This Is How Disney and Pixar Change Their Cartoons for Different Countries

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hello everyone hello oh you probably know that translators often change the names of characters and even the names of movies and cartoons but we've learned that some changes can be much more significant it turns out that disney and pixar localized cartoons so thoroughly that sometimes not only names are changed but entire scenes check out the rest of this selection to find out why let's get it on it turns out that animators are true perfectionists a great example is the localization of zootopia as you know in this movie there are no human characters at all animals take care of everything including the news this is the scene that has been changed in different countries we're looking at two news anchors on the left is the snow leopard fabian growly who remains the same in all versions but the journalist on the right as conceived by the creators was to represent the most famous and beloved animal in each country in addition each of the characters had a prototype a famous presenter everyone would recognize they were the ones who voiced the characters thus in the american french german and canadian versions the co-host was a moose named peter moosebridge the british also opted for a moose but called him moosis alexander in brazil the jaguar on cardo bokas sat on the seat on the right guess who fabian's co-host was in australia a koala of course although it took the cartoonists a long time to decide between this animal or a kangaroo finally in japan a raccoon dog named michael tanoyama appeared on tv and in china of course it was a panda captions and cartoons are always a headache for translators first of all it has to be properly translated secondly you have to choose the right size thirdly sometimes they shouldn't even be there not every person in the audience can read so often the text is simply removed a great example is a couple of scenes from monsters university remember how its characters participated in the scare games well on the original version you can simply see the name of the competition written on the wall but for the rest of the countries the animators decided to make a simpler logo without text another interesting moment is the scene where randall shows his roommate mike wazowski the cupcakes he has baked for the student party each of the cupcakes has a specific letter written on it forming the phrase be my pal a little later at the party the protagonist is pushed and the same letters form the word lame this would give any translator a nervous breakdown it's almost impossible to translate this pun so in all foreign language versions the cupcake letters have simply been replaced by smiley faces pixar loves names and titles with deep meanings as you may have noticed so they took the name of the protagonist of the animated movie about adventures in polynesia from the maori language we're talking about moana which translates from mayori as c but that word didn't work for italians the problem is that there it has evoked not really appropriate associations with the iconic adult film actress moana potsie so the name of the movie was changed to oceania of course you might say but where would such associations come from in a child's mind imagine what would happen if all italian children started googling moana by the way in spain and france the name was also changed however not to oceania but to vienna this is because the moana trademark was already registered in those countries when the movie was released what vegetable do american children hate the most broccoli of course so it's no wonder that the creators of inside out put this vegetable on riley's plate to demonstrate how disgust works but the problem is that people in different countries have very different food preferences and in some places kids absolutely don't mind eating broccoli in japan for example that's why the animators had to redraw this scene and add to it green bell peppers this vegetable is the fear of any japanese child and in a cartoon about emotions the realism of these episodes is especially important something similar happened to another character and inside out riley's father there's a scene in the movie in which we see him dreaming about hockey during a family dinner instead of paying attention to his wife but in latin american or european countries hockey is a very unusual hobby and not everyone would understand this reference so for audiences and warmer climates the creators have replaced the hockey field with a bright green soccer field and the cars spin off about airplanes there's also an interesting easter egg in the story one of the competitors of the wings around the globe is rochelle a tenacious and very experienced racer whom everyone looks up to in the original version she is painted white red and pink a reference to the flag of canada where she comes from and where she is considered a national hero for a better effect the cartoonists decided to have the character adapted for each country but the audience feel proud of the great champion too so in the russian version rochelle has become tania and her plane is white blue and red in the german version it's black red and gold in italy green red and white and in france rochelle kept her original colors because according to the story she is a french canadian origin let's keep talking about the cars franchise in the sequel the creators have also gone out of their way to make the supporting characters great for example there's a scene in the movie where the famous and respected race car jeff gorvette appears at a party in tokyo we see lightning mcqueen looking at him in admiration while the rest of the cars listen to the star in awe in order for the public to immediately understand the authority of this character they decided to make him look like a real racer from different countries through his voice and design in the us version the prototype of the racer was the legendary jeffrey gordon who voiced the character check out that tow truck man i wonder who that guy's with the spanish animators decided to repaint corvette in blue and add elements of the national flag they also used the voice of two-time formula one champion fernando alonso in russia the corvette was painted red and dubbed by driver vitali petrov in australia and new zealand it became frosty after the nickname of australian driver mark winterbottom and in china it got a red bodywork and a gold star on the side while in brazil it became a girl by the way curiously enough the german protagonist is not michael schumacher although that's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of that country but the animators decided to be original and invented another name for the german version and even changed the bodywork of the car following up on the theme of text in animated movies american animators seem to place a high value on educating their viewers and here's an example and up there's a moment in which we are shown a money jar it has paradise falls written on it this is the name of the place where the protagonist plans to fly to in his balloon house after the death of his wife but in other versions of the cartoon they decided to remove these words instead they simply drew a waterfall it's pretty self-explanatory the patriotic themes that often appear in american movies are sometimes funny even for american people and in the second part of toy story the animators decided to be a bit ironic with this there's a funny moment when buzz lightyear delivers a dramatic speech to inspire the other toys he's standing of course in a superhero pose and with the us flag in the background the national anthem is also playing in the international version they decided to change this scene a bit otherwise it wouldn't seem ironic but like mockery therefore we see a globe in the background and hear a fragment of an ordinary soundtrack as music there's a word in portuguese that always puzzles every tourist who tries to buy fresh fruit on the beach we're talking about the word coco the problem is that if you put the accent on the first syllable you get the name of the fruit but if you put it on the second syllable [Music] how to put it mildly that's basically what people's natural residues are called that's why pixar not only adapted some characters from the movie coco but also changed the title so in the brazilian version the movie is called viva life is a party very brazilian [Applause] remember this eccentric character from the incredibles let us refresh your memory he's a super villain from france who is good at explosive technology and goes by the proud name of bomb bomb voyage it's like bon voyage only with a sarcastic twist implying you're about to fly off on vacation on a giant bomb no stop but during the adaptation of the film and the character's homeland a problem arose and not because the french were offended by such a harmless linguistic joke what happens is that the last consonant of the word bomb is not pronounced in french so the point of the joke would have been lost anyway that's why the character was renamed follow more and the pixar animators also hid a little easter egg in his name the thing is follow more literally translates into english as strangelove and you know what movie stanley kubrick made in 1964 doctor strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb [Applause] [Music] such a subtle hint is unlikely to be picked up by five-year-old viewers but it probably made some parents smile you probably don't remember this ralph character even if you've seen the movie it's the japanese racer minty zaki who hardly appears in the movie however in the character's homeland they decided to change it today mintizaki which refers to the famous cartoonist miyazaki was changed to minty sakura she was also given a major makeover making her look more like the famous pink flowering plant exactly why this decision was made is unknown exactly why this decision was made is unknown perhaps the reference to miyazaki would have seemed a bit odd to the japanese [Music] you
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Rating: 4.9038463 out of 5
Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, people, facts, interesting, interesting facts, This Is How, Disney, Pixar, Disney and Pixar, Change Their Cartoons, Change Cartoons, Cartoons, Cartoons for Different Countries, for Different Countries, change the names of characters, movies and cartoons, localize cartoons
Id: TAPn7dG6Qeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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