21 Questions With Clare Gallagher

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hey I'm Claire Gallagher I have a trail runner for Patagonia and I'm here to answer some of your most burning questions okay favorite time of day to run ideally right in the heat of the day and ran at 11 a.m. today it was solid hundred degrees 3:00 p.m. yesterday 100 degrees yeah so whenever it's most convenient what book are you reading right now it's called the new wild west and it's about this female journalist who goes to willing stin North Dakota which is the site of this oil boom town that's still happening today and it's just like filled with man camps and people live in containers like six dudes - a container for like 3k a month of rent it just shows like how corrupt the oil industry is and taking advantage of workers and communities yeah so you know just to keep it light [Laughter] hardest race you've ever done hmm well most people would probably think like I don't know some of those really steep European races are really hard but honestly I think the North Face 50-miler and San Francisco is so hard because it suits like my strengths and and how fast you can go so like in order to crush that race you just have to be red lining for 50 miles yeah sounds weird super would be like it buffed out it's really hard though FK T's or races oh they're both so unique that's like apples or oranges you know I've been more of a fan of FK teas recently though it's fun to get a crew and an adventurer you know you let your car break down and stuff like that that would ruin a race but not an FK teeth I think the Zion Traverse was the most beautiful 50 mile run I've ever done in my life but my car literally broke down on a couple hours from Zion National Park total the engine so I had an epoch where my friend Hayden Hawks picked me up and our three inept friends Abbi and Brandon and Kyle and so it was just like this whole weekend if you could go on a run with one celebrity who would it be I would go on a run with probably Leonardo DiCaprio not because of his acting but because he's the best climate advocate out there yeah yeah yeah nothing to do with what he looks like or anything yeah how many toenails have you lost in your life I've lost all 10 of mine yeah at various points my life but I'm looking pretty good right now I'm only about to lose two if ultra has had walk-up songs what would yours be definitely any LCD soundsystem song yeah yeah maybe drunk drunk girls be hilarious cultures are so anticlimactic it's like yeah let's get pumped up for for four minutes and then just hate our lives for 20 hours yeah weirdest thing you eat or drink on long runs or ultras it's it spans the gamut my first ultra in Thailand I like solely Thai sweet so like little sticky rice and banana leaf concoction seaweed flavored Lay's I had leftover fried rice during western states right what race or effort are you most proud of hmm I know it's recent but I would say winning western states I'm most proud of because it was really hard to win that race it's the hardest I've worked in six miles in my entire life do you like chatty Pacers or quiet Pacers that's funny because I'm pretty chatty on the trails but it really depends on my mood chatty Pacers can be useful if you're feeling good and want it let the time pass but I didn't let my Pacers talk and was just he was so sweet what a beautiful evening and I'd be like uh like a gorgeous gorgeous evening and and I just was not having it what was the first race you ever did probably the mile-high Turkey Trot I'm gonna guess which is a four mile run around an amazing park in Denver called wash park and my family uses it as a race between relatives you have a partner and I was teamed up with my uncle John and you combined our times I I must have been in elementary school yet because I didn't start running track and it was like minor until middle school it was probably a millisecond created something if you entered a beauty pageant what would your talent be definitely singing the worst singer ever where's chase story ooh always you know crotch inner thigh area the worst one was western states two years ago 2017 when i dnf'd a mile 93 but um I had been pulling my pants up and down a lot for obvious reasons all race and I when my mom was bathing me in a bathtub after idea nabbed you know it's just the most horrifying thing for a parent to see and I was kind of out of it and she and she's like putting water on me and I'm just screaming because the innards of my butt cheeks had lost all their skin and I just didn't lube my butt crack well enough and so it was a painful month after that and my mom had to hear me like screaming and she's like it's like 3 a.m. my parents are never crewing me at western states again they absolutely refuse very supportive but yeah I do not blame them [Music]
Channel: GearJunkie.com
Views: 25,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gearjunkie, outdoor, outdoors, camping, gear reviews, outdoor gear, outdoor gadgets, hiking, review, mountain biking, outdoor brand, news, journalism, outdoor journalism, outdoor news, unboxing, gear testing, running, ultramarathon, mountain running, ultra running, ultra trail, ultra marathon, western states 100, western states, la sportiva
Id: e7WggsKrkOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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