21 Things You Will See for the First Time in Your Life

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hello everyone it's amazing how limitless our world is we absorb tons of information every day but new and surprising things keep popping up all the time have you seen land yachting a terrifying underwater inhabitant like this one or a window to hell you're gonna find all this and more in today's selection but only if you keep watching let's get it on [Music] you definitely can't launch an airplane like this in a school classroom but let's make a bet will it take off or not [Music] it sure will a small motor is all it takes to lift it into the air and the landing by the way is almost as smooth as that of a conventional paper planet these guys may look like fire wizards but the secret to their show is a simple steel wool it turns out this metal object burns quite well and scatters creating thousands of fiery sparks on impact this outfit makes us think that fashionistas and their crazy ideas have reached dog clothes but there is an explanation it's a functional protective armor first of all it's designed for terrains where the pet could be attacked by a coyote the first line of defense is formed by special bristles that hit the predator's eyes nose and mouth and if that's not enough the coyote doesn't stand a chance anyway several rows of sharp spines on the back and neck won't allow it to bite your good boy well it looks like the fella with the pliers has made a terrible mistake he didn't know that the portal to the underworld had been closed by a single stone the whole time seriously if you don't know that this is a special underground kiln where bricks are baked you might panic but this construction allows you to get the heat you need without too much effort and it looks pretty epic too if you thought for a second that we were flying over a rural landscape then we can say that the idea of argentine designer alexandra kaheo glue was a success she designs rugs that mimic the natural landscapes of her country during her travels she studies the places she likes and then recreates them by hand using leftover yarn from her family's factory warehouses now take a look at this full-size rug to understand the magnitude of her work not every home has room for a piece of art like this do you recognize these twigs they're usually used to make brooms but this guy breaks them into small pieces and creates masterpieces like this one check out the magnitude and realism [Music] imagine this genius can even replicate klimp's famous kiss and we think it's harder to work with this material than with paints workers in china are casting a metal fence and in the meantime you should be careful you can get addicted to this video do you have any idea what those strange fields of floats in the water are you can even see what they look like up close okay that's not very helpful so we'll reveal the truth this is a muscle farm boys hold the ropes to which the muscle larva attach themselves grow and in a couple of years they are pulled out of the water now you are looking at a yacht that has evolved grown wheels and gone ashore seriously land sailing exists quite successfully alongside water sailing the first land sailing ships were invented by the chinese back in the 5th century today these vehicles are used for entertainment and racing the speeds reached by these vehicles are incredible experienced pilots exceed 3 or even 4 times the wind speed and the world record is almost 203 kilometers per hour online chess is great because it allows you to play with almost anyone on the planet but it's not as much fun as playing in real life it's different when you're sitting in front of a real board and your opponent's pieces move by themselves the prototype of this magic board called phantom was presented by the american startup wonder substance inside is a complex system of sensors that determines the exact location of each piece the opponent makes a move from their smartphone computer or similar board and the piece moves smoothly and silently across the field in real time you can also play against the built-in ai and control the game with your voice all in all it's really impressive it's hard to say to what extent this spring resembles the devil's eye as locals in shanghai province call it but the surrounding landscape is simply ethereal this martian landscape is made up of sulfur and other minerals which abound in the aiken spring let children think this is a magic book but to you we'll tell the secret you only need black paper for the background and a transparent sheet with drawings that the white cardboard lanterns will light up what's the point of washing your hands if a second later you pick up your not so clean smartphone for that reason some guys from japan have come up with this system while users remove germs from the palms of their hands their phones are sterilized by ultraviolet rays inside a special slot and it's totally free you might think it's just another strange sea creature but take a closer look it's even stranger than it looks at first glance because it's made of hundreds of individual creatures these are cyphonophores which form a colony several meters long when they mature last year a 48 meter long chain of these multicellular organisms was discovered off the coast of australia they joined together in order to reproduce and digest food now you are looking at two no three microscopes yes this tiny device will also allow you to observe microorganisms or study the structure of plants ar microblocks consists of five modules an illuminator a container and three lenses with 60 times 150 times and 300 times magnification in addition the lenses can be used with a smartphone camera for macro photography and a special app gives you access to educational games tutorials and virtual experiments lenticular clouds are said to be extremely rare but today you have the opportunity to see their main feature in this time lapse while other clouds dissolve or drift away in the wind lenticular clouds hang motionless like ufos luckily we noticed the monster coming out of its hiding spot but the crab didn't and it seems to be a goner we have to get out of here before the coconut octopus discovers us it's considered one of the most intelligent invertebrates and even knows how to use the objects around it as tools this guy intends to clean a swampy smelly fishless pond in front of our eyes without using detergents the fact is that in summer small closed pawns often deteriorate even a thin layer of algae on the surface prevents sunlight from penetrating into the water so there's no photosynthesis underwater and harmful gases are produced instead of oxygen so all you have to do is add some fresh air with an aerator here you can see how much work it did immediately after installation [Laughter] and if you also need to pick up debris from the surface cbn v5 not only traps plastic and other residues it can also filter water and remove petroleum products china's ingenious inventors have once again done something incredible they invented a shower head that creates a hyperboloid shaped water pattern why because it's cool and will keep you in the bathtub longer an adult would hardly think of sprinkling sand on a metal table just for fun it's probably some sort of physics experiment and indeed it is kenichi kanazawa shows how so-called clenny figures are formed these are clusters of small particles created by smaller or larger vibrations however enough a boring theory better check out how it looks with sound [Music] [Laughter] imagine how cool it would be if wind farms around the world looked like this but for now these are the sets united arts agency creates for music festivals which doesn't make them any less [Music] mesmerizing [Music] you
Views: 87,832
Rating: 4.9237576 out of 5
Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, people, facts, interesting, interesting facts, 21 Things, See for the First Time, First Time, Time in Your Life, limitless world, tons of information, surprising things, today's selection
Id: 0jlIZpzzKGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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