it's a time where we just get that life apply that token how apply it just receive the word of god and obey it and just obey and pray and listen read listen read your bible and see the life being displayed because there's so many things that is happening in this time and i don't understand everything but when the prophets say that the throne of mercy is in my heart why should i say no oh well if you say that if you say that it means okay if you say we are not in laodicea age it means um it means then then the bride there was no pride in our this year age who say that all right the bride is of the lao this year but god has called her higher okay hi where where there is only uh the seven ages where you to put her uh well higher what about goshen what about goshen it was egypt well goshen now is a position in christ goshen is not a physical location it's a position in christ now am i in love this year ah i am not you can stay there i can decide where i live are you with me church yes if god opened somebody open somebody to uh to receive it let them receive it if people don't receive it let us be fearless because when god called a prophet with the spirit of elijah is fearless are you with me we fearless and we have a mission with god comes in the flesh when the world is made flesh the word is sent to display god will in that time we are i call it a token a token dispensation because the token dispensation when i look at egypt there is such a a parallel between uh in between the age we're living in and egypt because it's the coexistence of it do you do you understand it or it's just me you understand it it's just everything is just together everything everything is together where is it life in egypt uh no because death is in egypt well life is in egypt too oh well in the ocean is it grace in egypt no grace is not egypt because it's all death no grace is in egypt because of goshen are you with me well are we in the seven church ages or we are already in eight well there is no eight but we are called higher higher yeah are you in love this tell me are you in love this year or not choose whatever you want me ah seven and eight they they just i don't know where i am i am a a uh what is that i am a person of uh i am a person that is in not in time but living in time i am a person of eternity but living in a time i am a person of eight but living in seven are you with me now seven is changing in eight if i was a teacher in your school here or for the kids i would give them a high time i will tell them transform seven into eight i wanna see oh i will tell them don't misplace the word i want you to draw me a cow on a tree that is eating what grass make that picture for me kids will find me weird church i appreciate you uh i mean i thank you for you see i wasted all my time the devil has attacked me a lot but god is so good it's just so wonderful oh my it's just so good the things like when you just listen to the prophet things start now taking a little shape because he will say to you uh the messenger of the age comes at the end of the age well that's mathematic to me the messenger of the laodicea age comes at the end of laodicea age to speak to whom so it comes at the end of seven before the eighth which is eternity so what is what is that it is overlapping well why is it difficult why makes people grinch all right don't mislocate it this word has the power of transformation let me end with this as the musicians are coming we can all stand up if we want the messenger comes at the end of the church age the prophet is in the seventh age but he has to introduce the eighth age there is no age age it is eternity but it just has introduced it it's overlapping things we just need to ask him and stay with the world and the world will start itself open up are you with me over there seven is the time when god counts time he ends at seven eight is eternity and god overlapped these things amen oh my is so just so wonderful hey i'm reading something here in the end oh revelation chapter 22 10 you can take i'm not displaying anything right now he say this in revelation 10 22 10 the bible says and he say he saith unto me still not this the sayings of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand he that is in just let him be in just still and he which is filthy let him be filthy still and he is that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still what is this overlapping what makes you righteous the right righteousness is imputed to abraham because he accept a belief god god made him righteous unjust is imputed to those who refuse the word of god but both are together let the unjust remain unjust we don't we don't wish that but they will do is that right that's what we are to be we have to be interceding that's the work that we need to do because the bride has this the heart of god they don't want anybody to be left behind but it's a time where filthy remain filthy righteous are righteous why god does that it does it it does not ask anybody his advice it's the grace of god seven is changing into eight we're going home but we cannot go home until this the spiritual catch up before the natural takes place this spiritual has to take place and that's where people get so confused it's just because you know how can you find yourself in the banquet after you go through the door uh to the through the window but abraham speaks about it they ask him brother branham what is that person who got into the banquet through the window and the brotherhood doesn't say that a person will be able to get into the banquet through the window but that's what they're trying to do and it won't work because it's a system and god does not honor the system god honors his word amen they find fault with the men who was the word what i'm saying in indictment now they find fought with the word working through men through the man they find foot through the word the man who was the word jesus christ now they find fault in with the word working through the man that you and i and our duty is not to try to defend is not to argue but to love everyone and if god opened to humble ourself that we can reach out to someone because there is no more time is a token message remember the token message is not in a good time let me end up with that the token the token dispensation is the time where the angel of death is outside and there is a death in the camp and some of them are hiding in the house with the blood in their doors and that you and i displaying the token message amen and that's the duty that we have god help me to live that life amen god let the world be displayed god let me live that christian life god help me like you did i didn't even ask for you to uh free me from those movies but the word that i was getting inside me they just get rid of it and then now i don't i he took it what about things in your life that the world has to take but don't misplace the word don't refuse what the word says because the word has a power just the way it is said we come to church the pastor preaches wednesday preaches sunday he preaches that word will start to do something in us if we receive it it doesn't have to be new it doesn't have to be special it has just to be the word the word only and that word is the third paul it is a private is not public and that's the problem moses went and made a public display even indeed a public display but brother branham display the sign is in his hand the sign the discernment but the purpose it was just a bait so we can get the word in the word there is everything in the third pool there is everything but is not a public display god bless you oh my this will be historic that we finished this service at 9 35 or something oh my put it in the history books god bless y'all really i'm so sorry amen go ahead brother in jesus name [Music] oh in jesus name we press on [Music] dear lord with the pride clear before our [Music] to press on [Music] oh in jesus name we press on [Music] oh in jesus name we press all on and on dear lord with the pride [Music] we find the strength to press on [Music] we press on oh in jesus name we press on and on [Music] we [Music] precious heavenly father i'm sorry to keep your children this long [Music] i don't know why these things have to happen thank you for choosing this this day it was a wrath day [Music] even my wife was saying let's go let's go this is terrible this is a battle this is awful and this was a battle maybe something has been saved for someone to help them father there was so many other things other things that would be maybe edifying but you know everything bless your children maybe by your grace brother by your grace father or let them be received this talking dispensation message realizing that oh what time we're living in coexisting of death and life grace and judgment unjust and just oh god help us to display that life forgive us shortcoming we just commit everything to you now bless your people go with them as they go give them safe uh trip as they returning be with me to be with our pastors is coming give us your peace that is above anything bless your children the way only you know how to do it i just commit myself to you father and praying all this in the name of the lord jesus christ amen may god richly bless you you are dismissed god willing we see each other on sunday as a pastor is coming back remember us in the prayer as we're dealing with floating houses things like that okay god bless you what a ben the lord spoke to moe says told him what to say [Music] to the children of israel [Music] in goshen that day strike the post at the door [Music] for i'll pass through egypt this night and smite all the first form [Music] let the death angel pass god's bride say fat laughs [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] let the dead angel the sweet holy spirit is the token today and all that are [Music] will be found if you want your loved ones safe oh just claim them right now oh let the death angel in the token he gave [Applause] then we could be saved oh hallelujah and glory to god [Music] the blood's been applied his spirit abides let the death angel pass oh let the death angel pass god's bright sing badly is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the death angel pass
Channel: Believers Christian Fellowship
Views: 938
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: BCF, Believers Christian Fellowship, Chad Lamb, Kyle Wiechart, Benjamin Seabolt, The Message, Branham, Lima, Ohio
Id: Bza33OTho0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 51sec (8391 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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